


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ial to ensure plants put together will cross pollinate.
2 1 was fully self-compatible and able to auto-pollinate.
3 s were grown to maturity and allowed to self-pollinate.
4 alized to lay their eggs in the flowers they pollinate.
5 ow that early fossil angiosperms were insect-pollinated.
6 pecies hypothesized to be biotically vs wind-pollinated.
7 indicate that this taxon was probably insect pollinated.
8 d bees and the longer-tubed plants they once pollinated.
9  pollination mode of plants, e.g. bee or fly pollinated.
10 hereas many gnetaleans and cycads are insect pollinated.
11 was used to pollinate the mutant pistil, the pollinated 28-5 silique became >10% longer and 40% wider
12 d OsCMT3a were upregulated in the 2x4 cross (pollinating a diploid "mother" with a tetraploid "father
13 wer total polymorphic insertions in the self-pollinating A. thaliana than A. lyrata.
14 aphrodite plant to produce zygotes when self-pollinated'--a definition that is neutral as to cause.
15                                     The self-pollinating African shrub Coffea arabica, a pillar of tr
16  for animal-mediated gene flow in any animal-pollinated agricultural crop from a genetically modified
17    Arabidopsis is believed to be mostly self-pollinated, although several lines of genetic and morpho
18                                           To pollinate and to sustain the colony, workers must walk,
19                  At full bloom, flowers were pollinated and Ca(2)(+) was no longer provided to the pl
20                        F(1) plants were self-pollinated and the F(2) generation was analyzed to ident
21                            Flowers were hand-pollinated and the resulting fruits were analysed at dif
22 tically from 2 to 14 d after silking in both pollinated and unpollinated cobs, whereas all other meas
23 tion between a plant and an insect that both pollinates and parasitizes flowers.
24  weaver ants on the oviposition behaviour of pollinating and non-pollinating fig wasps in an ant-excl
25  (linseed) are blue-hued, ephemeral and self-pollinating, and the seeds are typically brown.
26                             Petals of animal-pollinated angiosperms have adapted to attract pollinato
27 s suggest that the diversification of insect-pollinated angiosperms may have been facilitated by the
28  the diversification of flowering plants and pollinating animals being considerable.
29 en through pores in response to vibration by pollinating bees ("buzz-pollination").
30                                              Pollinating bees develop foraging circuits (traplines) t
31              Central place foragers, such as pollinating bees, typically develop circuits (traplines)
32 lewisii produces no behavioral difference in pollinating bumblebees; however, reducing MlOS expressio
33 dominantly self-pollinated species, would be pollinated by A. tuberculatus, a dioecious species.
34                                  But flowers pollinated by bats are not known to specialize for bat s
35 s of pink-flowered Mimulus lewisii, which is pollinated by bumblebees, and its red-flowered sister sp
36                                       Plants pollinated by hummingbirds or bats produce dilute nectar
37 wered sister species M. cardinalis, which is pollinated by hummingbirds.
38     (iv) The monotropy type occurs in plants pollinated by hymenopterans with species-specific or gro
39 emiochemicals in Caladenia plicata, which is pollinated by male Zeleboria sp.
40 ooms in size, shape, color and scent, and is pollinated by mushroom-associated flies.
41 itation of female insects by plants that are pollinated by sexual deception of males of the same inse
42 s, such as P. avium, close neighbours may be pollinated by very different components of the local pol
43 th showy, chasmogamous (CH) flowers and self-pollinated, cleistogamous (CL) flowers.
44 served in progeny of randomly selected, open-pollinated control parents (0.465%).
45 esis that early flowering plants were insect-pollinated could be tested by an examination of the poll
46 to facilitate genome selection in other self-pollinating crop species.
47 ffective way to increase variability in self-pollinated crops for a wide variety of agronomically imp
48  to other outcrossing organisms than to self-pollinating crops and model plants.
49  in hybrid breeding and is relevant for self-pollinating crops, which are currently shifting from pur
50 cited physiological responses in antennae of pollinating Desmometopa flies.
51  Different (but overlapping) arrays of males pollinate different females, and for the average female,
52 e compared floral symmetry genes from insect-pollinated Digitalis purpurea, which has bilaterally sym
53                        The grain of the self-pollinating diploid barley species offers two modes of p
54                                           By pollinating each flower in which she lays eggs, an insec
55        Phenotypic analysis of seed from self-pollinated ears of the reciprocal F(1) hybrids displayed
56  more than a thousand plant species that are pollinated exclusively by insects specialized to lay the
57 population of 769 trees belonging to 25 open-pollinated families.
