


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  black carbon (BC), a climate forcer and air pollutant.
2 a and other developing countries as a global pollutant.
3 of its carcinogenic potential and as climate pollutant.
4 n specific soil constituents and the organic pollutant.
5  represent a spatial proxy of other relevant pollutants.
6 tions of OP(DTT) while controlling for other pollutants.
7 he importance of reducing emissions of other pollutants.
8 ant in controlling the fate of cotransported pollutants.
9 ion reaction and photodegradation of organic pollutants.
10 es for both source sectors and all precursor pollutants.
11 es on emissions of regulated and unregulated pollutants.
12 entrations of fungal spores, pollen, and air pollutants.
13  large multiwell pads, release hazardous air pollutants.
14 m (VI) cations and organic dyes are the main pollutants.
15 genous additives, and adsorbed environmental pollutants.
16  in the lung to remove inhaled pathogens and pollutants.
17  exposed to multiple exogenous environmental pollutants.
18 hydrocarbon oxidation to remediation of NO x pollutants.
19 p,p -DDE) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) pollutants.
20 iations (p < 0.05) were observed for several pollutants.
21 s, which are known targets for environmental pollutants.
22 resolution were estimated for 11 ambient air pollutants.
23 concerns regarding exposure to hazardous air pollutants.
24 as to the abatement of certain environmental pollutants.
25 trategy for the remediation of environmental pollutants.
26 d usage, and climate and health-relevant air pollutants.
27 sed to inhaled microorganisms, allergens and pollutants.
28 reservoir for the accumulation of lipophilic pollutants.
29 n is susceptible to lipophilic environmental pollutants.
30  modify susceptibility to the effects of air pollutants.
31 s that act to capture and transform incoming pollutants.
32 ry's constant, H2, for more than 700 organic pollutants.
33 ssion to account for colinearity between air pollutants.
34 ocarbon fuels and for degradation of various pollutants.
35                                    The toxic pollutant 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) is recalcitrant to
36 oxic equivalent (TEQ) loading of dioxin-like pollutants (400 pg TEQ m(-2) y(-1)) compared to Marseill
37 ource of contamination, leading to increased pollutant accessibility and biodegradation.
38                                           As pollutants accumulate and deplete oxidants, nitrate chem
39 bstances (PFAS) are ubiquitous anthropogenic pollutants almost universally detected in humans.
40                  Emissions of other criteria pollutants also decrease.
41 organic dyes is a simple and rapid method in pollutant analyses and is limited because of quenching c
42     Acrolein is an environmental and dietary pollutant and a lipid-derived endogenous metabolite.
43 is a precursor to tropospheric ozone, an air pollutant and greenhouse gas.
44  regarded as the leading airborne biological pollutant and the chief cause of pollen allergy worldwid
45                 We investigated criteria air pollutants and air toxics during the period before conce
46 d, having constant exposure to environmental pollutants and allergenic pollens and having a unique co
47 es broad responses to numerous environmental pollutants and cellular metabolites, modulating diverse
48  energy security and reduce emissions of air pollutants and CO2 from coal use, China is attempting to
49  risks per interquartile-range increment for pollutants and high exposure (>/=75th percentile) for ai
50 by PCM can impact the biogeochemical fate of pollutants and lead to useful strategies for remediation
51                                  Atmospheric pollutants and meteorological conditions are suspected t
52 s: devices that can be used in detections of pollutants and other treating compounds/analytes (drugs)
53 aging, but no direct link between indoor air pollutants and skin aging manifestations has ever been s
54 nt actinyls, commonly found in environmental pollutants and spent nuclear fuels.
55 ecies to improve photodegradation of organic pollutants and the beneficial use of air pollutants for
56 milarities in chemical structure with legacy pollutants and their potential toxicity have caused incr
57          This project characterized criteria pollutants and undertook a detailed analysis of PM emiss
58 ist meteorological conditions in winter, air pollutants and water vapour accumulate in a shallow plan
59 mediate of the nitrogen cycle, an industrial pollutant, and a marker of climate change.
60                          Mercury is a global pollutant, and prenatal exposure is associated with adve
61              Anthropogenic noise is a global pollutant, and there is rapidly accumulating evidence of
62 ease of nutrients, the environmental fate of pollutants, and carbon storage.
63 rst, followed by petroleum-derived exogenous pollutants, and finally by higher MW polymeric plant mat
64  (eg, pollen season, atmospheric variations, pollutants, and lifestyles).
65 ided by diet, commensal flora, environmental pollutants, and metabolism.
