


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gricultural habitats and were herbivorous or predatory.
2 ill made flagella, and which were motile and predatory.
3                                              Predatory abilities improved rapidly between days 1 and
4  to more readily habituate to agonistic-like predatory actions, communicate intentions from > 10 m ap
5 ween axenic and predatory growth and how its predatory activities may be tempered in the wild, as wel
6 cB, and SecY may be especially useful in the predatory activities of Myxococcus xanthus; (ix) delta p
7 id species displayed marked individuality in predatory activities, ranging from low-cost sit-and-wait
8         To examine the evolutionary basis of predatory adaptations, we sequenced the genomes of both
9 e PAG potentiate defensive rage and suppress predatory aggression in the cat.
10 at provide protective (Batesian mimicry) and predatory (aggressive mimicry) benefits to other fishes
11  their defensive function and altering their predatory and antipredatory behaviors.
12                             Myxobacteria are predatory and are prolific producers of secondary metabo
13 rmore, effects of vertebrate insectivores on predatory and herbivorous arthropods were positively cor
14 15% of OTUs were present in all samples from predatory and prey mite populations (core OTUs): the int
15 not dominated by a single taxon, but include predatory and scavenger taxa such as stichasterid seasta
16                               Communicative, predatory, and reproductive behaviors rely on the audito
17 inate the evolutionary adaptations to become predatory, and will hopefully ultimately illuminate how
18 f the most diverse (>7,000 spp.) lineages of predatory animals and have evolved an astounding diversi
19 imprint in the venom of apparently unrelated predatory animals and suggests a common ancestral geneti
20 ugs are one of the most successful clades of predatory animals based on their species numbers ( appro
21  a moderately diverse lineage of principally predatory animals, at least in their immature stages, as
22                                     Venomous predatory animals, such as snakes, spiders, scorpions, s
23                              We surveyed the predatory ant species and studied predation by the domin
24 ing, however, and some of the most effective predatory ants are solitary hunters with powerful trap j
25                                          The predatory appendage had significantly higher % Mg under
26 ing the speeds of other documented ballistic predatory appendages in the animal kingdom.
27                                              Predatory arthropods are the least studied in terms of e
28                     Plant-provided foods for predatory arthropods such as extrafloral nectar and prot
29 e occurred once or twice independently among predatory assassin bugs.
30 ats that were unstimulated or that exhibited predatory attack after lateral hypothalamic stimulation
31 R73632 (8 nmol) into the PAG also suppressed predatory attack elicited by stimulation of the lateral
32 periments and computational simulations of a predatory attack that the specific combination of differ
33 se (dropping/non-dropping off a plant upon a predatory attack) was measured repeatedly to classify in
34 us, while minor injury increases the risk of predatory attack, it also triggers a sensitized state th
35 njury, which, most probably, was caused by a predatory attack, presumably by a cephalopod; these were
36 d by vigorous shaking designed to simulate a predatory attack.
37 n by natural organisms subjected to repeated predatory attack.
38 s the circa-strike is associated with direct predatory attack.
39                Transfer of information about predatory attacks between individuals allows schooling o
40                                              Predatory attacks by prey-naive subjects directed to vid
41             Moreover, traits associated with predatory avoidance were more prevalent in NIS and there
42 erse histopathology of various organs due to predatory bacteria administration was observed.
43 fety concerns regarding the potential use of predatory bacteria as a live antibiotic.
44  features, relating them to the potential of predatory bacteria as cellular medicines.
45                   One proposal is the use of predatory bacteria as living antibiotics.
46                                              Predatory bacteria Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and Micavi
47 asured in the colons of rats inoculated with predatory bacteria by 24 and 48 hours, with all but IL-1
48 has been demonstrated, but it was unknown if predatory bacteria can attenuate systemic bacterial burd
49                         To determine whether predatory bacteria could reduce bacterial burden in vivo
50                                              Predatory bacteria did not induce inflammation on the oc
51 ke a standard of care antibiotic vancomycin, predatory bacteria did not inhibit corneal epithelial wo
52                     Most studies focusing on predatory bacteria have been performed in vitro, thus th
53 ture studies are warranted regarding the use predatory bacteria in deeper tissues of the eye.
