


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n X-114 partition revealed that this pool is prenylated.
2  protein gamma subunits, are predicted to be prenylated.
3 e 42), however, only associates with PS when prenylated.
4 nd RhoA do not bind to PS even when they are prenylated.
5 sting that this pool of VP22-Rab9 had become prenylated.
6  from purified virions does not appear to be prenylated.
7 TPase regulator and Arl2/Arl3, which are not prenylated.
8 cles, providing that Cdc42 was GTP-bound and prenylated.
9 and/or palmitoylated, and gamma subunits are prenylated.
10     The protein appears to be microsomal and prenylated.
11  C-terminal residue) are posttranslationally prenylated.
12   Both GCY-33 and GCY-35 are predicted to be prenylated.
13 S are not affected as they are alternatively prenylated.
14 is step that occurs during biogenesis of the prenylated a-factor mating pheromone.
15 rminal tripeptide from the CAAX motif of the prenylated a-factor precursor.
16 pecific preparation of the C-2, C-5, and C-6 prenylated A-ring regioisomers.
17  refers to the cysteine residue that becomes prenylated, "a" refers to any aliphatic amino acid, and
18 ole in nuclear lamin biology by cleaving the prenylated and carboxylmethylated 15-amino acid tail fro
19 orismate to 4-hydroxybenzoate, which is then prenylated and decarboxylated.
20 kade only occurred if the peptides were both prenylated and methylated.
21 partners and act as displacement factors for prenylated and myristoylated cargo.
22  and SmgGDS-558 use to differentiate between prenylated and nonprenylated GTPases has not been charac
23                                              Prenylated and palmitoylated brain Cdc42 did not interac
24 equence influence whether the protein can be prenylated and proteolyzed.
25     Our approach to the preparation of these prenylated and reverse-prenylated indole alkaloids is bi
26                                The resulting prenylated and reverse-prenylated products were transfor
27 RhoGDI with the active and inactive forms of prenylated and unprenylated RhoA.
28 s (Arabidopsis thaliana), AGG1 and AGG2, are prenylated, and AGG2 is S-acylated.
29 involved in signal transduction pathways are prenylated, and inhibition of prenylation can be useful
30 d a key intermediate that was converted to a prenylated aromatic aldehyde.
31 iological activities distinct from their non-prenylated aromatic precursors.
32  found that Drosophila Ras1 is inefficiently prenylated as a consequence of a lysine in the A(1) posi
33 neral belief that PBR-possessing GTPases are prenylated as soon as they are synthesized.
34  Rab13, Ras, Rap, and Rho6, all of which are prenylated, as well as the N-terminal portion of retinit
35 nylated stilbenoids, in which resveratrol is prenylated at its C-4 position to form arachidin-2, wher
36 ationships were investigated surrounding the prenylated benzamide side chain of the natural product.
37  on plants containing high concentrations of prenylated benzoic acid.
38 f beta(1)gamma dimers for Galpha(t), the non-prenylated beta(1)gamma(2) dimer had significantly dimin
39                                              Prenylated betagamma subunits were excluded from rafts,
40 the yeast a-factor mating pheromone) and non-prenylated biological peptides (Abeta and insulin chains
41 2 was examined by fluorescence spectroscopy, prenylated but not unprenylated peptide increased PLCbet
42   In the dual lipidation pathway, bCdc42 was prenylated, but it bypassed proteolysis and carboxymethy
43          These results indicate that Cx32 is prenylated, but that prenylation is not required for pro
44 ggest that the tryptophan residue is reverse prenylated by CymD prior to release of the cyclic peptid
45                                  Both can be prenylated by either protein geranylgeranyltransferase I
46 mily, containing a C-terminal CAAX motif are prenylated by farnesyltransferase to facilitate localiza
47  that Cdc42p and Rho1p of C. albicans can be prenylated by FTase when GGTase I is absent or limiting
48  treatment with FTIs, they are alternatively prenylated by geranylgeranyl transferase-1.
49 with a CLLL motif permits this protein to be prenylated by geranylgeranyltransferase I but not II bot
50                 All nascent Rab proteins are prenylated by geranylgeranyltransferase II, which recogn
51 ptide N-dansyl-GCVLL was first enzymatically prenylated by human PGGTase-I with either (S)-[1-(2)H]fa
52 tion of the delta subunit is the methylated, prenylated C-terminus of the phosphodiesterase catalytic
53 ty of yRce1p was determined for a variety of prenylated CaaX peptides including farnesylated and gera
54                                        Thus, prenylated CAAX proteins do not associate directly with
55 broad role for this gene in processing other prenylated CAAX proteins.
