


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hanisms proposed to explain this alternative postulate.
2 lis, challenging the free-ion activity model postulate.
3  effect was smaller than had been previously postulated.
4 peaks in amino acids and humic substances is postulated.
5 between circadian clocks and cancer has been postulated.
6 rface and not the converse as has often been postulated.
7 p when inserted into a duplex, as previously postulated.
8 quencing, confirming Koch's third and fourth postulates.
9 mpositions that fulfil the group-theoretical postulates.
10                                          The postulated 1,2-phenyl shift as origin for the side react
11                   In this Progress Report we postulate a close correlation between impact - whether a
12                                           We postulate a complex pathway in which CD28 is the primary
13 s and a cysteine-containing peptide we could postulate a general reaction mechanism.
14 standard for intradermal administration, and postulate a hydrodynamic effect as the mechanism of gene
15  intermediate 3 was isolated, allowing us to postulate a mechanism for this reaction, which is initia
16                  These new compounds help us postulate a new taxonomy of these materials.
17                     Based on our results, we postulate a plausible molecular mechanism underlying the
18 cases) in those at high familial risk and to postulate a theoretically informed model that enables si
19 deae is older than previous estimates, which postulated a dry (succulent) biome origin according to t
20                      Using these results, we postulated a folding rule for i-motif formation, analogo
21                                           We postulated a model that incorporates internalization int
22                                   Instead of postulating a particular fitness landscape, we address t
23 nt L483Y, known to lack desensitization, the postulated active state of the LBD dimer is indeed the p
24 tions of LPS double-hit an interference of a postulated alpha7nAChR - ferroportin signaling pathway m
25                             It has long been postulated, although never directly demonstrated, that m
26 ty, and anxiety disorders more broadly, have postulated an initial hypervigilance or facilitation to
27 n in the presence and absence of caseins are postulated, and new mechanisms are proposed.
28 common ancestor of vertebrates, and has been postulated as a major evolutionary force that contribute
29                   This airway field has been postulated as a model for early events in lung cancer pa
30  of alkaline signalling has, therefore, been postulated as an adjunctive antifungal strategy.
31                   Despite MLL proteins being postulated as essential for normal development, little i
32                  M(H2 O2 ) adducts have been postulated as intermediates in biological and industrial
33 distinct families of radical pairs currently postulated as magnetic compass sensors.
34  Walking disability and NSAIDs use have been postulated as potential mechanisms linking knee SxOA to
35  in science, we probed for the most commonly postulated bias-related patterns and risk factors, in a
36 ved location thus would be favorable for the postulated binding of E7 to phosphatidylethanolamine lip
37 c sesquiterpenoid periconianone A based on a postulated biogenesis is reported.
38 rgotamine receptors, and the raphe nuclei, a postulated brainstem site of action during migraine, sug
39 d diffusion mechanism for Li, which has been postulated but has not been documented to occur, and (ii
40 ) were loss-of-function alleles (as had been postulated) but surprisingly acted via different cellula
41 physiological reality of the merge operation postulated by linguists and suggest that the brain compr
42 ver, we show that the early decision process postulated by the SERIA model is, to a large extent, ins
43  in NMR and HPLC-MS experimental analysis is postulated by us as an intermediate to the final convers
44 ganopalladium cations, which supports a long-postulated cationic pathway for transmetalation in SMC.
45 um ion epitopes (QAI), pholcodine (PHO) is a postulated cause of allergic anaphylaxis to neuromuscula
46                                    Targeting postulated CD19(+) myeloma stem cells with anti-CD19 CAR
47      A study of reaction orders supports the postulated cooperative catalysis.
48  impaired amplifying pathway with no need to postulate defects in intracellular calcium handling.
49 ETI triggered by different effectors without postulating different signaling machineries.
50 ode would place the C5 hydroxyl group of the postulated final intermediate distal to Fea and virtuall
51                                  Finally, we postulated first functional hints for 235 hypothetical g
52 nt properties thus extending the measurement postulate for the case of strong competition with the sy
53 C-K such that the kinetic barrier previously postulated for Cl(-)/H(+) transporter function would be
54 tin, but additional unidentified factors are postulated for the activity of multiple acentriolar micr
55 ation but also to eventually complete Koch's postulates for FP.
56 nfected cattle, fulfilling another of Koch's postulates for this novel agent, although other objectiv
57 cid-induced unfolding pathway, as previously postulated from molecular dynamics simulations.
