


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ashioned with a rare level of efficiency and practicality.
2 cult hurdles to achieving adequate rigor and practicality.
3 s are limited in versatility, sensitivity or practicality.
4 herapy faces challenges in both efficacy and practicality.
5 ubstrate scope and features a high degree of practicality.
6 s and reagents and exhibits a high degree of practicality.
7 hese are computationally expensive, limiting practicality.
8 ric methods, which lacks reproducibility and practicality.
9  limitations in cost, scale, and operational practicality.
10 rimental design that is within the limits of practicality.
11 ed a broad interest for their simplicity and practicality.
12  must be better standardized for the sake of practicality.
13 , stereoselectivity (substrate control), and practicality (amenable to scaleup).
14  paper addresses this gap by focusing on the practicalities and diagnostics for multiple imputation i
15 isease control in field crops, and discusses practicalities and limitations of using optical disease
16     However, the use of a synchrotron limits practicality and accessibility of XFCT for routine biome
17      To review the literature concerning the practicality and accuracy of brief cognitive screening i
18                     The findings confirm the practicality and advantages of OS-FRET.
19        We review evidence for the rationale, practicality and appropriateness of FFR-guided coronary
20                                          The practicality and chemoselectivity of radical reactions e
21 , this approach must be balanced against the practicality and cost of using multiple tests.
22                                          The practicality and efficiency of LOF methods also vary con
23 photochemical processes has limited both the practicality and environmental benefits of photochemical
24                                          The practicality and moral value of community review of huma
25 ts render our method a powerful alternative, practicality and novelty aside, to commonly used organic
26           Two prediction equations with high practicality and optimal derivation correlations with SM
27 w rate and collection method can be based on practicality and patient comfort without compromising th
28 ctivity, and cGMP productions attests to its practicality and reliability for the production of large
29 analysis and a multiplexing system promoting practicality and translatability for clinical settings.
30 limited settings are warranted to assess the practicality and usefulness of this assay for monitoring
31 gainst other harmful agents could add to the practicality and versatility of the plant-derived recomb
32 l scenario, provide potential guidelines and practicalities, and explore their moral and legal status
33 ciplinary effort, a fusion of creativity and practicality, and a healthy dose of luck.
34 l trials in order to determine the accuracy, practicality, and cost effectiveness of this methodology
35 e, relationship to functioning, tolerability/practicality, and number of missing data.
36 mide to benzoic acid), illustrate the power, practicality, and sensitivity of this novel approach of
37 effects, relationships to functional status, practicality, and tolerability are presented.
38 e mechanisms of T cell modulation, efficacy, practicality, and toxicity, concerns remain unsolved, th
39 tegies for portable DO removal offer limited practicality, because of their complexity, and often cau
40  and comments on the clinical effectiveness, practicality, cost and implementation of recent studies
41 nsity of the polycationic redox polymer, its practicality depends on pretreatment of the surface, whi
42 lated to training content, delivery methods, practicalities, duration and support for implementation.
43 al Au NPs with LDI-MS, appears to hold great practicality for bioanalyses of oligonucleotides and pro
44 ystems for RMIS have been created, but their practicality for clinical implementation needs to be sho
45 ssay is less than 3h, thus demonstrating its practicality for food analysis.
46  goal in mind, the latter goal has much more practicality for genomic data analysis.
47 ocess are described in order to increase the practicality for this technique as an explosives detecti
48 atic fluidicelastomer actuators, limit their practicality for untethered applications.
49                                    Given the practicalities involved in the performance of BAT, we pr
50 lutions are presented under conditions where practicality is openly favored over rigid taxonomic code
51 ver, substantial limitations in accuracy and practicality limit the immediate clinical application of
52 rge numbers of SNPs required and discuss the practicalities of association studies for the identifica
53                                          The practicalities of clinical cardiology demand rapid, accu
54                                          The practicalities of clinical trials and establishing relia
55 a compromise between all useful data and the practicalities of data collection.
56                              We describe the practicalities of establishing such a service using a st
57 f our sense of fairness can be traced to the practicalities of food-sharing.
