


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 action has provided on the mechanisms of the polymerization reaction.
2 ll requires the presence of TAF-I during the polymerization reaction.
3 abilization in alkaline solutions leading to polymerization reaction.
4 omoting pyrophosphorolysis that reverses the polymerization reaction.
5  by affecting other residues involved in the polymerization reaction.
6 eptides, KfiA and KfiC, to catalyze the same polymerization reaction.
7  surface of MTs and tubulin rings during the polymerization reaction.
8 c pyrophosphate which is an inhibitor of the polymerization reaction.
9 t over the last 50 years on this fundamental polymerization reaction.
10 res with FtsZ assembly but also reverses the polymerization reaction.
11 by photolithography, in the same step as the polymerization reaction.
12 electron acceptors during the photocatalytic polymerization reaction.
13 quential additions of lactide monomer to the polymerization reaction.
14 lent catalysts for the formaldehyde (CH(2)O) polymerization reaction.
15 rmed amyloid fibrils implicating a nucleated polymerization reaction.
16  of several elementary steps for the forward polymerization reaction.
17 iate more frequently at G.C sites during the polymerization reaction.
18 nity (K(d)=6.81 microm), thus initiating the polymerization reaction.
19 gh an increase in the apparent V(max) of the polymerization reaction.
20 gulation of initiation in nitroxide-mediated polymerization reactions.
21 rmediates present in nickel-catalyzed olefin polymerization reactions.
22 s have been synthesized using solution-phase polymerization reactions.
23 plify the screening of potentially prebiotic polymerization reactions.
24 sequential polycondensation and free radical polymerization reactions.
25 ch separate reconstructive and amplification polymerization reactions.
26 talyst to achieve logic gating of controlled polymerization reactions.
27 -by-step in an iterative fashion, and not by polymerization reactions.
28 mical alternative to standard cross-coupling polymerization reactions.
29 ining sequence-controlled polymers in simple polymerization reactions.
30 olarized NMR for quantifying early events in polymerization reactions.
31 litate replication by relatively inefficient polymerization reactions.
32 initiator), as typically observed for living polymerization reactions.
33  other contaminants capable of similar redox/polymerization reactions.
34 issolution DNP an attractive method to study polymerization reactions.
35 ic catalysts without homogeneous analogs for polymerization reactions.
36  dependence on the E2 component of ubiquitin polymerization reactions.
37 , a 4M1P-appended ligand was isolated from a polymerization reaction (50:1 monomer:catalyst) by colum
38   Thus, wild-type Thg1 catalyzes a templated polymerization reaction acting in the reverse direction
39 ployment of a purge-free controlled/"living" polymerization reaction, activators generated by electro
40 rotects them from undesirable hydrolysis and polymerization reactions, allowing them to achieve their
41                                          The polymerization reaction and its regulation have been stu
42 ymerization in solution) and controlling the polymerization reaction and properties of these novel ma
43 n of primers is achieved using an isothermal polymerization reaction and quantified by fluorescence r
44 we review the general characteristics of the polymerization reaction and recent approaches that have
45 ins declined almost tenfold, probably due to polymerization reactions and copigmentation.
46 nched polymers are obtained through one-step polymerization reactions and exhibit properties that are
47 nearly 60nm, obtained through an emulsion co-polymerization reaction, and the MB alone were evaluated
48 ; they remain in the soluble fraction of the polymerization reaction, and they increase the amount of
49  benzene derivatives through dehydration and polymerization reactions, and may possess several possib
50                              Photo-initiated polymerization reactions are an alternative means of gen
51                                          The polymerization reactions are specific and controlled, in
52 oxygen-free environment when classic radical polymerization reactions are used in signal amplificatio
53                                       Plasma polymerization reaction at atmospheric pressure has been
54 u(III) solutions by a surface-enhanced redox/polymerization reaction at the muscovite (001) basal pla
55                                          The polymerization reactions at the filopodial tip require t
56 on of amorphous polymer, a by-product of the polymerization reactions, at the interface.
57 le light-triggered quantitative topochemical polymerization reaction based on a conjugated dye molecu
58                               A non-covalent polymerization reaction between macromolecular monomers,
59  of these two specific bindings advances the polymerization reaction by K4CP.
60 dding sonicated preformed CsgA fibers to the polymerization reaction can significantly shorten the du
61  early RMGI development, acid-base and light-polymerization reactions compete with and inhibit one an
62              The crystal environment of this polymerization reaction controlled both the molecular an
63                      In this reversal of the polymerization reaction, deoxynucleotides in DNA are con
64 y dilute, but in experimental simulations of polymerization reactions dilute solutions of activated m
65  added cofactors, did not affect the rate of polymerization reactions during storage.
66                            Template-directed polymerization reactions enable the accurate storage and
67              Detailed kinetic studies of the polymerization reaction enabled integral and nonintegral
68 id to the carbohydrate recognition site, the polymerization reaction entered a highly processive phas
69 tion to elongation for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerization reaction, explain the role of the noncata
70 s sufficient for complete termination of the polymerization reaction for a short template mediated by
71                                          The polymerization reaction for the synthesis of polymer NPs
72 ate hydrolysis may be necessary to drive the polymerization reaction forward.
73 eotide polymerases at different steps of the polymerization reaction has provided on the mechanisms o
74 tutorial review explains how photo-initiated polymerization reactions have been used in a conditional
75  attempts to demonstrate plausibly prebiotic polymerization reactions have met with limited success.
76 s paper should be applicable to a variety of polymerization reactions in aqueous solution.
