


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 zymatic products (i.e., isocaproaldehyde and pregnenolone).
2 lar to those for cholesterol conversion into pregnenolone.
3 ic factor 1, P450scc converts cholesterol to pregnenolone.
4 y for progesterone hydroxylation relative to pregnenolone.
5 450 11A1 reaction to produce the key steroid pregnenolone.
6 onsiderably lower levels of androsterone and pregnenolone.
7 HEA than toward the 17alpha-hydroxylation of pregnenolone.
8 oidogenic pathway, converting cholesterol to pregnenolone.
9 omovanillic acid, dehydroepiandrosterone, or pregnenolone.
10 ng are 2 pg for these steroids and 10 pg for pregnenolone.
11 h different affinities for dexamethasone and pregnenolone 16 alpha-carbonitrile and may explain the m
12 tional inducer and glucocorticoid antagonist pregnenolone 16 alpha-carbonitrile at 100 microM blocks
13                             The inability of pregnenolone 16 alpha-carbonitrile to fully compete with
14 of CYP3A1 mediated by high concentrations of pregnenolone 16 alpha-carbonitrile.
15 s induced on treatment with dexamethasone or pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile only if consensus II
16            In female rats, dexamethasone and pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile treatment elevated ri
17 examethasone or with rifampicin but not with pregnenolone-16 alpha-carbonitrile.
18                 Treatment with PXR activator pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) down-regulated t
19 Here we report that the activation of PXR by pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) in AKR/J mice ca
20 ecular target for catatoxic steroids such as pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN), which induce cy
21  induction by the prototypical CYP3A inducer pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile was restricted to cons
22 Notably, PXR.1 is efficaciously activated by pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile, a glucocorticoid rece
23 phenobarbital (PB), Aroclor 1254, isoniazid, pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile, and clofibrate) or th
24  mg/kg/day) of nicardipine, clotrimazole, or pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile, but not microsomes fr
25 ,5-dichloropyridyloxy)]benzene (TCPOBOP) and pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile, respectively.
26                       The dexamethasone- and pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile-dependent induction of
27 yridyloxy)] (TCPOBOP) but not the PXR ligand pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile.
28 tment of wild-type mice with the PXR agonist pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) activated Akr1b7
29 sing isolated capillaries to the PXR ligands pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) and dexamethason
30 tment of animals with phenobarbital (PB) and pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) occurs via incre
31 ulation by the pregnane X receptor activator pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN) or the Ah recept
32                       Treatment of rats with pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN), a ligand for th
33 control female, 19- and 20-day pregnant, and pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile (PCN)-treated rats usi
34 old, asymptomatic hAPP mice over 7 days with pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile to activate the nuclea
35 (3) and the catatoxic synthetic steroid PCN (pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile).
36 50 inducers, including 3-methylcholanthrene, pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile, and ciprofibrate.
37          In C57L mice given the PXR agonist, pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile, or the herbal medicin
38 prototypic inducers such as dexamethasone or pregnenolone-16alpha-carbonitrile.
39 with deuterium-labeled substrates: 17-[(2)H]-pregnenolone; 17-[(2)H]-, 16alpha-[(2)H]-, 21,21,21-[(2)
40 and Preg, and P450 17A2 is more efficient in pregnenolone 17alpha-hydroxylation but does not catalyze
41  cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta
42  cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (conve
43  determinations made after oral ingestion of pregnenolone and data from the literature suggest there
44 e identical for blocking DHEA formation from pregnenolone and for 17alpha-hydroxylation, suggestive o
45 ed T(H)2 CD4 T cells significantly decreased pregnenolone and IL13 mRNA and protein levels.
46 catalyzes the oxidations of progesterone and pregnenolone and is the major source of androgens.
47 of its carbon-carbon bond cleavage products, pregnenolone and isocaproaldehyde .
48 , whereas SULT2B1a preferentially sulfonates pregnenolone and only minimally sulfonates cholesterol.
