1 For instance, CBS-QB3
predicts that 1-azulenyl nitrenium ion and 1-azulenyl ox
2 With these models, we
predict that (
1) relative to passive loading, polymeriza
3 The model
predicts that 27% of the released mass of petroleum flui
4 In total, we
predict that 30a will be a critical tool for understandi
5 Dosimetry calculations
predict that 370 MBq of (51)Mn in an adult human male wo
6 Theoretical work
predicts that 3D carbon nanotube (CNT)/graphene hybrids
7 Using our biostatistical model, we
predict that 50% and 90% of male survivors clear Ebola v
8 We correctly
predicted that 8 intensive-care beds and 7 ventilators w
9 However, the computational model did
predict that a double mutation at i, i+4 positions at th
10 Our models
predict that a large proportion of the inhibitory networ
11 Simulations
predict that a single FN-FN binding site facilitates eit
12 We
predict that a small but significant fraction of human s
13 Finally, using a standard learning model we
predict that a sufficiently large minority of resilient
14 The phenotype distribution models
predict that A. gerardii could be largely functionally e
15 erforming in silico perturbations, the model
predicted that a combination of altanserin (5HTR2 inhibi
16 It is mathematically
predicted that a highly variable surface antigen prolong
17 Cellular dewetting theory
predicted that a line tension of uncharacterized origin
18 rrent level of childhood obesity, the models
predicted that a majority of today's children (57.3%; 95
19 The top-ranked docked model
predicted that a region in the nucleotide-binding domain
20 Power analysis
predicts that a 1-point difference on this 5-step scale
21 First, all force fields
predict that Abeta adopts unfolded structure dominated b
22 The 3-PG model
predicted that aboveground biomass growth and net primar
23 Theory
predicts that abrupt biodiversity declines are most like
24 It also
predicts that ACKR4 in LNs prevents CCL19/CCL21 accumula
25 functional and Hartree-Fock calculations, we
predict that additionally straining the semibullvalene n
26 ficiencies as a function of chain length and
predicts that alcohols have higher freezing efficiency t
27 The calculations also
predict that alkaline-earth metal-porphyrin COFs could c
28 Three-dimensional structural modeling
predicted that all five ABCB4 variants would disrupt cri
29 n: (i) 'coupled diversity hypothesis', which
predicts that all trophic groups covary similarly with t
30 The model
predicts that ameliorating social jet-lag is more effect
31 Here, the authors
predict that an ultrafast (femtosecond) radiative coolin
32 hen, we construct the isoform interactome by
predicting that an isoform loses an interaction if it lo
33 In aggressive interactions, game theory
predicts that animals should assess an opponent's condit
34 llographic structural analysis of isomaltase
predicts that another aspartic acid residue functions as
35 The model
predicts that appropriate rRNA fragments have inherited
36 ased on data from extant populations, we can
predict that as the worm pipefish moves northward, a wav
37 Numerical simulations
predicted that asymmetric H-FIRE waveforms are capable o
38 The model
predicted that at serum ferritin concentrations of 15, 3
39 Functional genome annotation
predicts that at least 66 potential PME genes are contai
40 ying more heavily on cooperative activities,
predicts that at least with conspecifics, wolves should
41 It also
predicts that because the spectrin filaments are under e
42 Van Valen
predicted that,
because of zero-sum dynamics, all popula
43 favorable {112}beta1/{100}Mg interfaces, and
predict that beta1 grows along <110>Mg on dislocation li
44 We
predict that blocking RUNX1 activity will greatly enhanc
45 We
predicted that blocking NA would abolish the memory degr
46 Electronic-structure calculations further
predict that both dopants generate similar localized mid
47 We
predicted that both variants alter the GTP/GDP binding p
48 These models
predict that bound remnants survive such events with, ac
49 gic enables future change to be explored: we
predict that by 2100 there will be widespread homogeniza
50 We further
predict that by the end of the twenty-first century acti
51 We
predicted that by intensifying competition for help, our
52 This novel paradigm of atrial ECC
predicts that Ca(2+) uptake by sarco-endoplasmic reticul
53 cause of impaired cortical development, and
predicted that cardiac lesions most associated with redu
54 Our data
predict that Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 splice variants contribut
55 Our models
predict that cell shape will strongly influence the fate
56 ical framework for fractional killing, which
predicts that cell fate can be altered in three possible
57 The model
predicts that certain tumors are more sensitive to treat
58 The models
predict that changes in ionic pathway densities in compe
59 e climate-change scenarios for 2080-2099, we
predicted that changes in climate and soil organic carbo
60 This hypothesis