58 oviposition behaviour of pollinating and non-pollinating fig wasps in an ant-exclusion experiment.
59  the evolution of resource conflicts between pollinating fig wasps, their hosts, and their parasites.
60 ithophragma; Saxifragaceae) plants and their pollinating floral parasites in the moth genus Greya (Pr
61 MESSAGE: Pru p 3, a peach LTP, is located in pollinated flower styles and secreting downy hairs, tran
62  rationale for why suction feeders typically pollinate flowers with lower sugar concentration nectar
63  and in plants (on the petals of some animal pollinated flowers [5]).
64                                       Animal-pollinated flowers are described as "sensory billboards"
65 monitor trees to paternity in seed from open-pollinated flowers of S. subcuneata decreased rapidly wi
66 s an obligate pseudogamous apomict, but open-pollinated flowers rarely produced seed (flower-to-seed
67  of self: heterospecific pollination in open-pollinated flowers was at least 22:1.
68 pread in angiosperms with specialized animal-pollinated flowers, being recorded in 29 species groups
69  feature of petals in the majority of insect-pollinated flowers, has not.
70 in 1996 yielded more seeds than marked, open-pollinated flowers, implying pollen limitation of seed p
71 ion of Pru p 3 was detected in the styles of pollinated flowers, in contrast to its non-expression in
72 s is provided by polarization imaging of bee-pollinated flowers, revealing the potential for polariza
73  to encounter and oviposit within previously pollinated flowers, their effect on the plant is more ex
74 s well as the collection of pollen from buzz-pollinated flowers.
75                                       Insect-pollinated forb richness in field edges (but not field c
76 d 5km radii around sites, whereas non-insect pollinated forb richness was unrelated to landscape comp
77                                       Insect-pollinated forb richness, unlike that for non-insect pol
78  Organic field centres contained more insect-pollinated forbs than conventional field centres.
79 anic and conventional) contained more insect-pollinated forbs than non-insect pollinated forbs.
80 ed forb richness, unlike that for non-insect pollinated forbs, showed positive relationships to lands
81                                   The insect-pollinated forbs, their pollinators and landscape contex
82 more insect-pollinated forbs than non-insect pollinated forbs.
83  a manner to optimize resource allocation to pollinated fruits with developing seeds.
84  patterns were largely inherited across self-pollinated generations, and some evidence is presented f
85 sinolates (GSLs) content of 12 new-bred open-pollinating genotypes of broccoli (Brassica oleracea con
86   First, seed dispersing, insect eating, and pollinating guilds were more resilient to low-intensity
87 ome) of in vivo-grown pollen tubes from self-pollinated gynoecia of Arabidopsis thaliana.
88 but not in the progeny derived from the self-pollinated homozygous parents.
89 Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata were hand-pollinated in diallel crosses and seed number per fruit,
90 der populations of isolated and perhaps self-pollinated individuals.
91 es, the most important lineage of angiosperm-pollinating insects [3].
92 cides has been linked to reduced survival of pollinating insects at both the individual and colony le
93 th-East Asia, and is a voracious predator of pollinating insects including honey bees.
94 of family-level plant lineages generally and pollinating insects specifically during the mid-Cretaceo
95                                              Pollinating insects utilise various sensory cues to iden
96 000 species) and most important radiation of pollinating insects, originated in early to mid-Cretaceo
97 sesquiterpenes, potential olfactory cues for pollinating insects.
98 visually attracting, a novel resource: large pollinating insects.
99 perms developed floral nectaries that reward pollinating insects.
100 r hosts are that G. politella only passively pollinates its host and that copollinators often contrib
101 te the fact that Arabidopsis is largely self-pollinating, its flowers emit a complex mixture of terpe
102 ty in equivalent samples of inbreds and open-pollinated landraces revealed that maize inbreds capture
103 llinated Mimulus lewisii and the hummingbird-pollinated M. cardinalis represent a classic example of
104 e-pollinated Mimulus lewisii and hummingbird-pollinated Mimulus cardinalis are a model system for stu
105 -pollinated Mimulus lewisii with hummingbird-pollinated Mimulus cardinalis revealed that bees preferr
106 llinated Mimulus lewisii and the hummingbird-pollinated Mimulus cardinalis.