56 ither a polybasic domain or an alternatively prenylated CAAX renders Ras prenylation, Ras-induced Elk
57 rough a conical cavity that accommodates the prenylated CAAX substrate.
58                                              Prenylated CaM53 associates with the plasma membrane, bu
59 odiesterase (PDE) and shown to interact with prenylated, carboxymethylated C-terminal Cys residues.
60                The alternative processing of prenylated CCaX motif proteins by palmitoylation or by e
61 lel in vitro assays, we demonstrate that the prenylated cellular GTPase Cdc42 is necessary and suffic
62                          Xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated chalcone isolated from hop plant, exhibits an
63 imum inhibitory concentration of 10microg/ml prenylated compounds, followed by cPta pool (25microg/ml
64 ore, has the capacity to generate a range of prenylated compounds.
65 o IRS-1-mediated signaling, we constructed a prenylated, constitutively membrane-bound IRS-1 by addin
66 or essential oil constituents (monoterpenes, prenylated coumarins, and polymethoxylated flavonoids).
67  prenylated stilbenoids (cSti), one in chain prenylated (cPta) and one in ring-closed prenylated pter
68 ersity of cyanobactins to include tryptophan-prenylated cyclic peptides.
69 and that both palmitoylated cysteine 192 and prenylated cysteine 193, but not palmitoylated cysteine
70  is tethered to cellular membranes through a prenylated cysteine in a flexible C-terminal region; how
71 onstrate that YopT cleaves N-terminal to the prenylated cysteine in RhoA, Rac, and Cdc42 and that the
72 X tripeptide and methylation of the carboxyl-prenylated cysteine residue.
73 rboxymethylation of the resultant C-terminal prenylated cysteine.
74 s substrate as well and converted it to an O-prenylated derivative.
75                 After HPLC purification, the prenylated dipeptide products were analyzed by (1)H NMR
76                      The recombinant AtGGT-I prenylated efficiently CaaL box fusion proteins in which
77          Rabs are thought of as independent, prenylated entities that reside either on membranes or i
78 nd unsaturated aliphatic acids and utilize a prenylated flavin mononucleotide (prFMN) as cofactor, bo
79 ylic acid using a newly identified cofactor, prenylated flavin mononucleotide (prFMN).
80 d that it requires a new type of cofactor: a prenylated flavin synthesized by the associated UbiX/Pad
81 -obesity mechanism(s) of xanthohumol (XN), a prenylated flavonoid from hops.
82                                              Prenylated flavonoids and isoflavonoids possess antimicr
83 bolites that changed during storage included prenylated flavonoids, purines, and peptides, and all sh
84 d that AroY utilizes the recently discovered prenylated FMN (prFMN) cofactor, and requires oxidative
85 le decarboxylase enzyme Fdc1 is dependent on prenylated FMN (prFMN), a recently discovered cofactor.
86 decarboxylase enzyme that requires the novel prenylated FMN cofactor for activity.
87         We demonstrate that RhoGDI binds the prenylated form of RhoA.GDP with unexpectedly high affin
88  MUBs remain unknown, the discovery of these prenylated forms further expands the diversity and poten
89                          When interaction of prenylated gamma subunit peptide to fluorophore-tagged P
90 sein) as a substrate, both palmitoylated and prenylated GRK6 display significantly higher activity th
91 ation activity of the palmitoylated, but not prenylated, GRK6 kinase.
92 d GTPases, whereas SmgGDS-558 interacts with prenylated GTPases in cells.
93       It is involved in the synthesis of the prenylated hydroxybenzoate moiety of the antibiotic, spe
94 rated that wild-type human connexin32 can be prenylated in COS7 cells, in contrast to disease-associa
95 -(13)C(6)]benzoic acid ([(13)C(6)]pABA)), is prenylated in either wild-type or abz1 mutant yeast to f
96 of Ki-Ras is blocked by FTIs, Ki-Ras remains prenylated in FTI-treated cells because of its modificat
97 erfamily (Ha-Ras, N-Ras, TC21, and RhoA) are prenylated in the cytoplasm and then transit through the
98                   Although both proteins are prenylated in the human tumor cell line DLD-1, their pre
99 ince all the Rab5 isoforms were more rapidly prenylated in vitro using cytosol from IFN-gamma-treated
100 et ("CAAX box") sequences were enzymatically prenylated in vitro with natural and nonnatural prenyl d
101 sis thaliana, suggesting that these MUBs are prenylated in vivo.