66 to neurologists and exposure to selected air pollutants, and restricting to never movers and urban dw
67 t (SP) lever to mitigate short-lived climate pollutants, and the carbon extraction and sequestration
68                                         Many pollutants are endocrine disruptors with impacts on repr
69 ewater containing both inorganic and organic pollutants are generated every day, leading to significa
70 c framework materials that can capture those pollutants are highly desirable but scarcely reported.
71           Anthropogenic stressors, including pollutants, are key evolutionary drivers.
72 cookstoves, which are a major source of many pollutants, are limited.
73 verage agronomic and economic impacts of the pollutant as well as to breed crops for O3 tolerance.
74                                Environmental pollutants as non-heritable factors are now recognized a
75 hydrocarbons (PAHs) are common environmental pollutants associated with adverse human health effects
76  we determined whether the common lipophilic pollutants benzo[a]pyrene and diesel exhaust particles i
77                                   Given that pollutants can alter the gut microbiota of hosts, which
78                                        These pollutants can be adsorbed to particulate matter which i
79             Environmental stressors, such as pollutants, can increase disease risk in wildlife.
80                      All the traffic-related pollutants (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, PM2.5 ele
81                                         A co-pollutant, carbon monoxide (CO) has been widely used as
82 ever, model performance varies widely across pollutant categories and quantifiably definitive perform
83 rant and widely distributed classes of toxic pollutant chemicals found in natural environments.
84 , and cationic sorbents able to trap several pollutants classes like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, PAH
85  New data suggest that diet, hyperlipidemia, pollutants, commensal microbes, and pathogenic infection
86 ethylene (TCE) is a widespread environmental pollutant common in groundwater plumes associated with i
87 fine scale spatial variations in average air pollutant concentrations across urban areas.
88 rovides daily spatial field estimates of air pollutant concentrations and uncertainties that are cons
89                                        Daily pollutant concentrations at 12-km resolution were estima
90                                      Average pollutant concentrations for fixed monitoring sites are
91                                              Pollutant concentrations in bars were modeled using indo
92             Contributions from vaping to air pollutant concentrations in the home did not exceed the
93 high-income countries, which have much lower pollutant concentrations than low-income and middle-inco
94 coefficient between this metric and measured pollutant concentrations was 0.74.
95 models tested associations of within-subject pollutant concentrations with FEV1 and forced vital capa
96 age to DNA from the metabolites of drugs and pollutants constitutes a major human toxicity pathway kn
97                    Bioremediation of organic pollutant contaminated soil involving bioaugmentation wi
98 l-fired power plants and industry is a major pollutant contributing to their air quality problems.
99                  This suggests that chemical pollutants could impair the brain function of larval fis
100 ne systems, one potential mechanism by which pollutants could increase infection risk is by influenci
101 arts per billion (ppb) for ozone using a two-pollutant Cox proportional-hazards model that controlled
102 sure individuals have had to common chemical pollutants critically requires the ability to detect tho
103 ions about how to incorporate time trends in pollutant data, and the most relevant window of exposure
104 f pollutant-degrading bacteria to accelerate pollutant degradation.
105  bioaugmentation involves the inoculation of pollutant-degrading bacteria to accelerate pollutant deg
106 ion strategies by enhancing the transport of pollutant-degrading bacteria to the source of contaminat
107      Our results suggest that, by mobilizing pollutant-degrading bacteria, zoospores can act as ecolo
108                    The combination of native pollutant-degrading endophytic bacteria and fast-growing
109 alysis, corrosion protection, degradation of pollutants, disinfection of bacteria and material synthe
110              These materials contact organic pollutants due to their widespread presence in the envir
111          Psychosocial stress can also modify pollutant effects.
112 ange transport of reactive and toxic organic pollutants embedded in SOA.
113                             Mutagenicity and pollutant emission factors of solid-fuel cookstoves: com
114  O&G activities, production volumes, and air pollutant emission rates from two Colorado basins to cre
115                          Our analysis of air pollutant emissions and controls can assist biorefinery
116 tatistical difference of regulated gas-phase pollutant emissions between PFIs and GDIs.
117 elopment programs, often lack historical air pollutant emissions data, which can pose challenges for
118  of federal air regulations and quantify air pollutant emissions for two feasibility-level biorefiner
119 ns between spatial and temporal variation in pollutant emissions from livestock farms and lung functi
120           We show that 50-60% of China's air pollutant emissions in 2007 were associated with goods a
121 acts of declining transportation-related air pollutant emissions on disparities in exposure have not
122    The effects of international trade on air pollutant emissions, air quality and health have been in
123 er cent (411,100 deaths) were related to air pollutants emitted in a region of the world other than t
124 hat it efficiently removes the environmental pollutant epichlorohydrin.
