


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 octahedral complexes of this type is without precedent.
2  chemical characterization, and experimental precedent.
3 zed membrane channel has little evolutionary precedent.
4 ondary dialkyl amines, a process with little precedent.
5  intensive care unit has a strong historical precedent.
6 urrent concentrations and fluxes are without precedent.
7 ajectory is feasible and has some historical precedent.
8 zation of functional proteins is not without precedent.
9 metabolism as well as those with no chemical precedent.
10 oscopic data and correlation with literature precedent.
11 tereochemistry opposite to that predicted by precedent.
12 ds similar to those expected from literature precedent.
13 gical rafting event with no known historical precedent.
14 ed into manzamine A (1) following literature precedent.
15                      There is no significant precedent.
16 etralin derivatives, for example, has little precedent.
17 ometry of the homomeric assembly, is without precedent.
18 pression profiles consistent with literature precedent.
19 y standards for EE2 set a much needed global precedent.
20 mbers of natural products with no structural precedent.
21 stry that is without chemical or biochemical precedent.
22 y, enzymatic catalysis has provided the only precedents.
23 zing conformation consistent with literature precedents.
24 onsistent with the majority of computational precedents.
25 nto the spotlight with its clear mechanistic precedents.
26  the clinical implications have few historic precedents.
27 e largest accumulations that have historical precedents.
28 planar four-coordinate complexes is far less precedented.
29 ation of 10 to methyl ester 14 followed by a precedented [3+2] dipolar cycloaddition gave bicyclic is
30 e terephthalate implants in mice require the precedent adsorption of one particular host protein, fib
31 determined by NMR methods, and does not have precedent among known DNA quadruplexes.
32 nanomolar Ki values, an observation with few precedents among aminergic GPCRs.
33 cy and efficiency of these molecules has few precedents among protein-protein interface inhibitors, a
34 for acetylnitrene consistent with literature precedent and analogous experiments with the benzoylnitr
35 ite ionization states assigned by literature precedent and computational pK(a) prediction were unable
36                The present study serves as a precedent and fundamental step toward further improvemen
37                      This pathway is without precedent and our data suggest it is independent of the
38 arrays and DNA-nanocrystal conjugates has no precedent and suggests the possibility of detecting an e
39 umber of different design elements-some well precedented and others less well known within the contex
40 tion, deviate from the expectations based on precedents and because kF greatly depends on viscosity.
41 sed on these results, together with chemical precedents and the available biochemical data for nitrog
42 nduced improvement in task performance has a precedent, and is consistent with the idea that regions
43 H bond functionalization seems to be without precedent, and no mechanism for the process was establis
44 ine (bOPV) has constituted an effort without precedents, and with astonishing results.
45 ch to the preparation of CbBI was based on a precedented (Ar-3' and Ar-5') but previously unknown Ar-
46 ehavior including dissipation patterns whose precedents are condensate vortex and defect disorder and
47                                          The precedents are for such sites to sense arsenite/antimoni
48  are those processes that ostensibly have no precedent at lower levels of scientific organization.
49 have been identified, potentially enabling a precedent-based approach to match known aggregators with
50 , their use on preparative scale has minimal precedent because they require multistep synthesis for t
51 y and heterologously expressed ENaC requires precedent binding to glycosylated extracellular loop(s).
52 aken the bonds in associated ligands is well precedented, but has rarely been utilized as a mechanism
53  informed consent and examines whether legal precedent can shed light on this debate.
54          Furthermore, to address the lack of precedent collective papers, this Review also summarizes
55 econdary alkyl iodides proceeds via a rarely precedented concerted oxidative addition pathway.
56                         On the basis of this precedent, conserved basic residues of human PMK have be
57 p inventory of atmospheric emissions of five precedent-controlled toxic heavy metals (HMs), including
58 episodes to 7.5% from 32% in the immediately precedent cyclosporine/prednisone-treated patients.