predicts that changes in the alignment of tertiary conta
61 Our models
predict that climate change will considerably reduce est
62 A mathematical model
predicts that colonies formed solely by phage-sensitive
63 It
predicts that competition for trading partners will affe
64 h multichannel pharmacology data, this model
predicts that compounds with high torsadogenic risk are
65 A computational model independently
predicts that context-dependent gamma rhythms depend cri
66 We
predict that control of the muscles or motor neurons req
67 ir respective proliferation rates, our model
predicts that coupling clinically available, anti-prolif
68 We computationally
predict that cross-family PDGF binding could contribute
69 Linear regression modeling
predicted that CSP-specific IgG1 promote OPA, and that C
70 We
predicted that Cys-119 or Cys-162 of p38alpha, close to
71 The second model
predicts that decreased alpha power increases the trial-
72 istent with population genetic theory, which
predicts that deleterious mito-nuclear interactions are
73 a cell-depolarizing capacitive current, and
predicts that delivering a given laser pulse energy with
74 We
predict that dendritic sequence-recognition zones occupy
75 Mathematical modeling
predicts that dependence of signaling on contact area ca
76 the results are conclusive: subjects seldom
predict that dictators will behave selfishly (by choosin
77 icrohomology-mediated end joining (SD-MMEJ),
predicts that differences between DNA sequences near dou
78 This model
predicts that diffusion-mediated growth is dependent on
79 Evolutionary theory
predicts that directional selection leads to evolutionar
80 A spiking network implementation further
predicted that DOWN-to-UP transitions must be caused by
81 Interestingly, we also
predict that drug concentrations lower than the MTD are
82 We
predicted that early skill acquisition would be proporti
83 Mathematical modelling
predicted that ecDNA amplification would increase oncoge
84 Theory
predicts that ecological presses will interact with puls
85 The model
predicts that either mechanism for producing a change in
86 Quantum theory
predicts that entanglement can also persist in macroscop
87 This analysis
predicts that even minor reductions in childhood vaccina
88 kinetic modeling has previously been used to
predict that fast-translating codons can enhance cotrans
89 mu and p prefer an antiparallel arrangement,
predict that Fe-doped CaZnOS is a single-domain ferromag
90 The model
predicts that feedback enhancement effects under strongl
91 We
predicted that females with two different species X chro
92 Our analysis
predicts that filament turnover is required to maintain
93 Theory
predicts that flexibility to changes in both reward valu
94 high energy dissipation rates (EDR) and have
predicted that for small bubbles the EDR could exceed va
95 Conversely, our modelling results
predict that,
for reduced inhibition strength, spurious
96 It also
predicts that gamma waves can be emitted on every second
97 uantitative genetics and psychology theories
predict that genetic variation in social environment con
98 We therefore
predicted that genetically distinct populations would re
99 ces a pure cis-isomer and more surprisingly,
predicts that graphane is the final product.
100 The model
predicted that GSCs drive invasive fingering and that GE
101 In time, we
predict that herd immunity benefits will diffuse from th
102 derate PIMT variation in humans and mice, we
predict that heterozygosity for R36C, G175R, R17S, and R
103 I therefore
predict that high-performance metabolic and ecological i
104 Ecological theory
predicts that high levels of temporal autocorrelation in
105 We
predict that higher occurrence of FTCs in cold ecosystem
106 Theory
predicts that higher biodiversity in the tropics is main
107 ur data show a complex inheritance of TH, we
predict that homozygous variants in WNT7A and SMARCA4 ar
108 Theory
predicts that hosts should pass mutualist symbionts to t
109 with transcription factor expression values
predicted that human LC activation of antigen-specific C
110 The response surface models
predicted that if extraction conditions were conducted a
111 It has been
predicted that if singular beams intersect non-collinear
112 A two-season model
predicts that if this hypothesis is correct, breeding po
113 Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
predict that IGM density fluctuations are suppressed bel
114 ms among generalists, and theoretical models
predict that in many mutualisms, partners exert reciproc
115 We
predicted that in the absence of vision, the "VWFA" is i
116 It was recently
predicted that,
in the strong-field regime, the addition
117 Numerical models
predict that increased organic carbon burial should driv
118 Further, we
predicted that increased cerebrovascular resistance and
119 It had been
predicted that increased disease detection might be asso
120 Theory
predicts that individual behavioural types differ in a c