54 ations were used to determine the effects of predatory bacteria in mice.
55 sed the safety of intravenous inoculation of predatory bacteria in rats.
56                     The results suggest that predatory bacteria may not be effective for treatment of
57  been performed in vitro, thus the effect of predatory bacteria on a live host, including the impact
58    Together these data support the safety of predatory bacteria on the ocular surface, but future stu
59  of rats and followed with multiple doses of predatory bacteria over 16 or 24 hours.
60 feed on other Gram-negative bacteria, making predatory bacteria potential alternatives to antibiotics
61               Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus are predatory bacteria that invade and kill a range of Gram-
62                         While the ability of predatory bacteria to control bacterial infections in vi
63                               The ability of predatory bacteria to reduce bacterial burden in vivo wi
64 oncerns associated with the potential use of predatory bacteria to treat infections.
65 ial dissemination analysis demonstrated that predatory bacteria were efficiently cleared from the hos
66 tal inoculations of Sprague-Dawley rats with predatory bacteria were performed.
67                                              Predatory bacteria were unable to significantly reduce K
68  comparative genomics and transcriptomics of predatory bacteria, and will illuminate the evolutionary
69                                   The use of predatory bacteria, bacteria that prey upon other bacter
70 issues showed no pathological changes due to predatory bacteria.
71 axonomic representation over the week due to predatory bacteria.
72 no abnormal histopathological effects due to predatory bacteria.
73 rtant evolutionary adaptation to an invasive predatory bacterial lifestyle.
74                                          The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus swims rap
75                                          The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus uses flag
76                      Myxococcus xanthus is a predatory bacterium that exhibits complex social behavio
77 bacteriovorus is a famously fast, flagellate predatory bacterium, preying upon Gram-negative bacteria
78 hereas they avoid high-frequency sounds like predatory bat calls [7].
79                      A recent study with the predatory bat Trachops cirrhosus has shown the importanc
80                                              Predatory Bdellovibrio bacteria invade the periplasm of
81                                              Predatory Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus are natural antimic
82                                              Predatory Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus are naturally antib
83                                              Predatory Bdellovibrio enter the periplasm of other Gram
84 ecent work on the diversity and evolution of predatory bdellovibrios, the role of surface structures
85 hether the cascading effects of above-ground predatory beetles (presence/absence) on the density and
86                        Results revealed that predatory beetles did not reduce the density of detritiv
87 r herbivores, because the mushroom bodies of predatory beetles display similar morphological disparit
88 arasitoids, wasps, spiders, mites, bugs, and predatory beetles.
89 s, including two aerobic bacteria exhibiting predatory behavior and three anaerobic sulfate-reducing
90 offspring than accepter nests because of the predatory behavior attributed to cowbirds.
91 ter the injury, providing direct evidence of predatory behavior by T. rex.
92 (80 Hz; 65 dB SPL) by freezing-a common anti-predatory behavior characteristic of an acoustic startle
93 evealed previously unknown complexity in the predatory behavior of dragonflies.
94 dgroup; it may also be relevant for sicariid predatory behavior, because ethanolamine-containing sphi
95          Our results suggest that prey type, predatory behavior, salivary toxicity, and morphological
96 es and less-frequent (e.g., trace-producing) predatory behaviors are both more detectable at times wh
97                                   Widespread predatory behaviors in cowbirds could slow the evolution
98 dation; (ii) a diversity-driven diffusion of predatory behaviors: an increased probability of more co
99 alternative prey and observed their specific predatory behaviour and prey capture efficiency.
100 d warming (OAW) on the physiology, activity, predatory behaviour and susceptibility to predation of a
101 similarly important role in the mediation of predatory behaviour and susceptibility to predators.