58                                Few perceived practicalities of nursing care are considered in study d
59 s considered clinical benefit, child safety, practicalities of participation, research for the common
60 ) age of 55 +/- 17 y (56% male) assessed the practicalities of self-screening, its agreement with scr
61 essons learnt regarding the origins, and the practicalities of the proper study and reporting, of the
62 ould be a major focus in this effort and the practicalities of this approach are likely to unfold ove
63                                 However, the practicalities of using UAVs for field research limit th
64 versy regarding the efficacy, safety, and/or practicality of 3 key bleeding avoidance strategies for
65  radioiodination procedures have limited the practicality of [123I]IQNB SPECT imaging.
66 permits inferences to be drawn regarding the practicality of a selection strategy for the solid-phase
67 results and our previous studies suggest the practicality of a target-directed chemotherapy for EGF-r
68  adjuvant such as LT-R192G will increase the practicality of administering recombinant vaccines mucos
69  At the same time, we sought to evaluate the practicality of alphanumeric classifications in accounti
70           Our data establishes the realistic practicality of an approach that is applicable, in princ
71                                 A key to the practicality of any imaging through scattering technique
72                   These maps demonstrate the practicality of applying the experimental and software-b
73            In summary, we greatly extend the practicality of BioTAP-XL to enable comprehensive identi
74                                To verify the practicality of bivalent ligands with nanometer-scale fl
75  rare and thus underlines the importance and practicality of CD40L as an adjuvant for vaccines agains
76 l trials aimed at exploring the efficacy and practicality of chemoprevention efforts in these cohorts
77 repeatability, sensitivity, selectivity, and practicality of commonly used solvent peak suppression m
78 ommendations revolve around the validity and practicality of current biomarkers such as soluble trans
79                           It illustrates the practicality of designing very high-affinity systems bas
80          The present results demonstrate the practicality of detailed solution 1H NMR investigation o
81 ere sufficient information is available, the practicality of devices implementing fluid flows directe
82                                          The practicality of each system was tested using a probe bin
83 hors examined the reliability, validity, and practicality of functionally meaningful measures.
84                        Our study reveals the practicality of identifying host proteins that mediate m
85 ns remain regarding the dynamic response and practicality of injection of large amounts of CO2 into s
86 istency of prognostic data for hsCRP and the practicality of its use in outpatient clinical settings,
87                  This study demonstrates the practicality of jointly estimating dates of recombinatio
88 alable and inexpensive approach improves the practicality of large-scale gene expression studies.
89                                 However, the practicality of Li-S technology is hindered by technical
90 er clinical trials are required to judge the practicality of light flash protocols.
91                       This study reveals the practicality of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(
92 l utilization and poor cycle life hinder the practicality of lithium-sulphur batteries.
93 chromosomal gene inactivation, establish the practicality of loss-of-function phenotypic screens for
94                Collectively, the utility and practicality of nanobody-based reagents in bioanalytical
95                                          The practicality of our approach is demonstrated for the par
96  rearranged by BFB cycles, demonstrating the practicality of our approach.
97                                          The practicality of PAA-Na-promoted FO-MD hybrid technology
98                             The accuracy and practicality of PCR-restriction enzyme pattern analysis
99 al Alzheimer disease (AD) will depend on the practicality of PET image analysis.
100  by probe presence, thereby highlighting the practicality of probe use in live-cell imaging applicati
101 cally expressed with VEGF to demonstrate the practicality of simultaneous in vivo analysis of gene ex
102  adults with cerebral palsy the accuracy and practicality of standard methods used to estimate body c
103 predominantly unexplored, we investigate the practicality of such an approach by formulating mathemat
104 efect formation has limited the scale-up and practicality of such approaches.
105                                          The practicality of such probes was demonstrated by selectiv
106  in human clinical samples, the capacity and practicality of TGC-NGS in a veterinary diagnostic setti
107 when needed, which significantly affects the practicality of the algorithm.