125 onmental health, environmental exposures and pollutants, epidemiology, public health, and bioinformat
126 h more stagnant conditions that cause severe pollutant episodes in South Korea.
127                         Associations between pollutant exposure and ARDS risk were evaluated by logis
128 luating a relationship between environmental pollutant exposure and olfactory function.
129 utionary responses of populations to chronic pollutant exposure.
130 g reactivity of the minerals with continuous pollutant exposure.
131 h, we assessed long-term traffic-related air pollutant exposures (represented by nitrogen dioxide; NO
132 interactions with important implications for pollutant fate and transport, sensing applications, and
133 oms, influencing atmospheric composition and pollutant fate.
134 ozone is considered the most detrimental air pollutant for vegetation at the global scale, with negat
135 nic pollutants and the beneficial use of air pollutants for the removal of water pollutants since sul
136 omatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are hazardous air pollutants formed during incomplete combustion.
137                  Separation of toxic organic pollutants from industrial effluents is a great environm
138 on results suggest contribution to secondary pollutants from multiple sources even where primary poll
139 ld's population and emit large quantities of pollutants from sources such as fossil fuel combustion a
140 ds are engineered to accumulate sediment and pollutants from stormwater and provide environmental val
141                               The release of pollutants from such particles depends on mass transfer,
142 h materials can therefore remediate unwanted pollutants from the environment including: immobilisatio
143 r separation and demineralization of organic pollutants from the separated water.
144 missions and real-time optical properties of pollutants from traditional and alternative cookstoves i
145 d adsorbent materials used to remove organic pollutants from water but they have several deficiencies
146 , an important toxic industrial chemical and pollutant, from air using the MOF UiO-66-NH2 .
147 s to detect toxic, explosive, flammable, and pollutant gases is still a challenging research topic.
148 ent to a highway was primarily influenced by pollutants generated by mobile sources (GOM = nitrogen a
149 al coexposures including traffic-related air pollutants, greenness, and neighborhood walkability.
150 te annual concentrations of 40 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) across the continental United States (
151 n in outdoor air among the 187 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) identified by the U.S. Environmental P
152 gnin, a predominant industrial byproduct and pollutant, has been recognized today as a rich reservoir
153 graphical location, as well as environmental pollutants have been shown to modulate autoimmune diseas
154 cal studies are effective for characterizing pollutant impacts on biota in a controlled, simplified e
155 iesel cars are more polluting depends on the pollutant in question, i.e. that diesel cars are not nec
156                 Phenanthrene is a ubiquitous pollutant in water and air, and the cellular targets for
157 the measurements of persistent environmental pollutants in blood; significant Kendall tau correlation
158 triggered cytotoxic effects of a cocktail of pollutants in Caco-2 cells and increase their tumorigeni
159 hatic compounds, many of them being priority pollutants in groundwater and the atmosphere.
160 nd beta-estradiol, which are widely found as pollutants in groundwater.
161 ools for the analysis of small polar organic pollutants in the environment.
162            Prenatal exposure to multiple air pollutants in the first trimester was associated with lo
163 as been considered to be one of the emerging pollutants in various water sources.
164 omising technique for degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater.
165 rcury ion (Hg(2+)) is one of the most common pollutants in water with high toxicity and significant b
166 naphthalene (NA), a ubiquitous environmental pollutant, in human respiratory tract is a subject of in
167                       For most environmental pollutants, including perchloroethylene (PERC), experime
168 The transient concentration of the other air pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, and O3, did not signi
169 nts from multiple sources even where primary pollutants indicate the presence of a single source.
170 ncome, or prenatal exposure to hazardous air pollutants, indicating that spatial variation is not att
171                           Many environmental pollutants inherently exist in their anionic forms and a
172        Pooling concentrations of all studied pollutants into a single variable yielded cohort-specifi
173 mogeneous catalysts that convert CS2 and COS pollutants into environmentally benign products is impor
174                                      The air pollutant is highly variable over time and space, which
175 icated bacteria specialized in degrading the pollutant is suggested as a green and economically sound
176        The vast, diverse universe of organic pollutants is a formidable challenge for environmental s
177         The efficient handling of wastewater pollutants is a must, since they are continuously defili
178 udies that increased exposure to ambient air pollutants is associated with olfactory dysfunction.
179 essment of environmental biodegradability of pollutants is limited by the use of low throughput syste
180         Phosphorus, a critical environmental pollutant, is effectively removed from stormwater by bio
181 ocarbons (PAHs) are widespread environmental pollutants, known human lung carcinogens, and potent mam
182           Findings suggest that particle air pollutant levels in Canadian metros are substantially im
183 iations between the risk of CRAO and the air pollutant levels in the days preceding each event.