121 This symptom
predicts that individuals with PTSD will be biased to at
122 We
predict that inhibition of the proposed static cross-lin
123 Our model further
predicts that inhibition of SK channels results in a dep
124 This model
predicted that intermediate levels of nonmotor cross-lin
125 Our simulations
predict that intra-domain interactions involving the gly
126 Although classical electrostatics theory
predicts that ions are repelled from water/hydrophobe (e
127 retical studies using reduced network models
predict that ISNs produce paradoxical responses to pertu
128 Furthermore, molecular modeling
predicts that isoflurane and propofol bind to this pocke
129 eld theory reinforces these observations and
predicts that LAMP is thermodynamically stable below a c
130 Although theory
predicts that large populations will be more genetically
131 The plant economic spectrum (PES) hypothesis
predicts that leaf and root traits evolved in coordinati
132 The cDNA sequence of OCN
predicts that,
like many other peptide hormones, OCN is
133 Interestingly, the parametrized model
predicts that lipid content will have only minor influen
134 A long time ago, Kuhn
predicted that long polymers should approach a limit whe
135 Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
predicted that LPS and MPLA share similar upstream regul
136 We use this analysis to
predict that magnesium ions remodel the landscape, shift
137 This study
predicts that many lakes will exceed the aquatic life th
138 Ca(2+)]i Moreover, a bioinformatics analysis
predicts that many of the dysregulated genes are regulat
139 Using these parameters, model analysis
predicted that MAPK activation was bistable as a functio
140 The Centre-Periphery hypothesis
predicts that marginal populations should bear reduced g
141 Recent theoretical calculations
predict that megabar pressure stabilizes very hydrogen-r
142 We
predicted that memory-based interventions would be more
143 We also
predicted that metabolite levels would correlate with re
144 Nonetheless, it has been
predicted that metal oxides such as titanium oxide (TiO)
145 Thus counter-intuitively we
predict that microbial communities exposed to more viole
146 Bioinformatics analysis
predicted that miR-4443 regulates the PTPRJ gene express
147 We
predict that more than 50% of the electronic heat energy
148 In contrast to traditional theory, which
predicts that more crowded conditions can only increase
149 Bioinformatics
predicts that MOSP consists of N- and C-terminal domains
150 Modeling
predicts that multiple combinations of changes to GnRH i
151 ated from other chromatin in the nucleus and
predicts that multiple rDNA loci will form a single nucl
152 We
predict that MXF kills intracellular bacteria more quick
153 ocked to the X-ray structure of MYO1C(C), we
predicted that MYO1C(35) NTR residue Arg-21 would engage
154 ermore, global numerical simulation analysis
predicted that MYO1C(35) populated the actomyosin.ADP cl
155 We also
predicted that N addition would favor nonnatives, especi
156 Theory
predicts that natural selection should favor coordinatio
157 The antigenic distance hypothesis (ADH)
predicts that negative interference from prior season's
158 The modeling work
predicts that Ni40Fe40Cr20 has the best radiation tolera
159 Particularly, we
predict that Norwegian air temperature will decrease ove
160 e consumed: the sodium limitation hypothesis
predicts that omnivores increase animal consumption in N
161 Our simulations
predict that,
on reaching certain limiting conditions of
162 Our models
predicted that,
on average, fast progressors would lose
163 proach to complex pan-genome information and
predicted that only a small subset of bovine isolates ha
164 Phylogenomic analyses
predicted that only some human and mouse Siglecs form di
165 A phylogenetic analysis
predicts that OsONS1 branches off from specific lupeol s
166 nhibitors should focus on its N-terminus and
predict that other PRMTs may employ similar mechanism fo
167 Ethologists
predicted that parental care evolves by modifying behavi
168 In silico simulations
predict that PD-1/PD-L1 interactions dominate at interfa
169 accurate, but an evolutionary view strongly
predicts that people will behave as rational observers a
170 A large body of theory
predicts that populations diffusing in heterogeneous env
171 sic mathematical model of Cdc42 polarization
predicts that premature delocalization of Rga1 leads to
172 an SBML model of Th17-cell polarisation, we
predict that promotion of the Th1-associated transcripti
173 Density functional theory (DFT) calculations
predict that PtZn systems go through a "non-CO" pathway
174 We
predict that quantitative and cell-type-specific descrip
175 Molecular dynamics simulations
predicted that R60A preferentially assumes an outward-fa
176 tions, supported by experimental validation,
predict that rare fixers will invade a population domina
177 positively correlated, a dual-process model
predicts that rates of decline may dissociate.