102                           Changes in Nucella predatory behaviour appeared to serve as a strategy to m
103 rthermore, we found that this variability in predatory behaviour had a significant impact on the bene
104    Here we demonstrate an artificial form of predatory behaviour in a community of protease-containin
105 on non-target organisms; in this case, a key predatory biological control agent.
106                As long-lived apex predators, predatory birds represent a sentinel species similar to
107 invasion, adopt a round morphology, and lose predatory capacity and cellular integrity.
108 d speciation events that produced successful predatory carnivores worldwide but that have confounded
109  range of toxic effector molecules, allowing predatory cells to kill both prokaryotic as well as euka
110 side contact-mediated signaling and to allow predatory cells to remain on the prey longer as a result
111 at render protection against killing by T6SS predatory cells.
112 ly) in herbivorous (Calanus hyperboreus) and predatory (Chaetognaths, Paraeuchaeta glacialis, and The
113 orous taxa and the evolution of entirely new predatory clades.
114 ing relatives, photosynthetic chromerids and predatory colpodellids.
115 se, (ii) predator interference and (iii) non-predatory competition among predators.
116 , which is widely expressed in venoms of the predatory cone snails (Conus), and show how gene product
117 xpressed specifically in the venom glands of predatory cone snails, animals that synthesize a remarka
118  are a family of peptides from the venoms of predatory cone snails.
119 ted this hypothesis in rattlesnakes within a predatory context by unilaterally severing the vomeronas
120 re prey at rates comparable to sophisticated predatory copepods and fish, and they are capable of alt
121  species in the Indo-west Pacific, the large predatory coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Serranidae
122 osa) from habitats with and without abundant predatory crabs differed in constitutive and inducible a
123 hibit a generic avoidance response to large, predatory crustaceans.
124  investment across a suite of different anti-predatory defences.
125 show competition between defensive (to avoid predatory detection) and approach (to obtain food) behav
126 very of a small-bodied (approximately 1.8 m) predatory dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichti
127 arge, warm-adapted species (i.e., snails and predatory dipterans) relative to small-bodied, cold-adap
128 mselfly larvae to chlorpyrifos and cues from predatory dragonflies and focused on body stoichiometry
129 e describe small target-selective neurons in predatory dragonflies that exhibit localized enhanced se
130 of Daphnia magna Straus (as a prey) with the predatory dragonfly ( Anax junius : Odonata) nymph using
131  a key tenet of this hypothesis by analyzing predatory drill holes in fossil marine shells, which pro
132               Microraptorines are a group of predatory dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaurs with aerodyna
133       Despite knowledge on invasive species' predatory effects, we know little of their influence as
134                                              Predatory efficiency decreases under genetic and physiol
135 itness) of injured animals during subsequent predatory encounters.
136 organ) in predator-free environments than in predatory environments, a trend that persisted across sp
137 longside prey bacteria and so encode diverse predatory enzymes that are hard for pathogens to resist
138 y occupied ecological niches associated with predatory euarthropods.
139             Effects extended beyond discrete predatory events and persisted steadily for 10 d, the du
140 mple system in 1580-1640 A.D. coincided with predatory expansion and consolidation of the Maui polity
141 orm has a wide mouth and two teeth, allowing predatory feeding on other nematodes.
142 o generalist predators as well as specialist predatory fireflies.
143 rch patterns across 14 species of open-ocean predatory fish (sharks, tuna, billfish and ocean sunfish
144 ces than expected based on market value, and predatory fish have lower shadow prices than expected ba
145 ine of mercury in adult bluefish; (2) marine predatory fish may have been contaminated by anthropogen
146     These results suggest that RL-TGR in the predatory fish physically associates with the beta(2)AR
147 panther grouper (Chromileptes altiveli) is a predatory fish species and popular imported aquarium fis
148 pecially, are frequently detected in certain predatory fish species.
149 relates with a pronounced radiation of large predatory fish, animals with high oxygen demand.
150 ultiple trophic levels from phytoplankton to predatory fish.
