


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s preventing both early germination and seed predation).
2 ainst the accompanying dangers of injury and predation.
3 ay expose subordinate individuals to risk of predation.
4 ed monetary tokens under a threat of virtual predation.
5  diverse flight behaviors, from courtship to predation.
6  abundance, spatial association to pests and predation.
7 vailability, and top-down processes, such as predation.
8 ovibrio which leaves prey-shaped ghosts upon predation.
9 sed to MeHg in the wild may be vulnerable to predation.
10 -related events and, subsequently, risk from predation.
11 t balance the need to consume food and avoid predation.
12 ce that can be impaired by information about predation.
13  areas and for individuals at higher risk of predation.
14 competition, trophic cascade, and intraguild predation.
15 mpirical relationships between seed size and predation.
16 d affect relationships between seed size and predation.
17 a spatial grid while under threat of virtual predation.
18 ffspring production in the absence of direct predation.
19 on can render an animal vulnerable to visual predation.
20 ntirely, due to the existence of concomitant predation.
21 he incubating parents may also affect clutch predation.
22 nd mate) while avoiding the ultimate cost of predation.
23 o 50%, depending on the pattern of selective predation.
24  future predictions of the overall impact of predation.
25 ense strategies to resist or evade protozoan predation.
26 equences for key ecosystem functions such as predation.
27 o consumptive and non-consumptive effects of predation.
28 h is exactly balanced by losses due to phage predation.
29  increases the susceptibility of plankton to predation.
30 esting genotype-specific response to fear of predation.
31 roportion to their fitness value and risk of predation.
32 ainst the accompanying dangers of injury and predation.
33 le information that is critical for avoiding predation [4,5], and failure to detect these calls [6,7]
34 d in cell motility(3), DNA transfer(4), host predation(5) and electron transfer(6).
35 eding in territories less exposed to goshawk predation, 99.5% of all breeding attempts reached the fl
36 cales, killing corals by sensitizing them to predation, above-average temperatures and bacterial oppo
37 perimental data, we predicted how intraguild predation, accommodating interspecific behavioural inter
38 predation can modulate the overall impact of predation, age-based population matrix models were used
39 n prey abundance, prey nutrient content, and predation among predators.
40 concerns for shell protective function under predation and changing environments.
41 form, driven by the interaction between bird predation and coal pollution.
42 in complex communities where they must avoid predation and compete for favorable niches.
43  a simplified fish community with structured predation and competition that causes alternative stable
44                        Further, we show that predation and conspecific density modulate individual-le
45 e behaviors that myxobacteria use: motility, predation and development.
46 es high survivorship by limiting exposure to predation and environmental perturbation, allows for lar
47 avoidance behavior in humans is less tied to predation and foraging compared to rodents.
48                     Stream conditions of low predation and harsh winters provide ecological justifica
49 sity populations, making them prone to viral predation and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) through tra
50 io result from the synergy of both bacterial predation and host immunity, but that in vivo predation
51 ed that living in groups helps animals avoid predation and locate resources, but maintaining a group
52 sea during or before the Cambrian, including predation and most of its variations, biomineralization,
53 t longer lag times (2-4 years) likely due to predation and other biotic pressures.
54                                              Predation and parasitism each reduced the abundance of t
55                     However, in combination, predation and parasitism had non-additive effects on the
56  have indirect and trait-mediated effects on predation and parasitism, but these potential effects re
57 y adaptation that helps social groups resist predation and rally defenses.
58    Here, we investigated the effects of both predation and resource availability on guppy trophic nic
59 th being too thin (starvation) or too obese (predation and temperature dysregulation).
60 view relevant mechanisms of B. bacteriovorus predation and the physiological properties that would in
61 side of breeding groups due to high risks of predation and the poor success of breeding without helpe
62 acularius) can self-detach its tail to avoid predation and then regenerate a replacement.
63 800 kg) are largely immune to the effects of predation and this perception has been extended into the
64 ng detritivores will suffer mortality due to predation and transmit negative indirect effects to plan
65 elective pressures including heat, humidity, predation and UV irradiance(2-4).