184  are typically considered in predicting fish pollutant load, and thus recommendations of consumption,
185 These findings show that subchronic doses of pollutants may act synergistically.
186 vant concentrations of common urban volatile pollutants may have measurable effects on health.
187 volvement in detoxification of environmental pollutants may impede its physiological role, resulting
188                                  Ambient air pollutants may increase preterm birth (PTB) risk, but cr
189                     Persistent environmental pollutants may represent a modifiable risk factor involv
190                                              Pollutants measured included PM2.5 (PM = particulate mat
191  to correlate gene damage sites for drug and pollutant metabolites with mutation sites.
192                                       In two-pollutant model, associations with all CHDs, VSD, and TF
193                                     In a two-pollutant model, only NH3 remained associated.
194                                       In one-pollutant model, we observed an increased risk of CHDs,
195              The results were similar in two-pollutant models including PM2.5 and NO2 and in three-po
196  models including PM2.5 and NO2 and in three-pollutant models with O3.
197 ed with respiratory symptoms based on single-pollutant models, with the largest associations seen for
198 .5 levels and hospitalization risk in single-pollutant models.
199 of death and 1 day prior) and mortality in 2-pollutant models.
200 as highlighted here by the case of real-time pollutant monitoring on the River Rhine.
201 nce was 1.43 (95% CI: 1.11, 1.84) in the two-pollutant multivariable model with ozone.
202  the oxidation of a prototypical atmospheric pollutant, n-hexane.
203 ncentrations of a transportation-related air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in the United States.
204                                    The major pollutants observed were the antidepressants (citalopram
205                          Microplastics are a pollutant of environmental concern.
206 andidate for the scale-up and removal of dye pollutants on a wider scale.
207  our understanding of the chronic effects of pollutants on ecosystems in an environmentally realistic
208 imental studies, but the actual impact of OC pollutants on European marine top predators remains unkn
209 se consequences of environmental and dietary pollutants on intestinal barrier integrity/function with
210 lytic activities, and are thus promising for pollutant oxidation in wastewater treatment.
211  Additionally, new UFG records of industrial pollutants parallel changes documented in ice cores from
212                              Those magnetite pollutant particles which are < approximately 200 nm in
213 suggest that early exposures to criteria air pollutants, particularly from transport emissions, and h
214 ort and fate of sediment, carbon, nutrients, pollutants, pathogens and manufactured nanoparticles fro
215  like methyl blue and the persistent organic pollutant, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS).
216 he desorption kinetics of typical wastewater pollutants (phenanthrene, tonalide, and benzophenone) at
217  liberation of persistent lipophilic organic pollutants (PLOPs) into blood from their storage in iner
218 tants for six families of persistent organic pollutants: polychlorinated benzenes, polychlorinated bi
219 ed a gradation of resistance to a ubiquitous pollutant-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).
220 clusion of BDE-209 in the persistent organic pollutant (POP) convention as well as the need for strat
221 passive sampling (EPS) of persistent organic pollutants (POP) in fish tissue has been hitherto limite
222 ured concentrations of 18 persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and 9 toxic elements in blood, as well
223 es by dietary exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) for 22 months.
224 table isotope analysis of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has the potential to characterize sour
225      Fish are a source of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the human diet.
226               Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is known to increase risk of diabetes.
227 stimate concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and evaluate risk factors associated
228 d analyzed samples for 50 persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including 21 PCB congeners, 8 PBDE co
229 of various industrial-use Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PC
230 ging water quantity; however, runoff carries pollutants, posing risks to the local environment and pu
231 aneous photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants present in the separated water from the oil w
232 great potential for treatment assessment and pollutant prioritization within regulatory applications,
233                       Vanadium, an important pollutant produced from anthropogenic activities, has be
234                Aflatoxins are potential food pollutants produced by fungi.
235 nsively studied because of its importance in pollutant redox dynamics and biogeochemical processes.
236 have been associated with combustion-related pollutants, relationships with PM10-2.5 remain unknown.
237  under field conditions (infinite bath), the pollutant release controlled by intraparticle diffusion
238 sion rates reported to the Canadian National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) using accepted estima
239 ective risk reduction strategies for aquatic pollutants requires a comprehensive understanding of tox
240  removal of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB, a pollutant responsible for runoff-associated inland and c
241 eople are directly exposed to high levels of pollutants resulting from deforestation and agricultural
242 insight into the effects of air oxidation on pollutant retention.
243  progress based on media-specific and single pollutant risk-based frameworks.
244 although more research is required for other pollutant's impacts.