102 P dissociation inhibitor (GDI) that binds to prenylated inactive (GDP-bound) Rab proteins.
103 icient total synthesis of notoamide J, a new prenylated indole alkaloid and potential biosynthetic pr
104           To verify the role of this reverse-prenylated indole alkaloid as an intermediate along the
105  total synthesis of congeners in the reverse-prenylated indole alkaloid family related to stephacidin
106 stablish the early steps for creation of the prenylated indole alkaloid structure and suggest a schem
107                                              Prenylated indole alkaloids are a diverse group of funga
108 oamide natural products belong to a group of prenylated indole alkaloids containing a core bicyclo[2.
109  preparation of these prenylated and reverse-prenylated indole alkaloids is bioinspired, and may also
110                                    Seven new prenylated indole alkaloids, taichunamides A-G, were iso
111 tem to understand the biosynthesis of fungal prenylated indole alkaloids.
112 [2.2.2]diazaoctane core shared among several prenylated indole alkaloids.
113 le metalation and alkylation provided the C2-prenylated indole.
114                   One pool was rich in chain prenylated isoflavones (cIsf), one in chain prenylated s
115  major site for constitutive accumulation of prenylated isoflavones in white lupin.
116                   The pool enriched in chain prenylated isoflavones permeabilized the bacterial membr
117                             Extracts rich in prenylated isoflavonoids and stilbenoids showed potent a
118 at may enable PDEdelta to bind both forms of prenylated KRAS4b.
119 dation revealed the identification of a C(3)-prenylated l-tyrosine as enzyme product.
120  Ste24, has a parallel role in processing of prenylated mating pheromone a-factor.
121 , beta-CD-Sepharose FPLC was used to isolate prenylated mCherry-CAAX from crude HeLa cell lysate as a
122                      Here we report that the prenylated membrane-anchored ubiquitin-fold protein (MUB
123 iving cells, including the question of where prenylated molecules localize.
124                             Consideration of prenylated molecules that could potentially be involved
125 topic expression of wild-type CaM53 or a non-prenylated mutant protein in plants causes distinct morp
126 ciates with the plasma membrane, but the non-prenylated mutant protein localizes to the nucleus, indi
127               In total, seven C(5)- or C(10)-prenylated naphthacenedione compounds were generated.
128 anal, their 7-methoxy derivatives, and the O-prenylated natural products boropinols A and C.
129                                     Numerous prenylated natural products have been isolated from dive
130  insight into the engineered biosynthesis of prenylated natural products.
131                                              Prenylated PDE6 subunits and G-protein coupled receptor
132                                            A prenylated peptide specific to the G protein gamma5 subu
133                     This effect extends to a prenylated peptide that includes a full "CAAX box" seque
134               Using recombinant proteins and prenylated peptides corresponding to the C-terminal sequ
135 characteristic masses lost from the modified prenylated peptides distinguished the types of prenylati
136                               Interestingly, prenylated peptides lacking penetratin are able to enter
137 for detection and distinction of large-scale prenylated peptides using mass spectrometry-cleavable ap
138 concept of this method was established using prenylated peptides which mimicked the prenyl motifs in
139 iched form, the first total synthesis of the prenylated phenol (+)-fornicin C.
140                                              Prenylated phenolic compounds were significantly (p<0.01
141 prenylation, were molecular features of main prenylated phenolics found in pools with high antibacter
142                                     Overall, prenylated phenolics from legume seedlings can serve mul
143                                              Prenylated phenolics from the Fabaceae are promising lea
144                            Pools enriched in prenylated phenolics were made from lupine, peanut and s
145 rising PRL-1, PRL-2 and PRL-3, is a group of prenylated phosphatases that are candidate cancer biomar
146 sphatases constitute a novel class of small, prenylated phosphatases that are implicated in promoting
147                  PrBP/delta also binds other prenylated photoreceptor proteins in vitro, including op
148            However, to date, the turnover of prenylated plant proteins and the fate of the prenylcyst
149 ls (mono- and sesquiterpenes), bitter acids (prenylated polyketides), and prenylflavonoids are the pr
150 c compounds and enables genome mining of new prenylated polyketides.
