


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ACK1/PKCbeta2 associated with polysome-bound polyA-mRNAs.
2 sequences, we demonstrated the presence of a poly(A) mRNA.
3 tion in the first step of the degradation of poly(A) mRNA.
4 hows little enhancement of expression of non-poly(A) mRNA.
5 plied to primer extension analysis of kidney poly(A) mRNA.
6 proteins, or the cytoplasmic localization of poly(A) mRNA.
7 each of which derepresses translation of non-poly(A) mRNA.
8 ncomitant increase in dendritic and synaptic poly(A) mRNA.
9 nd observing a concomitant decrease in total poly(A)+ mRNA.
10  from poly(A)- mRNA but had little effect on poly(A)+ mRNA.
11 ed nonpoly(A) mRNA with the same kinetics as polyA(+) mRNA.
12 l beta2 subunit were cloned from human heart poly(A)(+) mRNA.
13 RNA is described, separating mouse rRNA from poly(A)(+) mRNA.
14 pap1-1 mutation results in reduced levels of poly(A)(+) mRNAs.
15 inguish between cap(+)/poly(A)(+) and cap(-)/poly(A)(-) mRNAs.
16                 Slt2 is required for nuclear poly(A(+)) mRNA accumulation upon heat shock, and thermo
17                               Translation of poly(A)- mRNAs after polyadenylation shut-off might resu
18 , we found that sympathetic axons do contain poly(A+) mRNA along their length in a pattern that chang
19 between the polyadenylation machinery, newly poly(A) mRNAs, and factors for transcript export.
20          We show that significant amounts of poly(A)+ mRNAs are oxidized in AD brains.
21 7 mutation derepresses the expression of non-poly(A) mRNA as much as a quadruple ski2 ski3 ski7 ski8
22 nificant percentage of poly(A)-deficient and poly(A)- mRNA associate with smaller polyribosomes compa
23 itro, PKCbeta2 can phosphorylate a subset of polyA-mRNA-associated proteins that are also phosphoryla
24 actions of HuR with beta-actin mRNA and with poly(A)+ mRNA at both native and increased HuR expressio
25 ng the ability to export all RNAs, including poly(A) mRNAs, at the restrictive temperature.
26      First, we show that both poly(A)(-) and poly(A)(+) mRNA become translationally repressed during
27 ts with poly(A) polymerase and with Npl3p, a poly(A)(+) mRNA binding protein implicated in pre-mRNA p
28 teins, polyA-binding protein 1 and a 130 kDa polyA-mRNA binding protein (KIAA0217).
29 ified Sec61alpha,beta and ribophorin I as ER-poly(A) mRNA-binding proteins, suggesting unexpected rol
30 ength of the 3'UTR increased expression from poly(A)- mRNA but had little effect on poly(A)+ mRNA.
31  the presence of normal amounts of competing poly(A)(+) mRNA, but is normally prevented from doing so
32 hat Ski2p and Slh1p block translation of non-poly(A) mRNA by an effect on Fun12p, possibly by affecti
33             Herein, we provide evidence that poly(A)(+) mRNAs can enter P-bodies in yeast.
34  and defense compounds, northern analysis of poly(A)+ mRNA demonstrates that transcripts encoding CYP
35 molog of the yeast Gle1 involved in the same poly(A) mRNA export pathway as Nup159, also result in se
36 due to a twofold-increased repression of non-poly(A) mRNA expression.
37 cloned by reverse transcription of juice-sac poly(A)+ mRNA, followed by Taq Polymerase-mediated ampli
38  oligo(dt) magnetic bead protocol to harvest poly(A) mRNA from cultured cells in 96-well plates minim
39                       In screening amplified poly(A) mRNA from hippocampal dendrites and growth cones
40 AR1 is transcribed as an 800-nucleotide (nt) poly(A)+ mRNA from a promoter lacking a consensus TATA s
41                    Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ mRNA from N. benthamiana and N. tabacum cv. MD6
42 t1 showed a single band of approx. 1.6 kb in poly(A)+ mRNAs from epidermis, limb bud or claw muscle a
43  of single cells; the physical separation of polyA(+) mRNA from genomic DNA using a modified oligo-dT
44 el sequencing of genomic DNA and full-length polyA(+) mRNA from single cells.
