


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tably, mid-19th century increases in mercury pollution).
2 mug/m(3) increase in particulate ambient air pollution.
3  and children are particularly vulnerable to pollution.
4 eople now live in areas with substantial SO2 pollution.
5 health impacts associated with household air pollution.
6 de studies have assessed inequality in noise pollution.
7 rtilization and, subsequently, environmental pollution.
8     China is experiencing severe ambient air pollution.
9 strictions in an effort to address urban air pollution.
10 l benefits of ecosystems degraded by chronic pollution.
11  of the planet in terms of reactive nitrogen pollution.
12 rent understanding of climate change and air pollution.
13 he acute health effects of atmospheric ozone pollution.
14 complexity in how songbirds respond to light pollution.
15  carbon is one of the main components of air pollution.
16 ioeconomic environment, and neighborhood air pollution.
17 oval and lessening versus enhancement of air pollution.
18 a are on opposite trajectories for sulfurous pollution.
19 icle usage, a major contributor to urban air pollution.
20 al areas, they may be at risk from pesticide pollution.
21 dverse health effects of traffic-related air pollution.
22  are suitable bioindicators of environmental pollution.
23 osses additionally contribute to groundwater pollution.
24 form may be a strategy to mitigate urban air pollution.
25 DNA extracts, simulating a gradient of fecal pollution.
26 ective reduction of carbon emissions and air pollution.
27 e countries (LMICs) and different sources of pollution.
28 s: diabetes, obesity, smoking, and excessive pollution.
29 m diseases caused by exposure to outdoor air pollution.
30 oung central Italy, is the hallmark of urban pollution.
31 g the effects of global warming and chemical pollution.
32 indering the forecast and mitigation of haze pollution.
33 not associated with mortality independent of pollution.
34 need to measure the fitness effects of light pollution.
35 res being the principal form of microplastic pollution (85%), followed by broken fragments (15%).
36  Biological surfaces, exposed to atmospheric pollution, accumulate magnetic particles over time, prov
37            Collectively, we demonstrate that pollution adaption and inhabiting contaminated environme
38                                          Air pollution affects billions of people worldwide, yet ambi
39 ss and modification stemming especially from pollution, agricultural cropping, and logging.
40  sustainable and avoid exacerbating nutrient pollution, algal cultivation and processing must maximiz
41  should aim to control ambient levels of air pollution along busy streets in view of these negative h
42 e recently reported associations between air pollution and acute psychiatric outcomes, the associatio
43 search on Cancer classified both outdoor air pollution and airborne particulate matter as carcinogeni
44 dence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is inconsistent.
45 TL has not been evaluated in relation to air pollution and cognition.
46  become the major contributor to particulate pollution and exceedance events.
47 ary and microbial factors, while for asthma, pollution and genetic factors were often investigated in
48 hey can be sources of nutrients and pathogen pollution and have been linked to health effects in comm
49 n Effects (ESCAPE) and Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts - Integrated Methodologies
50 We examined associations between ambient air pollution and hepatic steatosis among 2,513 participants
51 idence of an association between ambient air pollution and incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer
52 on between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer
53 hanism underlying the connection between air pollution and increased allergic disease incidence is DN
54 ciation between ambient fine particulate air pollution and lung cancer incidence: results from the AH
55      Preterm birth risks associated with air pollution and meteorological factors were estimated usin
56 hey examined the associations of ambient air pollution and meteorological factors with preterm risk a
57  for environmental factors, particularly air pollution and meteorological parameters, to increase pre
58 otentially complex interaction between light pollution and natural variation in the behaviour of dawn
59  may be disproportionately affected by ozone pollution and ozone policy.
60 l exports and interprovincial trade on PM2.5 pollution and public health across China.
61 al trade affects global distributions of air pollution and public health.
62 termine whether the relationship between air pollution and respiratory symptom prevalence differed be
63                                  Ambient air pollution and temperature have been linked with cardiova
64 xposure to PM2.5 in studies of household air pollution and the consistency of the PM2.5-CO relationsh
65 ethods of estimating the inhaled dose of air pollution and understand variability in the absence of a
66 hould be considered in future studies on air pollution and urban climates.
67 ncrease the risks of health effects from air pollution and wildfire smoke exposures.
68  Other contributing factors include smoking, pollution and work-related exposures.
69 e include inflammatory disorders, infection, pollution, and cardiac atrial disorders independent of a
70 f growing human population, overconsumption, pollution, and climate change.
