


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es of five GII.4 noroviruses (three of which predate 1987 by more than a decade) in this archival col
2                                 Only studies predating 1990 reported negative results as a result of
3 ude growing evidence for multiple dispersals predating 60,000 years ago in regions such as southern a
4 f CiCBR and vertebrate cannabinoid receptors predates a gene (genome) duplication event that gave ris
5 ncient evolutionary origin of neuropeptides, predating a complex nervous system.
6 e; this may increase the likelihood of a cat predating a rat.
7 outheast Asia (ISEA) before 60 ka (93-61 ka) predates accepted archaeological records of occupation i
8  alleles are shared across ethnic groups and predate African-European divergence.
9 ith Upper Paleolithic toolkits in the Levant predates all modern human fossils from Europe.
10 to a similarly inferred ancestral gene order predating an independent paleopolyploidization (alpha) i
11        In tetrapods, additional duplications predate and postdate the amphibian/mammalian split and r
12  nutrients from their environment while also predating and lysing their algal hosts.
13 ive for both antibodies, anti-CCP positivity predated anti-PAD-4 positivity in 9 of 13 cases (69%).
14 al and the earliest host defense strategies, predating apoptosis, within eukaryotes.
15 orrespondence and thus an ancestral presence predating arthropod and lophotrochozoan origins.
16  locus and penicillin-binding protein genes, predated both vaccine introduction and widespread antibi
17                        The ISB stromatolites predate by 220 Myr the previous most convincing and gene
18 ecoveries of ringed tawny owls (Strix aluco) predated by 'superpredators', northern goshawks (Accipit
19 rogressive disease, the progression date was predated by EPD by <or= 60 days in 31%, 61 to 180 days i
20 rous" invertebrate community that is heavily predated by fishes.
21 esendodermal specification role of SKN-1 was predated by its function in these detoxification mechani
22 ally, we find that such expansions are often predated by modular domain rearrangements, which spur th
23 to the first century B.C.E. and therefore is predated by the finds in the Southern Levant by at least
24  of the term "lone atrial fibrillation" (AF) predates by 60 years our current understanding of the pa
25 spective on recent changes in the Arctic and predates by approximately 80,000 years the oldest strati
26 ions in arterial function and structure that predate cardiovascular events may help refine cardiovasc
27 ur-containing volatiles that are released by predating carnivores.
28 t been tested, especially if their diagnosis predated changes in testing guidelines.
29 t is independent of neuronal hypometabolism, predates changes in brain perfusion, exacerbates and wor
30 largely explained by cognitive deficits that predated childhood victimization and by confounding gene
31 000 and 154,000 years ago, these new fossils predate classic Neanderthals and lack their derived feat
32 vidence suggests that daytime sleepiness may predate clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease.
33                           Autoantibodies may predate clinical disease by years; thus, methylmercury e
34                       Impaired olfaction can predate clinical PD in men by at least 4 years and may b
35                       Positive urinary CXCL9 predated clinical detection of AR by a median of 15 days
36  ALS exhibit pathological abnormalities long predating clinical deficits.
37 nial space into a plaza-pyramid complex that predated comparable buildings at other lowland Maya site
38 hment between 11.5 and 9 thousand years ago, predating comparable development in North America and sy
39 action (HFpEF), atrial fibrillation (AF) may predate, concur with, or develop after HFpEF diagnosis.
40 tative data, that Caribbean reef degradation predates coral bleaching and disease outbreaks linked to
41 essential NES motif functions evolutionarily predated CSR activity.
42  in a late-1700s copper-plate engraving that predated Darwin's observations by over 70 yr.
43 ture of Parkinson's and has been reported to predate diagnosis in a number of observational studies.
44 ion of geomagnetic field behavior in periods predating direct observations with modern instrumentatio
45 arly in the RA disease course and indeed may predate disease onset.
46 s may be a genetically determined trait that predates disease onset and may act as a risk factor cont
47 the divergence of mosses and vascular plants predated divergence and specialization of CESAs for prim
48                    The most recent WGD event predates divergence of Sphagnum from the two other gener
49 lyses indicated that three FUM cluster types predate diversification of FFSC.