58 Our study offers strong support for the long-postulated function of BosR as an autoregulator in B. bu
59                                   In humans, postulated gain-of-function missense mutations cause Bar
60 inical neurotoxicity is unknown, it has been postulated, given the clinical safety profile of other t
61  context-mechanism-outcome propositions that postulate how intermediaries can contribute to promoting
62 nversion in the OPN1LW/OPN1MW genes has been postulated, however, we are first to demonstrate a de no
63                 Breslow intermediates, first postulated in 1958, are pivotal intermediates in carbene
64 d temperatures has, for instance, often been postulated in biochemical processes, spectroscopic proof
65 cells, a broader clinical phenotype could be postulated in G6PD-deficient patients.
66                              Although it was postulated in previous studies using bovine RPCs that au
67 ortant brain regions, has been theoretically postulated in relation to symptomatology and neurologica
68  use constraint network models to test these postulates in current gold-standard vertebrate and inver
69 ependent of neutrophil recruitment, which we postulate instead arises through blunted up-regulation o
70                            Hydrodisulfide, a postulated intermediate at the junction between thiosulf
71  tautomer of a free-base porphyrin, the long-postulated intermediate of porphyrin tautomerism.
72 etachment is a true basement membrane and to postulate its origin.
73 gical insulator/semiconductor interface, and postulate its universality in other Dirac materials.
74 ve also captured a second sulfide bound at a postulated ligand entry/exit site in the alpha-subunit o
75         Our findings provide support for the postulated mechanism of O2(.-) activation at class I b M
76 esents the cellular basis of a theoretically postulated mechanism, which is additional to Hebbian-typ
77 .0 M(-1) s(-1)), consistent with the overall postulated mechanism.
78                                    Classical postulated mechanisms for bronchial obstruction in this
79                                   Second, it postulates neuromechanical interactions that require len
80  multivariate correlations is introduced for postulating non-covalent interactions.
81                     Of key importance is the postulate of a mediating state in the charge-shift react
82 n the area of flavivirus T cell immunity and postulate on how these findings can inform ZIKV vaccine
83 phytoplankton growth other than the commonly postulated P and DIC limitations.
84 ts in infected infants remain undefined, but postulated pathways include loss of neuronal progenitor
85 ues did not agree for the HeLa cells, and we postulate potential reasons for this.
86  formed during linseed oil deodorisation and postulate preferred and unfavoured isomerisation pathway
87            Photogranulation defies typically postulated requirements for granulation in biotechnology
88                                              Postulated risk factors based on literature review were
89                                 Based on its postulated role in diapedesis, we have investigated the
90  on these lineages in today's ocean and have postulated selection as the primary force throughout the
91 emonstrated excessive mortality to anoxia (a postulated SIDS stressor) at P5 and P8.
92                                     Although postulated since Darwin's pioneering studies, these secr
93 ontal brain supports previous investigations postulating social neural circuits, including prefrontal
94 ome theories on the etiology of MT have been postulated, such as genetic factors, masticatory hyperfu
95                              Previous models postulated symmetric binding energies for each state of
96                                           We postulate that adaptive evolution through point mutation
97                                     Thus, we postulate that anaerobic plates became intermittently co
98                                           We postulate that continuous exposure of a number of enteri
99                                           We postulate that CXCL14 is a positive allosteric modulator
100  potentially tied to the hippocampus, others postulate that disoriented navigators reach their goals
101                               Current models postulate that during muscle relaxation, phosphatases ot
102 e with different brain circuits, however, we postulate that each activity pattern plays a unique role
103                                           We postulate that electrical synaptic plasticity among inhi
104 n needed for bond breaking, it is logical to postulate that electronically nonadiabatic influences on
105                                           We postulate that epigenetic factors as DNA methylation mig
106                                           We postulate that expansion of the ncHLI gene family and it
107                                           We postulate that FAP is not only a marker of disease but i
108 d in a human cancer cell line (K562), and we postulate that four-gene LRCs act as 'universal attenuat
109 rarchical predictive coding models of vision postulate that higher visual areas generate predictions
110                                           We postulate that hydrogen-evolving reaction activity may p
111 he aid of a heuristic mathematical model, we postulate that if the rate of phagocytosis is great enou
112 rd models of stimulus encoding in the retina postulate that image presentations activate neurons acco
113                                           We postulate that N and DHX9 may act as antiattenuation fac
114                        Mather and colleagues postulate that norepinephrine promotes selective process
115                                           We postulate that PEG-lipid based nanocarriers can serve as
116 igher-elevation zones of the Tibetan Plateau postulate that permanent occupation could only have been
117                                           We postulate that phosphorylation of S348/S409 by mTORC1 st
118 ussell on functionalism, but he was first to postulate that physical forces and internal growth param
119                                           We postulate that previously reported NPH cases with "dual"
