


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , and the rest is then translocated into the prespore.
2  the replicated pair of chromosomes into the prespore.
3 duces a large mother cell and a much smaller prespore.
4 ivation of sigma(F) in the smaller cell, the prespore.
5 endently inhibiting sigma(E) activity in the prespore.
6 er mother cell and of sigma F in the smaller prespore.
7 hat spoIIR is transcribed exclusively in the prespore.
8 n live cells confirmed that PG surrounds the prespore.
9     The mother cell subsequently engulfs the prespore.
10 0% of the chromosome has entered the smaller prespore.
11  was in the mother cell and the other in the prespore.
12 y transcription factor sigmaF to the smaller prespore.
13 or, sigma(F), which is activated only in the prespore.
14 ; transcription of spoIIQ occurs only in the prespore.
15 he mother cell, sigma(G) is activated in the prespore.
16 hibitory signal (or signals) in the engulfed prespore, a signal that is not present in the spoIIIE mu
17 lt confirms the developmental totipotency of prespore amoebae.
18 y to give two sister compartments, a smaller prespore and a larger mother cell.
19                   The granules appear in the prespore and increase in size and number as engulfment p
20 ision occurs to generate the differentiating prespore and mother cell types.
21 ential gene expression is established in the prespore and mother-cell compartments of Bacillus subtil
22 roll or concentric wave territory containing prespore and prestalk cell types can undergo "dislocatio
23                                              Prespore and prestalk cells are interspersed throughout
24                                              Prespore and prestalk cells can be distinguished within
25                           The proportions of prespore and prestalk cells in Dictyostelium discoideum
26 t the slug stage were first expressed as the prespore and prestalk cells sorted out in aggregates, so
27 lls diverge into two specialized cell types, prespore and prestalk cells, that continue to signal eac
28 d slug migration, and aberrant patterning of prespore and prestalk cells, the major progenitor classe
29 pment, a regulatory scheme for proportioning prespore and prestalk-O cells has emerged.
30 utant cells share common non-cell-autonomous prespore and prestalk-specific defects and a common patt
31 y requires prior activity of sigma(F) in the prespore and sigma(E) in the mother cell.
32 metric division occurs, yielding the smaller prespore and the larger mother cell.
33 % of the chromosome is translocated into the prespore, and (ii) placing spoIIIG in an origin-proximal
34 s two unequal cells, the mother cell and the prespore, and septum formation is completed before the o
35 vision, only 30% of the chromosome is in the prespore, and the rest is then translocated into the pre
36 ting that the anterior (prestalk)/posterior (prespore) axis of Dictyostelium is regulated by an ancie
37 on establishes the anteroposterior (prestalk/prespore) axis.
38  has been proposed to become depleted in the prespore because of the transient genetic imbalance, is
39  localized to two bands, one at the prestalk/prespore boundary and the other in the very posterior of
40  how sigmaF is activated specifically in the prespore but not in the mother cell.
41 sis and for the induction and maintenance of prespore but not prestalk gene expression.
42 coding sigma(G), spoIIIG, is directed in the prespore by RNA polymerase containing sigma(F) but also
43  Transcription of spoIIR is initiated in the prespore by RNA polymerase containing sigma(F) soon afte
44    Following completion of engulfment of the prespore by the mother cell, sigma(G) is activated in th
45 respore upon completion of engulfment of the prespore by the mother cell.
46 respore upon completion of engulfment of the prespore by the mother cell.
47                     sigma(E) activity in the prespore can be obtained by inducing transcription in th
48 des asymmetrically to produce a small, polar prespore cell and a much larger mother cell.
49  that PslA's primary function is to regulate prespore cell determination very early in the prespore p
50 l-type-specific genes, do not participate in prespore cell differentiation and do not produce pslA- s
51 down construct displayed severe reduction in prespore cell differentiation and precocious induction o
52                        A new factor inducing prespore cell differentiation, called PSI-2, and two ind
53 talk gene expression and nonautonomously for prespore cell differentiation.
54  the pslA- strain is the inability to induce prespore cell differentiation.
55  for the proper induction and maintenance of prespore cell differentiation.