59 orical cohort of 65 consecutive, immediately precedent, demographically similar recipients treated wi
60 the biosynthesis of nocardicin A, a rare but precedented editing event in the formation of non-riboso
61          Thiopurine exposure is an important precedent event for the development of malignancy or HLH
62 ants, it was previously found that a crucial precedent event was the spontaneous adsorption and denat
63                        In an attempt to find precedent examples we determined there was negative inte
64 onalization of CO2 is a challenging goal and precedents exist for the generation of HCOOH, CO, CH3OH,
65                                              Precedent exists for a role of beta-catenin, a downstrea
66                             No enzymological precedent exists for an UQ-protein thiolate charge-trans
67 as not been described previously, and little precedent exists for analogous potentiometric titration
68                                              Precedent exists for disqualifying athletes with heart d
69  bond cleavage reaction provides a plausible precedent for a direct reversal of caC to the unmodified
70 ter for the retromer complex, establishing a precedent for a mechanism by which sorting nexins expand
71        Moreover this study provides a likely precedent for a mechanism in disorders associated with m
72 ral determinant of paraspeckles, providing a precedent for a ncRNA as the foundation of a nuclear dom
73 vious studies with streptomycetes provided a precedent for a pathway that initiates with the condensa
74  on protein synthesis and growth, there is a precedent for a pol III product having oncogenic activit
75                            Although there is precedent for additional roles of Sod1 beyond protection
76             Accordingly, this study provides precedent for an ensemble of carbonyl and isocyanide lig
77      These studies thus serve as a synthetic precedent for an Fe(V)=O species in the oxygen activatio
78              Although there is no historical precedent for an H5N1 avian strain causing widespread hu
79                               We establish a precedent for applying mouse genetics to dissect viral e
80 st retromer, and they establish a functional precedent for CDC25 protein phosphatases that lies outsi
81 hromosomal homologous recombination (iHR), a precedent for CN-LOH.
82 ar phagocytes in nondiseased lungs provide a precedent for comparative studies in diseased lungs and
83                  This observation provides a precedent for differential interactions between Hsp90-as
84                                  There is no precedent for eliciting highly mutated antibodies by vac
85            Homodinuclear catalysts have good precedent for epoxide and carbon dioxide/anhydride copol
86                        They also establish a precedent for error rates that will be required in the n
87                             Yet, there is no precedent for examining the pathways by which specific s
88 ependent processing of pro-ADAMTS9 creates a precedent for extracellular maturation of endogenously p
89                 The results set an important precedent for extremely rapid, formally forbidden (Delta
90                        Here we summarize the precedent for FDA approval of imaging agents using effec
91                Moreover, this study sets the precedent for future unbiased DNA-ligand simulations of
92 gamma coiled-coil in Ste5p binding may set a precedent for Gbetagamma-effector interactions in more c
93            This example provides a synthetic precedent for how O-O bond cleavage of high-spin Fe(III)
94 he metal centers may serve as a new chemical precedent for how related proteins manage Cu ions in liv
95                          Because there is no precedent for immune receptor signaling in the ER, we in
96 ic young maternal descendants, and support a precedent for inherited mtDNA mutation in some persons w
97 r specialties, including oncology, provide a precedent for investigation of the use of a multidiscipl
98 WHO's mandate; claiming the FCTC would set a precedent for issues beyond tobacco; and presenting corp
99                        Our results provide a precedent for large-scale dynamics in a substrate-bound
100  provides rare, precise chemical and kinetic precedent for metal particle nucleation, growth, and now
101                     However, there is little precedent for offering active drug users complex treatme
102                                    Given the precedent for other picornaviruses which use terminal si
103 cilitate antiviral drug design and provide a precedent for other positive-strand RNA viruses.
104 , such as shellfish, with greater historical precedent for real or perceived public health risk may o
105 Wnt and RSPO ligands establishes a molecular precedent for regulation of mammalian stem cells by dist
106 ar RNA which potentially provides a specific precedent for RNA involvement in nuclear structure and c
107                                 Although the precedent for SR proteins acting as repressors is establ
108                                     There is precedent for such a change in the Nobel Peace Prize, wh
109           In an effort to obtain a synthetic precedent for such a core, bulk electrolysis at 900 mV (
110                             There is also no precedent for such an arrangement from biochemical studi
111 est using the Antarctic Treaty as a positive precedent for such international cooperation.
112 esaturases and provides a two-step catalytic precedent for the "alternative oxidase" activity recentl
113 t require deep sequencing and may serve as a precedent for the application of CRISPR/Cas9 to primary
114  The rearrangements observed afford chemical precedent for the biogenetic pathways in the literature
115 sphorylation by Hippo kinase, establishing a precedent for the control of NDR kinases, and hence grow
116                            There is a single precedent for the first approach, but nothing has been r
117                  The structure establishes a precedent for the formation of Fe(IV)-OH in a peroxidase
118          More broadly, our results provide a precedent for the functional interrogation of ATP-bindin
119                        This work also sets a precedent for the future study of other N-oxidases invol
120         Collectively, these findings provide precedent for the idea that motor-driven transport can o
121                                              Precedent for the significant function of arginines in p
122                    These results establish a precedent for the stereoselective synthesis of epoxy alc
123 0-catalyzed N-oxygenations, because there is precedent for the use of H2O2 and organic peroxides in s
124                                     The only precedent for this approach is Oregon's state parity law
125 fication of [CuOOR](2+) complexes, the first precedent for this core in enzymes is provided, with imp
126                                            A precedent for this hypothesis has been established for m
127                   There was no observational precedent for this level of rainfall.
128                                 To establish precedent for this mechanism, we engineered a catechol t
129  has firm, disproof-based chemical-mechanism precedent for two specific, balanced pseudoelementary ki
130                 These findings may provide a precedent for understanding apparently sporadic neurodeg
131                      Our study establishes a precedent for using transgenic Drosophila to study clini
132     Although this type of reactivity is well-precedented for most transition metals, gold constitutes
133 tory, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has set precedents for cancer research and therapy.
