


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1 s, with short reaction times, increased safety profile, and potential to scale up.
2                                     This approach has broad potential to probe the binding of a variety of ligands to met
3 e association analyses in thousands of traits and has great potential to enable identification of genetic variants associ
4 rm functionally-relevant morphological profiling with great potential to improve our understanding of cellular heterogene
5 partina patens) in coastal marshes of North America and has potential to dramatically alter C cycling and accumulation in
6        The proposed paper-based colorimetric DNA sensor has potential to be an alternative approach for simple, rapid, se
7 e stomach of nude mice revealed that these cells had a high potential to metastasize to sites such as the liver.
8                                   CRISPR/Cas9 holds immense potential to treat a range of genetic disorders.
9 , demonstrating the versatility of the FGA strategy and its potential to construct asymmetric and dynamic hetero-vesicle
10 ectively, the current study indicates that LBIA has limited potential to accurately estimate visceral fat in a clinical s
11 on of disease-associated DNA methylation patterns has major potential to advance molecular diagnostics and underpin resea
12           For common diseases such as VTE, biobanks provide potential to perform genetic discovery, explore the phenotypi
13 scientific perspectives and limit evolutionary psychology's potential to serve as a unifying core theory.
14                                Altogether cilostazol showed potential to ameliorate the gliovascular damage and working m
15              Interestingly, dew-water evaporation has shown potential to contribute to the gas-phase HONO levels during t
16                                                         The potential to understand fundamental biological processes from
17 ed recipient, the naming of alternative recipients, and the potential to unfairly advantage the recipient.
18 Js experiencing ALS-related degradation and demonstrate the potential to activate latent plasticity as a novel therapeuti
19 , a long cycle life and an excellent power density, has the potential to achieve the winning combination of a high energy
20                     Harnessing the reverse reaction has the potential to allow the versatile E. coli system to be employe
21  was faster, but hyperspectral CARS and SFG imaging has the potential to be applied to a wider variety of more complex sa
22                                 The developed assay has the potential to be implemented in food testing laboratories worl
23 distribution of these communities and ocean warming has the potential to cause major distributional shifts, particularly
24                                     The revised RPA has the potential to contribute to improving the accurate assessment
25           The application of these new technologies has the potential to improve our surveillance and understanding of as
26                                            Our work has the potential to improve our understanding of the role of global
27 at is highly sensitive, robust, and high-throughput has the potential to improve patient care by providing faster detecti
28                          Radiotherapy de-escalation has the potential to improve the therapeutic ratio and long-term func
29 on of protected areas: an additional 5% of the land has the potential to more than triple the protected range of species
30        This SAM vaccine-induced type I IFN response has the potential to provide an adjuvant effect on vaccine potency, o
31  transcriptomic, epigenetic and virus response also has the potential to provide deeper insights into other host-pathogen
32 n the infarct core, but tissue surrounding the core has the potential to recover if local reductions in CBF are restored.
33                   Superhydrophobic surfaces (SHSs) have the potential to achieve large drag reduction for internal and ex
34 xposed to a range of environmental conditions that have the potential to act as additional stressors.
35 n residues of Pfn1-actin interaction and therefore have the potential to act as competitive inhibitors of this interactio
36             Wirelessly controlled nanoscale robots have the potential to be used for both in vitro and in vivo biomedical
37             Although fully bioresorbable scaffolds have the potential to further improve long-term outcomes, they have no
38 cting the magnitude of protein-ligand interactions have the potential to improve the efficiency of drug development.
39 plasmid DNA encoding VEGF189 and perlecan domain I have the potential to induce angiogenesis and wound healing.
40 of subtypes H5 and H7 into poultry from wild birds have the potential to mutate to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPA
41         Analyses incorporating both levels of data have the potential to provide epidemiologists with a deeper understand
42 ransplanted RGC-like cells derived from stem cells have the potential to replace neurons that have already been lost and
43 al structure has attracted interest recently because of the potential to explore phenotypic plasticity and, specifically,
44                                Synthetic biology offers the potential to expand communication 'bandwidth' by using biomol
45 t the non-linear response to sea-level variations, with the potential to amplify or mitigate against the increased flood
46  aptamer GR-3 against GCGR can be a promising tool with the potential to attenuate hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus.
47 e set of processes that may vary temporally, limiting their potential to predict ecological and evolutionary outcomes.
48 -Met-Ras-HO-1 axis; and it can have significant therapeutic potential to prevent post-transplantation cancer in immunosup
49 fied Runx1 as a novel therapeutic target with translational potential to counteract the effects of adverse cardiac remode
50 curately models human NBL and establishes a new system with potential to study early stages of NBL oncogenesis, to functi

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