56 ing sporulation in Bacillus subtilis a small prespore cell is formed by an asymmetric cell division.
57                                FACS produced prespore cell populations with purities, measured by GFP
58    There is also a change in the prestalk to prespore cell ratio.
59 nomous role in the specialization of a novel prespore cell type, whereas comB has a cell-autonomous r
60 possibly at the time of the initial prestalk/prespore cell-fate decision.
61                   Our results also show that prespore cell-specific gene expression is solely under p
62                       Each element can drive prespore cell-specific reporter gene expression independ
63 ven though pslA- cells are unable to express prespore cell-type-specific genes, do not participate in
64            It appears that osmotic stress on prespore cells alters their ability to signal terminal d
65 ma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is released from prespore cells and binds to GrlE, a G protein-coupled re
66  culmination, when the ALC sort out from the prespore cells and differentiate to form three ancillary
67   At the slug stage cudA is expressed in the prespore cells and in a sub-region of the prestalk zone.
68 ed that wacA mRNA accumulates exclusively in prespore cells and is absent from prestalk cells.
69              Wild-type cells express tagA in prespore cells and mature spores, defining tagA expressi
70 yl-CoA-binding protein, AcbA, is secreted by prespore cells and processed by the prestalk protease Ta
71                                              Prespore cells appear to sort such that the base is free
72                                         When prespore cells approach the top of the stalk in a Dictyo
73                           It also shows that prespore cells are competent to respond to cAMP, by Dd-S
74               All our evidence points to the prespore cells as the major source of DIF-1.
75       The consequences of expressing RD28 in prespore cells could be partially overcome by increasing
76                              We propose that prespore cells cross-induce the differentiation of prest
77 ent tissue-specific reporters indicates that prespore cells divide before prestalk cells and later en
78 per and efficient patterning of prestalk and prespore cells during culmination.
79                 When GFP-marked prestalk and prespore cells expressing ecmA-RLC are mixed with wild-t
80 lls in S or early G2 phase at starvation and prespore cells from cells in late G2 or M phase at starv
81                                      Because prespore cells have to shrink and dehydrate to form spor
82  cells (ALCs), which exist intermingled with prespore cells in the slug.
83 he specification of an initial population of prespore cells in which tagA is expressed.
84     Further, induced transdifferentiation of prespore cells into prestalk cells is inhibited in rzpA-
85               (v) The number of prestalk and prespore cells is proportional for a range of sizes of t
86             gadA is expressed exclusively in prespore cells late in development.
87                                              Prespore cells marked with green fluorescent protein (GF
88                             Encapsulation of prespore cells of Dictyostelium discoideum is controlled
89                    Expression of CRAC in the prespore cells of these strains rescued sporulation and
90           In rtoA mutants, both prestalk and prespore cells originate randomly from cells in any phas
91 the polyketide precursor, show that purified prespore cells produce DIF-1 at more than 20 times the r
92  sorting out of Dictyostelium prestalk-O and prespore cells requires the diffusible signaling molecul
93 pment prestalk cells lose RhT activity while prespore cells retain it.
94            During Dictyostelium development, prespore cells secrete acyl-CoA binding protein (AcbA).
95                                  GFP-labeled prespore cells showed a spiral movement toward the top o
96 location of a Dd-GFP:STATa fusion protein in prespore cells surrounding the site of injection.
97 l-autonomous defect in forming the subset of prespore cells that are located in the anterior prespore
98 alk cells during culmination that stimulates prespore cells to encapsulate.
99 secreted factor decreases the sensitivity of prespore cells to inhibition by the prestalk morphogen D
100            In contrast, expression of RLC in prespore cells using the psA promoter produced balloon-l
101 adient that regulates the differentiation of prespore cells within the posterior compartment of the s
102 sing SP70 (a marker expressed in a subset of prespore cells), and this difference can be rescued by e
103 ient for induction by cAMP and expression in prespore cells, both are required for expression in pres
104 e mislocalization of prestalk cells, but not prespore cells, is rescued.
105 promoter sequences direct cudA expression in prespore cells, while proximal sequences direct expressi
106 vement and differentiation into prestalk and prespore cells.