49 talyses not only the 17alpha-hydroxlation of pregnenolone and progesterone and the C17,20-side chain
50 catalyzing both the 17alpha-hydroxylation of pregnenolone and progesterone and the subsequent 17alpha
51          Second, both hydroxylase substrates pregnenolone and progesterone hydrogen bond to Asn(202)
52 aboon CYP17 has apparent Km and V values for pregnenolone and progesterone of 0.9 micro m and 0.4 nmo
53 n by mediating four reactions: conversion of pregnenolone and progesterone to 17-hydroxypregnenolone
54 s 17alpha-hydroxylase activities, converting pregnenolone and progesterone to 17alpha-hydroxysteroids
55 hways; thus, Xenopus CYP17 rapidly converted pregnenolone and progesterone to dehydroepiandrosterone
56 me p450c17 (CYP17) converts the C21 steroids pregnenolone and progesterone to the C19 androgen precur
57 ated by naturally occurring steroids such as pregnenolone and progesterone, and synthetic glucocortic
58 f hydroxysteroids dehydroepiandrosterone and pregnenolone and their main metabolites in human plasma
59                                Progesterone, pregnenolone, and 17alpha-OH-pregnenolone were potent in
60 NAD+ as a cofactor and oxidizes cholesterol, pregnenolone, and dehydroepiandrosterone to their respec
61 rticosterone, cortisol, deoxycorticosterone, pregnenolone, and progesterone in bovine adrenal zona gl
62 1b in the presence of the acceptor substrate pregnenolone at 2.3 A.
63 subcutaneous pellets releasing DHEA or 17-OH pregnenolone at a constant rate failed to rescue P450c17
64 cts of the endogenous ligands lipoxin A4 and pregnenolone at CB1Rs.
65 n the SULT2B1 isoforms, becomes ordered upon pregnenolone binding, covering the substrate binding poc
66 egnenolone-derivative MAP4343 (3beta-methoxy-pregnenolone) binds MAP-2 in vitro and increases its abi
67 sely, the SULT2B1a isoform avidly sulfonates pregnenolone but not cholesterol.
68                                              Pregnenolone but not lipoxin A4 displaced [(3)H]SR141716
69   The rat SULT2B1a isoform avidly sulfonates pregnenolone but poorly utilizes cholesterol as a substr
70 lesterol is more efficiently sulfonated than pregnenolone by the SULT2B1b isoform; on the other hand,
71  This bifunctional enzyme is responsible for pregnenolone C17 hydroxylation, followed by a 17,20-lyas
72 adducts of the bifunctional steroid "reduced pregnenolone" (containing two hydroxyl groups) and its d
73                          Internal standards, pregnenolone-d4 sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone-d2 (D
74                                The synthetic pregnenolone-derivative MAP4343 (3beta-methoxy-pregnenol
75         However, we observed processivity in pregnenolone/DHEA pulse-chase experiments.
76 e of the 17alpha-OH pregnenolone formed from pregnenolone did not dissociate from P450 17A1 before co
77 along with ACAT1/ACAT2 contribute to control pregnenolone ester content in different cell types and t
78  the frontal cortex for allopregnanolone and pregnenolone following a swim stress and for allopregnan
79 vity is present, i.e. some of the 17alpha-OH pregnenolone formed from pregnenolone did not dissociate
80 pression remission rates were greater in the pregnenolone group (61%) compared with the placebo group
81  in neurosteroid levels were observed in the pregnenolone group but not in the placebo group.
82                                       In the pregnenolone group, baseline-to-exit change in the HRSA
83 f the neurosteroids pregnenolone sulfate and pregnenolone hemisuccinate, which potentiate NMDA recept
84 nist-stimulated conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone (i.e., cytochrome P-450 cholesterol monooxy
85 or the intracellular catalytic production of pregnenolone, i.e. the genes and proteins for P450scc en
86 terone, testosterone, 5alpha,3alpha-THP, and pregnenolone in 1-2 ml of human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF
87         The levels of 5alpha, 3alpha-THP and pregnenolone in human CSF were higher than those of monk
88                                    Levels of pregnenolone in serum were reduced in parallel.
89 rial membranes, where it is metabolized into pregnenolone in steroidogenic cells.
90 e drug abiraterone and the natural substrate pregnenolone, in the CYP17 active site together with mol
91 oduction from progesterone and for DHEA from pregnenolone, indicating a distributive character of the
92          Notably, titration of b5 to CYP17A1.pregnenolone induced a set of conformational states clos
93 tochondria where cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone, initiating steroidogenesis.
94 he ability of adipocyte CYP11A1 in producing pregnenolone is demonstrated for the first time, renderi
95  of the male hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone is first hydroxylated by P450 CYP17A1 at th
96                                              Pregnenolone is formed via three sequential monooxygenat
97 M under chronic exposure conditions, whereas pregnenolone is ineffective.
98 n is stronger when the hydroxylase substrate pregnenolone is present in the CYP17A1 active site than
99 of steroidogenic tissues, the first steroid, pregnenolone, is synthesized in adrenal and gonadal tiss
100 xylase activity while in contrast 17alpha-OH-pregnenolone lyase activity was stimulated by b5.
101                     The results suggest that pregnenolone may improve depressive symptoms in patients
102 on, participants were administered 400 mg of pregnenolone (n=16) or placebo (n=15) and underwent 3T f
103 rrent report, the effect of the neurosteroid pregnenolone on depressive symptoms in BPD was examined.