107                                The bumblebee-pollinated Mimulus lewisii and hummingbird-pollinated Mi
108 ister species of monkeyflower: the bumblebee-pollinated Mimulus lewisii and the hummingbird-pollinate
109                                The bumblebee-pollinated Mimulus lewisii and the hummingbird-pollinate
110 ons of F(2) hybrids produced by crossing bee-pollinated Mimulus lewisii with hummingbird-pollinated M
111  used QTL mapping in hybrids between the bee-pollinated monkeyflower Mimulus lewisii and the closely
112  to previous studies of heteroplasmy in open-pollinated natural populations of S. vulgaris and with r
113 e characterise pollen movement for an insect-pollinated Neotropical canopy palm, Oenocarpus bataua, a
114 roubaceae) is a vertebrate-dispersed, insect-pollinated Neotropical tree found in lowland moist fores
115 and insect-pollinated species more than wind-pollinated ones.
116 te (ACC) synthase genes were investigated in pollinated orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.) flowers.
117 pressed primarily in the stigma and ovary of pollinated orchid flowers.
118 aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) to pollinated ovaries reduced fruit set.
119 ethylene biosynthesis gene expression in pre-pollinated ovaries was also associated with higher ethyl
120 by weaver ants limits the success of the non-pollinating P. mayri and therefore indirectly benefits t
121  study contrasted the mating patterns of bat-pollinated Pachira quinata trees in a continuous forest
122  Sorghum, a closely related but largely self-pollinating panicoid grass, is expected to have higher l
123 itious (15,100 J/g) food body reward for the pollinating passerines.
124 ostis stolonifera L.), one of the first wind-pollinated, perennial, and highly outcrossing transgenic
125                     Aniline blue staining of pollinated pistils demonstrated that pollen tube growth
126  account when managing and conserving insect-pollinated plant and pollinator communities.
127 timated earliest arrival in Hawaii of a bird-pollinated plant lineage.
128 by experimental measurements on typical wind-pollinated plant species, is used to estimate the suitab
129 rom closely related Aragoa abietina and wind-pollinated Plantago major, both of which have radially s
130 e assessed whether hawkmoths more frequently pollinate plants with floral tube lengths similar to the
131                  Parallel declines in insect-pollinated plants and their pollinators have been report
132 ated plants, but it can be extended to cross-pollinated plants and to animals.
133    Nachev et al present dilute nectar in bat-pollinated plants as "paradoxical" because bats prefer c
134 ologists has focused on the broad spectra of pollinated plants by generalist pollinators such as bees
135  shown to contain higher proportions of self-pollinated plants compared to natural or semi-natural pl
136 ift, but has been well studied in few animal-pollinated plants in tropical rainforests.
137 are these shifts to published studies of bee-pollinated plants over the same time period.
138 .Conclusions: Our model was derived for self-pollinated plants, but it can be extended to cross-polli
139 lability does not limit reproduction in wind-pollinated plants.
140  these traits, Greya politella, feeds on and pollinates plants of a different family, but pollination
141 ssed from Gaspe Flint (a Northern Flint open-pollinated population) into the background of N28 (a Cor
142                                           We pollinated Populus deltoides with gamma-irradiated Popul
143 activation of a transgenic phenotype in self-pollinated progenies of transgenic plants that did not e
144 eversible in a subsequent generation of self-pollinated progeny and abnormally segregating progenies
145 ating patterns and genetic diversity of open-pollinated progeny arrays for the long-lived, self-compa
146 bly maintained the genetic diversity of open-pollinated progeny arrays in stands of secondary forest
147  patterns and phenotypic assessments of open-pollinated progeny have rarely been combined in a single
148 ple from a panmictic population and the open-pollinated progeny of the sample.
149  a panmictic natural population and the open-pollinated progeny of the sample.
150  developed to map QTL segregating in an open-pollinated progeny population using dominant markers der
151 lts older than the clearance events and open-pollinated progeny sired post-clearance.
152      Pseudoschrankia brevipalpis effectively pollinates S. kaalae; single visits to emasculated flowe
153                    Prepriming in the natural pollinating season might obscure the true correlation be
154 llen challenge chamber (PCC) and the natural pollinating season, respectively, might differ.
155 score [TSS]) during the VLO, MC, and ragweed pollinating seasons and during 2 consecutive PCC exposur
156  Chromosome counts of plants grown from open-pollinated seed from Japanese knotweed around the world
157  likely to be found in stable coexistence in pollinating seed-parasite systems.