151 rease total fishery productivity by removing predatory fish.
152 -level investigations have demonstrated that predatory fishes (angelfishes and some parrotfishes) dif
153             The effects of climate change on predatory fishes in deep shelf areas are difficult to pr
154 a), but natural selection in the presence of predatory fishes seems to favor reduced genital size (la
155              Little is known about the large predatory fishes, primarily snappers (subfamily Etelinae
156 y high hard coral cover and large numbers of predatory fishes.
157 e, we characterize Ancoracysta twista, a new predatory flagellate that is not closely related to any
158  and the reaction time, respectively, during predatory flights.
159 trys oligospora from saprophytic to nematode-predatory form; this predacious form is characterized by
160 focal predators; native prey) to compare the predatory functional responses of native Gammarus dueben
161                                              Predatory functional responses play integral roles in pr
162 d how Caenorhabditis elegans responds to the predatory fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora.
163 cquisition, protection from UV radiation and predatory grazing could promote boring.
164 how Bdellovibrio switches between axenic and predatory growth and how its predatory activities may be
165                                     Triassic predatory guild evolution reflects a period of ecologica
166 edominance of less defended mimics the three predatory guilds avoid the mimics because of the additiv
167 ggest that central amygdala neurons instruct predatory hunting across jawed vertebrates.
168 e for the central nucleus of the amygdala in predatory hunting.
169 teractions and life histories of a cohort of predatory Hynobius retardatus salamander larvae and thei
170 ated that the invasive amphipod had a higher predatory impact (lower handling time) on two of three p
171 in 'anadromous lakes' due to the very strong predatory impact of anadromous alewife on populations of
172 es, with the potential to further reduce the predatory impact of the invasive amphipod or increase th
173 act of the invasive amphipod or increase the predatory impact of the native amphipod in the presence
174  (MPEs) might radically alter predictions of predatory impact that are based solely on the impact of
175 vity), together with omnivory, magnifies the predatory impacts of an invasive social wasp (Vespula pe
176  greater understanding and prediction of the predatory impacts of invasive species.
177 t effective approach to reducing undesirable predatory impacts.
178                                     However, predatory insect larvae using a small number of visual i
179 are the first major group of ground-dwelling predatory insects to become eusocial, increasing efficie
180 erbivores, while reducing the recruitment of predatory insects to herbivore-damaged plants.
181 erts (Z)-3- to (E)-2-GLVs thereby attracting predatory insects.
182                           Here, we show that predatory interactions of a phage with an important envi
183 threat to the many bird species that feed on predatory invertebrates in adjacent riparian habitats.
184  the induced morphs during predation because predatory invertebrates need to crush or puncture the ca
185 g (wet weight) for fish muscle, zooplankton, predatory invertebrates, and nonpredatory invertebrates,
186  alterations proved to be protective against predatory invertebrates, it has been suggested that the
187 LOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we report on a predatory ladybird beetle whose natural history suggests
188                          Euglandina rosea, a predatory land snail, tracks prey and mates by following
189 ogical and biochemical studies described the predatory life of Bdellovibrio in the 1960s and 1970s, l
190 een essential for the evolution of an active predatory lifestyle by early vertebrates.
191 evinces functional adaptations for an active predatory lifestyle within the context of Cambrian bival
192 tion because it ushered in a transition to a predatory lifestyle, but how this innovation came about
193 n postgenomically about Bdellovibrio and its predatory lifestyle, drawing also from what was learned
194 ited by a suite of adaptations aiding a keen predatory lifestyle, including robust hind limb elements
195  evolutionary innovation and selection for a predatory lifestyle.
196 occur with many ecological traits, such as a predatory lifestyle.
