


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 peptide species with the C18 material of the precolumn.
2 eptide (VIP) as conventional particle-packed precolumns.
3                        The technique, termed precolumn affinity capillary electrophoresis (PA-CE), ut
4  unique porosity of our capillary monolithic precolumns allows the direct injection and online remova
5                            PS-DVB monolithic precolumn and ESI-MS detection.
6 C, by trapping the labeled peptides on a C18-precolumn and washing them prior to their elution to the
7  use of a fritless microcapillary column and precolumn application of electrospray voltage at a micro
8 "lab-on-a-chip" protocol integrating on-line precolumn biocatalytic reactions of multiple (oxidase an
9 tributed to small experimental effects and a precolumn blockage.
10 le clean-up was achieved on the pretreatment precolumn Chromolith Guard Cartridge RP-18e (Merck), 10x
11 final extract was analysed by HPLC-FLD after precolumn derivatisation with ortho-phthaldialdehyde.
12  measured by HPLC using a stable OPA/sulfite precolumn derivatization and an electrochemical detectio
13 amidase activity by o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) precolumn derivatization and reverse-phase high-performa
14 nd its metabolites in human plasma, based on precolumn derivatization followed by HPLC-inductively co
15                                  A sensitive precolumn derivatization method has been developed to me
16                           The assay involves precolumn derivatization of arginine with naphthalenedic
17                          The method involved precolumn derivatization of the sample with 7-fluoro-4-n
18 d to determine L-SOP levels in CSF employing precolumn derivatization with (5-N-succinimidoxy-5-oxope
19                 The estrogens are labeled by precolumn derivatization with 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene
20 ng compounds in human plasma and serum using precolumn derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxys
21 ay combining direct acetonitrile extraction, precolumn derivatization with hydroxylamine, and LC-MS/M
22                         This method utilizes precolumn derivatization with o-phthaldialdehyde, isocra
23                The microchip integrates this precolumn derivatization, continuous flow gated sampling
24 The method employs liquid-liquid extraction, precolumn derivatization, HPLC separation using an autom
25 grated microdevice that could perform online precolumn derivatization, separation, and detection.
26 ioGlo-1, reacts rapidly enough for efficient precolumn derivatization.
27  reaction times, preventing effective online precolumn derivatization.
28 ncy were determined by HPLC with and without precolumn derivatization.
29 traction of these analytes, a reversed-phase precolumn for their reconcentration, and a reversed-phas
30 gnificant element of this study was to use a precolumn in the LC system and to collecting exhaled par
31 s and recently some attempts to separate the precolumn labeled proteins using isoelectric focusing (I
32 labeling with NanoOrange is not suitable for precolumn labeling and cannot be used for CA-IEF, at lea
33 sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) method using precolumn labeling and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
34                                          The precolumn labeling conditions described in this study al
35 in-line filter, guard column, and saturating precolumn of silica in the mobile phase flow, which aids
36 s demonstrated, overcoming the limitation of precolumn oxidation, which results in multiple and somet
37  The new "lab-on-a-chip" protocol integrates precolumn reactions of alkaline phosphatase-labeled anti
38 n-chip measurements of amino acids utilizing precolumn reactions of amino acids with o-phthaldialdehy
39 sample introduction channel for dialysate, a precolumn reactor for derivatization with o-phthaldialde
40                Additional techniques such as precolumn regeneration and column heating were also inco
41 sing the mass spectrometer as a detector, no precolumn staining or derivatization is required.
42   When a single cut was transferred from the precolumn to the main column, 1-tetradecene, n-pentadeca
43 e performance of the ROMP-derived monolithic precolumns was constant over at least 100 injections of
44 -irradiated samples showed four peaks in the precolumn, which were identified on the main column as p
45                                              Precolumns with suitable inner diameters were found usef

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