107 is again consistent with DIF-1 production by prespore cells.
108 ared from fractions enriched in prestalk and prespore cells.
109 s utilised to activate cudA transcription in prespore cells.
110 a is not necessary for cudA transcription in prespore cells.
111 ereas most of the posterior zone consists of prespore cells.
112 tiation into anterior prestalk and posterior prespore cells.
113 raction important for the upward movement of prespore cells.
114  (the pstO cells) but it is expressed in the prespore cells.
115  cells as a consequence of rapid turnover in prespore cells.
116 rtial sorting of clathrin-minus prestalk and prespore cells.
117 nsformants accumulated rd28 mRNA uniquely in prespore cells.
118 n was also affected by expression of rd28 in prespore cells.
119 e control of the terminal differentiation of prespore cells.
120 otC promoter reduces expression from cotC in prespore cells.
121 elease of the precursor of SDF-2, AcbA, from prespore cells.
122 onal ampA gene, cells prematurely specify as prespore cells.
123 pparatus that anchors the or/C region of the prespore chromosome in the pole of the cell.
124 NA and arrest with only partially segregated prespore chromosomes.
125  and enzyme activity are greatly enriched in prespore compared with prestalk cells.
126 e that triggers the release of sigmaF in the prespore compartment after septation.
127 eft and right of oriC can be captured in the prespore compartment but the central oriC region is effi
128             Sequestration of SpoIIE into the prespore compartment provides a mechanism that could exp
129 origin-proximal 30% of the chromosome in the prespore compartment.
130 ly form in syncytial aerial hyphae such that prespore compartments accurately receive chromosome copi
131                    Chromosome partition into prespore compartments of the aerial mycelium is controll
132 ed division sites but no clear separation of prespore compartments.
133 ntial gene expression in the mother cell and prespore compartments.
134 e rd28 cDNA is driven by the promoter of the prespore cotB gene.
135  and SpoIIE are active simultaneously in the prespore, cycling SpoIIAA through phosphorylated and non
136 he complex so as to liberate sigma(F) in the prespore, dephosphorylated SpoIIAA is needed, and this i
137 is a key transcription factor that initiates prespore development in Bacillus subtilis.
138                               The ability of prespore Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae to undergo red
139             These data show that ACG induces prespore differentiation in wild-type cells, with ACB ca
140 t lack an extracellular factor necessary for prespore differentiation of wild-type cells.
141                acg null mutants show reduced prespore differentiation, which becomes very severe when
142               PKA is absolutely required for prespore differentiation.
143  circuits that activate prestalk but inhibit prespore differentiation.
144 prestalk differentiation and an inhibitor of prespore differentiation.
145  protein kinase (PKA) act together to induce prespore differentiation.
146 a concomitant decrease in the more posterior prespore domain and no change in the more anterior prest
147 n vitro to the positively acting part of the prespore domain of the cudA promoter.
148 ments (pstO), a concomitant reduction in the prespore domain, and a loss of the sharp compartment bou
149 aries, resulting in overlapping prestalk and prespore domains.
150  much of the protein is sequestered into the prespore during septation.
151 it has remained unclear whether PG surrounds prespores during engulfment.
152 ppears to be important for completion of the prespore engulfment step of sporulation, based on the ph
153   The chlorinating activity is also somewhat prespore-enriched.
154                  The distal PRE can regulate prespore expression when fused to a nonfunctioning basal
155 tivation signal but autonomously to localize prespore expression.
156 inal sigma(F) and then final sigma(G) in the prespore, final sigma(E) and then final sigma(K) in the
157 actor sigma(F) becomes active in the smaller prespore, followed by activation of sigma(E) in the larg
158 rominent band develops at the pole where the prespore forms.
159 the chromosome is then translocated into the prespore from the mother cell.
160  of the asymmetric septum that separates the prespore from the mother cell.
161 of two different cell types (mother cell and prespore) from a single cell.
162 ions non-autonomously to establish a graded, prespore gene activation signal but autonomously to loca
163 al for correct regulation of expression of a prespore gene.
