


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nfused for 9 h with L-[1-13C]leucine, in the postabsorptive (0-3 h) and postprandial (3-9 h) states a
2 tty acids are a crucial energy source in the postabsorptive and fasted states when glucose supply is
3 ic capacity of GR-deficient adipocytes under postabsorptive and fasting conditions, resulting from im
4 NP-43, were found to have decreased rates of postabsorptive and insulin-stimulated glucose turnover t
5                         Body composition and postabsorptive and postprandial muscle protein synthesis
6 of endogenous glucose production in both the postabsorptive and postprandial states.
7  a 16-h fast, seven dogs were studied in the postabsorptive basal state and during a tolbutamide (0.2
8 nces of genetics, ethnicity-race, and sex as postabsorptive bioavailability modifiers; and 3) discuss
9         However, Dgat1(-/-) mice had reduced postabsorptive chylomicronemia (1 h after a high fat cha
10  apo E3/3 group but remained 51% higher than postabsorptive concentrations in the apo E4/3 group; thi
11                                          The postabsorptive concentrations of plasma triglycerides an
12 ch in polyunsaturated fat for 15-29 d, their postabsorptive concentrations of TRL triglycerides, apo
13 0.01) and a trend toward increased MPB under postabsorptive conditions (P = 0.09).
14 fore and after supplementation during basal, postabsorptive conditions and during a hyperaminoacidemi
15 ceived a [(2) H5 ]Phe tracer infusion during postabsorptive conditions and during a hyperinsulinaemic
16 n the rate of muscle protein synthesis under postabsorptive conditions in the elderly and may explain
17                                        Under postabsorptive conditions, MPS and LPB were equivalent b
18                                              Postabsorptive elimination of the various forms of vitam
19      The extent of the renal contribution to postabsorptive endogenous glucose production (EGP) in hu
20           The contribution of the kidneys to postabsorptive endogenous glucose production is a matter
21 ociated gene expression were assessed in the postabsorptive (fasted) and postprandial (fed; 480 kcal,
22  hepatic glucose production (P = 0.004), and postabsorptive fat oxidation (P = 0.03) improved equally
23  exercise combined with weight loss enhances postabsorptive fat oxidation, which appears to be a key
24                                     Rates of postabsorptive FFA (palmitate) storage into upper-body s
25                                              Postabsorptive FFA flux and splanchnic FFA delivery were
26 ncentrations compared with saline, with mean postabsorptive glucose concentrations (2400-0800) of 5.6
27   These data document that glucagon supports postabsorptive glucose concentrations in humans.
28                                              Postabsorptive glucose production was appropriately supp
29                                        Eight postabsorptive healthy men ( approximately 21 y of age)
30 hway in determining body fat distribution in postabsorptive humans and whether adipocyte lipogenic pr
31 s) by adipocytes occurs in vivo in overnight postabsorptive humans and, if so, whether there are regi
32 ge pathway, which had remained undetected in postabsorptive humans until recently, can have considera
33  during infusion of 14C-labeled glutamine in postabsorptive humans.
34                         We hypothesized that postabsorptive hyperglucagonemia represents a gut-depend
35  (MPS) and leg protein breakdown (LPB) under postabsorptive (hypoinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp) and po
36 he low-dose insulin infusion, which achieved postabsorptive insulin levels, the muscle mitochondrial
37  using the modified methods in normal-weight postabsorptive men and women.
38 stinal mucosa, but the extent and site(s) of postabsorptive metabolism in the human is unknown.
39                           Bed rest decreased postabsorptive MPS by 30% +/- 9% (CON group) and by 10%
40                                     Although postabsorptive MPS was unaffected, catabolic changes wit
41 rial and hepatic venous blood was sampled in postabsorptive (n = 6; study A) and postprandial (n = 5;
42 t important gluconeogenic amino acids, in 14 postabsorptive NIDDM subjects and 18 nondiabetic volunte
43                                          Six postabsorptive nondiabetic subjects who were scheduled f
44                         These data show that postabsorptive nonhepatic glucose production in humans m
45 ax Encore 29n (SensorMedix) was performed in postabsorptive (overnight fast >8 h) healthy subjects (n
46                    Based on the premise that postabsorptive patients with type 1 diabetes receiving i
47 id not differ between groups during both the postabsorptive period and the amino acid infusion, while
48 ervations, no significant differences in the postabsorptive phenylalanine net balance were observed b
49 s of variance for repeated measures) lowered postabsorptive plasma concentrations of tHcy by -11.7% +
50 cagon, in concert with insulin, supports the postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration in humans.