197 ulation of central amygdala of mice elicited predatory-like attacks upon both insect and artificial p
198                 Spiders represent an ancient predatory lineage known for their extraordinary biomater
199 on islands with an experimentally introduced predatory lizard and on neighboring unmanipulated island
200 urban A. sagrei coexisting with the invasive predatory lizard Leiocephalus carinatus was associated w
201 piscivorous snake that uses a unique form of predatory luring as a foraging tactic, we observed 22 ju
202 itively correlated with the number of exotic predatory mammal species established on those islands af
203                                      Because predatory mammals may have specialization of senses used
204  in terrestrial environments, corresponds in predatory mammals to a maximal mass less than a ton, whi
205 ound capsaicin, which offers protection from predatory mammals.
206 lgesic alpha-conotoxin Vc1.1, a peptide from predatory marine cone snail venom, inhibits Cav2.2 chann
207         The peptides isolated from venoms of predatory marine Conus snails ("conotoxins") are well-kn
208                              Cone snails are predatory marine gastropods characterized by a sophistic
209 esozoic (266-66 Myr ago) were remarkable for predatory marine reptiles, but their modes of locomotion
210              We cloned a novel gene from the predatory marine snail Conus purpurascens.
211 ypeptide (con-ikot-ikot) from the venom of a predatory marine snail Conus striatus that specifically
212 okins are ~20-amino acid peptides present in predatory marine snail venoms that function as allosteri
213                                              Predatory marine snails of the genus Conus are a rich so
214  the role of copper and other soft metals in predatory mechanisms of protozoa, we examined survival o
215 and nutritional diversity/complexity promote predatory mite abundance and can help to maintain the be
216    The inoculation of GPM resulted in higher predatory mite densities and reduced the negative impact
217                    Neoseiulus cucumeris is a predatory mite used for biological control of arthropod
218 olatiles among inbred isofemale lines of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis.
219  GPM availability favored the coexistence of predatory mites at a low density of the intraguild prey.
220 ) varied among inbred lines, suggesting that predatory mites vary in food conversion efficiency.
221  growth-promoting rhizobacteria, earthworms, predatory mites, and other beneficial organisms while su
222 Environmental bacteria were more abundant in predatory mites, while symbiotic bacteria prevailed in p
223 ting population abundance and persistence of predatory mites.
224 ions on grape, which involves two generalist predatory mites.
225 eplace fish that exhibit an effective visual predatory mode is counterintuitive because jellyfish are
226 f dogwhelks (Nucella lapillus), a widespread predatory mollusc that structures biodiversity in temper
227 arval control programs including those using predatory mosquito larvae.
228                            K. veneficum is a predatory, nonbioluminescent dinoflagellate that produce
229                        Challenge with TMT, a predatory odor from fox that produces a stress response
230 C) after challenge with cocaine or stressful predatory odor presentation given 1 week (early withdraw
231 fe on play behavior and fearfulness toward a predatory odor were assessed in juvenile rats.
232 n the direct response of these rats toward a predatory odor, handled rats did not exhibit a condition
233                      These data suggest that predatory odor-induced reductions in play may provide a
234 e context where they had been exposed to the predatory odor.
235 hallenge with cocaine as well as a stressful predatory odor.
236                                Specifically, predatory odors are believed to elicit responses based o
237                               The effects of predatory odors on play were assessed in juvenile rats.
238  (carp, herring) contained more TGs than did predatory ones (pike, cod).
239      Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus bacteria are predatory organisms that attack other gram-negative bact
240  that organelles can be retained and used by predatory organisms, but in most cases such sequestratio
241 evolved response, in a spatially distributed predatory/parasitic/pathogenic model system.
242 tra-specific variations in mercury levels of predatory pelagic fish have been previously linked to si
243 esults indicate that total mercury levels of predatory pelagic fishes and their prey increase with me
244  We provide the first molecular evidence for predatory phage shaping microbial community structure du
245 ducers (AIs) can protect V. cholerae against predatory phages.
246 ithin this environment authors should beware predatory practices.
247 warming associated threats such as increased predatory pressure and ocean acidification.
248 will hopefully ultimately illuminate how the predatory processes of Bdellovibrio can be employed agai
249  coevolved simultaneously with a virus and a predatory protist, as a result of fitness trade-offs bet
250 nded with an increased relative abundance of predatory protists of the phylum Cercozoa.