164 n, binds in vivo to the promoter of the cotC prespore gene.
165                            cAMP induction of prespore genes and repression of stalk genes is mediated
166 s not required for cAR-mediated induction of prespore genes and repression of stalk genes, and neithe
167                                          The prespore genes of Dictyostelium are coregulated during d
168 equences 5' to the coding sequences of eight prespore genes were searched for all elements proposed t
169 lk-specific mRNAs but enhanced expression of prespore genes.
170 ence in gene content between mother cell and prespore immediately after septation.
171 ions in which sigma(G) becomes active in the prespore in the absence of sigma(E) activity and of comp
172 cAMP for maturation, but the cAMP source for prespore induction is unknown.
173                       Differentiation of the prespore is initiated by activation of an RNA polymerase
174                       Gene expression in the prespore is initiated by cell-specific activation of the
175 what the direct activator of sigma(G) in the prespore is.
176 cking the action of two sigma factors in the prespore: it prevents sigma(G) from becoming active befo
177 hern analysis revealed the expression of the prespore marker cotB and the prestalk markers ecmA and e
178 e prestalk marker ecmA and repression of the prespore marker cotB.
179 in, and a diminished capacity for, effecting prespore nucleoid condensation.
180  Translocation of thrC::spoIIQ-lacZ into the prespore occurred efficiently when spoIIIE(Su) was expre
181 be obtained by inducing transcription in the prespore of spoIIGA or of sigE*, which encodes a constit
182 esting that PslA may function to control the prespore pathway at the level of transcription.
183 respore cell determination very early in the prespore pathway via a cell-autonomous mechanism, possib
184 iates the extracellular signal and regulates prespore patterning.
185       In contrast, rZIP negatively regulates prespore patterning; rzpA- cells, which lack rZIP, have
186 trast to the establishment of early prestalk/prespore patterns in both Polysphondylium and Dictyostel
187 hat sequestration of SpoIIE protein into the prespore plays an important role in the control of sigma
188 f pre-basal disc cells at the expense of the prespore population.
189 gulative, with cells within the prestalk and prespore populations being able to transdifferentiate in
190 is regulatory behaviour is characteristic of prespore products.
191 y, we show that a 5'-distal segment within a prespore promoter that is responsive to a graded signal
192       An attempt is made to define a minimal prespore promoter which contains all elements essential
193 risons resulted in definition of a canonical prespore promoter, a stretch of about 200 nucleotides co
194 rrences of elements and pairs of elements in prespore promoters was evaluated by comparison with freq
195 protein-independent accumulation of the SP70 prespore protein but not for CMF-induced G protein-depen
196 cells expressed prestalk (ecmA and ecmB) and prespore (psA and cotB) genes normally, but were blocked
197 stalk (ecmAO, ecmA, ecmO, ecmB and cAR2) and prespore (psA) markers.
198 re then used to maintain the proper prestalk:prespore ratio and to control later stages of developmen
199 and the cells are then starved, the prestalk:prespore ratio increases.
200 l cycle occupied by S phase and the prestalk:prespore ratio, irrespective of total cell-cycle length.
201 s using a cell-specific toxin suggested that prespore redifferentiation may not in fact occur.
202  an anterior prestalk region and a posterior prespore region and the fbxA mRNA is highly enriched in
203 s the pstO region is reduced in size and the prespore region is proportionately expanded.
204 in prestalk cells, but is upregulated in the prespore region of acg null structures.
205  cells (ALCs) scattered throughout the rear, prespore region of the slug.
206 spore cells that are located in the anterior prespore region.
207 ted on the ventral surface of the posterior, prespore region.
208 ke Cells, which lie scattered throughout the prespore region.
209 out the aggregate, and reduced staining of a prespore reporter.
210  appears to be a consequence of the engulfed prespore's being unstable.
211  show that the protein is sequestered to the prespore side of the asymmetric septum.
212                  Although wacA expression is prespore specific, disruption of the gene by homologous
213 d mature spores, defining tagA expression as prespore specific.
214 otein gene (S65T-GFP) under the control of a prespore-specific (PsA) promoter.