50 and teosinte, suggesting that these variants predate domestication and that there is not strong selec
51 ampled wild mungbean species appears to have predated domestication.
52  reward circuitry in cocaine addiction could predate drug use as a risk factor, follow drug use as a
53 family members--and therefore likely to have predated drug dependence--and which aspects are specific
54 sure, or the possibility that these may have predated drug-taking and even predisposed individuals fo
55 is abstinence and whether lower FAAH binding predates drug use.
56  the possibility of undetected schizophrenia predating drug exposure.
57 n T cells of subjects progressing to disease predates dysglycemia.
58 s, suggesting that a cytoskeletal role might predate eukaryotic cell evolution, and they support the
59 ly Cretaceous, and that their divergence may predate even the oldest strict molecular estimates by at
60 ation that are independent of DNA breaks and predate evolution of the ARF/Mdm2 axis.
61 d an antiviral role throughout Mus evolution predating exposure of mice to the MLVs restricted by lab
62 ter than those in a smaller core subset that predates flowering plants, suggesting that the substrate
63 hile GALV is exogenous, suggesting that KoRV predates GALV and that gibbons and koalas acquired the v
64 inear pigmented pattern dystrophy appears to predate geographic atrophy.
65  problem of fine-mapping association signals predates GWAS, but the last few years have seen a surge
66  previously reported in HIV-infected MSM may predate HIV acquisition.
67 se DNA, demonstrating that this polymorphism predates horse domestication.
68  feet of an O&G well and that most O&G wells predated houses.
69 ironmental, genetic and phenotypic data that predate human disturbances.
70 rm that As release is a natural process that predates human perturbations to groundwater flow.
71              We suggest that the mega-canyon predates ice sheet inception and will have influenced ba
72                             Where topography predates ice sheet inception, it can also reveal insight
73 ctor and phospho-CRE binding protein (CREB), predated inclusion formation.
74 ge-specific patterns of cytokine transcripts predate infection and suggest evolutionary selection for
75 r, indicated that interlineage recombination predated initial strain isolation.
76 tutive cell-autonomous immunity in metazoans predates interferon-inducible immunity and comprises pri
77 e to determine whether this hyperinnervation predates intestinal inflammation, results from it, or co
78 teristics once linked to parasitism actually predate it.
79 ecks in the history of the Iberian lynx that predate its known demographic decline during the 20th ce
80 tors, in a variety of pathways that probably predate its more recent role in innate and adaptive immu
81 built upon an intuitive sense of number that predates language.
82                   Chiral inorganic materials predated life on Earth, and their enantiospecific surfac
83 ating indicates that the Hopscotch insertion predates maize domestication by at least 10,000 years, i
84 s necessary for APOBEC3-mediated restriction predating mammalian evolution) and used this assay to sh
85     This trial was not registered because it predated mandatory trial registration.
86 s indicated that D. folliculorum origins may predate modern humans.
87 ies-specific TF gene expression profile that predates morphological differences between the species.
88                               Depression may predate neurological signs and symptoms in the evolution
89 ry acidic protein and CD11b staining), which predated neuronal dysfunction and damage.
90 euronal channels and receptors, Nav channels predated neurons.
91 500 feet of an O&G well and that most houses predated O&G wells.
92  in Bd with deep phylogenetic diversity that predates observed global amphibian declines.
93 ly on three non-target organisms that either predate or parasitize olive flies, one from the guild of
94  in autonomic nervous system functioning may predate or represent an early marker of psychiatric diso
95 netic signal or because tRNA diversification predated organismal diversification.
96 istocene hunter-gatherers from North Africa, predating other high caries populations and the first si
97 g the oldest known dinosaurian nesting site, predating other similar sites by more than 100 million y
98 defence that is independent of, and possibly predates, other known eukaryotic antiviral systems.
99   Early events in the disease cascade, which predate overt pathology in Hdh CAG knock-in mouse striat
100 al pathway in mutant knock-in striatal cells predates overt pathology and reflects mitochondrial dysf
101           We hypothesized that if DNA damage predates PAH, it might be an intrinsic cell property tha
102 with those without and that constipation can predate Parkinson's diagnosis by over a decade.