66       In particular, biotic factors, such as predation and vegetation, including those resulting from
67 t into first-line bacterial defences against predation and ways in which phages circumvent them, and
68 notably from phytophagy to parasitoidism and predation (and vice versa) and from solitary to eusocial
69 rd substrates for bioerosion, (ii) increased predation, and (iii) higher energetic requirements for b
70 ater:air boundaries, attachment to surfaces, predation, and improved bioavailability of hydrophobic s
71 ke effects, instigating feeding, copulation, predation, and other motivated acts in otherwise sated o
72 he regulation of prey population dynamics by predation are limited, partly because available populati
73 ect ant density, implying limited intraguild predation between these taxa in this system.
74 standing of potential demographic costs from predation, both from responses to perceived risk and fro
75                      Here, we show bacterial predation by Acinetobacter baylyi increases cross-specie
76                                              Predation by bacteriophages can significantly influence
77                              We propose that predation by bacteriophages that use T4P as receptors se
78 mmune system working together with bacterial predation by Bdellovibrio.
79   The combined effects of exposure to OA and predation by C. rastoni caused greater shifts in communi
80 ceive they were most effective at mitigating predation by foxes and coyotes, moderately effective at
81 ism reduces L. decemlineata vulnerability to predation by improving larval nutritional condition and
82        The escalation hypothesis posits that predation by increasingly powerful and metabolically act
83 land mammals is most likely due primarily to predation by introduced species, particularly the feral
84 non-stick cell surface that helps them evade predation by mucous filter feeders.
85 owed the pheasants to (i) reduce the risk of predation by reducing exposure time whilst foraging and
86 reas (ii) burrowing detritivores will escape predation by retreating deeper into the soil, transmitti
87  the Northeast Pacific Ocean to quantify how predation by three species of pinnipeds and killer whale
88                                              Predation can affect both phenotypic variation and popul
89                                      Copepod predation can be seen as an ecological "catalyst" by inc
90 experimental evidence that proximate risk of predation can increase the intensity of social relations
91                      Within host communities predation can influence pathogen transmission rates, pre
92               To determine whether selective predation can modulate the overall impact of predation,
93  provide the first full demonstration of how predation can trigger the evolution of parental care in
94 biotic interactions, such as competition and predation, can determine the degree to which microbes re
95 s have a greater susceptibility to cormorant predation compared to relatively shy, risk-averse indivi
96 g (no consumption of the kill) or intraguild predation (consumption of the kill), can potentially inf
97 redation and host immunity, but that in vivo predation contributes significantly to the survival outc
98 nerability in the wild, i.e. that there is a predation cost to boldness, which is critical for our un
99 karyotic groups in the system suggested that predation could be a disturbance to the bacterial microb
100 of the experimentation, including an initial predation-delay at the predator-prey-serum interface.
101                Paine's discovery of keystone predation demonstrated that the regulation of diversity
102 stage in territories more exposed to goshawk predation depended on the amount of resources an owl had
103 n the beetles: physical damage to hindwings, predation, desiccation, and cold shock.
104 hic links subject to colonization-extinction-predation dynamics by incorporating species dispersal wi
105 ork in human body fluids such as serum where predation dynamics may differ to that studied in laborat
106 tanding of species vertical distribution and predation-dynamics at-sea.
107  the statistical power of analyses to detect predation effects.
108  effects of space and information sharing on predation efficiency, represented by the expected rate a
109  associations of ants to pests and resulting predation events by combining mapping and molecular tool
110 ing predator-prey interactions and resulting predation events in agroecosystems.
111                  However, explicitly linking predation events to individual behaviour under natural c
112 nt roosting site provided data on individual predation events.
113 lla undergo rounding induced by the invasive predation from Bdellovibrio in vivo.
114 rical increase and decline, while exposed to predation from black bears (Ursus americanus) and coyote
115 in egg survival on Orchid Island by reducing predation from egg-eating snakes (Oligodon formosanus);
116 arval dragonfly communities across a natural predation gradient we demonstrate that variation in the
117 d high phenotypic similarity with native low-predation guppies in as few as ~12 generations after gen
118                                      Fear of predation has been shown to affect prey fitness and beha
119 milate less epilithon than guppies from high predation (HP) sites.
120 ence was consistent and predictable to some (predation, hydrogen sulphide) but not all (density, food
121      Variation in the strength of intraguild predation (IGP) may be related to habitat structural com
122 e effects between predators [e.g. intraguild predation (IGP)].
123 energy budgets of consumers as well as acute predation impacts on prey.