71  devices to track movement, black carbon air pollution, and physiological health markers for 3 weeks
72  all songbirds respond the same way to light pollution, and the effects of light pollution vary with
73 ironmental exposures, such as allergens, air pollution, and the environmental microbiome, on disease
74 oices, enteric infections, appendectomy, air pollution, and the use of medications, with an emphasis
75 ributes substantially to stormwater nutrient pollution, and therefore to eutrophication of urban surf
76 ess local and specific health risks from air pollution are highly desired.
77  entities, such as respiratory infections or pollution, are responsible.
78 ty caused by fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution as a result of atmospheric transport and the p
79 vironments such as the built environment and pollution, as well as by socioeconomic status and social
80 at the transboundary health impacts of PM2.5 pollution associated with international trade are greate
81                       With the rapid rise in pollution-associated nitrogen inputs to the western Paci
82 gers, and also appear less affected by light pollution at high latitudes than are late dawn singers.
83 centrations, a marker of traffic-related air pollution, averaged across postconception weeks 2-8, wer
84 ual average transportation noise (Lden), air pollution [black carbon, particulate matter with aerodyn
85               Disparities in exposure to air pollution by race-ethnicity and by socioeconomic status
86                  With the rise of mobile air pollution campaigns, characterized by short-term monitor
87                        Long-term exposure to pollution can lead to an increase in the rate of decline
88  of the world's population is exposed to air pollution caused by biomass burning emissions.
89                                       Marine pollution caused by frequent oil spill accidents has bro
90 ong, China, an area with a high level of air pollution compared with other similarly developed cities
91 lking down a busy street with high levels of pollution compared with walking in a traffic-free area w
92 eloped an instrument for variations in local pollution concentrations that is unlikely to be correlat
93                                    Urban air pollution concentrations vary sharply over short distanc
94 an overview of cigarette smoke and urban air pollution, considering how their composition and biologi
95       Particulate matter (PM) in atmospheric pollution contains readily measurable concentrations of
96                  INTERPRETATION: Ambient air pollution contributed substantially to the global burden
97                First, major potential PM 2.5 pollution contributors are identified for each cluster b
98 ransmission characteristics is important for pollution control and policymaking.
99  the effectiveness of local and regional air pollution control policies and contributions of hypothet
100 consistent with international conventions on pollution control.
101 eaker in Europe and North America due to air pollution controls but stronger in East Asia due to dete
102 ons of biomagnetic monitoring of atmospheric pollution; current challenges for large-scale implementa
103 y examined the long-term associations of air pollution, defined as particulate matter with an aerodyn
104 ient absorption efficiency and environmental pollution due to hazardous emissions and water eutrophic
105             Population-level exposure to air pollution during active travel is understudied.
106 t biogenic VOCs can considerably enhance air pollution during heat waves.
107 association between maternal exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and children's health outcome
108 cal ICU patients and to evaluate atmospheric pollution during sedation.
109            We find earliest anthropogenic Cu pollution during the Early Horizon period 700-50 BC, an
110 within the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) and Transport related Air Pol
111 1994-2011, European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE)).
112                    Exposure to household air pollution elevates blood pressure (BP).
113 tial and temporal variation in livestock air pollution emissions are associated with lung function de
114 mental impacts, such as the magnitude of air pollution emissions.
115 or positive societal impacts with respect to pollution, energy consumption, congestion, etc.
116    Climate change, global warming, urban air pollution, energy supply uncertainty and depletion, and
117 ns, although presented in the context of air pollution epidemiology, can be broadly applied to other
118 lity (CMAQ) simulations of a July 2006 ozone pollution episode in the UK were made with input values
119 y experiences severe fine particulate matter pollution episodes in winter during persistent cold-air
120                           Heat waves and air pollution episodes pose a serious threat to human health
121       This leads to distinct stages of PM2.5 pollution episodes, starting with a period of PM2.5 buil
122 and transportation policies impact urban air pollution, especially for small cities.
123  aerosol chemical contributor to the extreme pollution events.
124 of the 24 h federal standard for particulate pollution exceedance events in the CONUS region occur wh
125  among children with low traffic-related air pollution exposure (P-value for interaction = 0.029).
126 g an association between traffic-related air pollution exposure and incident childhood asthma is inco
127  Research examining associations between air pollution exposure and respiratory symptoms in adults ha
128          An association between prenatal air pollution exposure and telomere length at birth could pr
129                                Long-term air pollution exposure has been associated with age-related
130          Ambient particulate matter (PM) air pollution exposure has been associated with increases in
131 he health effects of particulate ambient air pollution exposure have focused on high-income countries
132 ry health effects of particulate ambient air pollution exposure in LMICs exclusively.