104 rmal pregnant females with pellets releasing pregnenolone or progesterone did not cause fetal demise.
105                   Precursors of DHEA such as pregnenolone or six of its major metabolites, had no sig
106 ma tumor cells in culture biosynthesize both pregnenolone (P) and D.
107                                              Pregnenolone (PREG) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) ha
108                             The neurosteroid pregnenolone (PREG) and its metabolites pregnenolone sul
109 ical hydroxylation of its primary substrate, pregnenolone (PREG) and then also orchestrates a remarka
110                                              Pregnenolone (PREG) can be converted to PREG esters (PE)
111 tion of the steroids progesterone (Prog) and pregnenolone (Preg) to glucocorticoids and androgens.
112 10 min of exposure to the steroids cortisol, pregnenolone, pregnenolone sulfate, or progesterone.
113          Recombinant His-tag StAR stimulated pregnenolone production in a dose- and time-dependent ma
114 esulted in an approximately 50% reduction in pregnenolone production.
115 ngiotensin II (5 nM)-induced aldosterone and pregnenolone production.
116 iated with psychiatric disorders and reduced pregnenolone production.
117                                          The pregnenolone, progesterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone c
118  by upstream CYP11A1-dependent intraturmoral pregnenolone/progesterone synthesis.
119                    Wild-type MLN64 increased pregnenolone secretion in this system 2-fold.
120                          The exploitation of pregnenolone steroid for benzoquinolines and terephthala
121 trates while the human enzyme favors Delta5 (pregnenolone) substrates.
122 omers of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (1), pregnenolone sulfate (2), and (3alpha,5beta)-3-hydroxypr
123                               The ability of pregnenolone sulfate (a positive modulator) and epipregn
124 roid pregnenolone (PREG) and its metabolites pregnenolone sulfate (PregS) and allopregnanolone in ser
125   TRPM3 can be activated by the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate (PregS) and heat.
126                                              Pregnenolone sulfate (PREGS), one of the most abundantly
127 h models of the GABA-inhibitory neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate (PREGS), suggesting common mechanis
128 ates serum levels of the neuroactive steroid pregnenolone sulfate (PregS).
129 ted by heat and chemical agonists, including pregnenolone sulfate (PS) and nifedipine (Nif).
130                       Sulfated steroids like pregnenolone sulfate (PS) are found endogenously in the
131                                              Pregnenolone sulfate (PS) is a sulfated neurosteroid whi
132                                              Pregnenolone sulfate (PS) is an abundant neurosteroid th
133                                              Pregnenolone sulfate (PS) is an abundant neurosteroid th
134                                              Pregnenolone sulfate (PS) is an endogenous neurosteroid
135                  The endogenous neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate (PS) is known to enhance memory and
136  We examined the effects of the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate (PS) on GABA(A) receptor-mediated s
137                         Here, we report that pregnenolone sulfate (PS) uses a unique mechanism for en
138              The effects of the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate (PS) were studied in 3- to 9-week-o
139                   One of these neurosteroid, pregnenolone sulfate (PS), depends on six identified M1
140                                              Pregnenolone sulfate (PS), one of the most commonly occu
141 exceeds that of the canonical TRPM3 agonist, pregnenolone sulfate (PS).
142                                  The steroid pregnenolone sulfate activates the transcription factor
143 iously shown that the sulfated neurosteroids pregnenolone sulfate and 3alpha-hydroxy-5beta-pregnan-20
144                      Sig-1R agonists such as pregnenolone sulfate and cocaine caused the dissociation
145 loreclezole, had different IC(50) values for pregnenolone sulfate and lanthanum, and were insensitive
146 sure alters the actions of the neurosteroids pregnenolone sulfate and pregnenolone hemisuccinate, whi
147 oth compounds competed with progesterone and pregnenolone sulfate and significantly reduced CatSper a
148 bserve enantioselectivity for the actions of pregnenolone sulfate and steroid sulfate 3 indicates tha
149 tsynaptic neuron depolarization, and an anti-pregnenolone sulfate antibody scavenger blocked this eff
150            The neurosteroids alphaxalone and pregnenolone sulfate appropriately modulated GABAR curre
151 l CatSper currents, whereas the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate exerted similar effects as progeste
152 ectrophysiological techniques, we found that pregnenolone sulfate increases the frequency of AMPA-med
153 report here that the excitatory neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate induces a long-lasting strengthenin
154                                              Pregnenolone sulfate inhibited GABA-evoked currents with
155                   The mechanism of action of pregnenolone sulfate involved a short-term increase in t
156                     Moreover, the actions of pregnenolone sulfate on type A gamma-aminobutyric acid a
157  modulation by 3alpha5alphaP but not that by pregnenolone sulfate or beta-estradiol.