120                                           We postulate that proteins, important in homeostasis and im
121  produce efficiently, so it is reasonable to postulate that quantum computers may outperform classica
122                                      One may postulate that repeated sessions of tDCS might induce si
123                                           We postulate that representing the 3D PRM(fSAD) data as a s
124                                           We postulate that resistance to T-DM1 occurs through multip
125                            In conclusion, we postulate that ruxolitinib-induced deficiencies in DSB r
126                                           We postulate that sex-specific primordial energy optimisati
127                                  Further, we postulate that signals from the major input that shape t
128                                           We postulate that skepticism about climate change is partia
129                          Most circuit models postulate that soma-targeting parvalbumin-positive GABAe
130                                           We postulate that some meiotic chromosome-regulatory functi
131                                           We postulate that succinylation at these sites may disrupt
132                                           We postulate that such abnormalities play a causal role in
133                                           We postulate that such devices could be used in oceanic env
134 es of these residues in capsid stability and postulate that such stabilized VLPs could be used as nov
135                  Based on these findings, we postulate that T. brucei senses heme levels via the flag
136                  Based on these findings, we postulate that the centrilobular phenotype of emphysemat
137                                           We postulate that the conserved KCC2 C-ter may be at the in
138                                Therefore, we postulate that the decline of circulating AMH levels may
139                                           We postulate that the delayed aversive response to detrimen
140                                           We postulate that the documented settlement of pioneers dir
141                                           We postulate that the ductility of nacre can be limited by
142 of the Hornsund Fracture Zone, leading us to postulate that the gas ascends along this fracture zone.
143 the corresponding wild-type promoter, and we postulate that the mutations identified create cryptic c
144                                           We postulate that the observed impacts resulted from high s
145                     Based on our results, we postulate that the pore structure of many mineral soils
146                                           We postulate that the severity of RSV infection is influenc
147                                           We postulate that the suppression of Th cell growth by SF t
148                                           We postulate that these collaborative activities of XPF-ERC
149                          Here, we tested the postulate that these DNA sequences might be found at, or
150                                           We postulate that these ribosomal proteins are required for
151 ondrial ATP for normal development and hence postulate that they preserve mitochondrial integrity thr
152                                           We postulate that this interaction forms a toggle between t
153                                           We postulate that this interaction might affect nucleoid ar
154                                           We postulate that this new paradigm may be the preferred ap
155                                           We postulate that this viral miRNA activity not only disrup
156                                           We postulate that this workflow will be an important tool i
157                                     Thus, we postulate that vaccination establishes clonal relatives
158                                      Thus we postulate that viral terminases cleave DNA by the canoni
159                     Firestone & Scholl (F&S) postulate that vision proceeds without any direct interf
160          Practitioners of synthetic genetics postulate that XNA could be used to safeguard synthetic
161                                           We postulate that, consistent with studies in animals, infa
162                                           We postulated that a bolus of enhanced IL-21-primed polyclo
163 As the ERalpha is most active in females, we postulated that a differential involvement of the IMS-UP
164                      Under this model, it is postulated that a high mucin concentration produces the
165                     On the basis of this, we postulated that activation of the specific mGlu receptor
166                                           We postulated that alpha oscillations, believed to exert ac
167                                  It has been postulated that Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology inter
168 lated, in part, by intracellular calcium, we postulated that AMPK participates in STING activation; h
169                                           We postulated that amylin acts in the lateral dorsal tegmen
170                                           We postulated that an aromatase inhibitor would be safer an
171 and antifibrinolytic activities, it has been postulated that an underlying cardiovascular benefit may
172                                           We postulated that anti-inflammatory mechanisms of fingolim
173                       Therefore, it has been postulated that ARTEMIS is regulated via autoinhibition
174  counts of less than 2% and it was therefore postulated that blood eosinophil count might also have a
175                                           We postulated that CCK1R function might be defective in suc
176                                           We postulated that CD47 blockade with a monoclonal antibody
177                                           We postulated that cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), chara
178 her similarities between CNPY3 and CNPYb, we postulated that CNPYb would be a TLR-specific cochaperon
179                                        It is postulated that direct disposal was from a facility whic