133 ry health effects of particulate ambient air pollution exposure in LMICs.
134 ed telomere loss in newborns by prenatal air pollution exposure indicates less buffer for postnatal i
135 g to the growing body of evidence that noise pollution exposure may be independently linked to metabo
136 -Hispanic white persons experience lower air pollution exposure than those who are non-Hispanic black
137                                          Air pollution exposure was associated with differential disc
138   Effect modification by traffic-related air pollution exposure was observed, with a stronger associa
139  manual social class, home overcrowding, and pollution exposure) and FEV1 and FVC trajectories betwee
140 and blood, as well as associations among air pollution exposure, methylation, and transcriptomic patt
141 about the health effects of school classroom pollution exposure.
142 e-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data and air pollution exposure.
143        We estimated associations between air pollution exposures and the prevalence of wheeze and sho
144 ment focused on microbial, allergen, and air pollution exposures.
145                   Most of the studies on air pollution focus on emissions from fossil fuel burning in
146 ore relationships between urban form and air pollution for a global data set of 1274 cities.
147   Atmospheric inputs are the main sources of pollution for most organic chemicals considered, but nor
148 AI by up to 1.5 kWh/m(2) per day relative to pollution-free conditions, a decrease of up to 35%.
149 urden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution from 1990 to 2015 at global, regional, and cou
150 ncer rates in the world due to household air pollution from combustion of smoky coal for cooking and
151 verse outcomes associated with household air pollution from cook stoves during pregnancy.
152                WHO estimates exposure to air pollution from cooking with solid fuels is associated wi
153                                Household air pollution from solid fuel burning is a leading contribut
154 ttle is known about the impact of indoor air pollution from wood-burning stoves or fireplaces on brea
155 ed for environmental coexposures such as air pollution, greenness, or walkability.
156      Therefore our study highlights that air pollution has a significant effect on bacteria that has
157                               Although light pollution has a strong effect on the timing of dawn song
158                                   Severe air pollution has become a global concern, and there is a pr
159             Maternal exposure to ambient air pollution has been associated with an increased risk of
160      In utero exposure to diesel exhaust air pollution has been associated with increased adult susce
161                              Exposure to air pollution has been implicated in a number of adverse hea
162                                          Air pollution has been linked to hypertension in the general
163                                   Yet, light pollution has not achieved parity with other global chan
164 organic compounds (VOCs) and the roles on O3 pollution have been investigated in a typical industrial
165 metals from both the natural environment and pollution have been linked to cardiovascular disease.
166 rn was found, i.e., we identified historical pollution hotspots (e.g., Sorfjord in western Norway) fo
167  heterogeneous human exposures and localized pollution hotspots.
168 ently one of the main sources of atmospheric pollution identified in urban centers is derived from bo
169          The rising evidence of microplastic pollution impacts on aquatic organisms in both marine an
170 45 million premature deaths related to PM2.5 pollution in 2007 worldwide, about 12 per cent (411,100
171 ntal pathology associated with household air pollution in a cohort of pregnant women from Dar es Sala
172  tool in assessing stress-related effects of pollution in a vulnerable class of organism.
173 nt evidence supports the role of ambient air pollution in allergic disease inception.
174 s for future trends in human exposure to air pollution in both developed and developing regions of th
175       To assess the current state of mercury pollution in food crops grown near coal-fired power plan
176  use might reduce the adverse effects of air pollution in individuals with ischaemic heart disease.
177 f heavy metal (V, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Tl, Pb, U) pollution in Lake Baikal seals over the past 8 decades.
178 mmunicable disease rates, and increasing air pollution in low-income and middle-income countries.
179 emerged as a clear marker of traffic-related pollution in most of the sites.
180 streets likely represent a major source of P pollution in northern cities.
181 e extent of late 19th and early 20th century pollution in remote North America.
182 emical processes of groundwater arsenic (As) pollution in S/SE Asia.
183 ivities have led to large-scale mercury (Hg) pollution in the Arctic.
184 f metals can alleviate the concerns of metal pollution in the environment.
185 ntially serious human health burden from air pollution in the Kathmandu Valley.
186 iciently assessing and managing the risks of pollution in the marine environment requires mechanistic
187 inate one preventable source of microplastic pollution in the United States.