51 cagon, in concert with insulin, supports the postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration in humans.
52 tested the hypothesis that glucagon supports postabsorptive plasma glucose concentrations in humans.
53 y lipoprotein triglycerides (VLDL-TGs) under postabsorptive, postprandial, and walking conditions in
54 availability is a function of absorptive and postabsorptive processes, which in turn are influenced b
55                                       In the postabsorptive protocol, participants rested and remaine
56 al nutrition at rates that approximate usual postabsorptive rates and that avoid first-pass hepatic c
57                                              Postabsorptive rates of myofibrillar MPS and whole-body
58 is sufficient for the maximal stimulation of postabsorptive rates of myofibrillar MPS in rested and e
59  characterized the dose-response relation of postabsorptive rates of myofibrillar MPS to increasing a
60 ed muscle cells is inversely correlated with postabsorptive respiratory quotient of the muscle donors
61                Insulin concentration and the postabsorptive respiratory quotient were positively corr
62              These results indicate that the postabsorptive respiratory quotients and insulin-mediate
63                                              Postabsorptive resting metabolic rate (RMR) and postpran
64 ptake could account for approximately 40% of postabsorptive RGP and for 60% of RGP during hypoglycemi
65 fter the epinephrine infusion ended, but the postabsorptive RQ remained modestly elevated.
66 fused for 9 h with L-[1-(13)C]leucine in the postabsorptive state (0-3 h), who were fed half-hourly w
67 ng a constant stable isotope infusion in the postabsorptive state and after essential amino acid (EAA
68  and renal vein samples were obtained in the postabsorptive state and during a 180-min hyperinsulinem
69 cine and [2-13C] leucine were studied in the postabsorptive state and during an amino acid infusion i
70 nd amino acid transport were measured in the postabsorptive state and during the intravenous infusion
71 ean +/- SEM: 31 +/- 2 y) were studied in the postabsorptive state and for 3.5 h after a bolus ingesti
72 Muscle and tendon biopsies were taken in the postabsorptive state at days 0, 10 and 21 for measuremen
73        Normal volunteers were studied in the postabsorptive state at rest and about 3 h after a heavy
74 were measured by indirect calorimetry in the postabsorptive state at the same time every morning.
75              Glucokinase is inhibited in the postabsorptive state by sequestration in the nucleus bou
76 nteers were studied on four occasions in the postabsorptive state during infusions of [1-(13)C]glucos
77  70Zn or 68Zn was orally administered in the postabsorptive state on days 1 and 6, respectively; intr
78             Sedentary nutrient fluxes in the postabsorptive state were comparable for the WT and KO m
79                                       In the postabsorptive state, acute insulin deprivation has no e
80               Two groups were studied in the postabsorptive state, and 2 groups were studied in the f
81  improved glucose metabolic rates during the postabsorptive state, and restored insulin sensitivities
82                                       In the postabsorptive state, leucine flux was slower (P < 0.01)
83                                       In the postabsorptive state, LTx-5 had lower endogenous leucine
84                                       In the postabsorptive state, nearly all of the carbohydrate use
85                                       In the postabsorptive state, pancreas-transplant patients had s
86 ment, and controls were studied in the early postabsorptive state.
87 te differ from those usually reported in the postabsorptive state.
88 ation with healthy volunteers studied in the postabsorptive state.
89 fusion of [13C]leucine and [15N2]urea in the postabsorptive state.
90 patients and 11 controls were studied in the postabsorptive state; a bolus of 200 mg L[15N]2 arginine
91                                              Postabsorptive subjects received a primed constant [1-13
92  n = 10) control clamp experiments in normal postabsorptive subjects.
93 tabolic processes in humans and reveals that postabsorptive trans-to-cis-lycopene isomerization, and
94 glucose release and renal glucose release in postabsorptive type 2 diabetic subjects and age-weight-m
95 TRL apo B48 increased at 3 h but returned to postabsorptive values at 6 h only in the apo E3/3 group;
96 ration of apo B48 at 6 h was 80% higher than postabsorptive values.
97 (13)C]leucine) decreased (P < 0.05) and net (postabsorptive vs. postprandial) leucine balance (P < 0.
98 men) volunteers under postprandial and under postabsorptive walking conditions, respectively.
99 s (FFAs) in visceral and subcutaneous fat in postabsorptive women.

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