180 nd dynamic light scattering measurements, we postulated that divalent guest molecules 4/5 cover the c
181                                  It has been postulated that during human fetal development, all cell
182                                        It is postulated that GPCATs contribute to the maintenance of
183 ng and controlling protein access to DNA, we postulated that HDAC4 inhibition might enhance radiation
184 IFIC COMMENTARY ON THIS ARTICLE: It has been postulated that heterozygous mutations in recessive Park
185 ven lung adenocarcinoma (Kras(LA1)), here we postulated that human lung adenocarcinomas containing Th
186 econd thought, in this series of eyes, it is postulated that it may be responsible for the deregulati
187                                           We postulated that lipid antigen presentation mediated by c
188 ciated with variation in DNA methylation and postulated that methylation could either be on a causal
189  can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inf
190                     In the present study, we postulated that NAC might cleave the VWF multimers insid
191 isting microhomologies do not exist, we have postulated that new microhomologies can be created via l
192                                     Here, we postulated that peptidyl prolyl isomerase (PPIase) activ
193                               It is commonly postulated that plasma cells only gain access to these s
194                                   We further postulated that podocyte injury and attendant formation
195  symptoms in patients with myelofibrosis, we postulated that ruxolitinib would improve disease-relate
196                         Although it has been postulated that SAMHD1 sensitizes cancer cells to nucleo
197                                  It has been postulated that short wait time before liver transplant
198                            Since it was just postulated that some nanoparticles (NPs) might cross the
199 (OXPHOS), occurs in neurodegeneration, it is postulated that such defects are caused by the accumulat
200                                           We postulated that suppression of the self-defense response
201                                  It has been postulated that the amygdala first receives visual input
202 urotrophin hypothesis of schizophrenia (SCZ) postulated that the changes in the brains of SCZ patient
203 ent retaining beta-glucosidase inhibitors-we postulated that the corresponding carba "cyclopropyl" an
204                                           We postulated that the hyperacute window after trauma may h
205                                  It has been postulated that the integrative monitoring of the bodily
206            Models of recognition memory have postulated that the mammillo-thalamic tract (MTT)/anteri
207 RuBisCO superfamilies are phosphorylated, we postulated that the members of the DUF1537 family are no
208                                           We postulated that the miss rate was noninferior for segmen
209 To account for this observation, it has been postulated that the oculomotor system has access to hand
210                                  It has been postulated that the oncogenic potential of FOXM1 is dete
211                                           We postulated that the spread of blaKPC in other regions oc
212 viral effect on the VZV infectious cycle, we postulated that the VZV exocytosis pathway following sec
213  is a hallmark of cerebrovascular events, we postulated that this may also be true for transient isch
214                                           We postulated that variation in quality was dependent on no
215                                           We postulated that warmth-liking has a specific somatovisce
216                                           We postulated that: 1) malignant cells produce tryptophan-d
217                                           It postulates that a signal is perceived as emitted from a
218                               This framework postulates that an increase in the proliferation of neur
219         The long-standing acid growth theory postulates that auxin triggers apoplast acidification, t
220  speculative, mechanistic model in the field postulates that binding of ssDNA to the OB core induces
221                An influential current theory postulates that connectome modules are adequately explai
222 ated with an abnormal epithelial barrier and postulates that CS therapy, by reducing innate immune me
223                              This hypothesis postulates that decreased exposure at a young age to cer
224        In contrast to the current model that postulates that ILVs form individually from inward buddi
225                       An emerging hypothesis postulates that internal noise is a key factor influenci
226 oncept regarding endochondral bone formation postulates that most hypertrophic chondrocytes undergo p
227                The stable compartments model postulates that permanent cisternae communicate through
228                            Marr-Albus theory postulates that such networks separate overlapping activ
229                            Further, our work postulates that the increased greenness observed in the
230                            The current model postulates that the role of TFAM is to recruit POLRMT an
231                    The 'specification model' postulates that Toddler signaling enhances Nodal signali
232 sicles, while the cisternal maturation model postulates that transient cisternae biochemically mature
233                   Models of visual attention postulate the existence of a bottom-up saliency map that
234                   Models of visual attention postulate the existence of a saliency map whose function
235 oma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) genome and postulated the existence of multiple viral long noncodin
236  proposed, which is essentially based on two postulates: the experimental identification of sulfur di
237 complexity underlying two-state folding, and postulate these combined methods as unique tools for dis
238  reduction in mitochondrial fat oxidation is postulated to be a key factor contributing to the progre
239 s mechanism in which an Fe-H intermediate is postulated to be a key reactive species.