103 ization found in Levivirus and Allolevivirus predate phage specialization for conjugative plasmids, s
104 d variable KIRs in primates and artiodactyls predates placental reproduction.
105  the association of humans with A. mellifera predates post-industrial-revolution agriculture, as evid
106 despread Neotropical plant food complex that predates pottery in some regions.
107 lity and high catalytic activity that likely predated proteins in the RNA world.
108                               However, agrin-predating, protosynaptic AChR clusters are present well
109  alterations relate to clinical symptoms and predate psychosis onset but are more pronounced in the e
110                          With thermodynamics predating quantum theory, research now aims to uncover t
111                 These observations, however, predated radioimmunoassay, immunohistochemical staining,
112 l basis of behavioral risk for dyslexia that predates reading instruction.
113 plantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) predate recent expansions in Medicare coverage and did n
114 t it has a complex evolutionary history that predates recent disease outbreaks.
115 ntained in that half of the nucleosomes that predate replication.
116                                   The design predated rituximab.
117     Development of the CPS+EG staging system predated routine administration of trastuzumab in patien
118 ism, including individual polymorphisms that predate speciation (shared polymorphism).
119 d on a subset of critical polymorphisms that predate speciation events and have been maintained by ba
120                      These alleles appear to predate speciation, which suggests that standing genetic
121 ferentiation, at least in dental morphology, predated speciation.
122  Medicago or Lotus but instead a duplication predating speciation.
123 ytotoxicity receptor expression) at baseline predated spontaneous recovery.
124 s an opportunity to track changes that could predate symptoms or clinical diagnosis of the disease.
125 tions associated with enhanced prey capture, predating that general trend of morphological evolution
126                      Some of these mutations predate the acquisition of PIGA mutations, while others
127 s that the yin yang haplotypes are likely to predate the African diaspora.
128 f seven retrotransposon insertions appear to predate the ancestral Oryza AA genome.
129 ntly than others across Europe, and probably predate the arrival of anatomically modern humans in Eas
130 ctural changes can be seen on MRI scans that predate the clinical onset of familial Alzheimer's disea
131 esponsive, brief, frequent events that often predate the cognitive impairment associated with this li
132 nd that duplications leading to these copies predate the core eudicots.
133 ated divergence times of two of the clusters predate the detection of pandemic H1N1/09 virus in the U
134 ncreases in transepidermal water loss (TEWL) predate the development of clinical AD.
135 n the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and may predate the development of osteoarthritis by decades.
136   The three rpl and the pab-1/2 duplications predate the divergence between C. elegans and C. briggsa
137 t two further duplications of ancestral CHIA predate the divergence of bony fishes, one leading to a
138 is suggested that the Shaker subfamily could predate the divergence of ctenophores and parahoxozoans,
139 ngiosperms and basal plants, suggesting they predate the divergence of existing lineages of plants.
140 mily can be subdivided into four groups that predate the divergence of monocots and dicots; at least
141 gene in C. owczarzaki reveals that cadherins predate the divergence of the C. owczarzaki, choanoflage
142 e that at least six of these MSY palindromes predate the divergence of the human and chimpanzee linea
143 Y site, and other conserved intron elements, predate the divergence of the monocot and dicot lineages
144 ('wood eating'), suggesting this ability may predate the diversification of this lineage.
145 y complete land plants (megafossils): spores predate the earliest megafossils (Late Silurian, 425 mil
146  oocyte specialization may have origins that predate the emergence of bilaterian animals.
147 omologue, which strongly suggests that FXYDs predate the emergence of fishes and other jawed vertebra
148                          Since cyanobacteria predate the enteric bacteria, this procapsid-mediated as
149 O1 strains in the Haitian environment, which predate the first reported cholera pandemic in 1817, bro
150     The capacity for nonverbal reference may predate the Hominidae-Pongidae split, and the developmen
151 serted L1 elements in our 15 candidate genes predate the human/chimp divergence.
