


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ytic event and methylation of the C-terminal prenylcysteine.
2  of the carboxyl group of the now C-terminal prenylcysteine.
3 s been identified that degrades a variety of prenylcysteines.
4 s enzyme plays in the cellular metabolism of prenylcysteines.
5 is capable of cleaving the thioether bond of prenylcysteines.
6 closure, consistent with the hypothesis that prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methylation is necessary f
7                                     However, prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methylesterase (PCME) acti
8                Pharmacological inhibitors of prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methyltransferase activity
9             Here, we report the cloning of a prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methyltransferase gene (At
10 siae, confirming its identity as a bona fide prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methyltransferase gene.
11  Arabidopsis thaliana possesses a functional prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methyltransferase involved
12 STE14A and AtSTE14B, which encode functional prenylcysteine alpha-carboxyl methyltransferases.
13 ation neutralizes the negative charge of the prenylcysteine and thereby increases membrane affinity.
14 hey possess a free amino group; N-acetylated prenylcysteines and prenyl peptides are not substrates.
15 rates a novel function for carboxyl-terminal prenylcysteine carboxyl methylation in protecting RhoA a
16                                              Prenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (pcCMT) is the
17 enzyme did not require NADPH as cofactor for prenylcysteine degradation, thus distinguishing it from
18                                              Prenylcysteine derivatives are of interest for a variety
19 tional modification of Ras proteins includes prenylcysteine-directed carboxyl methylation.
20              Transient transfection of human prenylcysteine-directed carboxyl methyltransferase incre
21    Additionally, RhoG mislocalization by the prenylcysteine endoprotease YopT was demonstrated by two
22  catalyzes the methylation of the C-terminal prenylcysteine found on prenylated proteins.
23 ase does play a physiologic role in cleaving prenylcysteines in mammals, but the absence of this acti
24 roteolytically removed, and the newly formed prenylcysteine is carboxymethylated.
25                     In in vitro experiments, prenylcysteine lyase (Pcly) cleaves the thioether bond o
26                             We conclude that prenylcysteine lyase does play a physiologic role in cle
27                    A lysosomal enzyme termed prenylcysteine lyase has been identified that cleaves pr
28                    A lysosomal enzyme termed prenylcysteine lyase has been identified that degrades a
29  The open reading frame of the gene encoding prenylcysteine lyase is 1515 base pairs and has a nearly
30                                              Prenylcysteine lyase is a FAD-dependent thioether oxidas
31                  These findings suggest that prenylcysteine lyase is a specific enzyme involved in pr
32  Here we show that the isoprenoid product of prenylcysteine lyase is the C-1 aldehyde of the isopreno
33    These findings strengthen the notion that prenylcysteine lyase plays an important role in the fina
34 ents, suggest that the reaction catalyzed by prenylcysteine lyase proceeds through a sequential mecha
35                                     Purified prenylcysteine lyase shows similar kinetics in utilizati
36 tly identified and isolated an enzyme termed prenylcysteine lyase that cleaves the prenylcysteine to
37  utilized product and dead end inhibitors of prenylcysteine lyase to probe the kinetic mechanism of t
38      These surprising findings indicate that prenylcysteine lyase utilizes a novel oxidative mechanis
39                                  Recombinant prenylcysteine lyase was produced in a baculovirus-Sf9 e
40  characterized a novel enzyme, which we term prenylcysteine lyase, that is capable of cleaving the th
41 ew information on the catalytic mechanism of prenylcysteine lyase.
42 teine lyase is a specific enzyme involved in prenylcysteine metabolism in mammalian cells, most likel
43 ionally at their carboxyl terminus to form a prenylcysteine methyl ester.
44                                              Prenylcysteine methylation is the only reversible step i
45 racterized extensively, the contributions of prenylcysteine methylation to the functions of the modif
46 Our findings are discussed in the context of prenylcysteine methylation/demethylation as a potential
47 Collectively, these modifications generate a prenylcysteine methylester at the carboxyl terminus and
48 between biologically relevant and irrelevant prenylcysteine methylester substrates.
49 ific esterases catalyze the demethylation of prenylcysteine methylesters in Arabidopsis membranes.
50 reater specificity for biologically relevant prenylcysteine methylesters than the activity found in A
51 bitory factor-related protein 8, lysosome C, prenylcysteine oxidase 1, paraoxonase 1, transthyretin,
52 renylated plant proteins and the fate of the prenylcysteine (PC) residue have not been described.
53  raises the question of how cells dispose of prenylcysteines produced during the normal turnover of p
54 rategies: translocation of the Yersinia YopT prenylcysteine protease into host cells, inactivation of
55 ase, RAS-converting enzyme 1 (RCE1), and the prenylcysteine residue is methylated.
56 ansferase (ICMT) methylesterifies C-terminal prenylcysteine residues of CaaX proteins and some RAB GT
57 ngly, however, methylation of the C-terminal prenylcysteine restored binding.
58 ethyltransferase with lower apparent Kms for prenylcysteine substrates and higher specific activities
59                               Interaction of prenylcysteine substrates with the enzyme requires that
60 termed prenylcysteine lyase that cleaves the prenylcysteine to free cysteine and an isoprenoid produc
61  To test whether Pcly deficiency would cause prenylcysteines to accumulate in tissues and result in p
62 teine lyase has been identified that cleaves prenylcysteines to cysteine and an unidentified isopreno
63 e lyase (Pcly) cleaves the thioether bond of prenylcysteines to yield free cysteine and the aldehyde
64 se synthesis protocol for the preparation of prenylcysteines using 2-chlorotrityl chloride resin as a
65 d-type fibroblasts to growth inhibition when prenylcysteines were added to the cell culture medium.
66 me activity levels led to an accumulation of prenylcysteines within cells, mass spectrometry was used

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