178 Most importantly, we
predict that RbSn0.5Ge0.5I3 possesses not only a direct
179 with a flux balance model for P. tricornutum
predicts that reactions in the mitochondrion that supply
180 We therefore
predicted that reduced ecdysone signaling would result i
181 This mechanism further
predicts that residues are exposed to solvent in a coord
182 We therefore
predict that resistance will be more common in strains w
183 s of auditory stimuli are equal in duration,
predicts that results are scale-free and unaffected by t
184 Bioinformatic analysis
predicts that rSp0032 is intrinsically disordered, and i
185 Although prior modeling work
predicted that selection will continue, the potential fo
186 Theory
predicts that selection to avoid non-cooperators limits
187 Based on our results, we
predict that selective feeding by invasive dreissenid mu
188 In many cases, our model
predicts that sexual selection leads to higher extinctio
189 dividual fitness in a population have mostly
predicted that sexually selected populations should adap
190 Models
predict that significantly decreasing intercellular clef
191 The model
predicted that simultaneous modulation of TGF-beta and m
192 psilon, and peptide inhibitors of PKCepsilon
predict that small-molecule inhibitors of PKCepsilon sho
193 Mathematical model simulations
predicted that small perturbations of the microenvironme
194 principle results in healthy individuals, we
predict that SMELL-S and SMELL-R will be broadly effecti
195 Simulations of this model
predict that sparse assembly codes emerge in this microc
196 mmalian scavengers act as scroungers, but we
predict that species-specific cueing will allow for mamm
197 nce with the expanded divacancy model, which
predicts that states below the conduction band are respo
198 Notably, only uFBA
predicts that stored red blood cells metabolize TCA inte
199 Indeed, several recent models
predict that such massive outflows may ignite star forma
200 Theoretical work
predicts that such a synchrony code is a fundamental fea
201 Under ambient conditions, we
predict that sunlight and fluorescent lights will photol
202 Furthermore, we
predict that supramolecular buffering can be significant
203 Recently, it was
predicted that TaIrTe4 realizes a minimal Weyl semimetal
204 eoretical modeling and atomistic simulations
predict that the adhesion induced entropy difference inc
205 We
predict that the AFM Fe-terminated phase undergoes an E-
206 e into a simplified ensemble description, we
predict that the average number of bound myosin heads is
207 However, computations
predict that the charge distribution of NO3(-) is anisot
208 We
predict that the diameter of the cell scales with the to
209 Thus we
predict that the distal localization of Dachs in cells t
210 As a corollary, we
predict that the evolved mechanistic changes reside in g
211 the initiation and control of movement, and
predict that the execution of visually guided movements
212 Furthermore, our theoretical calculations
predict that the inverse TMC effect could potentially re
213 Our simulations
predict that the location of a dividing cell, rather tha
214 Our model simulations
predict that the magnitude of the uniaxial stretch and t
215 tion analysis and the number of fixed points
predict that the original models can show stable, diverg
216 We
predict that the secondary release of LTB4 increases rec
217 Further, our results
predict that the so-called bilingual advantage should be
218 cylinder with the same length and volume, we
predict that the spicules' shape enhances this critical
219 Structural assessment
predicted that the five amino acid substitutions have da
220 reen for DLC sensitivity among avian species
predicted that the gray catbird, a relevant wildlife spe
221 Accordingly, it has been
predicted that the influence of male dominance rank on r
222 Mathematical modeling
predicted that the latent reservoir size was approximate
223 of the wild type and p.P809L variant, which
predicted that the latter would have a propensity to mis
224 Recently, we have
predicted that the modulation instability of optical vor
225 PolyPhen analysis
predicted that the mutation damages the encoded protein.