45                                              PolyA+ mRNA from the TGs of each group was reverse trans
46 perature and partially restore the levels of poly(A)(+) mRNA in a manner distinct from the cytoplasmi
47 h Pab1p does not diminish the preference for poly(A)(+) mRNA in vivo, indicating another role for pol
48                    Because of the absence of poly(A)+ mRNA in prokaryotic organisms, studies of diffe
49 protein is localized at the nuclear rim, and poly(A)-mRNA in situ hybridization shows that mRNA expor
50 nslation, allowing better translation of non-poly(A) mRNA, including the L-A virus mRNA which lacks p
51                We now demonstrate that Ram-1 poly(A)+ mRNA increases significantly following culture
52                         Northern analyses of poly(A) mRNA indicated two major species of about 8 and
53 ay facilitate the localization of associated poly(A) mRNAs into axons.
54 o not bind sperm, but injection of total egg poly(A)+ mRNA into immature oocytes confers sperm bindin
55 late that the derepressed translation of non-poly(A) mRNAs is due to abnormal (but full-size) 60S sub
56 use (P:D ratio) of the resulting cytoplasmic poly(A)+ mRNA is a measure of poly(A) site strength.
57 ctivated PKCbeta2 to mRNP complexes bound to polyA-mRNAs is involved in activity-triggered control of
58 a specific reduction of both HuD protein and poly(A) mRNA levels in the axonal compartment.
59 mance: specificity of 1:250,000 in mammalian poly(A(+)) mRNA; limit of detection 0.13 pM; dynamic ran
60                                              Poly(A) mRNA-mRNP complexes were purified from a postmit
61 : the intracellular distribution of cellular poly(A)(+) mRNA, nuclear proteins, and, most important,
62 ski8 mutations enhance the expression of the poly(A)(-) mRNAs of yeast RNA viruses.
63 nter P-bodies, and an mRNP complex including poly(A)(+) mRNA, Pab1p, eIF4E, and eIF4G2 may represent
64 romoting translation from poly(A)(+) but not poly(A)(-) mRNAs, particularly for mRNAs containing seco
65 se the accumulation of the secretory form of poly(A)(+) mRNA relative to the membrane form and regula
66  much higher concentrations of yeast tRNA or poly(A)mRNA, respectively, 33- and 60-fold greater than
67 ors generated from hippocampal and forebrain poly(A)+ mRNA revealed greater sensitivity to 2,3-benzod
68                         Northern analysis of poly(A+) mRNAs reveals two differently sized rnp-4f mRNA
69 ms of a specific mRNA showed relatively more poly(A)- mRNA sedimenting with 20-60 S complexes than do
70 ing, specifically reduces the translation of poly(A)(+) mRNA, suggesting that poly(A) may have a role
71 f p53 and to the inhibition of total RNA and poly(A) mRNA synthesis.
72 oach we have isolated a single cDNA from egg poly(A)+ mRNA that can induce sperm binding in immature
73  pap1-1 mutation results in the synthesis of poly(A)- mRNAs that initiate translation with surprising
74 redominantly associated with polysome-bound, polyA-mRNAs that are being actively translated.
75                                          For poly(A)+ mRNA, the translational efficiency and mRNA hal
76                             Hybridization of poly(A)(+) mRNA to DNA microarrays containing 96.4% of y
77  of HYPB/Setd2, like Iws1, induced bulk HeLa poly(A)+ mRNAs to accumulate in the nucleus.
78  factors to mRNA, caused by the inability of poly(A)- mRNAs to accumulate to normal levels.
79 lse-labeling experiments indicate that total poly(A)(+) mRNA transcription was not significantly redu
80                                              Poly(A) mRNA was present in the nucleus and throughout t
81  tubers, we developed a methodology in which poly(A)+ mRNA was amplified from immunohistochemically l
82 ocesses, reverse transcription-PCR with PC-3 poly(A)+ mRNA was performed by using degenerate oligonuc
83                                              Poly(A)+mRNA was present in the axon tips, and was more
84      The total population of polyadenylated [poly(A)] mRNA was localized in hippocampus using a bioti
85 contrast, highly toxic 36R in the context of poly(A)(+) mRNA were exported to the cytoplasm, where DP
86               Tissue-specific libraries from poly(A)(+) mRNA were prepared by priming first and secon
87 sed the expression of nonpolyadenylated [non-poly(A)] mRNAs, whether capped or uncapped, thus explain
88        The labeled granules colocalized with poly(A+) mRNA, with the 60S ribosomal subunit, and with

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