152  beliefs that increased estrogenic exposures predate the incidence of autoimmune disorders, systemic
153 virion is unknown, as those previous studies predate the infectious HCV cell culture (cell culture-de
154                                The first two predate the introduction of functional neuroimaging: tha
155 thropods and vertebrates, which is likely to predate the involvement of canonical Toll signaling path
156 mblages over the past 300 million years that predate the large-scale impacts of humans.
157 y arises because many major cellular systems predate the last common eukaryotic ancestor (LCEA) and t
158 USA are phylogeographically distinct and may predate the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
159 vidence of dog-like features in fossils that predate the Last Glacial Maximum [6, 9, 10, 14, 16] conf
160 ntify 95 additional CNE families that likely predate the mammalian radiation.
161 ient and divergent classes of plant MTs that predate the monocot-dicot divergence.
162 ac surgery is overemphasized in studies that predate the more recent advances in echocardiography and
163 These include various nonmotor features that predate the motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease,
164                      Notophytum root nodules predate the next known appearance of this association by
165                  Because these finds clearly predate the oldest known age for the use of similar obje
166 it is not known whether such dysfunction can predate the onset of clinical PD in a community-based po
167                       Cognitive deficits may predate the onset of psychosis and may be useful as mark
168 ell adhesion, signaling, and gene regulation predate the origin of animals.
169  of viruses and endogenous retroviruses that predate the origin of primate lentiviruses.
170 es of a specialized heterodimeric neurotoxin predate the origin of rattlesnakes and were present in t
171 These results demonstrate that ParaHox genes predate the origin of sponges, thus confirming the ghost
172                            The 12 X-MLV ERVs predate the origins of laboratory mice; they were all tr
173 ons and "spliced leader" (SL) trans-splicing predate the radiation of the nematode phylum, an inferen
174 r percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) predate the routine use of stent placement.
175             These telomeres are now known to predate the separation of extant Drosophila species, all
176 are highly complex and contain lineages that predate the separation of marsupials and placental mamma
177 iations in the Huronian Supergroup of Canada predate the Snowball event.
178 ome of these elements are very old and might predate the split between Escherichia coli and Salmonell
179 ansions, including resistance gene clusters, predate the split of the Mesoamerican and Andean gene po
180  roles of the Dig1 protein are ancestral and predate the sub-functionalization apparent in S. cerevis
181 data from tunicates suggesting that placodes predate the vertebrate divergence.
182 more ancient polyploidization event may have predated the A-D divergence of 6-11 million years ago.
183 t earlier on relatively firm substrates that predated the deposition of soft mud and silt .
184 at its emergence from the eukaryotic lineage predated the development of certain eukaryotic features.
185  higher than that among loci whose insertion predated the divergence of humans and chimpanzees (8 x 1
186 fruit fly, indicating that a core MHC region predated the emergence of the adaptive immune system in
187 se just outside it, and that this enrichment predated the establishment of intensive agriculture.
188 ition in the Neoproterozoic that immediately predated the first metazoans.
189 tative thioester-based metabolism could have predated the incorporation of phosphate and an RNA-based
190 serotype and clonal complex combination that predated the introduction of PCV7.
191 hicxulub crater, indicating that this impact predated the K-T boundary by approximately 300,000 years
192  to the mainland, but most of these probably predated the mid-Holocene "Out of Taiwan" event as tradi
193 onal diversification within the nsLTP family predated the monocot/dicot divergence.
194 , aberrant IgG galactosylation substantially predated the onset of arthritis and the diagnosis of RA
195 channel diameters accommodating smaller RBCs predated the origin of crown mammals by as much as 70 mi
196 te that the initiation of self-fertilization predated the origin of the marmoratus-ocellatus clade.
197 ollections has identified P450 families that predated the separation of gymnosperms and flowering pla
198 sis indicates that the superfamily expansion predated the separation of placental and marsupial mamma
199 ers in Permian and Triassic sediments, which predates the accepted origin of angiosperms, suggests th
200 al psychology underlying these phenomena (1) predates the agricultural transition, and (2) is not the
201 est that GLS activity encoded by these genes predates the angiosperm-gymnosperm split.