151 bstrate does suggest UbiD might act on a non-prenylated precursor.
152 ite, resulting in expression of a truncated, prenylated prelamin A called progerin.
153 erimental orientation, which gives the major prenylated product of 1,6-dihydroxynaphthalene, correspo
154                  Chromatographic analysis of prenylated products after single turnover reactions by u
155                                          The prenylated products were then degraded to dipeptides usi
156         The resulting prenylated and reverse-prenylated products were transformed into ent-flustramid
157  B was accomplished through the union of a C-prenylated proline derivative and a substituted indole p
158 multimeric rod phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6), a prenylated protein and RCE1 substrate, was unable to be
159 ol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase E (INPP5E), a prenylated protein associated with JBTS, and its ciliary
160  methylation of the carboxyl terminus of the prenylated protein by isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltr
161 es, based on the C-terminus of the naturally prenylated protein CDC42.
162 hich may be important for the development of prenylated protein function inhibitors.
163 ), a prenyl-binding protein and chaperone of prenylated protein in photoreceptors.
164  not squalene, indicating that an inhibitory prenylated protein is involved in endothelial responses
165                                          The prenylated protein products could then be isolated from
166 his study identifies ARL3 as a key player in prenylated protein trafficking in rod photoreceptor cell
167 s an enigmatic member of the Ptp4a family of prenylated protein tyrosine phosphatases that are highly
168                                   Rab5a is a prenylated protein, and newly synthesized Rab5a was rapi
169 ificantly more than EGFP-GG or an endogenous prenylated protein, Cdc42.
170 protein substrate to form a thioether-linked prenylated protein.
171 a in the transport and membrane targeting of prenylated proteins (including PDE6) from their site of
172 6delta regulates the traffic and activity of prenylated proteins (Zhang et al., 2004; Norton et al.,
173                   Notable among them were 62 prenylated proteins and 45 Ras family proteins.
174 chemical reporters for proteomic analysis of prenylated proteins and reveal a role for protein prenyl
175 role in the final step in the degradation of prenylated proteins and will allow further physiological
176                                   In plants, prenylated proteins are involved in actin organization,
177                           The fact that many prenylated proteins are involved in signaling processes
178                                         As S-prenylated proteins are often key effectors for oncogene
179                                Subsequently, prenylated proteins are proteolytically cleaved at the C
180                 Recently, we have shown that prenylated proteins are sorted according to their affini
181 e ring stage by 50%, decreases expression of prenylated proteins as measured with prenyl-specific ant
182 ilitates membrane targeting of Ras and other prenylated proteins by releasing the carboxyl-terminal 3
183                                           As prenylated proteins comprise up to 2% of the total prote
184                         The largest class of prenylated proteins contain a so-called CaaX motif at th
185                                              Prenylated proteins contain either a 15-carbon farnesyl
186                                              Prenylated proteins contain either a 15-carbon farnesyl
187                                              Prenylated proteins contain either a 15-carbon farnesyl
188                         The largest group of prenylated proteins contains a CAAX motif at the C-termi
189 de HeLa cell lysate as a model for purifying prenylated proteins from cell extracts.
190 ed, there are few good methods for isolating prenylated proteins from their nonprenylated relatives.
191     Within the human genome 10% of predicted prenylated proteins have aromatic amino acids in their C
192                              Isoprenoids and prenylated proteins have been implicated in the pathophy
193 ism for membrane association and function of prenylated proteins in Arabidopsis.
194 d function coupled with the critical role of prenylated proteins in malignant transformation has prom
195 mental evidence for a total of only thirteen prenylated proteins in P. falciparum, with suggestive ev
196 ansferase genes have also revealed roles for prenylated proteins in phytohormone signaling and merist
197 ntally characterize the entire complement of prenylated proteins in the human malaria parasite.
198 ethyl esterifies the alpha carboxyl group of prenylated proteins including Ras and related GTPases.
199                     Defective trafficking of prenylated proteins is likely due to sequestration of pr
200          However, as the total complement of prenylated proteins is unknown, the FTase substrates res
201 in determining the impact of non-canonically prenylated proteins on cell function.