134 effects for this enzyme and with established precedents for phosphomonoester hydrolysis.
135                    However, despite numerous precedents for RNA molecules acting as scaffolds for pro
136 vity patterns are consistent with literature precedents for similar complexes.
137  This commentary suggests (1) that there are precedents for Smaldino's "collaboration" in the history
138 ently reported one of the first experimental precedents for such a step.
139 oree," the Drosophila genome established the precedents for the current paradigm used by most genome
140 bust T1-weighted MRI enhancements, providing precedents for the detection of intracellular targets by
141                                   To provide precedents for the possible interactions of platinum DNA
142 lications, physical complications, and legal precedents for the use of pure THC or crude marijuana.
143                           These data provide precedents for translational strategies that would allow
144                                              Precedent from invertebrate development, and from verteb
145 mer properties is rarely studied despite the precedent from Nature that monomer order can create mate
146 isotope effect is also contrary to empirical precedents from chemical reactions suspected of tunnelin
147                              On the basis of precedents from synthetic diiron complexes, a high-valen
148 sing oligonucleotide constructs derived from precedented G-quadruplexes and i-motif-forming bcl-2 P1
149 dies and on drug research and development, a precedent has been set that allows patients to reshape t
150                               Numerous legal precedents have laid the groundwork for end-of-life deci
151            OS was superior compared with the precedent HIT '91 trial.
152 f extensional and rotational motions without precedent in allosteric machines.
153 uses enzymes that catalyse reactions without precedent in biology.
154 tiary amine is a reaction without an obvious precedent in bioorganic chemistry.
155 bservation of the oxidation of 2+ is without precedent in confirming a radical-substrate (R-S) dimeri
156  was made possible through the large body of precedent in copper(I) hydride catalysis and the well-ex
157 nts with scope and accuracy that have little precedent in economics.
158 An and AnAsAn linkages reported here have no precedent in f-block chemistry.
159 ale germline genome arrangements are without precedent in mammals.
160 r the thiopyrone moiety of 1 has no previous precedent in natural products chemistry.
161 arrangements involved, many of which have no precedent in organic or biological chemistry.
162 pecies with a cyclic [VO](2) core, which has precedent in small molecules but has not been previously
163 enters in iron-sulfide complexes have little precedent in synthetic chemistry despite a growing inter
164 Such an exciplex emission, which has also no precedent in TCBD chemistry, results from intramolecular
165 quence guidance, these drugs have also set a precedent in terms of the substantial annual costs and i
166 b]indole structure in this manner has little precedent in the chemical literature.
167                   Further, this study sets a precedent in the field of gene-engineering, possibly app
168  respond, would likely be without geological precedent in the last half a billion years.
169        The flaps and hood have no structural precedent in the protein database, therefore representin
170 e beta band can disrupt the function finds a precedent in the syndrome of cortical myoclonus.
171                          The latter step has precedent in the virginiamycin resistance protein virgin
172 ide intermediate via reactions that are well precedented in lipid peroxidation.
173                             Moreover, recent precedents in the literature describing antiviral deriva
174 emonstrating a pace for improvements with no precedents in the solar energy arena.
175  The E6-enhanced cytolysis correlated with a precedent increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) leve
176 d residues, and quantitative comparison with precedents indicates that the thioester exchange system
177 reading of DNA methylation is not known, but precedent is provided by the Xist RNA, which results in
178                       This scarce literature precedent is surprising given the established use of sub
179 paration of each, based on the Callam-Lowary precedent, is described, whereby formation of the crucia
180 al autoantigenicity, elevation of clinically precedented joint cytokines, and variation in the respon
181 in addition to (in the case of CF(3)(+)) the precedented loss of CF(2)O + HF.
182  is hypothesized here that modern biological precedents may exist for RNA-based structural templating
183           Although this is an attractive and precedented mechanism, a dissociative mechanism is equal
184 peptide-based catalysts is more diverse than precedent might suggest.
185            These results create an important precedent of catalyst control in the catalytic aerobic o
186                                      With no precedent of circulation in North America, HAdV-14 has b
187 ous nature of this virus and the challenging precedent of correlating antiviral antibodies with disea
188 ns of the substrates, PEP and A5P, after the precedent of DAHPS.