240                                  It has been postulated to be a pharmacological target, as it is over
241     The ancestral habitat of Detarioideae is postulated to be a primary forest (terra firme) originat
242           Previously, the Hpr-Hb complex was postulated to be a source of free radicals during TLF-1
243 ibody-mediated rejection (AMR) and have been postulated to be activated by donor-specific anti-HLA an
244                     Noninfectious uveitis is postulated to be caused by immune dysfunction.
245  T-cell responses against melanoma, which is postulated to be due to targeting CTLA4 on T cells.
246 colibactins by N-deacylation; the latter are postulated to be genotoxic and to contribute to colorect
247 ow-lying (4) E excited state, which has been postulated to be involved in a two-state reactivity mode
248  progression in AMD and the factors known or postulated to be relevant to GA lesion enlargement, incl
249         Right ventricular (RV) impairment is postulated to be responsible for prominent systemic cong
250 Based on this, a distinct unknown enzyme was postulated to be responsible for the conversion of the g
251                              The key step is postulated to be the first reported examples of allyl-to
252 ch as in ships' ballast water tanks which is postulated to be the major vector source for the species
253 eophiles and cyanoenones has been previously postulated to be the mechanism-of-action of a new family
254 radoxically, TGF-beta hyperactivity has been postulated to be the primary driver for the disease.
255 try involving glyoxal at aerosol surfaces is postulated to catalyze aerosol growth.
256 tion of vegetative cells and heterocysts, is postulated to depend on metabolic exchange of electrons,
257 of the edges of the cerebral graph have been postulated to elucidate the relative importance of white
258                               AHAs have been postulated to exacerbate chronic inflammatory disorders
259 s fundamental small molecule, which has been postulated to exist in interstellar space, has thus far
260                              Hypotheses were postulated to explain the alternative metabolic pathways
261 Several mechanisms of NAFLD pathogenesis are postulated to explain the disease severity in patients w
262 yces blakesleeanus (Mucoromycotina) has been postulated to form part of the photosensory input for ph
263 ironmental water by the X. laevis embryo, is postulated to function as a defense against microbes.
264  encoding a zinc finger transcription factor postulated to function as a tumor suppressor.
265 ass transmembrane protein HAP2-GCS1 has been postulated to function in membrane merger.
266  the mitotic machinery, a pathway previously postulated to function orthogonally to oncogenic KRAS.
267  gas flaring in the oil and gas industry are postulated to have critical impacts on climate and publi
268 mentioned in the ancient Indian tradition is postulated to have flown independently of the Indus Rive
269 -related changes in the niche have long been postulated to impair the function of somatic stem cells.
270                                        It is postulated to increase the risk of squamous cell carcino
271 us accumbens (NAc) (a specific brain nucleus postulated to influence rewarding behaviour) with respec
272 ing region to undergo a conformational shift postulated to inhibit translation.
273                 Infection with ZIKV has been postulated to lead to a more severe clinical course from
274 formed from the base of bursting bubbles are postulated to mainly produce larger supermicrometer part
275 and anteroventral periventricular nuclei are postulated to mediate negative and positive feedback, re
276                KEY MESSAGE: PpeS6PDH gene is postulated to mediate sorbitol synthesis in flower buds
277 nti-carbonickelation of the alkyne, which is postulated to occur by the reversible E/Z isomerization
278 reakdown of the blood-brain barrier has been postulated to occur in migraine.
279                          HS binding has been postulated to play a role in intravitreally mediated tra
280 in, was reported to bind H2S tightly and was postulated to play a role in modulating neuronal sensiti
281 omparison to Lowlander populations have been postulated to play a role in such adaptation.
282 ntramyocellular lipid (IMCL) accumulation is postulated to play a role on sarcopenia during aging, wh
283 ther tautomeric and anionic species that are postulated to play roles in replication and translationa
284                    Ductal occlusion has been postulated to precipitate focal pancreatic inflammation,
285 events mediated by SNARE molecules have been postulated to promote autophagy.
286  Kiss1, NKB, dynorphin and glutamate and are postulated to provide an episodic, excitatory drive to g
287 in of PL, whereas the C2-C3 olefin of PL was postulated to react with GSH.
288 eceptor that is expressed by eosinophils and postulated to regulate eosinophil development and migrat
289                  Cancer stem cells have been postulated to represent a therapy-refractory reservoir f
290 mandibular retrodiscal tissue (RDT) has been postulated to restrict pathologic disc displacement.
291 he G-protein coupled receptor GPR55 has been postulated to serve as a novel cannabinoid receptor.
292 rize some high pressure electrides have been postulated to show some of the chemical features of atom
293 sttranslational modification by which H2S is postulated to signal.
294                                   The CCM is postulated to simultaneously enhance the rate of carboxy
295 and late Action model (SERIA), a novel model postulating two different mechanisms that interact in th
296                                          The postulated units express the spontaneous dynamics of att
297                    One route of transmission postulated was aerosol transmission, although there was
298 atios for selection bias caused by what they postulated was the nonrepresentativeness of the particip
299 at geographically correspond with previously postulated wheat rust epidemiological zones (characteriz
300 herapeutic effect for radiotherapy; which we postulate would relate to clinical outcome.

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