


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ccurate by incorporating experimental data a posteriori.
2              Here, the former is addressed a posteriori.
3 ion (3DOSEM) and the 3-dimensional maximum a posteriori (3DMAP).
4                                        The a posteriori accuracy of the predictions suggests the meth
5  the arcopallium posterius (AP), the nucleus posterioris amygdalopallii pars basalis (PoAb) and pars
6                              Indeed, in an a posteriori analysis, the normal weightlifters proved clo
7 ity to over-fitting by adopting a Bayesian a posteriori approach based on a Laplacian prior in parame
8             Secondary end points included: a posteriori assessment of the accuracy of the infectious
9               The application of a maximum-a-posteriori Bayesian inference method identified a linear
10 chain, a prediction that could be verified a posteriori by the high-resolution crystal structure of t
11                                            A posteriori comparisons indicate that, in the first-centi
12                                            A posteriori-corrected discriminant analysis was able to c
13                       Our straightforward "a posteriori" correction yields clean linear images as can
14 s (equal weights, literature review-based, a posteriori data-based, and weights based on Bayesian ana
15 integration, we used nonparametric maximum a posteriori decoding to compare the ability of neurons sh
16  study to investigate associations between a posteriori-derived DP and retinal vessel caliber.
17 r, and the Dutch Healthy Diet index] and 2 a posteriori dietary patterns.
18 u 2)], and use Bayesian analysis to obtain a posteriori distribution of mu in terms of the data.
19 ions of the Smoluchowski equation based on a posteriori error estimates.
20 (WTA) models and a Bayesian model, maximum a posteriori estimate (MAP), to determine which predicted
21                      We calculated maximum a posteriori estimates of song spectrograms using a genera
22 ential functions in the MRF so its maximum a posteriori estimation can be reduced to the well-known m
23          Further, as an extension, maximum a posteriori estimation is provided.
24 o segment the minimum distance and maximum a posteriori estimation to infer de novo CNVs from the seg
25      Coupled with segmentation and maximum a posteriori estimation, our algorithm compares favorably
26 at robustness by using a priorless maximum a posteriori estimator and at efficiency by a dynamic prog
27            Quantitative analysis ruled out a posteriori explanations for the vesicles with low releas
28 H sensors that can be efficiently modified a posteriori for specific applications.
29 nd used to construct coexpression networks a posteriori, for which regulators were predicted based on
30 eration consortia efforts, which comprised a posteriori harmonization of exposure data and the inclus
31 on (blood flow) were essentially evaluated a posteriori, i.e. after generating a hollow network, bloo
32 analyze the parametric behavior of maximum a posteriori inference calculations for graphical models.
33                                            A posteriori, it turned out that the patients in these two
34 which targets to interrogate offline using a posteriori knowledge such as prior observation, identifi
35 l alleviates the drawbacks of MAP (maximum a posteriori log likelihood) scores.
36 on and a two-dimensional iterative maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm using attenuation correction.
37 on process of parameters through a maximum a posteriori (MAP) Bayesian method to facilitate the metho
38              We obtained very high Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) classification with a mixture of 12 dif
39                                    Maximum a posteriori (MAP) common secondary structures, sequence a
40 he time-frequency plane that yield maximum a posteriori (MAP) spectral estimates that are continuous
41 ucted with the fully 3-dimensional maximum a posteriori method, and CT images were reconstructed with
42 th 2 hybrid methods with those obtained by a posteriori methods and compare associations of these pat
43                                        Two a posteriori methods were used to extract Western and prud
44 linear time using forward-backward maximum-a-posteriori methods.
45 ugh this matrix has more missing data, our a posteriori partitioning strategy reduced the possibility
46                           Such a data-driven posteriori pattern faces low efficiency, ambiguous orien
47               The method follows a maximum a posteriori principle to form a novel network score that
48 reconstruction algorithm utilizing maximum-a-posteriori principles and integrating the statistical pr
49 zed data to determine the critical maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) values for statistical sign
50 ion maximization and 3-dimensional maximum a posteriori probability (MAP3D) algorithms.
51 ance to the set of samples chosen from the a posteriori probability distribution of transcription fac
52 one plasma concentrations by using maximum a posteriori probability estimation; we evaluated covariat
53    The software is also capable of maximum a posteriori probability image estimation (MAP-SIM), an al
54     The idealization is sought to maximize a posteriori probability of the state sequence correspondi
55 er Midwest in 2009 were 2.9 Tg, 61% lower (a posteriori scale factor of 0.39) than our a priori predi
56                                            A posteriori scale factors for the U.S. anthropogenic CO s
57 d, they can be used as a spectrum-adapted, a posteriori score for database search.
58 e posterior tuberculum, and nucleus recessus posterioris showed distinct CARTp-immunoreactivity.
59           Finally, we propose a new concept, posteriori signal-to-noise ratio (p-SNR), to assign cert
60 hat best "explains" it, called the maximum a posteriori skeleton.
61 f freedom allowing the parties to convert, a posteriori, the two-mode correlations of the eavesdroppi
62 egories of individuals that were predicted a posteriori to be dispersers (adult males) and philopatri
63                  We use family information a posteriori to select only the most reliable CNV regions,
64  logistical convenience, the concept of an a posteriori treatment recommends itself to be evaluated i
65 ough this Edisonian approach is useful for a posteriori understanding of the factors governing assemb
66 lative to the use of partitions identified a posteriori using a Bayesian mixture model.
67 c episodes have been clinically classified a posteriori using preset criteria.
68                                            A posteriori, we show that the estimated feature field is

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