


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 traocular lens was less prolific than on the posterior capsule.
2 IOL and improves contact with the underlying posterior capsule.
3 s, the anterior capsule tear extended to the posterior capsule.
4 r cataract surgery in the setting of an open posterior capsule.
5 nder the iris and through the zonules to the posterior capsule.
6 le management was based on the status of the posterior capsule.
7 lorhexis, preventing radial extension to the posterior capsule.
8 e on their path from the ciliary body to the posterior capsule.
9 d a significant retardation of growth on the posterior capsule.
10 c fashion in the most peripheral part of the posterior capsule.
11 and ultrastructure, on both the anterior and posterior capsules.
12 islocation occur only in eyes with an intact posterior capsule?
13  ultrasonic phacoemulsification safer to the posterior capsule and less likely to create wound burn.
14 s implantation, as well as management of the posterior capsule and long-term refractive sequelae.
15 OL designs separate the anterior capsule and posterior capsules and further reduce PCO incidence.
16 this model proliferated, migrated across the posterior capsule, and expressed EMT markers, alpha-smoo
17 nd to the slit lamp examination of the lens, posterior capsule, anterior cortical vitreous, and zonul
18      Digital retroillumination images of the posterior capsule can be obtained reliably, and automate
19                                              Posterior capsule cells of both preparations also had si
20  vitrectorhexis method for both anterior and posterior capsules combined with anterior vitrectomy in
21 re leading to glaucoma; cataracts, including posterior capsule defects requiring cataract surgery; re
22 eyes undergoing cataract surgery with intact posterior capsules, eyes undergoing manual posterior cap
23 dherin junctions, and did not migrate to the posterior capsule, increase proliferation, or express EM
24                                              Posterior capsule management was based on the status of
25            The most common was a rent in the posterior capsule, occurring in 40 (13.3%) eyes.
26                                Evaluation of Posterior Capsule Opacification (EPCO) image analysis so
27 d with retroillumination using evaluation of posterior capsule opacification (EPCO) software.
28          To objectively assess the long-term posterior capsule opacification (PCO) and neodymium-dope
29                                              Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) arises because of
30 provements in intraocular lens (IOL) design, posterior capsule opacification (PCO) arising from lens
31                   The fibrotic lens disorder posterior capsule opacification (PCO) develops in millio
32          This resilient growth gives rise to posterior capsule opacification (PCO) in a significant p
33                                              Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is a complication
34                                              Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is the most common
35                                              Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is the most common
36 ct surgery is common, routine and effective, posterior capsule opacification (PCO) occurs in 30-50% o
37 tients gradually develop the complication of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) or secondary catar
38 dy were to determine the 5-year incidence of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) requiring Nd:YAG l
39 utive pseudophakic patients with symptomatic posterior capsule opacification (PCO) underwent Nd:YAG l
40 ts due to a wound-healing response, known as posterior capsule opacification (PCO), following catarac
41 ptic edge using an in vitro culture model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO).
42 s lenticular migration, thus contributing to posterior capsule opacification (PCO).
43 anti-TGF-beta2 antibody in a rodent model of posterior capsule opacification (PCO).
44 srupting complication of cataract surgery is posterior capsule opacification (PCO; secondary cataract
45       This review addresses 1) inhibition of posterior capsule opacification (surgical techniques, in
46 tion (between piggyback intraocular lenses), posterior capsule opacification and lens epithelial cell
47 how resistant an intraocular lens will be to posterior capsule opacification as a consequence of rege
48 ept that sharp optic edges markedly decrease posterior capsule opacification as compared with round-e
49                                              Posterior capsule opacification developed in 11 eyes (57
50                                              Posterior capsule opacification developed in 14 eyes (34
51 ecial interest are techniques for inhibiting posterior capsule opacification in pediatric patients by
52 d strength, which may decrease resistance to posterior capsule opacification in the face of a regener
53                                              Posterior capsule opacification is a frequent postoperat
54                                              Posterior capsule opacification is also potentially solv
55                                              Posterior capsule opacification is an ongoing cellular r
56                                              Posterior capsule opacification is the most frequent lat
57                                              Posterior capsule opacification occurred in 66 eyes (82.
58 ll changes in the percentage area covered by posterior capsule opacification over time.