108                                          The practicality of the assay has been validated by determin
109  in asymmetric synthesis, the simplicity and practicality of the auxiliaries developed for C-H activa
110  and its stereoisomers also demonstrated the practicality of the carbonylation catalyst for complex m
111                     In this work we test the practicality of the concept of using a constant rate-lim
112                                 To prove the practicality of the developed protocol, analysis plates
113                                          The practicality of the method has been demonstrated and val
114                                          The practicality of the method is demonstrated in the Rh-W s
115 ate diet, both purpose of the assessment and practicality of the method must be considered, in additi
116 ccomplished in vegetable soup, demonstrating practicality of the method.
117    This report argues for the usefulness and practicality of the model organism Brachypodium distachy
118 oxidant substantially improves the scope and practicality of the Pd-catalyzed C-H activation/C-C coup
119                                          The practicality of the platform was further demonstrated by
120                             Furthermore, the practicality of the PMF-based method for larger systems
121                This study also validates the practicality of the proposed system to determine 0.01% w
122 nection ensures environmental robustness and practicality of the sensor.
123                                  To show the practicality of the system, the temperature dependence o
124                                          The practicality of the technique was tested with experiment
125                                              Practicality of the two probes have been validated by th
126 s a testament to the creativity, utility and practicality of the underlying radiochemistry.
127  (SNPs), has again raised concerns about the practicality of the use of markers with low heterozygosi
128                      This study assessed the practicality of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay in a real-life s
129 reaction times highlight the versatility and practicality of these catalysts in organic synthesis.
130                                    While the practicality of these simple carbamate-type auxiliaries
131                                          The practicality of these two probes has been validated by a
132 erein, we further established the industrial practicality of this active film.
133                                          The practicality of this amide formation reaction has been d
134                                The power and practicality of this approach can be improved by restric
135                                          The practicality of this approach is demonstrated by the syn
136                             We validated the practicality of this approach through the determination
137  for growth in P. aeruginosa, validating the practicality of this comparative genomics strategy to id
138 oughs that are necessary to fully assess the practicality of this concept, are reviewed in this repor
139  stable over a long duration, indicating the practicality of this device.
140 hed yield and selectivity, demonstrating the practicality of this method for large-scale synthesis.
141                                          The practicality of this method is illustrated by solution d
142  climate policy in Taiwan to demonstrate the practicality of this novel method.
143 alyst system, this also greatly improves the practicality of this reaction, as the use of the very ai
144 ity of the biradical species that limits the practicality of this research.
145  a multigram scale, thereby establishing the practicality of this route.
146                                          The practicality of this sensor has been demonstrated in hum
147                                          The practicality of this simple, rapid, cost-effective probe
148                           The robustness and practicality of this strategy for high-throughput screen
149 protection strategy increasing the synthetic practicality of this template.
150  many attempts to improve the efficiency and practicality of this transformation, the majority of con
151 al implementation of the lens illustrate the practicality of transformation optics to achieve a new c
152 ing newborns for SCD and thus increasing the practicality of universal newborn SCD screening programs
153 of signal detection at increasing depths and practicality of use.
154                                 However, the practicality of using alteplase as the thrombolytic of c
155                   This finding increases the practicality of using culture-expanded BMSCs for autolog
156                     This study validates the practicality of using the A20-corlayne complex to determ
157                                          The practicality of using the developed method to determine
158                        We have validated the practicality of using this probe for the determination o
159         Further studies are needed to assess practicality of various programs and long-term effects o
160                        The effectiveness and practicality of venous ultrasonography as a stand-alone
161 e required that are feasible from a time and practicality point of view, as well as being sensitive a
162 cess and outcome measures into practice; the practicality, reliability, and validity of these measure
163 ial agonist may have greater neuroprotective practicality than a full agonist for the treatment of gl
164 displays a level of brevity, efficiency, and practicality that will be crucial in evaluating the medi
165    In combination with issues of feasibility/practicality, the availability of resources, and adminis
166 yl-beta-amino acids with high efficiency and practicality, via a chiral Bronsted base-catalysed asymm
167 questions of long-term efficacy, safety, and practicality, we studied 114 patients who had received i
168 CC in different water samples and shows good practicality with an appropriate repea.

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