189                                 Based on the precedent of the d-erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P) modeled i
190 closely linked on mouse chromosome 4 and the precedent of the related Runx2 gene, which emerged recen
191                               Based upon the precedent of the subunit c in vacuolar-type ATPases, whi
192 of the PDC core, which is an example without precedent of thermally activated global dynamics.
193           The FDA decision sets an important precedent of using a petition process to delist chemical
194 nning by hominins than those required by the precedent Oldowan technology.
195             We review current guidelines and precedents on the issue of coverage, as well as their un
196 ene product (4) in a transformation that has precedent only in stoichiometric processes.
197 tly, phenotypes of new models either have no precedents or are arbitrarily attributed according to in
198 f drug therapy from patients enrolled in the PRECEDENT (Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Cardiac
199 y of critical care settings, with or without precedent psychiatric illness, and it may be exacerbated
200  at the terminal oxygen, ruling out a better precedented Pt-OH complex.
201 o a centralized model derived from Old World precedents, recent archaeological research suggests a re
202 l, the unexpected diastereoselectivity of an precedented reduction provided the epi-oxetin framework.
203 ia C-OMe cleavage is striking, with isolated precedents requiring specialized, yet expensive, ligands
204 scillations in Escherichia coli are cited as precedent resonant length measurement using chemical pot
205           This result, in keeping with these precedents, reveals that the thermosome is also a negati
206 the strategy of starting with the clinically precedented selective NEP inhibitor, Candoxatrilat, and
207  by which this occurs is far from clear, the precedent set by the cases could have broad implications
208  This program draws from the very successful precedent set by the Integrating the Healthcare Enterpri
209                                              Precedents set by viral receptor proteins would suggest
210 ale patterns across a vast spatial domain is precedent setting within the air toxics community.
211                                   Commercial precedents show that certain types of lignin (lignosulph
212            We portray a context of naturally precedented SLR from geological evidence, for comparison
213 d spectral relationship between the first or precedent sound wave and subsequent echoes.
214 robenzoyl chloride (22) which gave 3 in four precedented steps.
215                                              Precedented structural variation of the phi, psi dihedra
216 ences on unmet needs for health care whereas precedent studies have been focused on individual charac
217 uire conditions without natural interglacial precedents, such as catastrophic ice-sheet collapse, or
218 og contains a functional group that chemical precedent suggests could produce mechanism-based inactiv
219 n this extremely variable region would set a precedent supporting the hypothesis that, despite its di
220                      Here we present similar precedent systems, how NSyL extends existing frameworks,
221  HDV genome in avian cells and establish the precedent that in certain situations HDV replication can
222                     USP thus establishes the precedent that invertebrate orphan receptors are viable
223                 These observations establish precedent that members of two distinct receptor superfam
224 euronal mitochondria in vivo is an essential precedent that will allow future elucidation of the mech
225                   In keeping with historical precedent, the designation of several new Brucella speci
226 lthough the basics of thiolase chemistry are precedented, the mechanism by which OleA accommodates tw
227   Based on current trajectories and historic precedents, the increase will be primarily driven by bio
228 d by four dodecyloxy groups, requires only a precedented three-step sequence.
229 a divergent strategy that builds on existing precedent to address this long-standing challenge.
230 for situations that have little experimental precedent to demonstrate the potential utility of the mo
231  immunohistochemical analysis and literature precedent to identify potential off-target tissues in hu
232               In this review, we discuss the precedents to their notable achievement and reflect and
233  the aflatoxin pathway and these biochemical precedents, total syntheses of a tetrahydroxy-o-carboxyb
234 tion via sigma(S) -RNA polymerase is without precedent, transcription with purified components was ex
235            This step is followed by the well-precedented transformations observed in peroxidation rea
236 ate alpha-helix mimetic was initiated from a precedented triaryl template and refined by screening th
237  spatially and temporally coincides with the precedent wave.
238 xide-catalyzed amide hydrolysis has chemical precedent, we are not aware of a prior example of analog
239                         On the basis of this precedent, we have considered a mechanism for tetrachlor
240  approximately 7 MHz), as well as literature precedent, we propose that the alkyne forms another pi/s
241  protein interaction and recruitment is well precedented, we were interested in exploring HDAC1 regul
242                               Based on these precedents, we decided to study the reaction of NO with
243                               Based on other precedents, we hypothesize that DNA methylation spreads
244           Thirty-five practices in Northwest PRECEDENT were randomized to perform direct pulp caps wi
245                This study, which completes a precedent work focused on protein oxidation, clearly dem

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