202                        Our results show that prenylated proteins play key roles in P. patens developm
203                           The degradation of prenylated proteins raises a metabolic challenge to the
204 ated cells into S phase and was dependent on prenylated proteins such as those of the rho gene family
205 ab GTPases, in addition to a small number of prenylated proteins that also appear to function primari
206 ndent migration we focused on RhoA and Rac1, prenylated proteins that are important mediators of cell
207   Structure and sequence analysis of various prenylated proteins that have been previously tested for
208                                              Prenylated proteins undergo a series of post-translation
209 thods available for large-scale detection of prenylated proteins using mass spectrometry and no metho
210                          The identity of the prenylated proteins was probed by N-terminal sequence an
211                            Identifying novel prenylated proteins within the human proteome constitute
212 al reporter enables large-scale profiling of prenylated proteins, as well as the discovery of unannot
213                    The cellular abundance of prenylated proteins, as well as the stability of the thi
214  activity of hRCE1 activity was specific for prenylated proteins, because unprenylated peptides did n
215                                              Prenylated proteins, detected by [3H]mevalonate labeling
216 he correct localization and function of many prenylated proteins, most notably GTPases in the Ras sup
217 of PrBP/delta in retina impairs transport of prenylated proteins, particularly GRK1 and cone PDE, to
218 o PDEdelta provides a rationale for why some prenylated proteins, such as KRAS4a, RalA, RalB, and Rac
219                  The processing of two other prenylated proteins, the farnesylated Ggamma1 subunit of
220 , ubiquinone, heme, isopentenyl adenine, and prenylated proteins.
221 mely effective in affinity chromatography of prenylated proteins.
222 bes for the investigation of the function of prenylated proteins.
223 rsor of sterols, dolichols, ubiquinones, and prenylated proteins.
224 on of the C-terminal prenylcysteine found on prenylated proteins.
225 events required for functional expression of prenylated proteins.
226 yl-binding protein interacting with multiple prenylated proteins.
227  for Zmpste24 in the processing of CAAX-type prenylated proteins.
228 igned to act as a mimic of the C-terminus of prenylated proteins.
229  a major role in the processing of CAAX-type prenylated proteins.
230 uble protein were the only other significant prenylated proteins.
231  P. falciparum possesses a restricted set of prenylated proteins.
232 tructures of PDEdelta complexed with various prenylated proteins/peptides shows the presence of addit
233 he synthesis of cholesterol, ubiquinone, and prenylated proteins; consequently, much effort has gone
234 ain prenylated (cPta) and one in ring-closed prenylated pterocarpans (rPta), as characterized by RP-U
235                                          The prenylated pyrazole analogue 11 selectively inhibited 5-
236 h as chlorophylls, carotenoids, tocopherols, prenylated quinones and hormones are synthesised in chlo
237                                    The mouse prenylated Rab acceptor (mPRA1) is associated with the G
238 ty of positive clones (50 of 54) encoded the prenylated Rab acceptor (PRA1).
239                          We report here that prenylated Rab acceptor protein (PRA1), which others pre
240                                              Prenylated Rab GTPases cycle between membrane-bound and
241 GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) solubilizes prenylated Rab GTPases from and shuttles them between me
242  a function of features contained within the prenylated Rab itself (with REP serving as a "passive" c
243 ssociated with Golgi membranes that binds to prenylated Rab proteins in their GTP-bound state.
244 anylated Rab and does not interact with mono-prenylated Rab proteins.
245 d immunofluorescence studies reveal that the prenylated Rab1B(Y78D)CLLL, which remains deficient in R
246 fingers were found to interact with the dual prenylated rab3A and VAMP2/Synaptobrevin II receptor PRA
247                            However, although prenylated Rab5 can be cross-linked to two unknown membr
248 lize Rab9 directly, as liposomes loaded with prenylated Rab9 showed decreased extractability with inc
249                                              Prenylated Rabs also occur in the cytosol bound to GDI (
250 plex requires simultaneous interactions with prenylated Rac-GTP and acidic phospholipids, as well as
251 onstitution of membrane vesicles loaded with prenylated Rac1 demonstrates that the PBR is required fo
252 e and GGTase I activities and the amounts of prenylated Ras and RhoA proteins in CHO-hIR-WT (but not
253 ase and GGTase I and subsequent increases in prenylated Ras and RhoA proteins.
