


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 luids like Lactated Ringer's solution may be preferable.
2 ion and excretion may render (68)Ga-DOTATATE preferable.
3 cidence, but less frequent assessment may be preferable.
4 this reason, a top-down MS approach would be preferable.
5 mmunity after a single immunization would be preferable.
6 lowly absorbable monofilament material seems preferable.
7                   Noninvasive tests would be preferable.
8  and using NucleoSpin and mirVana columns is preferable.
9 ious swab technique is acceptable and may be preferable.
10  when noninvasive human sample collection is preferable.
11 suggests the phacoemulsification approach is preferable.
12 verage with the macrocycles and is therefore preferable.
13 ncing unselected affected individuals may be preferable.
14 hrocytic and exo-erythrocytic forms would be preferable.
15                 Newer generation AEDs may be preferable.
16 e, longer reads (implying fewer of them) are preferable.
17 till cases where 20-gauge is appropriate and preferable.
18 cess in which H2 and O2 are reacted would be preferable.
19 d killing at low bacterial load is sometimes preferable.
20 ich does not depend on the value of g(u), is preferable.
21  patients in whom an alternative strategy is preferable.
22  reasons, methods based on proton nuclei are preferable.
23 tic approaches might have been equivalent or preferable.
24 arget the virus rather than cytokines may be preferable.
25 reconstruction, or delayed reconstruction is preferable.
26 l-preserved liver function, resection may be preferable.
27 al of acrosomes before ICSI is theoretically preferable.
28 rly, stopping the loss of tolerance would be preferable.
29           Noninvasive means of diagnosis are preferable.
30  intervention, making the percutaneous route preferable.
31 bel methods and compare both to see which is preferable.
32 ibition of the PHDs and FIH catalysis may be preferable.
33  and fluoro derivatives, open forms are more preferable.
34 CB units, larger-dosed single units would be preferable.
35  a clinical setting a simplified protocol is preferable.
36 ing in stem cells, the use of 20nt sgRNAs is preferable.
37 l-time analysis make the creamatocrit method preferable.
38 nd in many instances x-y confocal imaging is preferable.
39 h bioprosthetic versus mechanical valves are preferable.
40 emains unknown for which patients alloSCT is preferable.
41 management with prolonged observation may be preferable.
42 ver several respiratory cycles is most often preferable.
43 some situations surgical intervention may be preferable.
44                          Our data point to a preferable accumulation of C-terminal apoE fragment in t
45            Topical tacrolimus proved to be a preferable adjunct agent to the systemic therapy by prev
46 interface and prevents the thermodynamically preferable adsorption of the clinical lung surfactant Su
47 MTD, the question arises whether it may be a preferable alternative dosing approach from the outset.
48 maintain acceptable outcomes and represent a preferable alternative to both high waiting list mortali
49 an provide a large-scale and environmentally preferable alternative to petroleum transportation fuels
50 ounds can be an excellent complement or even preferable alternative to small molecule and biological
51 n select cases botulinum is a reasonable and preferable alternative to surgery.
52  which point the honeycomb structure becomes preferable, although the Toth structure remains metastab
53               Storage at low temperature was preferable and 'Senga Sengana' was the most and 'Blink'
54                     Regional anesthesia is a preferable anesthetic option for perioperative managemen
55  serve as an alternative and hemodynamically preferable approach for antibradycardia pacing.
56 on will underestimate the organ doses, and a preferable approach is to evaluate organ-specific doses
57 that partial nephrectomy is an effective and preferable approach to the T1 renal mass, it remains mar
58 terogeneous DNA/collagen complexes through a preferable arrangement of multiple hydrogen bonds (H-bon
59 gue that manipulating baseline activation is preferable as it realises consistent decision implementa
60                 The use of SEPSs seems least preferable, as they are associated with frequent stent m
61                               Although MA is preferable at low polydispersity, the new estimator is t
62 ents analysis, and the two-step approach was preferable based on lipid partitioning, reproducibility,
63 ete conversion; (ii) the HighMT treatment is preferable because it yields greater homogeneity among s
64  to bitemporal ECT for depression and may be preferable because of its better cognitive side-effect p
65 umab was as effective as ranibizumab, it was preferable because of its lower cost.