124 nity is a strong predictor of uptake through predation in a simple food web consisting of the algae C
125       Our research shows differences between predation in buffer and serum and highlights both the po
126                                  The role of predation in determining the metacommunity assembly mode
127                               The origins of predation in motile bilaterians in the Cambrian explosio
128 ying evolutionary and demographic effects of predation in natural environments is challenging.
129 terned model "caterpillars" exposed to avian predation in the field.
130 hic but limited evolutionary effects of bear predation in the two study populations.
131 suggesting prey community resilience against predation in these mesocosm ecosystems.
132 side the zebrafish larvae, indicating active predation in vivo.
133 ts associated with brown bear (Ursus arctos) predation in wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) po
134 ghly imbalanced groups, and that concomitant predation, in which a predator consumes a prey and its p
135 rse strategies to reduce the direct costs of predation, including cryptic coloration and behavior, ch
136  of five different patterns of age-selective predation, including the pattern actually observed in th
137                                              Predation-induced shifts in bacterial community composit
138 ity irrespective of dispersal, likely due to predation-induced stochastic extinction of different pre
139                                      Protist predation influenced 14 metabolic core functions includi
140  consecutive brood years with very different predation intensities across brood years.
141  higher in the brood year experiencing lower predation intensity.
142                                 Here we show predation is altered by deleting two Bdellovibrio N-acet
143                                              Predation is among the most important biotic factors inf
144               The ability to withstand viral predation is critical for survival of most microbes.
145               Specifically, mortality due to predation is often more intense on smaller individuals w
146                                        Phage predation is one of the key forces that shape genetic di
147                                  Notably, if predation is selective on categories of individuals that
148                  Individuals most at risk of predation (large and bold individuals) showed the most e
149               We found that guppies from low predation (LP) sites had a consistently higher trophic p
150                      To protect the fan from predation, many species have evolved unique compound eye
151 rospective survey, and rated the efficacy of predation mitigation strategies for foxes, dogs, coyotes
152  important evolutionary driver of escalating predation mode and efficiency, and commensurate response
153 till lack basic understanding on how protist predation modifies the taxonomic and functional composit
154 xity influence the function of an intraguild predation module consisting of two larval salamanders, i
155 the cumulative effect of reduced fishing and predation mortalities cascading through the food-web.
156 resents a considerable contribution to total predation mortality on this key fishery species.
157  responses to perceived risk and from direct predation mortality.
158 a complex life cycle that includes motility, predation, multicellular fruiting body development, and
159 of marine ecosystems, be it via competition, predation, mutualism or symbiosis processes.
160             To be effective B. bacteriovorus predation needs to work in human body fluids such as ser
161 tive and social patterns (e.g., competition, predation, niche partitioning, parasitism, and social ag
162                                  The risk of predation, not the risk of starvation, may be a key fact
163 ght how accounting for the type of selective predation occurring is likely to improve future predicti
164 pulation dynamics, and the susceptibility to predation of a mixotrophic protist through experiments a
165 g and lab experimentation to investigate the predation of an important carbapenem-resistant human pat
166 at Cu(I) is ultimately involved in protozoan predation of bacteria, supporting our hypothesis that pr
167             Model predictions suggested that predation of the asymptomatic hosts by fishes in the hos
168 demics of cholera reportedly collapse due to predation of the pathogen by phages.
169                                Specifically, predation of the protist Paramecium bursaria by copepods
170                         Moonlight may enable predation of zooplankton by carnivorous zooplankters, fi
171  across brood years with different levels of predation, often indicating stabilizing selection on rep
172 e ray abundance, which then caused increased predation on and subsequent collapse of commercial bival
173   The evolutionary pressure imposed by phage predation on bacteria and archaea has resulted in the de
174  bacterial community after five days protist predation on bacteria.
175           Stomach content analysis confirmed predation on cnidarians and gelatinous organisms.
176 "Save the Bay, Eat a Ray" fishery, to reduce predation on commercial bivalves.
177                    However, the influence of predation on community resilience to outbreaks of genera
178                                  The role of predation on host community resilience to disease was as
179                                              Predation on juveniles can have a greater impact on mega
180 ion, little is known on impacts of protozoan predation on maintenance of copper resistance determinan
181 e generations, it may moderate the impact of predation on prey population dynamics.
182 structures [8, 9], little direct evidence of predation on these and other dinosaur megaherbivores has
183 , potentially due to their decreased risk to predation or lower reproductive value (i.e. the asset pr
184  the fossil record that is not attributed to predation or natural death.