188 gines are important sources of fine particle pollution in urban environments, but their contribution
189           We examined the association of air pollution in utero and during early life with pubertal d
190                       RATIONALE: Ambient air pollution, including black carbon, entails a serious pub
191 ollar, the social value of reductions in air pollution, including CO2 emissions, is $2.
192                          Traffic-related air pollution increased the probability of a chronic asthma
193                      Exposure to ambient air pollution increases morbidity and mortality, and is a le
194 es have shown that long-term exposure to air pollution increases mortality.
195 oal decline in coming decades, transboundary pollution influence from rising coal emissions in Southe
196                        The Teledyne Advanced Pollution Instrumentation (TAPI) model 602 Beta(Plus) pa
197 rce of the Immunotherapy and Aerobiology and Pollution Interest Groups of the EAACI reviewed the lite
198  mitigation, assuming the social cost of CO2 pollution is >/=100 USD MgCO2e(-1) by 2030.
199        Biomagnetic monitoring of atmospheric pollution is a growing application in the field of envir
200                              Exposure to air pollution is a leading global health risk.
201 y, we found no evidence that exposure to air pollution is a risk factor for PD in men.
202 o traffic related nitrogen dioxide (NO2) air pollution is associated with adverse health outcomes.
203                In free-living animals, light pollution is associated with changes in circadian, repro
204 ort-term exposure to particulate ambient air pollution is associated with increases in cardiorespirat
205 his study was to clarify whether ambient air pollution is associated with specific types of cancer ot
206                                          Air pollution is associated with the increased risk of metab
207 istribution and accumulation of this form of pollution is crucial for gauging environmental risk.
208                         Nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution is emerging as a primary environmental concern
209                   This type of environmental pollution is important, even if its impact is not fully
210 ve effect on air quality, but persistent air pollution is increasingly attributable to a growing and
211                          Traffic-related air pollution is known to be associated with skin aging mani
212                                          Air pollution is known to lead to a substantial health burde
213 l trade and the transport of atmospheric air pollution is lacking.
214                                  Atmospheric pollution is largely below the recommended thresholds (<
215 ults have important implications for how air pollution is measured and managed.
216 erization and monitoring of hydrocarbon (HC) pollution is often expensive and time-consuming.
217  aimed to examine whether exposure to PM air pollution is related to risk of Parkinson's disease (PD)
218 stic insights into how exposure to urban air pollution leads to activation of guinea pig and human se
219                     Estimates of ambient air pollution levels at participants' residences were obtain
220 opean countries, individual estimates of air pollution levels at the residence were estimated by stan
221 evidence of mortality risk is lacking at air pollution levels below the current daily NAAQS in unmoni
222         However, evidence is limited for air-pollution levels below the most recent National Ambient
223 PD), whereas shorter-term exposure at higher pollution levels has been implicated in causing excess d
224 ich traditional stove use persists, although pollution levels in ICS households still remained above
225 th walking in a traffic-free area with lower pollution levels in older adults.
226                               Despite rising pollution levels, very limited information is available
227 nsion had virtually no discernible effect on pollution levels.
228 mate and air chemistry models as well as air pollution management and health.
229 ered nighttime activity as a result of light pollution may affect health and well-being, we measured
230            The additional influence of urban pollution may prompt a more severe immunological respons
231 le Street View vehicles with a fast-response pollution measurement platform and repeatedly sampled ev
232                                  Atmospheric pollution measurements (nitrogen oxides and particulate
233 ts billions of people worldwide, yet ambient pollution measurements are limited for much of the world
234 tween two swordtail species likely arose via pollution-mediated breakdown of assortative mating in th
235 d to assess the suitability of near-road air pollution models for traffic-related ultrafine particle
236  even where present, conventional fixed-site pollution monitoring methods lack the spatial resolution
237             This paper uses hourly data from pollution monitoring stations to measure the effect of t
238 o document changes in climate and industrial pollution (most notably, mid-19th century increases in m
239 adpoles present in the pond most impacted by pollution (nutrients and pesticides), but large annual v
240 borate the observation that coastal nitrogen pollution occurred earlier than the 19th century and sup
241 bes, perpetuating a worrisome and misleading pollution of the scientific literature.
242 tial impact of residential greenness and air pollution on asthma trajectory subgroups.
243 stantial influence of acidification than PAH pollution on bacteria driven ecological processes.
