


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hter nuclei, leading to its segregation into pole cells.
2 blish a repressive chromatin architecture in pole cells.
3  transcriptional activator, Bicoid (Bcd), in pole cells.
4 n give rise to the germ cell progenitors, or pole cells.
5  to downregulate terminal signaling in early pole cells.
6  tightly correlated with failure to form the pole cells.
7 g is absent from the base of the presumptive pole cells.
8 furrow, cellularization and formation of the pole cells.
9  mitosis and S phase is blocked in quiescent pole cells.
10 h a mitotic cyclin did not induce mitosis in pole cells.
11 ts prevents incorporation of germ plasm into pole cells and impairs germ cell development.
12                  It is also expressed in the pole cells and in ectodermally derived tissues, includin
13               Mapping of the last S phase in pole cells and measurement of their DNA content indicate
14 y cessation of sisA transcription in budding pole cells and persistent high-level sisA expression in
15 actors are also expressed in blastula animal pole cells and promote pluripotency in both cell types.
16  in animal pole tissue and higher in vegetal pole cells and the marginal zone.
17 minal signaling is known to be attenuated in pole cells, and this raises the question of how this is
18   Embryos laid by dart5 mutants fail to form pole cells, and Tudor localization is disrupted in stage
19 med germ cells in many other eukaryotes, the pole cells are distinguished from the soma by their tran
20 itiate formation of the metaphase furrow and pole cells are missing.
21      The germ cell precursors of Drosophila (pole cells) are specified by maternally supplied germ pl
22 nogaster, the germline precursor cells, i.e. pole cells, are formed at the posterior of the embryo.
23 asurement of their DNA content indicate that pole cells become quiescent in G2 phase of the cell cycl
24 rated in the oosome and is taken up into the pole cells before evidence of Nv-hb repression is observ
25                                 We show that pole cells can successfully populate the gonad after tra
26  septa form with equal probabilities at cell poles, cell centers, and cell quarters.
27                                   Drosophila pole cell chromatin also lacks H3meK4, indicating that a
28                                Consistently, pole cells compromised for pgc function exhibit elevated
29 igrans oskar rescues the body patterning and pole cell defects of embryos from D. melanogaster oskar(
30 ue of chimeras composed of animal or vegetal pole cells derived through normal cleavage to the 8-cell
31 cription prior to pole cell formation in the pole cell-destined nuclei, this silencing does not occur
32  phosphorylation contributes to G2 arrest in pole cells during embryogenesis.
33                                 Furthermore, pole cells enter G1 following induced mitoses, indicatin
34  We characterize defects in cellularization, pole cell formation and cytokinesis in a series of mater
35 eric/centric heterochromatin, the defects in pole cell formation are associated with alterations in t
36 ntrol embryos silence transcription prior to pole cell formation in the pole cell-destined nuclei, th
37  these structures, Aubergine is required for pole cell formation independently of its initial role in
38 2) is required for proper nuclear migration, pole cell formation, and cellularization during the earl
39 y is required for proper pole bud formation, pole cell formation, and pole cell survival.
40 he nuclear envelope is crucial for promoting pole cell formation, but not necessary to initiate and f
41 d Oskar, Aubergine remains cytoplasmic after pole cell formation, suggesting that the roles of these
42 ede gastrulation in nuclear migration and in pole cell formation.
43 s defective in posterior body patterning and pole cell formation.
44 clusively within the female germline rescues pole-cell formation, whereas ubiquitous expression rescu
45 bo in the border cell rosette and Cut in the pole cells have antagonistic interactions to restrict Fa
46                                 We show that pole cells in nos embryos fail to establish/maintain tra
47                            Furthermore, only pole cells in the anterior half of the embryonic gonad g
48 e germ plasm interacts with these nuclei for pole cell induction and is selectively incorporated into
49 bicaudal embryos that develop an abdomen and pole cells instead of the head and thorax.
50  The predetermination probably involves soma/pole-cell interaction in the anterior half of the embryo
51              We were able to drive quiescent pole cells into mitosis by induction of either an activa
52 is selectively incorporated into the forming pole cells is not known.
53  Despite suffering aberrant divisions at the poles, cells lacking the minCDE operon (Min(-)) have an
54 lly localizes to the nuclear envelope of the pole cell nuclei.
55  overaccumulation, leading to an increase in pole cell number and embryonic patterning defects.
56 specific Sex-lethal promoter, Sxl-Pe, in the pole cells of both sexes.
57 th the pole plasm and the germline precursor pole cells of the embryo.
58 a melanogaster, germ cell precursors (called pole cells) proliferate early in embryogenesis and then
59                   Mos1 was injected into the pole-cell region of embryos of D. virilis, which last sh
60 and Gata5 are unable to induce cas in animal pole cells, suggesting that cas expression requires an a
61 pole bud formation, pole cell formation, and pole cell survival.
62 onent necessary for the proper formation of "pole cells," the germ cell precursors in Drosophila, is
63 actions to restrict Fas2 accumulation to the pole cells, which is important for proper border cell mi
64 loser to the N terminus blocks separation of pole cells with less effect on cellularization, highligh

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