66 ure drying without osmotic pretreatment were preferable because the ascorbic acid and carotenoids wer
67 ghtly less active compounds that may display preferable binding kinetics.
68  and docking studies showed site-1 to be the preferable binding site for 28 within the drug-binding p
69                  Oral vaccine delivery seems preferable but runs the risk of the vaccine's destructio
70 air mechanism is not only energetically more preferable, but also explains the selectivity utilized b
71 er failure or primary allograft failure is a preferable candidate for this procedure than a patient w
72  scenarios have a definitive environmentally preferable choice among the alternatives being compared
73  for bioethanol production would be the most preferable choice from a climate perspective, while the
74                                          The preferable conformation in the Na+-containing solution w
75 ed conformation of the LBD dimer is a highly preferable conformation of the LBD dimer without the inf
76  mesothelioma, and talc pleurodesis might be preferable considering the fewer complications and short
77 r using multiple observations per patient is preferable depends on the clinical context and consequen
78 he presence or absence of enhancement is the preferable diagnostic criterion to rule out malignancy i
79 ses optimises iron absorption and might be a preferable dosing regimen.
80 ting agent such as cyclophosphamide would be preferable due to its reduced risk of promoting secondar
81 ates, although shock wave lithotripsy may be preferable due to more favorable secondary outcomes.
82                Smaller nozzle sizes are more preferable due to their higher inflow capacity.
83 ubes (CNTs) for energy harvesting devices is preferable due to their unique mechanical, thermal, and
84 e some cases in which the supine PCNL may be preferable (e.g. in obese patients).
85 en-loaded brilliant green, which allowed for preferable elimination of human lung carcinoma cells (ca
86        The complete noninducibility may be a preferable end point of ablation because it was associat
87 alline U(IV) phase uraninite, or UO2, is the preferable end-product of bioremediation due to its rela
88 s Ca(2+)-binding proteins, the use of DMn is preferable even in the presence of Mg(2+).
89 on (AIE)-active organic molecules to realize preferable far-red and NIR fluorescence, well-controlled
90 d an arrangement of 20-24 wells per plate is preferable for a negative control to be used for hit sel
91 issue components of the periodontium, may be preferable for assessing efficacy of periodontal regener
92 ddition, although measurement of FCS remains preferable for assessment of central retinal thickness,
93 or stimulation of natural communities may be preferable for carbonate precipitation over the long ter
94 evertheless, total intravenous anesthesia is preferable for certain thoracic procedures incompatible
95 rithm provided equivalent results and may be preferable for clinical application.
96 uggesting that Reading Center grading may be preferable for clinical trials.
97 vironment in all of the cupredoxins which is preferable for Cu(II), whereas previous loop elongation
98 tures and low curvature membrane surface are preferable for CYP2B4-cytb5 complex formation.
99 employ, and different pathway ontologies are preferable for different end uses.
100 y used by other attractiveness reviewers, is preferable for drawing unbiased conclusions about the ef
101 n suggesting that these methods are the most preferable for drug taste masking.
102 ests the nasal route of vaccination might be preferable for effective mucosal vaccines in the elderly
103                            Although blood is preferable for genetic analyses, this study offers an al
104 , single-shot immunization may ultimately be preferable for global vaccine delivery.
105 ms compared with the FA and FN media and are preferable for Gram stain interpretation as well.
106                                  Retrofit is preferable for high-income regions.
107 Transcreener ADP assay make this format less preferable for high-throughput screening.
108 tamers to unmodified proteins in solution is preferable for identifying aptamers for eventual in vivo
109  binding sites than agonists and may thus be preferable for in vivo tumor targeting.