185 als often vary defences in response to local predation or parasitism risk.
186  tree holes that are now used, presumably as predation or thermal refuge, by the herbivorous mangrove
187 s with microorganisms that protect them from predation, parasitism or pathogen infection.
188 y environmental stresses such as starvation, predation, parasitism, and competition.
189      Although ecological antagonisms such as predation, parasitism, competition, and abiotic environm
190 nsider 'true' predation risk (probability of predation per unit time); and (iii) use risk metrics tha
191  how fitness differences among high- and low-predation phenotypes may be generated, we measured the r
192                                              Predation plays a central role in the lives of most orga
193  including ectoparasitism, cleptoparasitism, predation, pollen feeding (bees [Anthophila] and Masarin
194 hly competitive environments, such as in low-predation populations of the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia
195  are countershaded or experience significant predation pressure as adults.
196          Presence of countershading suggests predation pressure strong enough to select for concealme
197                                              Predation pressure within the fish community was varied
198  with evidence of nutrient starvation, phage predation pressure, and increased extracellular polymeri
199 m gradient, including differences in piscine predation pressure, drove shared patterns of phenotypic
200 t terrestrial herbivores free of significant predation pressure, due to large size or isolation, do n
201 ine habitat that is often subject to intense predation pressure.
202 lation from human perturbation and sustained predation pressures.
203 nt time and created benefits such as reduced predation probability.
204 Relative expression of ten SDEGs involved in predation process was validated using quantitative real-
205 bably of little significance with regards to predation protection but has consequences in terms of en
206 emperature, and that the local abundance and predation rate of P. helianthoides on sea urchins will l
207  particularly for large marine predators, as predation rates are difficult to measure directly.
208  construct a bioenergetics model to quantify predation rates on key fisheries species in Norfolk Bay,
209 es where P. helianthoides were rare) reduced predation rates regardless of predator and prey sizes, a
210 offers an alternative approach to estimating predation rates, and can provide new insights into ecolo
211 er variants provide alternative estimates of predation rates.
212 than in non-grazed controls, suggesting that predation reduced the influence of strong competitors.
213  to predators and competitors, 2) density of predation refuges and 3) substrate-related food availabi
214 ta) inhabiting stream reaches with different predation regimes have rapidly evolved divergent life hi
215 thought to trigger a trophic cascade whereby predation release resulted in increased cownose ray abun
216 nisms by which the vertebrate brain controls predation remain largely unknown.
217                                   Generalist predation resulted in reduced alpha diversity and increa
218  join larger groups in response to perceived predation risk (i.e. fear of predation), the importance
219 rizing risk; (ii) explicitly consider 'true' predation risk (probability of predation per unit time);
220  In ocean ecosystems, many of the changes in predation risk - both increases and decreases - are huma
221                                        While predation risk accounts for most of the total effect of
222 y help explain their behavioural response to predation risk and the nature of indirect effect they tr
223 weather conditions can differentially affect predation risk between black bears and coyotes with spec
224 -venomous species benefit from reductions in predation risk by mimicking the coloration, body shape,
225                           Global warming and predation risk can have important impacts on animal phys
226 aining higher quality forage and/or reducing predation risk compared to non-migratory conspecifics.
227 smaller individuals showed muted response to predation risk compared to their larger counterparts, po
228                            Variation in nest predation risk could explain differences between tempera
229 al animals and the individual group member's predation risk during an attack.
230                                The nature of predation risk effects is often context dependent, but i
231                                          The predation risk experiment also showed that the number of
232  into the consequences of global warming and predation risk for the physiology and life-history trait
233 eir lake of origin, thereby exposing them to predation risk from avian apex predators (cormorants, Ph
234  (i.e. fear of predation), the importance of predation risk in driving the formation and stability of
235 results show that diel-seasonal foraging and predation risk in freshwater pelagic ecosystems changes
236          We showed that mothers experiencing predation risk increase production of unviable trophic e
237                          Foraging-associated predation risk is a natural problem all prey must face.
238 curring variation in cues indicating food or predation risk is highly useful for efficient decision-m
239 ntally induced changes in resource levels or predation risk may thus have downstream ecological conse
240              Behavioural responses to reduce predation risk might cause demographic 'costs of fear'.
241 ly for different species of herbivores, with predation risk more strongly suppressing herbivore feedi
242  parturition have a greater influence on the predation risk of neonates during population declines, w
243 ibou, nutritional stress appears to increase predation risk on neonates, an interaction which is exac
244 arate and interactive effects of warming and predation risk on the body composition of Daphnia magna.