158              These results indicate that (i) pregnenolone sulfate together with progesterone are the
159 hermore, the GluN2A/B-selective potentiator (pregnenolone sulfate) and the GluN2C/D-selective potenti
160 teric potentiation of NMDA receptor pores by pregnenolone sulfate, 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol, and doco
161 s steroids allopregnanolone (3alpha5alphaP), pregnenolone sulfate, and beta-estradiol in the absence
162 ulfated and unsulfated neurosteroids such as pregnenolone sulfate, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DH
163 sure to the steroids cortisol, pregnenolone, pregnenolone sulfate, or progesterone.
164 ne mediating the effects of the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate, or the allosteric regulatory site
165                       Neurosteroids, such as pregnenolone sulfate, were previously shown to modulate
166  c-Jun-specific short hairpin RNA attenuated pregnenolone sulfate-induced AP-1 activation.
167                             We conclude that pregnenolone sulfate-induced TRPM3 channel activation ch
168                This finding indicates that a pregnenolone sulfate-like neurosteroid is a previously u
169 fected the negative allosteric modulation by pregnenolone sulfate.
170 ally, testosterone antagonized the effect of pregnenolone sulfate.
171 t postulated for the inhibitory neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate.
172  that is unique to SULT2B1a has no effect on pregnenolone sulfotransferase activity.
173  is synthesized, whereas if exon 1A is used, pregnenolone sulfotransferase is produced.
174 ivated by heat, and chemical ligands such as pregnenolone sulphate (PregS) and CIM0216.
175 een paired stimuli or between ACSF and 1 mum pregnenolone sulphate (PREGS).
176 he circulation of phosphates, which elevated pregnenolone synthesis by 2-fold by increasing the stabi
177             His-tag StAR proteins stimulated pregnenolone synthesis to the same extent as wild-type S
178 gh the intermediacy of cAMP rapidly increase pregnenolone synthesis, and this rapid steroidogenic res
179 orylation site at serine 57 had no effect on pregnenolone synthesis.
180 r, Tom22 knockdown by siRNA had no effect on pregnenolone synthesis.
181 oids (allopregnanolone, epiallopregnanolone, pregnenolone, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone)
182 ive symptoms of schizophrenia with a dose of pregnenolone that elevates serum levels of the neuroacti
183 22 carbon-carbon bond of cholesterol to form pregnenolone, the first 21-carbon precursor of all stero
184 aves the side chain of cholesterol, yielding pregnenolone, the precursor of all steroid hormones.
185 er mitochondrial membrane to be converted to pregnenolone, the precursor of all steroid hormones.
186  catalyzes conversion of cholesterol (CH) to pregnenolone, the precursor to all steroid hormones.
187 n cleavage (P450scc) converts cholesterol to pregnenolone, the rate-limiting enzymatic reaction in ne
188 PD, depressed mood state, were randomized to pregnenolone (titrated to 500 mg/day) or placebo, as add
189 tein that converts dehydroepiandrosterone or pregnenolone to androstenedione or progesterone, respect
190  into mitochondria, where it is converted to pregnenolone to initiate steroidogenesis.
191 pe 2 (3betaHSD2) catalyzes the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone and dehydroepiandrostenedio
192 osensors to improve the biotransformation of pregnenolone to progesterone in yeast and to regulate CR
193 xysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD, converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone rece
194 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone rece
195 id synthesis by catalyzing the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone, which is mediated by the i
196 droepiandrostenedione to androstenedione and pregnenolone to progesterone.
197                                              Pregnenolone was well tolerated.
198                        24S-Hydroxysterol and pregnenolone were also present in the retina, but at muc
199   Progesterone, pregnenolone, and 17alpha-OH-pregnenolone were potent inhibitors of Delta24-reduction
200 ia from PBR-negative cells failed to produce pregnenolone when supplied with exogenous cholesterol.
201 olesterol but is also capable of sulfonating pregnenolone, whereas SULT2B1a preferentially sulfonates
202 preference for dehydroepiandrosterone versus pregnenolone with second-order rate constants (kcat/Km)
203 factor unequivocally as the nuclear receptor pregnenolone X receptor (PXR) and its human homologue, s
204                                          The pregnenolone X receptor (PXR), a new member of the nucle
205 t by inhibiting the activation of NRs, human pregnenolone X receptor and constitutive androstene rece
206 tor SXR/PXR (steroid and xenobiotic receptor/pregnenolone X receptor) has been shown both biochemical

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