202 vergence in Native American populations that predates the Anzick-1 individual.
203 r possibly Sarcopterygii ancestor, which far predates the appearance of the neocortex.
204 admixture of the current Rapa Nui population predates the arrival of Europeans with a paleogenomic an
205                The Chincha complex therefore predates the better-known Nasca lines to the south by se
206  and its role in axial patterning apparently predates the birth of Bilateria [4-7].
207               The innovation of the DNG thus predates the burst of post-Paleozoic echinoid morphologi
208 ily conserved 3D chromatin organization that predates the Cambrian explosion.
209 rigin of the Shh zli regulatory network that predates the chordate phylum.
210 m, is a key sensorimotor structure that long predates the cortex.
211 ecline in the marine 187Os/188Os record that predates the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) and coin
212  prevalent in the nonischemic HF population, predates the development of HF, independently defines a
213 ther molluscs, where a larval nervous system predates the development of the definitive adult nervous
214                 However, whether impulsivity predates the development of uncontrollable feeding is un
215 ch can be detected in rooster testes, likely predates the divergence of birds and mammals.
216                      Thus, the IKr phenotype predates the divergence of cnidarians and bilaterians.
217 eculation about a common viral ancestor that predates the divergence of Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archae
218 es of C(4) plant, whose last common ancestor predates the divergence of monocotyledons and dicotyledo
219 glutamate and glycine at NMDA-like receptors predates the divergence of plants and animals.
220 esting that an ancestral MEINOX-TALE protein predates the divergence of plants from fungi and animals
221 cle control signal transduction pathway that predates the divergence of single- and multi-cellular or
222        We infer that eye-specific expression predates the divergence of the two species examined, Sko
223 g the formation of the Andean gene pool that predates the domestication, which was suggested by recen
224 ediated nuclear translocation of phytochrome predates the emergence of land plants and likely represe
225 of DNA-based ETs as an innate immune defence predates the emergence of metazoans.
226 es that selection for high-frequency hearing predates the emergence of Odontoceti and the evolution o
227 llectively suggest that the origin of O-MALT predates the emergence of tetrapods and that TNF family
228 lins are part of an ancient association that predates the emergence of tetrapods.
229 itochondrial pathway of apoptosis in animals predates the emergence of the vertebrates but was lost i
230 d in the Muroidea superfamily of rodents and predates the endogenization of retroviruses presently ta
231                        Whilst the extinction predates the era of the scientific conservation movement
232 t an axial patterning role for Wnt signaling predates the evolution of bilaterally symmetric animals.
233 ty suggests that a reduced immune repertoire predates the evolution of sociality in bees.
234 (IL-17) family of cytokines phylogenetically predates the evolution of T cells in jawed vertebrates,
235 reveal that the phenomenon is primordial and predates the evolution of the coelom.
236  apoptotic pathways is an ancient trait that predates the evolution of vertebrates and higher inverte
237 nd the role of the catenins in cell polarity predates the evolution of Wnt signaling and classical ca
238 ria, suggesting that the emergence of prions predates the evolutionary split between eukaryotes and b
239 e revealed that divergence of SPCH-MUTE-FAMA predates the evolutionary split of monocots and dicots a
240 se that this somatic function of the pathway predates the germline functions of the pathway in modern
241 ical studies rather suggest that Ar. ramidus predates the human/African ape divergence.
242 rders show intraordinal diversification that predates the KT boundary, but only by an average of 10 m
243 uggest an ancient female sex ratio bias that predates the loss of adults, perhaps associated with end
244                   This Early Cambrian record predates the major expansions of large-bodied, particle-
245             Oxidative and nitrosative stress predates the nephropathy, which is improved by peroxinit
246 he histone-based mechanism of DNA compaction predates the nucleosome, illuminating the origin of the
247 e propose for it the name 'Lomekwian', which predates the Oldowan by 700,000 years and marks a new be
248                                   The crisis predates the onset of a major negative carbon isotope ex
249  to an amphetamine challenge, an effect that predates the onset of addiction.
250 tered sense of meaning and significance that predates the onset of psychosis.