245 hip between the amount of persistent organic pollutants sequestered by passive air sampling devices a
246 emove both chromium (VI) cations and organic pollutants simultaneously.
247 e of air pollutants for the removal of water pollutants since sulfite is a waste from flue gas desulf
248 o monitor the dynamic changes of the primary pollutant sources.
249 achieve zero net emissions of CO2, the super pollutant (SP) lever to mitigate short-lived climate pol
250 tissues; their associations with atmospheric pollutant species (PM, NOx, trace elements, PAHs); the p
251     Our findings reinforce the importance of pollutant-specific, location-specific, and source-specif
252                                              Pollutants such as fluoride in groundwater may be presen
253                              Whereas primary pollutants such as NOx and CO were enhanced twofold duri
254 f health impacts independent of other common pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter.
255 dence has associated obesity with persistent pollutants such as the pesticide DDT and its metabolite
256 urther enhanced on exposure to environmental pollutants, such as diesel exhaust particles (DEPs).
257                                  Exposure to pollutants, such as ozone, exacerbates airway inflammati
258 ethyl orange (MO) as the model photocatalyst/pollutant system.
259 ensitive to cold-start compared to the other pollutants tested here.
260                                   Ozone is a pollutant that has a relatively smooth spatial spread ov
261 (TNT) is a significant, global environmental pollutant that is both toxic and recalcitrant to degrada
262 onsiderable amount of wastewater, a powerful pollutant that is currently discarded but could be consi
263                  HONO is also a major indoor pollutant that threatens human health.
264      Nitroaromatic compounds are groundwater pollutants that can be degraded through reactions with F
265    Azaarenes are N-heterocyclic polyaromatic pollutants that co-occur with polycyclic aromatic hydroc
266 ry marine mammals contain persistent organic pollutants that could threaten condor health.
267  degradation by attached bacteria of organic pollutants that have poor bioavailability.
268 pounds (SVOCs), an important class of indoor pollutants that may have significant adverse effects on
269       Hexavalent chromium is a water-soluble pollutant, the mobility of which can be controlled by re
270                           Across eight major pollutants, the program expansion had virtually no disce
271 T cell activation is inhibited by lipophilic pollutants through profound interference with gene expre
272 ck carbon (BC) and loss of methane and other pollutants to the atmosphere, impacting climate and air
273 tion, is important for urban ventilation and pollutant transport between adjacent cities when the bac
274 se associated with long-distance atmospheric pollutant transport.
275 ironmental toxicant and common environmental pollutant trichloroethylene.
276                       We pooled estimates by pollutant type (particulate matter with a diameter of <2
277 e detection of several important halogenated pollutants under laboratory conditions, e.g., 1,2-dichlo
278 ey have several deficiencies, including slow pollutant uptake (of the order of hours) and poor remova
279 c associations between breast cancer and air pollutants using Cox regression models, adjusting for ma
280 evaluated for both chromium (VI) and organic pollutants (using methyl blue (MB) as an example) remova
281 ding aeroallergens, stinging insects, fungi, pollutants, viral respiratory tract infections, climate
282                                      Neither pollutant was significantly associated with spontaneous
283 ence of adverse association with atmospheric pollutants was observed.
284 obutanoic acid or metformin, but other novel pollutants were also identified, as for example di-o-tol
285 ion, exposures to both primary and secondary pollutants were associated with an increase in PTB.
286                       Hazard ratios for both pollutants were elevated (per 10-parts-per-billion incre
287 for coexposure to noise, traffic-related air pollutants were not associated with the incidence of dia
288         Except for oxides of nitrogen, other pollutants were not correlated with flight activity.
289 h endosulfan and TCDD are persistent organic pollutants which elicit cytotoxic effects by inducing re
290 and -furans (PCDD/Fs) are persistent organic pollutants whose main removal process in the environment
291          CO2) concentration, and atmospheric pollutants will impact carbon sequestration in forested
292             Nitrogen dioxide is a common air pollutant with growing evidence of health impacts indepe
293 DLCs) are highly toxic and persistent global pollutants with extremely large differences in sensitivi
294 nnually, emitting greenhouse gases and other pollutants with no energy benefit.
295 sights into the association of pathogens and pollutants with SPM and their impact on aquatic life.
296         Aromatic compounds are environmental pollutants with toxic and carcinogenic properties.
297            Sensitivities vary by year and by pollutant, with SO2 both the highest sensitivity (5.04%
298  range in optimized model performance across pollutants, with SO2 predicted most poorly due to limita
299  PMOCs may have not been recognized as water pollutants yet, due to the lack of analytical methods ca
300 ons and as a potentially toxic environmental pollutant, yet the current knowledge on V speciation in

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