245 e lack a consistent mechanism to explain why predation risk should vary in this manner.
246 ects of different countershading patterns on predation risk strongly supports the comparative evidenc
247 estigated how reef complexity interacts with predation risk to affect the foraging behaviour and herb
248 e used natural and experimental variation in predation risk to test phenotypic responses and associat
249 y, birds are likely to suffer from increased predation risk under noise, with likely effects on their
250 rature suggest that researchers characterize predation risk using a variety of techniques.
251               Aphid dispersal in response to predation risk was greater on low compared to high resis
252                               When perceived predation risk was high, individuals developed stable an
253          These growth tactics are favored by predation risk, both in and after leaving the nest, and
254 r bodies (few mm depth) benefit from reduced predation risk, but by manipulating water levels, we sho
255 amics via changes in resource competition or predation risk, but this influence may be modulated by d
256 edators, we hypothesised that in response to predation risk, parents improve larval nutritional condi
257 ize, can be set by resource availability and predation risk.
258  trophic cascades via direct consumption and predation risk.
259 in groups, both behaviours that would reduce predation risk.
260 n in sexually competing males and related to predation risk.
261 storage capacity, in myriad ways by altering predation risk.
262 educed competition for embedded prey and low predation risk.
263 fuge, thus suffering a potentially increased predation risk.
264  distinct in an island population with lower predation risk.
265 aracterizing the spatiotemporal variation in predation risk.
266 xperiment with model caterpillars to measure predation risk.
267 lure to consider dynamic temporal changes in predation risk.
268 ater access to resources while paying higher predation-risk costs.
269                               The respective predation risks, we termed Fear Factors, were either let
270 nteractions such as resource competition and predation set upper limits to global diversity, which, i
271        Breathing air increases the threat of predation, so some species perform group air-breathing,
272           Descendants of guppies from a high-predation source site showed high phenotypic similarity
273  display sophisticated behaviors relating to predation, spatial memory, and visual recognition compar
274 food source, B. bronchiseptica evades amoeba predation, survives within the amoeba for extended perio
275 to act on anti-predator responses to fear of predation that may ramify and influence higher trophic l
276 s and initiated symbiont-symbiont intraguild predation that reduced the abundance and altered the beh
277 se to perceived predation risk (i.e. fear of predation), the importance of predation risk in driving
278                                              Predation theory and empirical evidence suggest that top
279 varying the social environment and simulated predation threat in a two-by-two factorial long-term exp
280                 We experimentally tested how predation threat influenced fine-scale social network st
281                                        Under predation threat, narwhal movement patterns were more li
282  their behaviours in risky areas to minimise predation threat.
283 in-limited diets while living under constant predation threat.
284 ior to a transition from camouflaged, ambush predation to a floral simulation strategy, gaining acces
285                 Exclusive emphasis on serial predation to guide risk identification, judicial respons
286                             The potential of predation to structure marine food webs is widely acknow
287 uator, with a parallel pattern of increasing predation toward lower elevations.
288 spanning six continents, we found increasing predation toward the equator, with a parallel pattern of
289 f fish, dottybacks increase their success of predation upon juvenile fish prey and are therefore able
290 rinsic conditions (e.g. food availability or predation) varies according to its intrinsic attributes
291 econcile the conflicting demands of avoiding predation vs. foraging within a reefscape context.
292           In contrast, growth was lowest and predation vulnerability highest when exposure to low pH
293 irect evidence of behavioural type-dependent predation vulnerability in the wild, i.e. that there is
294 environmental mosaics mediate the growth and predation vulnerability of a critical foundation species
295               We find growth was highest and predation vulnerability was lowest in dynamic environmen
296 tors reduce macroparasite infections, but IG predation weakens this "dilution effect" and can even am
297                               Levels of seed predation were far better explained by incorporating see
298 and microbial hosts demonstrate active viral predation, which may contribute to the release of labile
299 transferases, probably as deterrence against predation, while it achieves neurotoxin resistance throu
300 anges lead to differential susceptibility to predation, with direct consequences for predator-prey dy
301 rsification suggest low competition and high predation within communities.

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