158                  One such example is an open-pollinated seedling of cv Sangrado that has green foliag
159 between adult plants and seedlings from open-pollinated seeds, quantify the pollen flow and dispersal
160                                        Field-pollinated sexual diploids produced on average less than
161  of the most abundant scent compounds of bee-pollinated snapdragon flowers, occurs in a rhythmic mann
162 ciated with artemisinin biosynthesis in self-pollinated (SP) Artemisia annua, an effective antimalari
163 istances were relatively large for an insect-pollinated species (mean=303 m, max=1263 m), and far exc
164  (Lolium perenne L.) is an outcrossing, wind-pollinated species exhibiting a gametophytic two-locus s
165 early than congeneric perennials, and insect-pollinated species more than wind-pollinated ones.
166 cesses to reproductive isolation in two wind-pollinated species of birch (Betula) that commonly hybri
167 nce of genetic polymorphism in a highly self-pollinated species such as wheat, where strong associati
168 and empirical data sets from cross- and self-pollinated species to demonstrate the performance of sev
169 istant weedy plant species (especially cross-pollinated species), and the complexity of genetic contr
170 easing water availability, in this bumblebee-pollinated species, pollinator visitation peaked at inte
171 he Poaceae family comprises over 12 000 wind-pollinated species, which release large amounts of polle
172 ybridus, a monoecious and predominantly self-pollinated species, would be pollinated by A. tuberculat
173 uents of the pollen coat, especially in wind-pollinated species.
174 ng seasons, and between wind- and biotically pollinated species.
175              Soybean (Glycine max) is a self-pollinating species that has relatively low nucleotide p
176  for lower defences in outcrossing than self-pollinating species.
177 fit people through bolstering pest-eating or pollinating species.
178                       For anemophilous (wind-pollinated) species, such as grasses and many trees, she
179 ells can distinguish molecules needed in the pollinated styles from those that are dispensable, and p
180                                         Self-pollinated T. erectum and T. grandiflorum produced 71% a
181 evelopment in subsequent generations of self-pollinated T. pusilla showed that DMBQ responsiveness wa
182             Within field collections of self-pollinating T. pusilla, differential responsiveness to D
183  transported to California each year just to pollinate the almonds, and bees are trucked across the c
184            When wild-type pollen was used to pollinate the mutant pistil, the pollinated 28-5 silique
185                      Male bees inadvertently pollinate the orchid flowers during pseudocopulation.
186 eir yucca hosts by laying their eggs but not pollinating the yucca.
187 Whether the flowers were treated with ACC or pollinated, the white (silenced) flowers or flower secto
188  mutualism between yuccas and the moths that pollinate their flowers is regarded as one of the most o
189 rtson's Mutator (Mu) pollen parents and self-pollinated to establish a library of transposon-mutageni
190  cob N metabolism were examined by comparing pollinated to unpollinated earshoots.
191 erum shows a unique ability, if inadequately pollinated, to reverse its flowers' color and shape chan
192 eed dispersal patterns of the dioecious wind-pollinated tree, Araucaria angustifolia.
193 g body of information on dispersal in insect-pollinated trees, but underscore the need for continued
194 d pedicel abscission in fruits that were not pollinated under control temperature conditions.
195 w and white corn occurs among ancestral open pollinated varieties.
196 pene and terpene pathway scenarios in a self-pollinating variety of this species.
197  and among populations of the euglossine bee-pollinated vine Dalechampia scandens.
198                   Moreover, the community of pollinating visitors was influenced by drought across fo
199        Figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Agaonidae, Chalcidoidea) constitute p
200      Oecophylla smaragdina captured more non-pollinating wasps (Platyneura mayri) than pollinators as
201 In the mutualism between fig trees and their pollinating wasps both partners depend on each other.
202 in the mutualism between fig trees and their pollinating wasps.
203 ms, conifers and Ginkgo are exclusively wind pollinated whereas many gnetaleans and cycads are insect
204 % of the families have species that are wind-pollinated, whereas basal eudicot families and basal mon
205 len of three population remnants of the wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree Fraxinus excelsior, in a
206  flow after establishment of seeds in a wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree.
207                            Wild-type pistils pollinated with a limited number of single and double mu
208  pollen producing 62% fewer seeds than those pollinated with chx23 single mutant pollen, indicating t
209 e reduced when NaStEP-suppressed pistils are pollinated with either compatible or incompatible pollen
210  In field experiments, recipient plants were pollinated with either self pollen or with pollen from d
211 that the tentacle appears abruptly in female pollinating yucca moths.

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