251 findings indicate that dopamine overactivity predates the onset of schizophrenia in individuals with
252                                         This predates the onset of symptoms by several weeks and prov
253 the major eukaryotic lineages diverged; GCNA predates the origin of a dedicated germline by a billion
254  and organization of mitochondrial complexes predates the origin of budding yeasts and filamentous fu
255 hared across populations and, for some loci, predates the origin of Homo sapiens.
256 ce that TLR3-facilitated antiviral signaling predates the origin of its TCAM1 dependence recognized i
257           Because the origin of neuroglobins predates the other metazoan globins, it is likely that n
258  ancient tandem gene duplication that likely predates the radiation of the seed plants and then expan
259 ow that the oxidative branch of the Mn cycle predates the rise of oxygen, and provide strong support
260  adenovirus, suggesting a viral lineage that predates the three domains of life.
261             Marijuana use by teenagers often predates the use of harder drugs, but the neurobiologica
262 rounds of polyploidy: a paleopolyploid event predating the African group and two neopolyploid speciat
263 eanic barrier for at least 88 million years, predating the age of origin for any of these groups.
264 ppeared approximately 2.4 million years ago, predating the appearance of modern human body size and e
265 l model of Late Triassic extinctions, mostly predating the boundary itself.
266 o presented with AVB and who also had an ECG predating the bradyarrhythmia for comparison.
267  population split during the last millennium predating the Chinese Modern Economy Development.
268 omic status and health status in 2010 (i.e., predating the disaster).
269 pendency on plastid isoprenoid biosynthesis, predating the divergence of apicomplexan and dinoflagell
270 rst, evolution from a common ancestral virus predating the divergence of plants and animals; second,
271 ting that they derive from a common ancestor predating the divergence of the three kingdoms of life.
272 conserved chromosome remodelling mechanisms, predating the duplication of mammalian Hox loci, underli
273 ussia (at 7.4- and 24.3-fold coverage), both predating the earliest archeological evidence of domesti
274                              Hominid fossils predating the emergence of Australopithecus have been sp
275 sgenic vertebrates despite the Ciona lineage predating the evolution of the lens.
276 way evolved more than 600 million years ago, predating the evolution of type I IFNs.
277 vide a framework of conserved coding regions predating the evolution of wheat genomes.
278 fer RNAs are ancient molecules, perhaps even predating the existence of the translation machinery.
279  and admixture between AMHs and Neanderthals predating the main Eurasian expansion, our results contr
280              At least 5% of the human genome predating the mammalian radiation is thought to have evo
281 fication of living eukaryotes, substantially predating the oldest detected sterane biomarkers (approx
282 t time since fire originates from deposition predating the onset of large-scale anthropogenic emissio
283 le-genome duplication(s) (polyploidizations) predating the origin of fishes, a view now being serious
284 rphic diversity, suggesting selection forces predating the origin of modern humans.
285  evolutionarily conserved gene networks-many predating the plant-animal divergence-capable of identif
286 an lineage of Dromaeosauridae with an origin predating the separation between northern and southern l
287                                      Studies predating the widespread use of CMV prophylaxis have sho
288                   With an electronic history predating the World Wide Web, WormBase contains informat
289 ate CD94 gene expression via mechanisms that predate their evolutionary divergence.
290 ic T cells, but graft destruction invariably predated their recruitment.
291 ile many present-day genes in these lineages predate this divergence, the extent to which these genes
292                     Directional measurements predate those of intensity by more than 250 years, and w
293         Phylogeny suggests that CD30 signals predated those through the lymphotoxin beta receptor.
294 though data supporting these are limited and predate universal initiation of antifungal prophylaxis.
295 it is possible that some abnormalities might predate use and represent markers of vulnerability.
296                       However, these studies predated use of modern heart failure therapies.
297 nary conserved heme transport mechanism that predates vertebrate origins.
298 atory circuit has a deep evolutionary origin predating vertebrate paired appendages and may have func
299 hat this non-motile mutant was still able to predate when directly applied to lawns of YFP-labelled p
300 an impacts remain plausible, but the decline predates Younger Dryas cooling and the extraterrestrial

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