226 These simulations
predicted that the network settles into attractors, or T
227 We also
predicted that the number of men positive for Ebola viru
228 Seventy years ago, Flory and Stockmayer
predicted that the polymerization of multivinyl monomers
229 It has been
predicted that the sign of interlayer coupling can be ma
230 The model
predicted that the stimulus-specific positive feedback l
231 The theory
predicts that the cutoff scale, controlled by the interp
232 A statistical theory of coincident activity
predicts that the diffuse and weak profile of current fl
233 a statistical theory of coincident activity
predicts that the diffuse and weak profile of current fl
234 Our theory
predicts that the dimensions of the cerebellar granule-c
235 s of the flow paths through porous media and
predicts that the directional anisotropy is fundamentall
236 Hydrodynamic theory
predicts that the energetic costs required for fishes to
237 nd that for steady state networks, our model
predicts that the fraction of endpoints is a constant of
238 al observer with a central scotoma correctly
predicts that the human optimal point of fixation to ide
239 r tic production: in this respect, the model
predicts that the interplay between dopaminergic signal
240 The model study
predicts that the long-term losses of soil nitrogen that
241 While ecological theory
predicts that the movement, or dispersal, of individuals
242 The model also
predicts that the NE Atlantic storms are capable of prod
243 This new model
predicts that the pallido-striatum connection has a key
244 small microplastic particles over time, and
predicts that the particles either float, sink to the oc
245 Our model
predicts that the proportion of species-unique barcodes
246 Our model
predicts that the requisite DMC and therefore necessary
247 the "brain's right-hemisphere" theory, which
predicts that the right-eye (i.e. left-hemisphere) is us
248 nt support for our model, which we show here
predicts that the risk of FPD for mothers born by Caesar
249 Our 3D model
predicts that the sulfur-rich core of the trimeric BACE1
250 A JASPAR database search
predicts that the T to C transition in rs429358 generate
251 The Standard Model
predicts that there should have been equal amounts of ma
252 We
predict that these phases undergo differing fates, with
253 is a necessary consideration given forecasts
predicting that these events will increase in frequency
254 We find that our model
predicts that these scaling properties also hold for the
255 reas a single-process signal detection model
predicts that these two forms of fatigue should be stron
256 viruses displayed reduced stability, and we
predict that they are unlikely to be transmitted from hu
257 ral modeling of the HAP2/GCS1 protein family
predicts that they are homologous to EFF-1 and viral cla
258 Our model
predicts that thirty-five species may be able to transmi
259 We
predict that this assemblage will be responsive to proje
260 We further
predict that this functionality is only weakly affected
261 Therefore, we
predict that this honey bee population is a ticking time
262 % reduction in PMI funding were to occur, we
predict that this loss of direct aid could result in an
263 Our simulations
predict that this low-conductance state is accessed excl
264 Simulations
predict that this mechanism may operate independent of t
265 We
predict that this pathogen will accelerate the decline a
266 iochemical results with SM alpha-actin-R258C
predicted that this variant will compromise multiple act
267 Our model
predicts that this asymmetry is greatest in the radially
268 Structural homology modeling
predicts that this protease adopts a fold and a catalyti
269 The Darwin-Bateman paradigm
predicts that this should also hold for hermaphrodites.
270 The model also
predicts that,
through PKA activation, vasopressin stimu
271 We
predict that tissue convergence is associated with the d
272 Our models
predict that top-down signals primarily affect inhibitor
273 We thus
predict that tropical coastal communities will be seriou
274 Mathematical modelling
predicted that tubular Na(+) reabsorption decreased in t
275 Mathematical modelling
predicted that tubular Na(+) reabsorption increased in t
276 sequencing and tumour reactivity assays, we
predict that tumour reactive T cells are frequently pres
277 Indirectly validated genomic models
predicted that Turkey Pen maize was marginally adapted w
278 Thus, we
predict that two equally healthy individuals subjected t
279 ing simulated reaction deletions, this model
predicted that two processes, the regeneration of ATP an
280 e role of IFN-alpha in immunosuppression and
predicts that type I IFN modulation will be pivotal to c
281 Theory
predicts that unconditional site fidelity, that is fidel
282 Furthermore, the model
predicted that,
under specific conditions, reduction of
283 psin contribution to encoding visual images,
predicting that,
under natural view, melanopsin augments
284 Molecular docking calculations
predict that UQ interacts with phenylalanine 211 and pin
285 ea that city birds have longer lifespans, we
predict that urban birds have a slower pace-of-life comp
286 est this, first we used stochastic models to
predict that variability in the numbers of molecules inv
287 Additionally, our model
predicts that VEGF isoform-specific properties lead to d
288 Models
predict that vertical gradients of foliar nitrogen (N) a
289 Such a segregation of function would
predict that when activity in the superior colliculus is
290 In particular our model
predicts that when filament lifetimes are shorter than b
291 Petrogenetic modeling
predicts that when these melts are emplaced as a success
292 Kin selection theory
predicts that,
where kin discrimination is possible, ani
293 We also
predicted that wide-ranging and migratory behaviours cou
294 Nevertheless, we
predicted that wild dog populations might be sensitive t
295 In conclusion, we
predict that within rosemary extract two specific consti
296 Optimal defense (OD) theory
predicts that within a plant, tissues are defended in pr
297 Based on these results, we
predict that,
within a given lineage, taxa producing lar
298 For example, we
predict that,
within the class of DD motor neurons, only
299 We
predict that WNK1 and the associated phosphorylation of
300 Several model-based economic evaluations
predicted that Xpert would be cost-effective across sub-