


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the pathogenesis of age-related hearing loss-presbycusis.
2 as found specifically in mice susceptible to presbycusis.
3 tory system, is associated consistently with presbycusis.
4 in human age-related hearing loss (ARHL), or presbycusis.
5 hearing loss, and treatment of patients with presbycusis.
6 set may provide insight into the etiology of presbycusis.
7 dels for studying the genetic basis of human presbycusis.
8 th mild presbycusis, and old age with severe presbycusis.
9  basic principles regarding a strial form of presbycusis: 1) Progressive EP decline from initially no
10 ore fully understand the biological bases of presbycusis, 39 CBA mice, a well-studied animal model of
11                                              Presbycusis -- age-related hearing loss, is the number o
12 ibility of COCH playing an important role in presbycusis and disorders of imbalance has been consider
13 r to better evaluate synaptic changes due to presbycusis and noise exposure.
14            The C57BL/6J mouse is a model for presbycusis and noise-induced hearing loss because of it
15 le aged with good hearing, old age with mild presbycusis, and old age with severe presbycusis.
16 he C57BL/6J mouse has been a useful model of presbycusis, as it displays an accelerated age-related p
17  in older adults is sensorineural and due to presbycusis, cerumen impaction and chronic otitis media
18         Shared features between human strial presbycusis, gerbils, and BALB/cJ and C57BL/6-Tyr(c-2J)
19           No human genes that promote strial presbycusis have been identified, nor is its pathophysio
20 ing human age-related hearing loss (ARHL, or presbycusis) holds that three different cochlear element
21       Schuknecht proposed a discrete form of presbycusis in which hearing loss results principally fr
22                               Remediation of presbycusis is an important contributor to quality of li
23                    Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is a major health concern for the elderly.
24                    Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is a significant problem in the population.
25     Age-related hearing loss (AHL), known as presbycusis, is a universal feature of mammalian aging a
26    Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI), or presbycusis, is the most prevalent sensory impairment in
27 ion in hearing ability that occurs with age--presbycusis--is a multifactorial process that can vary i
28                              Left untreated, presbycusis of a moderate or greater degree affects comm
29 for understanding the genetic basis of human presbycusis or age-related hearing loss (AHL).
30  with other otopathologic conditions-such as presbycusis or ototoxicity.
31 on, complex hearing loss phenotypes, such as presbycusis, that involve outer hair cell degeneration i
32  same cdh23 mutations in human subjects with presbycusis, the Cdh23(nmf308/nmf308) mouse is an excell
33                  Age-related hearing loss or presbycusis, the most common type of hearing loss in old
34  39 CBA mice, a well-studied animal model of presbycusis, underwent non-invasive hearing testing as a

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