59 ion, allowing for a more rapid assessment of posterior capsule opacification resistance.
60 med and analyzed for PCO using Evaluation of Posterior Capsule Opacification software.
61 active lens exchange suggest higher rates of posterior capsule opacification than with standard catar
62 th and angle width in pseudophakic eyes with posterior capsule opacification were measured with anter
63  the eye this can cause blindness because of posterior capsule opacification, proliferative vitroreti
64 ge design appreciably improves resistance to posterior capsule opacification, significant factors rem
65 nt, cystoid macular oedema, glare, halos and posterior capsule opacification.
66 an effective capsular bend as a deterrent to posterior capsule opacification.
67 , cystoid macular oedema (CMO), cataract and posterior capsule opacification.
68 ng mechanism for the aberrant cell growth in posterior capsule opacification.
69  pressure spikes, cystoid macular edema, and posterior capsule opacification.
70 and could be important in the development of posterior capsule opacification.
71 practical for use in longitudinal studies of posterior capsule opacification.
72 mmunotoxin may be effective in prevention of posterior capsule opacification.
73  and pharmacologic methods); 2) treatment of posterior capsule opacification; and 3) characteristics
74 sterior capsulorhexis is required to inhibit posterior-capsule opacification in pediatric patients; w
75                                              Posterior-capsule opacification, by far the most common
76 d Pande et al. for precise quantification of posterior-capsule opacification.
77                In the IOL dislocation group, posterior capsule opening presented in 57% of eyes (8/14
78              At a later time, the attenuated posterior capsule overlying the plaque ruptured and the
79 e between the intraocular lens (IOL) and the posterior capsule (PC), i.e., the IOL/PC distance, on th
80 rior limbal vitrectomy was carried out after posterior capsule plaque peeling.
81                                              Posterior capsule plaques are not unusual.
82                                              Posterior capsule polishing is gentle if the only vacuum
83 .2%), anterior capsule tear (9 eyes, 0.81%), posterior capsule rupture (3 eyes, 0.27%), suction loss
84 s (5%), with the most common being unplanned posterior capsule rupture in 14 eyes, 10 of which had an
85                                      Primary posterior capsule rupture occurred in 1 eye.
86 ual extraction in 5 cases (2%); a concurrent posterior capsule rupture occurred in 58 eyes (24%) with
87 ision burn, is probably less likely to cause posterior capsule rupture than ultrasonic phacoemulsific
88 .50-0.57; P < 0.001), whereas intraoperative posterior capsule rupture, combined surgery, and gender
89   Four serious complications were evaluated: posterior capsule rupture, dropped lens fragments, retin
90          Eight eyes (44%) had intraoperative posterior capsule rupture.
91  residual cells on both the anterior and the posterior capsule showed vigorous growth.
92    The use of iris retractors may facilitate posterior capsule staining by allowing the posterior flo
93                   All eyes had resolution of posterior capsule staining by postoperative day 8.
94 derstand the mechanisms and risk factors for posterior capsule staining with trypan blue and techniqu
95                                  Inadvertent posterior capsule staining with trypan blue can occur in
96                                Five cases of posterior capsule staining with trypan blue were identif
97  consider techniques to minimize the risk of posterior capsule staining, particularly in cases involv
98    Excess vitreous was removed to expose the posterior capsule surface, and the eye assembly was plac
99  during phacoemulsification complicated with posterior capsule tear (PCT) may be associated with seve
100 sule tears occurred in 4% and 0.31% of eyes, posterior capsule tears in 3.5% and 0.31% of eyes, and p
101                                              Posterior capsule tears requiring implantation of IOL in
102                                      Central posterior capsule thickness was 6.3 +/- 2.2 (human), 5.9
103         Standard IOLs allow the anterior and posterior capsules to become physically connected.
104    Surgery in 4 patients was complicated-the posterior capsule was absent or torn-and anterior vitrec
105 e of growth was age-dependent, such that the posterior capsule was completely confluent after 8.0 +/-
106   Cell coverage and wrinkle formation on the posterior capsule were also assessed using human capsula
107              Retroillumination images of the posterior capsule were obtained by using a digital camer
108 gration, sutural defects and thinning of the posterior capsule which often led to rupture.

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