254 nique receptor that promotes accumulation of prenylated Ras at the plasma membrane and promotes EGF p
255                          The localization of prenylated Ras at the plasma membrane promotes activatio
256 rane accumulation of Ras by directly binding prenylated Ras at the plasma membrane.
257 delta with high affinity, thereby displacing prenylated Ras proteins in cells.
258 cial for the plasma membrane localization of prenylated Ras.
259  cellular membranes through their C-terminal prenylated regions.
260  (RhoGDI), which forms a stable complex with prenylated Rho GTPases.
261 RhoGDI (GDI), a protein which interacts with prenylated Rho proteins, suggest that the GDI is in dire
262                    Increased availability of prenylated Rho-A significantly augmented the abilities o
263 in IQGAP1 interacts directly with GTP-bound, prenylated RhoA and RhoC, but not with RhoB.
264 DHT-dependent growth arrest, suggesting that prenylated RhoB might function to inhibit HT-AR1 cell pr
265 hat farnesylated rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) and prenylated rod PDE6 catalytic subunits partially misloca
266                      On the other hand, many prenylated secondary metabolites have been described as
267 sed for the preparation of the novel reverse-prenylated serine and threonine side chains as well as a
268  motif (CCFV), suggesting that Wrch-1 may be prenylated similarly to Cdc42.
269 ant (SmgGDS-558) selectively associates with prenylated small GTPases and facilitates trafficking of
270 e report the characterization of rat ykt6, a prenylated SNARE selectively expressed in brain neurons.
271                             Pawhuskin A is a prenylated stilbene that functions as an antagonist of t
272 ianin, an active metabolite of the family of prenylated stilbenes named schweinfurthins, is only loca
273 ricanine A and piceatannol to arachidin-5, a prenylated stilbenoid identified, to our knowledge, for
274  prenylated isoflavones (cIsf), one in chain prenylated stilbenoids (cSti), one in chain prenylated (
275 eps in the biosynthesis of a large number of prenylated stilbenoids and their derivatives in peanut.
276 e demonstrated that the prenyl moiety on the prenylated stilbenoids derives from a plastidic pathway.
277 cal importance, the biosynthetic pathways of prenylated stilbenoids remain to be elucidated, and the
278                   Structural analysis of the prenylated stilbenoids suggested that these two prenyltr
279                                              Prenylated stilbenoids synthesized in some legumes exhib
280 iry root cultures produce a diverse array of prenylated stilbenoids upon treatment with elicitors.
281 alyzes a key reaction in the biosynthesis of prenylated stilbenoids, in which resveratrol is prenylat
282 nd abiotic stresses include the synthesis of prenylated stilbenoids.
283  Galpha(t1) with much higher affinity than a prenylated substrate, whereas the homologous prenyl-bind
284 Ste24p can cleave both isoprenylated and non-prenylated substrates in vitro, indicating that the isop
285 nsducin, and rhodopsin kinase 1 (GRK1), also prenylated substrates of RCE1, was unaffected by Rce1 de
286 ' is aliphatic in both isoprenylated and non-prenylated substrates, although this is not necessarily
287 ficantly different for prenylated versus non-prenylated substrates, strongly suggestive of a role for
288 some and interacts with the membrane via its prenylated tail.
289 osomal fraction containing recombinant LaPT1 prenylated the isoflavone genistein at the B-ring 3' pos
290 and the yeast a-factor mating pheromone, are prenylated, trimmed of their last three amino acids, and
291 s catalyze the formation of a diverse set of prenylated tryptophan and diketopiperazines, leading to
292 lar structures in fibroblasts, and an active prenylated version of Rab1 bound directly to an N-termin
293 yme kinetics are significantly different for prenylated versus non-prenylated substrates, strongly su
294 pecificity of the SmgGDS splice variants for prenylated versus nonprenylated GTPases is diminished in
295 tion motif, human ECE-1 did not appear to be prenylated when labeled in vivo using various isoprenoid
296           In addition, when mCherry-CAAX was prenylated with a nonnatural, functional isoprenoid subs
297 essed as predicted, and a major one that was prenylated without further processing.
298 griffipavixanthone from a readily accessible prenylated xanthone monomer.
299  is necessary and sufficient for stabilizing prenylated Ypt7 on membranes.
300 ab-GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) complex (prenylated Ypt7-GDI), and a Rab effector complex (HOPS).

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