110 esults suggest that a semiannual interval is preferable for ipsilateral mammographic surveillance, al
111               Resin microspheres thus may be preferable for larger tumors and those with high arteria
112  acutely exacerbated AD; pimecrolimus may be preferable for long-term treatment and stabilization.
113 eral anaesthesia may be appealing and indeed preferable for many patients.
114 that methanol/chloroform/water extraction is preferable for metabolomics, and we further optimized th
115 ression at high CD4 counts, immediate ART is preferable for most newly infected individuals <35 years
116 nmental perspective, lead-free SnTe would be preferable for solid-state waste heat recovery if its th
117 ngs are not well correlated, and that MRI is preferable for the detection of TMJ disease in new-onset
118 ease of specimen collection, NP swabs may be preferable for the diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia.
119 es, whereas pathway "b" is thermodynamically preferable for the small-sized model structures.
120                     Automated approaches are preferable for this, primarily because of the size and v
121 s conceptually different and physiologically preferable for tissue oxygenation.
122 a single individual in the world having the 'preferable' form of all 23 polymorphisms.
123 ity of any single individual possessing the 'preferable' form of each polymorphism will become even l
124                       The latter methods are preferable if one wants to not only quantify the apparen
125 e used for local ancestry inference which is preferable in cases of recent admixture as the genome le
126 60 mL/min/1.73 m and therefore eGFR(MDRD) is preferable in detecting donors with GFR less than 60 mL/
127        A phase-preserving amplifier would be preferable in many applications, but such devices have n
128 odeficiency, whereas unrelated donors may be preferable in non-severe combined immunodeficiency child
129 s which is carried out at low temperature is preferable in order to preserve these compounds.
130               However, surgical resection is preferable in patients with MS due to a supravalvar mitr
131 potent anabolic agent; phosphate salt may be preferable in patients with restricted phosphorus intake
132 rofile rather than a single biomarker may be preferable in the molecular-orientated diagnosis of gast
133            Evolutionarily stable PAIs may be preferable in this species because preexisting genetic v
134 treatment with gentamicin seems adequate and preferable in treating non-high-level aminoglycoside-res
135 ound that electron-donating substituents are preferable, in particular, an alkoxy substituent positio
136                          Therefore, SCI is a preferable index for quantifying cycling in ecosystems.
137 of prostatic basal cells into transformation-preferable luminal cells.
138 en offers an effective, facile and ethically preferable means for long-term activation of ER(TAM) fus
139 nal anastomosis is a safe, simple, and often preferable method for biliary reconstruction.
140                              US is the first preferable modality because it is quick and cheap than M
141 SI questionnaire is both an acceptable and a preferable mode of data collection in this population.
142 nd rat ( approximately 1-3%) and may prove a preferable murine model with which to study cone-driven
143 ed suitable for sample digestion but MIC was preferable not only because diluted HNO3 can be used as
144 ed and processed foods; to base the database preferable on analytical data; to include major as well
145  oral phase of melioidosis treatment, and is preferable on the basis of safety and tolerance by patie
146 trophic oil spills that can be used when the preferable option of recapturing the oil cannot be achie
147  to a better quality of life, which may be a preferable option, especially for elderly patients with
148 th methods and discuss whether one method is preferable or if they should be used concurrently.
149                        Although proteins are preferable over carbohydrates and synthetic polymers, bi
150 icate that conversion to low-dose TAC may be preferable over CsA for chronic maintenance immunosuppre
151  transculturizing a high-quality GL might be preferable over developing a GL from zero.
152  (gastric + intestinal) IVG or PBET might be preferable over EN 71-3 since they better represent gast
153 ting epistasis (or gene-gene interaction) is preferable over single locus study since many diseases a
154              Consequently, the method may be preferable over whole-genome methods in applications req
155               Dosing based on C-G formula is preferable, particularly in the small, female, or elderl
156 ulation, suggesting that it may still be the preferable perimetric technique for predicting risk of d
157 acid a collagen-stabilizing etchant, but the preferable phosphoric acid concentration should be <20%.
