


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and pattern of arthritis (oligoarticular vs polyarticular).
2 s 4-18 years with JRA (17 pauciarticular, 23 polyarticular, 8 systemic) were compared with age-matche
3 from 119 JRA patients (72 pauciarticular, 47 polyarticular) and 111 healthy controls from Latvia was
4 type (6 sets with pauciarticular, 1 set with polyarticular), and disease onset was separated by a mea
5 ene transfer could be used to treat systemic polyarticular arthritides.
6       For a 2-month period, 51 children with polyarticular arthritis (mean age 12.4 years, 65% female
7 ndings for oligoarticular JIA, patients with polyarticular arthritis had no evidence of an HLA class
8 ronic inflammatory syndrome characterized by polyarticular arthritis, dermatitis, myeloid hyperplasia
9 ria and associated night sweats, fevers, and polyarticular arthritis.
10 s of daily disease symptoms in children with polyarticular arthritis.
11 eating the disease symptoms of children with polyarticular arthritis.
12 dditive effect with DRB1*JIASE in those with polyarticular, but not those with persistent oligoarticu
13 A are associated with polyarticular onset, a polyarticular course, and erosive disease.
14 c-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with a polyarticular course, in whom type 1 diabetes mellitus d
15 was true for both the pauciarticular and the polyarticular course.
16 ce liquid chromatography in 86 patients with polyarticular-course JIA (>/=5 joints affected) and 15 c
17                 Initially, 159 patients with polyarticular-course JIA and 263 controls were studied,
18 of a replication cohort of 181 patients with polyarticular-course JIA and 355 controls.
19           Available parents of patients with polyarticular-course JIA were also genotyped.
20  be useful for research and clinical care in polyarticular-course JIA.
21 SP3*84A allele was observed in patients with polyarticular-course JIA.
22  WISP3 gene have been shown in patients with polyarticular-course JIA.
23 and replicated in 2 cohorts of patients with polyarticular-course JIA.
24 n acceptable safety profile in children with polyarticular-course JRA and provides significant improv
25                         Patients with active polyarticular-course JRA who participated in an efficacy
26 d that etanercept treatment in patients with polyarticular-course juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)
27 noclonal anti-TNF antibody, in children with polyarticular-course juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
28                               Progression to polyarticular disease (>or=5 joints) is more common in y
29 rheumatoid factor-negative JRA patients with polyarticular disease and 2 JRA patients with pauciartic
30 nset of disease, and presence of systemic or polyarticular disease are all risk factors for temporoma
31 ticular onset (OR 7.46, 95% CI 1.99-28.0), a polyarticular disease course (OR 9.78, 95% CI 1.25-76.7)
32             Progression of pauciarticular to polyarticular disease occurred in 11% of the cases.
33 ticular-onset JRA; 19% were concordant for a polyarticular disease onset.
34 similar for children with oligoarticular and polyarticular disease, differences in bone mass were gre
35                              For early-onset polyarticular disease, evidence of linkage was found at
36  expansions were found only in patients with polyarticular disease.
37 s in bone mass were greater in children with polyarticular disease.
38   We conducted deep WGS on children with the polyarticular form of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA
39                                Arthritis was polyarticular in 96% of patients.
40                  There was clear evidence of polyarticular involvement in the hand joints of both the
41 f oligoarticular JIA (n = 62) as compared to polyarticular JIA (n = 36).
42 ) or from patients with early- or late-onset polyarticular JIA (with 89% accuracy), but not from pati
43 hritis (JIA), IgM rheumatoid factor-negative polyarticular JIA and oligoarticular JIA.
44 es were significantly lower in patients with polyarticular JIA and those with SpA.
45 hil abnormalities persisted in children with polyarticular JIA even after disease remission was achie
46 be sets distinguished 3 subgroups within the polyarticular JIA group.
47 sease activity and supported the division of polyarticular JIA into distinct subsets.
48 onducted in 85 children ages 2-16 years with polyarticular JIA of <12 months' duration.
49 s that were differentially expressed between polyarticular JIA patients and healthy controls.
50 milarities to early-onset oligoarticular and polyarticular JIA patients, including female preponderan
51 rom 59 healthy children and 61 children with polyarticular JIA prior to treatment with second-line me
52 res in PBMCs from patients with recent-onset polyarticular JIA reflect discrete disease processes and
53 in this cohort of children with recent-onset polyarticular JIA resulted in clinical inactive disease
54                   Furthermore, patients with polyarticular JIA showed age-specific related effects, w
55                 Neutrophil gene profiling in polyarticular JIA suggests important roles for neutrophi
56                            For children with polyarticular JIA treated for 12 months with biologic ag
57 n all 4 measures; and children (n = 31) with polyarticular JIA treated with biologic agents for 12 mo
58          This is also true for patients with polyarticular JIA treated with biologic agents for 12 mo
59 ligoarticular and rheumatoid factor-negative polyarticular JIA), and 13,056 controls.