244           The impact of prenatal ambient air pollution on child asthma may be modified by maternal st
245 atively few studies measuring the effects of pollution on crop yields in China, and most are based on
246       Estimating causal effects of local air pollution on daily deaths: effect of low levels.
247 nt implications concerning the impact of air pollution on human health and bacterial ecosystems world
248 ead in coastal regions, the impacts of light pollution on intertidal ecosystems has received little a
249 modeling to estimate the impact of local air pollution on mortality at low concentrations.
250 ation noise exposure and traffic-related air pollution on the incidence of diabetes using a populatio
251  so the need to measure the effects of light pollution on these processes is critical.
252 st, and solvent evaporation were three major pollution origins.
253                      However, severe aerosol pollution over China reduces solar radiation reaching th
254  anthropogenic emissions, the winter aerosol pollution over eastern China is associated with unusual
255 e a measurement approach to reveal urban air pollution patterns at 4-5 orders of magnitude greater sp
256 rbon at 30 m-scale reveal stable, persistent pollution patterns with surprisingly sharp small-scale v
257 asoline; aromatic hydrocarbons from refinery pollution, petroleum waste sites, and mobile sources (au
258 from southern South America suggest earliest pollution potentially from Cu smelting as far back as 2
259  estimated using published and validated air pollution prediction models based on land use, chemical
260 duction of premature deaths from ambient air pollution, preventing 198,000 (102,000-204,000) of the 2
261 n of future monitoring, chemical testing and pollution prevention efforts.
262 household socioeconomic position, indoor air pollution, previous tuberculosis among household members
263 ore significantly, the isotopic record of Pb pollution proves to be an unparalleled proxy for trackin
264 lly targeted by environmental regulation and pollution reduction initiatives.
265         Differences in estimated value among pollution reduction scenarios were small (<$1 angler day
266 ur framework facilitates improvements in air pollution reduction strategies and life cycle impact ass
267 ontentious political climate surrounding air pollution regulations has brought some researchers and p
268                   Urban, traffic-related air pollution remains a concern to health-care and environme
269 could be attributed to ambient PM1 and PM2.5 pollution, respectively.
270 vidence concerning adults, especially in low-pollution settings, is scarce and inconsistent.
271  (physical activity) as well as hazards (air pollution) should be evaluated.
272 sampling sites within a 500-m buffer zone of pollution sources across a sampling grid measuring 32.9
273 mixing state) and its assignment to specific pollution sources in a new and direct way.
274                  The Ni concentration trend, pollution sources, and the potential health risks associ
275 .5 exposure and questionnaire data of indoor pollution sources, we built a regression model to predic
276 tinguish human fecal waste from other animal pollution sources.
277                        Using 3 prominent air pollution studies as examples, we review good practices
278 investigators in an increasing number of air pollution studies have purported to have used "causal an
279                            We argue that air pollution studies that are more scientifically rigorous
280 -suited for time-series data such as the air pollution study considered in their paper, and as such s
281 itically evaluate the extent to which an air pollution study provides evidence of causality.
282 al data to study the impact of increased air pollution (surface ozone) on rice yields in Southeast Ch
283 .10 million premature deaths caused by PM2.5 pollution throughout China, nearly 19% (208,500 deaths)
284 Environmental waters are monitored for fecal pollution to protect public health and water resources.
285 al characteristics, such as neighborhood air pollution, to reduce disparities in birth outcomes.
286                          Traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) exposure is associated with allergic ai
287                Ambient fine particle (PM2.5) pollution triggers acute cardiovascular events.
288 how large resulting increases in surface air pollution, up to 11 mug m(-3) for annual mean fine parti
289 udies have established associations of daily pollution variations with daily deaths, there are fewer
290 to light pollution, and the effects of light pollution vary with changes in natural light levels.
291                   Exposure to PM and NO2 air pollution was associated with the prevalence of wheeze a
292                                  Atmospheric pollution was monitored at different sites: before sevof
293 e prospective study suggest that ambient air pollution was not associated with death from most nonlun
294 Slightly higher RRs of ambient PM1 and PM2.5 pollution were noted among women and children than among
295 centrations, or focused on locally generated pollution, which is becoming more important as regulatio
296  future regulation and legislation to reduce pollution while also encouraging innovation of sustainab
297 t there is a causal association of local air pollution with daily deaths at concentrations below U.S.
298 cer by examining associations of ambient air pollution with nonlung cancer death in the Cancer Preven
299 carbon (BC), a marker of traffic-related air pollution, with cognitive function in older men, and we
300 erials has led to an accumulation of plastic pollution worldwide.

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