158 EPI NPs showed good physiological stability, preferable photothermal response, excellent NIRF/PA imag
159 type of the organism, while group A LSPs are preferable phylogenetic markers.
160                              Environmentally preferable procurement (EPP) and the establishment of en
161 ein binding, and high metabolic stability as preferable properties for renal imaging.
162 e thus conclude that the thin film method is preferable providing closer agreement with numerical sim
163 ner or outer fjord is identified as the most preferable remediation alternative under all criteria sc
164  either a mercury pool or an environmentally preferable reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) cathode.
165  in heart transplant recipients and may be a preferable screening technique because of its noninvasiv
166    The decision regarding which operation is preferable should be made on the basis of patient factor
167 thesis, short-duration current pulses may be preferable since they result in a more localized activat
168 ty of these NADES was determined to select a preferable solvent.
169 tability, then an automated archive may be a preferable source of data for so-called early warning sy
170  proof of concept that BEC is a reliable and preferable source of DNA for high-throughput sequencing
171 nose and treat; therefore, prevention is the preferable strategy.
172 proteins and (2) DNA-peptide cross-links are preferable substrates for this system relative to DNA-pr
173 s that the oxidation of GPx by ONOOH is more preferable than its nitration.
174                                  It might be preferable that a male contraceptive, in particular a no
175                   In such applications it is preferable that the properties of these random walks rem
176 oded the subject's intended response and how preferable the received outcome was.
177 hat targeting both GTPases could represent a preferable therapeutic option for ALCL treatment.
178 nst neurotoxicity, suggesting that Cdk5 is a preferable therapeutic target for AD relative to JNK and
179 ospects of targeting the niche components as preferable therapeutic targets.
180 conazole and caspofungin might be considered preferable therapy for subsets of organ transplant recip
181 ls and nonrandomized studies (a term that is preferable to "outcomes research") is in the allocation
182  fisheries management measures are generally preferable to 'silver bullet' and 'one size fits all' co
183 )Ga-NODAGA-JR11 was the tracer of choice and preferable to (68)Ga-DOTA-JR11 in transplantable HEK293-
184       Standard 14-day triple-drug therapy is preferable to 5-day concomitant or 10-day sequential fou
185  All vaccination strategies were found to be preferable to a culling only strategy.
186 t that a capecitabine-based regimen might be preferable to a gemcitabine-based regimen in the context
187 hich makes a sodium-ion rechargeable battery preferable to a lithium-ion battery for large-scale stor
188 more complex UAE, and the simpler UAC may be preferable to ACR in some respects.
189 g season- or month-specific cutpoints may be preferable to adjusting for DOSC.
190 t patients (91.7%) found self-administration preferable to administration in the clinic.
191 inses, and withdrawal of bisphosphonates are preferable to aggressive surgical measures for treating
192                                 Hyperoxia is preferable to air breathing during retinal arterial occl
193 ssessed the hypotheses that (1) hyperoxia is preferable to air breathing during retinal arterial occl
194 system mechanics under dynamic conditions is preferable to analysis during static conditions.
195 position data on actual supplements used are preferable to assuming a default nutrient profile for mu
196 ad's caution that being vaguely right may be preferable to being precisely wrong.
197        Free breathing technique is therefore preferable to BH DWI in the evaluation of abdominal orga
198 vasive assessment of cardiac function may be preferable to BNP to uncover unsuspected left ventricula
199 ain conclusion is that optimality models are preferable to break-even models because they permit fitn
200                                Treat all was preferable to CAC screening in this scenario and across
201                         Endocrine therapy is preferable to chemotherapy as first-line treatment for p
202  the use of primary tumors from patients are preferable to clonal tumor cell lines.