251 al of their vertebrate consumers, exhibiting predatory release on a geological time scale.
252 nated behaviours, including social motility, predatory rippling and fruiting body formation.
253   In parallel to the simulations, M. xanthus predatory rippling behavior was experimentally observed
254                                  Analysis of predatory rippling indicates that rippling behavior is i
255 a) before, during, and after encountering a "predatory" robot situated remotely from the nest.
256                      In one such system, the predatory sea slug Pleurobranchaea, appetite is readily
257 ts, peltospiroid gastropods, anemones, and a predatory sea star.
258  Moreover, Mesozoic diversity changes in the predatory sea urchins show a positive correlation with d
259                     Our hypothesised role of predatory selection acting on females to generate both e
260 lation in orchid mantises and suggest female predatory selection as the likely driving force behind t
261 cies that deter predators using similar anti-predatory signals.
262                                     Superior predatory skills led to the evolutionary triumph of jawe
263           Bdellovibrio species are naturally predatory, small, motile, Deltaproteobacteria that invad
264 is should directly facilitate capture by the predatory snail.
265                                          The predatory species consistently comes to exploit a signal
266                           Clearly, the toxic predatory strains use karlotoxins as a means of stunning
267 rs: an increased probability of more complex predatory strategies to appear at higher diversity level
268    Nematophagous fungi employ three distinct predatory strategies: nematode trapping, parasitism of f
269               Here we use an animal model of predatory stress-induced anxiety-like behavior to invest
270 f the onset of an abrupt sound, simulating a predatory strike, initiates a startle-escape behavior.
271                     However, power-amplified predatory strikes were not previously known in one of th
272                                       During predatory strikes, O. bauri mandibles close at speeds ra
273 ss, but the eyes can also effectively direct predatory strikes.
274 tage for the parallel evolution of ballistic predatory strikes.
275 ded less often and less rapidly to simulated predatory strikes.
276 venomous secretome assembled a sophisticated predatory structure from extracellular matrix motif prot
277                Here, we demonstrate that the predatory success of the lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis le
278 acterial and antieukaryotic effectors out of predatory T6SS(+) cells and into prey cells.
279 field during development results in abnormal predatory targeting behavior.
280                    Many modern large-bodied, predatory taxa currently suffering from overexploitation
281 opod insectivores constitute two co-dominant predatory taxa in many ecosystems, and the emergent prop
282   Previous studies indicate that specialized predatory techniques in carnivores do not correlate with
283 ersally regarded as a 'typical' terrestrial, predatory theropod, and there are no indications that it
284                          The maximal size of predatory theropods was approximately 8 tons, which if i
285 t fitness benefits by accurately classifying predatory threat according to the species of predator an
286 idering the long history and often pervasive predatory threat associated with humans across the globe
287 odel to explore when prey that face a single predatory threat where each attack is of the same nature
288 his view, ecological studies have found that predatory threats cause animals to limit foraging to few
289 role in determining how an animal deals with predatory threats later in life.
290  rattlesnakes exhibited a greater shift from predatory to defensive behavior than during control tria
291 ded that omnivorous plankton will shift from predatory to herbivorous feeding with climate warming, a
292 s clearly show that mixing the prey with the predatory, toxic strains causes prey immobilization at r
293                                  Hence, anti-predatory traits have been intensively studied.
294 ones, or the ingenious snapping mechanism of predatory Venus flytraps that rely on concave-to-convex
295                These results indicate that a predatory viral-microbial dynamic, manifest in a number
296 rial antibiotic production can function as a predatory weapon.
297 rge generated by electric eels is a powerful predatory weapon.
298 e bioluminescence induced by the approach of predatory whales.
299 l processes, such as growth/mortality rates, predatory zooplankton concentrations and nutrient levels
300                                          The predatory zooplankton, the spiny water flea (Bythotrephe

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