215 36 mutant; however, expression from a strong prespore-specific (sigma(F)) promoter did not.
216  cell-specific (sigma(E)) promoter or a weak prespore-specific (sigma(F)) promoter partly complemente
217 on -80 is required for maximal expression of prespore-specific constructs, although full-length promo
218           Our results provide evidence for a prespore-specific efflux pump that regulates cell fate d
219 s of gene expression show a complete lack of prespore-specific gene expression and no mature spores a
220 ve overexpression of rzpA markedly decreases prespore-specific gene expression and significantly incr
221 fic genes is very delayed, with the level of prespore-specific gene expression being significantly re
222 a nuclear protein required for Dictyostelium prespore-specific gene expression, binds in vivo to the
223 ferentiation and a corresponding increase in prespore-specific gene expression.
224 transcription, all of which are required for prespore-specific gene expression.
225                             In contrast, the prespore-specific gene SP60 is not induced and the prest
226 cating that it acts directly at the level of prespore-specific gene transcription for regulation.
227                            In rzpA- strains, prespore-specific genes are overexpressed and prestalk e
228 ttle effect on the induction of prestalk- or prespore-specific genes, whereas extended treatment with
229               However, overexpression of the prespore-specific homologue, GadA, in the presence of Ga
230 ce as high as those in wild-type strains and prespore-specific mRNAs are reduced.
231 n of limB from a prestalk-specific but not a prespore-specific promoter complements the morphogenetic
232 localization of the activity of the normally prespore-specific sigma factor, sigmaF, consistent with
233  the activation but not the synthesis of the prespore-specific sigma factor, sigmaF.
234  of this process is the control of the first prespore-specific sigma factor, sigmaF.
235 ymmetrically placed septum is sufficient for prespore-specific sigmaF activation.
236 tation may accommodate slow postseptational, prespore-specific SpoIIIE synthesis but may be swamped b
237 oIIIE synthesis but may be swamped by strong prespore-specific synthesis.
238             The promoter domain that directs prespore-specific transcription consists of a positively
239                         Participation in the prespore/spore population returns with the restoration o
240 from the larger mother cell into the smaller prespore, the two cells that result from the division.
241 ending from the lateral cell wall around the prespore throughout engulfment.
242 yl cyclase G (ACG) protein is upregulated in prespore tissue after aggregation.
243  stage, and activity of all is restricted to prespore tissue during the later slug stage.
244 ch in the location of sigma(G) activity from prespore to mother cell.
245 n and for induction of prestalk to stalk and prespore to spore cell differentiation.
246 sGAP1 either lies downstream from PKA in the prespore to spore pathway or in a parallel pathway that
247 regulatory loops that sets the proportion of prespore-to-prestalk cells in the aggregate.
248 tially bisects the nucleoid destined for the prespore, trapping only about one-third of the DNA in th
249     Of these, sigma(G) becomes active in the prespore upon completion of engulfment of the prespore b
250 ve during spore formation exclusively in the prespore upon completion of engulfment of the prespore b
251  sporulation, sigma(G) becomes active in the prespore upon the completion of engulfment.
252                 The coordinate fusion of the prespore vesicles (PSVs) with the plasma membrane at the
253 e complex is synchronously secreted from the prespore vesicles and incorporated into the spore coat.
254 multiprotein complex) which is stored in the prespore vesicles.
255 NA translocation from the mother cell to the prespore was assayed using spoIIQ-lacZ inserted at thrC;
256 cated SpoIIE is activated selectively in the prespore, we examined the distribution of a SpoIIE-GFP f
257  factor sigmaF becomes active in the smaller prespore, which is followed by the activation of sigmaE
258         Two main cell types are prestalk and prespore, which later usually become stalk and spore cel
259 e show that sigma(E) can be activated in the prespore with little effect on sporulation efficiency, i
260 ing cells, situated in the front half of the prespore zone and tightly apposed to the substratum.
261  of ecmA-RLC cells showed that the posterior prespore zone failed to undergo a contraction important
262 : stalk extension and active movement of the prespore zone that ensures proper placement of the spore
263 ment of cells located in the anterior of the prespore zone.

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