77 tions are a key factor in cluster growth and polymerization reactions in ionizing environments such a
78 of amphiphilic compounds could have promoted polymerization reactions in prebiotic conditions, giving
79                                              Polymerization reactions in which RnqPD and the prion do
80 d polyacrylate gel were prepared by inducing polymerization reaction inside long glass or Tygon tubin
81 intrinsic microporosity (PIM), prepared by a polymerization reaction involving the formation of Troge
82              The primary interaction of this polymerization reaction is between the newly exposed N-t
83                                 Notably, the polymerization reaction is confined epitaxially to the c
84        Thus, the deltaH for the condensation polymerization reaction is dependent on the crystal pack
85                              Surprising, the polymerization reaction is not reciprocal as natural nuc
86           Specifically, a controlled radical polymerization reaction is triggered after the capture o
87           Specifically, a controlled radical polymerization reaction is triggered after the capture o
88  in bis(imino)pyridine iron catalyzed olefin polymerization reactions is also presented.
89           We report on a stepwise on-surface polymerization reaction leading to oriented graphene nan
90 sight into this solid-state polycondensation polymerization reaction may be gained from the single-cr
91                            We speculate that polymerization reactions may be occurring at depth withi
92  stereocontrol mechanism governing these new polymerization reactions mediated by chiral metalloceniu
93                              We suggest that polymerization reactions occurred in the atmosphere as i
94 [4 + 4] reactions, Diels-Alder reactions and polymerization reactions of acetylene molecules.
95                                   Unlike the polymerization reactions of DNA and RNA and polypeptide
96                                         Such polymerization reactions of polyphenolic antioxidants ca
97 es does not enter into the radical coupling (polymerization) reactions of lignification.
98 nal transitions in the APD during nucleation-polymerization reactions or/and in the presence of actin
99                                   During the polymerization reaction, primase tolerated substantial m
100                                              Polymerization reactions proceed rapidly to completion o
101        Addition of 3.47 mM (0.1%) SDS to the polymerization reaction produced Abeta42 fibrils that we
102                    Real-time measurements on polymerization reactions provide both mechanistic and ki
103                              In nucleic acid polymerization reaction, pyrophosphorolysis is the rever
104 he central termination sequence (CTS) on the polymerization reaction: reduction of burst amplitude in
105 nd may be involved in yet unknown nucleotide polymerization reactions required for maintenance of chr
106  acid, NaOH and HCl to initiate and stop the polymerization reaction, respectively, which makes the a
107 When included into a thrombin-induced fibrin polymerization reaction, rFnbA strongly inhibited fibrin
108 lymer cages as a confined reaction space for polymerization reactions such as atom transfer radical p
109 s to develop models of potentially prebiotic polymerization reactions that cannot be studied easily u
110 uced a colored precipitate suggestive of the polymerization reactions that characterize microbial mel
111  tuning the concentration of MAA monomers in polymerization reaction the concentration of surface -CO
112 cted concentration dependence of a nucleated polymerization reaction, the addition of preformed amylo
113                                   During the polymerization reaction, the polymers undergo a phase tr
114  conjunction with kinetic data regarding the polymerization reaction, these data indicate that UDP-Gl
115 y adjusting the oxidative environment of the polymerization reaction through the addition of a strong
116 ear increase of copolymer Mw with increasing polymerization reaction time.
117 he amplification inherent in a radical chain polymerization reaction to detect molecular recognition.
118 nascent base pair in the active site for the polymerization reaction to occur, thus overcoming these
119 h a rate constant of 0.39 h(-1), causing the polymerization reaction to stall before complete templat
120 elective initiation of atom-transfer radical polymerization reactions to form an addressable polymer
121 dase (GOx) to water/solvent mixtures enables polymerization reactions to proceed in extremely low vol
122 talysts enable exquisite control over alkene polymerization reactions to produce new materials with u
123 monstrated the concept of using free-radical polymerization reactions to provide signal amplification
124 polymer NPs can be synthesized in a one-step polymerization reaction using commercially available rea
125 les by in vivo enzyme-catalyzed chain growth polymerization reactions using activated monomers that h
126  linkages, which are favored in nonenzymatic polymerization reactions using similarly activated ribon
127  demonstrate switching of controlled radical polymerization reactions using temperature "LOW"/"HIGH",
128 of selective recognition and of initiating a polymerization reaction was central to obtaining high se
129                                          The polymerization reaction was followed either by an increa
130 ea, a tyrosinase inhibitor; the (HO)2IndCOOH polymerization reaction was inhibited by superoxide dism
131                                          The polymerization reaction was initiated by exposing crysta
132 effects of photocaged nucleosides on the DNA polymerization reaction was investigated, finding that m
133                                          The polymerization reaction was simultaneously monitored by
134               The chain-growth nature of the polymerization reaction was utilized to produce well-def
135 cture, while the phenyl ester formed in bulk polymerization reactions was not detected.
136                                              Polymerization reactions were efficient for all five dif
137 sing a technically expedient, photoinitiated polymerization reaction whereby a approximately 2 to 10-
138 sing a technically expedient, photoinitiated polymerization reaction whereby an oxygen-sensitive poly
139  process using a dedicated 'module' for each polymerization reaction, which specifies the unit to be
140               Here, we demonstrate a radical polymerization reaction whose initiation is controlled b
141 rlying principles that govern these types of polymerization reactions will be enumerated as a paradig
142 mbining two sequential atom-transfer radical polymerization reactions with a click reaction.
143    Here we demonstrate that illuminating tau polymerization reactions with laser light and measuring
144 onomer that undergoes UV-catalyzed thiol-ene polymerization reactions with polythiol comonomers to af
145                                          The polymerization reaction yields highly conjugated backbon

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