203                              Single agent is preferable to combination chemotherapy, and longer plann
204 using Pronase E, a protease cocktail, proved preferable to common strong acid digestion techniques, b
205              The Monte Carlo-based CI may be preferable to competing methods because of the ease of e
206  new data emerge, these methods are becoming preferable to conservative treatment.
207 ue and that community funding structures are preferable to corporate structures, yet lack supporting
208 ven these features we determined that it was preferable to develop our spatiotemporal models using on
209 nt from either a live or a deceased donor is preferable to dialysis therapy because transplantation p
210  as a treatment in pediatric population, and preferable to difficult and toxic eye-drop regimens.Immu
211  efficacy can be achieved without CRT, it is preferable to do so.
212 ation of intima thickness and I/M ratio seem preferable to estimation of common carotid artery IMT in
213 tial correlation across the surface would be preferable to estimations at discrete spatial locations.
214 0 year GWP, every scenario including WTE was preferable to every scenario including landfill.
215 ived calls appeared to be highly salient and preferable to females: they looked longer towards and sp
216 est that transfer for direct PCI may also be preferable to fibrinolytic therapy.
217 sh injury; (2) either of these cell types is preferable to Fibros for these purposes; and (3) age-mat
218 ions and other epigenetic marks, it is often preferable to find a characteristic region of enrichment
219 erefore, dosimetry-guided RAI therapy may be preferable to fixed-dose RAI treatment strategies in old
220  tumour oedema and metastatic spread, may be preferable to full vascular suppression in the treatment
221                               Instead, it is preferable to generate multiple assemblies and validate
222 o confirm that individual plaque analysis is preferable to global CAC scores to evaluate progression
223                           Liquid methanol is preferable to highly volatile and potentially explosive
224 spoke protein 44 as an accurate designation, preferable to human meichroacidin because it denotes the
225  Our results suggest that zoledronic acid is preferable to ibandronic acid in preventing skeletal-rel
226 ialysis, both of which are widely considered preferable to in-centre haemodialysis for many patients
227 cute dysfunction of the kidney allograft are preferable to invasive allograft biopsies.
228 ) using comprehensive exposure scores may be preferable to investigating individual component-disease
229 roduction from biogas methane is shown to be preferable to its production from cultivated feedstock d
230 n p/n is large enough, least squares becomes preferable to least absolute deviations for double-expon
231 articular with hepatorenal syndrome, CLKT is preferable to LTA because it improves liver allograft an
232 th the use of OCT, RNFL parameters are still preferable to macular parameters for diagnosing manifest
233 ully selected patients, this approach may be preferable to mastecomy and breast reconstruction, parti
234 y acid synthesis with [1-(11)C]acetate it is preferable to measure uptake at later time points, when
235 nd proof that an interventional technique is preferable to medical therapy alone.
236 verse deterioration of renal function and is preferable to medical treatment.
237  from the asymmetric units and it is usually preferable to model from the BUs.
238 tients' quality of life, with oral treatment preferable to most patients with cancer.
239 conditions under which pooled design becomes preferable to non-pooled design can then be derived give
240 ort the conclusion that COX-2 inhibitors are preferable to non-selective NSAIDs in patients with chro
241  For future clinical application it would be preferable to obtain reparative cells from an olfactory
242            For clinical purposes it would be preferable to obtain the cells from the more accessible
243 rarenal organs from consideration and may be preferable to OR extubation by improving family support
244 atively high sensitivity make this technique preferable to other extraction-based flame measurements.
245 imbal epithelial transplantation is probably preferable to other techniques of limbal stem cell trans
246 e effective, with fewer adverse effects, and preferable to patients.
247 ent studies have indicated that endoscopy is preferable to percutaneous drainage.
248 that account for fluid status monitoring are preferable to policies that account solely for predialys
249 ymium, especially via manual dismantling, is preferable to primary production, with some environmenta
250 ng hydrolysis and antioxidant strategies are preferable to produce good quality products.
251 S and in other population-based studies, was preferable to provide continuity with past NHANES.
252                         This method is often preferable to quantitative RT-PCR, because it does not n
253 cation in high-density memory devices, it is preferable to reduce the size of skyrmion.