60  female; 24 with oligoarticular JIA, 40 with polyarticular JIA, 18 with systemic JIA, and 19 with spo
61 ular JIA, 45 with rheumatoid factor-negative polyarticular JIA, and 20 with systemic JIA).
62 mic JIA profile with data from patients with polyarticular JIA, chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneo
63 ained from children with oligoarticular JIA, polyarticular JIA, or systemic JIA were compared.
64 es were significantly lower in patients with polyarticular JIA, those with systemic JIA, and those wi
65 r JIA and the group of younger patients with polyarticular JIA.
66 ts with oligoarticular JIA and patients with polyarticular JIA.
67  JIA and a younger subgroup of patients with polyarticular JIA.
68  STAT4 variant was associated primarily with polyarticular JIA.
69 analysis to elucidate pathologic pathways in polyarticular JIA.
70  profiling on neutrophils from children with polyarticular JIA.
71 udy establishes evidence for linkage between polyarticular JRA and the HLA-DR region.
72 severe, longstanding, methotrexate-resistant polyarticular JRA demonstrated sustained clinical improv
73 are associated with HLA-DR4 in children with polyarticular JRA, whether anti-CCP antibodies are assoc
74 es of 10.2 and 10.7 years, respectively, for polyarticular JRA.
75 r, less mineralized skeleton was observed in polyarticular JRA.
76       For a 2-month period, 41 children with polyarticular juvenile arthritis completed daily diaries
77 biomarkers to predict response to therapy in polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is an
78 ct in neutrophil activation in children with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
79  results of a pivotal trial of infliximab in polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis suggested ef
80 ially girls, with rheumatoid factor positive polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, have the gr
81 Vbeta20 TCRs were selected as prototypic for polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and pa
82 as markedly increased over the prevalence of polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) in the
83 or (p75):Fc fusion protein, in children with polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis who did not
84 nificant improvement in patients with active polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
85 lished report of simultaneous vasculitic and polyarticular manifestations in a patient with carcinoma
86 inistration was intramuscular if disease was polyarticular (n = 53) or intraarticular if patients had
87 joints, for OA at 2 or 3 hand sites, and for polyarticular OA (r = 0.33-0.81) when OA was defined acc
88                                              Polyarticular OA was recorded if there were OA findings
89     Anti-CCP antibodies were associated with polyarticular onset (OR 7.46, 95% CI 1.99-28.0), a polya
90 ti-CCP antibodies in JRA are associated with polyarticular onset, a polyarticular course, and erosive
91    This was true for both pauciarticular and polyarticular onset.
92 rom 230 HLA-typed patients with JRA (77 with polyarticular-onset disease and 153 with pauciarticular-
93                          Among subjects with polyarticular-onset disease, significantly more joints w
94 cted joints at JRA onset among patients with polyarticular-onset disease.
95 lls from 20 patients with oligoarticular- or polyarticular-onset JIA.
96        Thirteen percent of the patients with polyarticular-onset JRA and 2% of the other JRA patients
97 y-seven percent of RF-positive patients with polyarticular-onset JRA had anti-CCP antibodies.
98 tial proportion of RF-positive patients with polyarticular-onset JRA have these antibodies.
99               HLA-DR4-positive patients with polyarticular-onset JRA were more likely to have anti-CC
100  cases had pauciarticular-onset JRA, 16% had polyarticular-onset JRA, and 11% had systemic-onset JRA.
101 en among those with pauciarticular-onset and polyarticular-onset JRA.
102  formation in HLA-DR4-positive patients with polyarticular-onset JRA.
103 f patients had pauciarticular-onset, 17% had polyarticular-onset, and 11% had systemic-onset disease.
104 ce (P < or = 0.04) and more frequently had a polyarticular or systemic disease course (P = 0.04) comp
105  nonrandomized registry of 594 patients with polyarticular or systemic JIA treated with etanercept on
106 ial fluid from children with oligoarticular, polyarticular, or systemic-onset JRA were assayed for FS
107 ) of disease in the JRA, pauciarticular, and polyarticular patient groups, respectively.
108  JIA, and 4.1 (95% CI 2.5-6.7) in those with polyarticular RF-negative JIA.
109 l most of the inflammatory features of early polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis (Table 2).
110  situations (e.g., active early inflammatory polyarticular rheumatoid arthritis) and in low doses, fr
111  patients with persistent oligoarticular and polyarticular rheumatoid factor (RF)-negative juvenile i
112                        Adolescent girls with polyarticular rheumatoid factor-positive subtype appear
113  arthritis (JRA), particularly in those with polyarticular, rheumatoid factor (RF)-positive JRA.
114       This study confirms the existence of a polyarticular subset of OA among men that has characteri
115 ticular delivery of the vIL-10 gene may have polyarticular therapeutic effects.

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