254         The term congenital Zika syndrome is preferable to refer to these cases, as microcephaly is j
255 py is used as an analytical tool it is often preferable to remove catalytically active proteins, in p
256  as a point process, then RSF methods may be preferable to RUFs; however, modified RUFs may provide l
257                                  TAVR may be preferable to SAVR in patients with a small aortic annul
258 ts guided solely by the antibody profile, is preferable to selection based on educated guesswork when
259 catenated target-decoy database searches are preferable to separate target and decoy database searche
260 nce, a combination including oxaliplatin was preferable to single-agent fluoropyrimidines, although t
261 etween systole and diastole and is therefore preferable to standard single-phase sequences for the pl
262 tric cancer is minimally invasive and can be preferable to surgery.
263                                   RVM may be preferable to SVM, because it provides a Bayesian-derive
264 patients for whom intravitreal infliximab is preferable to systemic treatment.
265 ound in which a treat-to-target approach was preferable to tailored treatment.
266 ces, NucAmino produced an alignment that was preferable to that found by LAP in that it was more like
267 rmation potential, the centralized system is preferable to the ceramic filter POU technology.
268                                   The ICC is preferable to the commonly used statistics (r and rho) f
269  systemic sclerosis for up to 2 years and is preferable to the current standard of care, but longer f
270                     The abdominal site seems preferable to the flank site NIRS (kidney region) applic
271 ach in social cognition is distinct from and preferable to the second-person approach proposed in the
272 nician engagement to determine whether it is preferable to the traditional approach.
273  use of swabs without transport media may be preferable to the use of swabs with transport media.
274 ptides with favorable properties that may be preferable to those associated with native natriuretic p
275 hat three-dimensional transport networks are preferable to those of lower dimensions.
276 marizing, micelles with elastic cores appear preferable to those with solid cores as drug carriers.
277 therapy after acute coronary syndrome may be preferable to titration of statin dose to achieve specif
278 trate that a US-reactivation paradigm may be preferable to traditional CS-reactivation paradigms for
279 real-time electronic assessments of pain are preferable to traditional paper-and-pencil measures.
280 s with acute ischaemic stroke, enoxaparin is preferable to unfractionated heparin for venous thromboe
281   For staging, bilateral prophylactic CND is preferable to unilateral CND.
282  Deglycosylated anti-Abeta antibodies may be preferable to unmodified IgG because they retain the cog
283                         Routine use of EN is preferable to upfront PN in these patients.
284 erlying neural representation and that it is preferable to use a single common reference frame for mo
285                               Although it is preferable to use the same quantitation assay throughout
286 elies on bootstrapping, and as such might be preferable to users who are averse to such models.
287                 Therefore, HPLC-DAD might be preferable to UV-vis for determining the safranal conten
288 t clear guidelines, even if restrictive, are preferable to vague unpublicised criteria.
289 he posterior area of the mandible seem to be preferable to vertical augmentation procedures, which pr
290 nts, targeted consent's verbal disclosure is preferable to waiving consent, provided a slight delay i
291 ough it might be easier (and, in some cases, preferable) to blur the distinction between sign and ges
292 urn patients, is it not possible, and indeed preferable, to tackle the stress response in a more aggr
293 g the FDR and improving specificity may be a preferable trade-off for slightly lower sensitivity.
294                        This regimen may be a preferable treatment choice for patients with ESCLC who
295 how that overall, supermatrix approaches are preferable when a low amount of gene transfer is suspect
296 , simple arguments show that the n/r form is preferable when density dependence is driven by individu
297 decades) or 2 sex-specific cutoff levels are preferable when using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin
298 , and the ethical issues involved, it may be preferable, where possible, to have a specialized team,
299 at the alternative treatment would have been preferable, which may bring a sense of regret.
300 y the linear concentration-response model is preferable, while the transformation products may be exc

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