


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ted with a micropipette system and luminally pressurized.
2  thoracic duct were isolated, cannulated and pressurized.
3 thoracic ducts were isolated, cannulated and pressurized.
4 d the flexible interface, the liquid must be pressurized.
5 ed, cannulated with glass micropipettes, and pressurized.
6 ts, cannulated with glass micropipettes, and pressurized.
7 larized (by approximately 18 mV) and dilated pressurized (40 mmHg) cerebral arterioles.
8 nal diameter) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized (55 cmH(2)O) without flow for in vitro study
9 d diazoxide (100 microM)-induced dilation in pressurized (60 mm Hg) SUR2(+/+) arteries by 45 to 77%.
10  6 to 16 mM caused the membrane potential of pressurized (60 mmHg) arteries to hyperpolarize by 12-14
11 intracellular [Ca2+], and diameters of small pressurized (60 mmHg) cerebral arteries (100-200 micron)
12 length, 4 mm) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized (75 mm Hg; 37 degrees C).
13                    Therefore, using isolated pressurized (75 mmHg) feed arteries (diameter (microm) a
14                               Using isolated pressurized (75 mmHg; 37 degrees C) feed arteries (n=63;
15 ns (10-15 mV) and dilatations (up to 90%) of pressurized (80 mmHg), rat posterior cerebral arteries.
16 rometers in length in cyclohexane heated and pressurized above its critical point.
17 l Si crystallization in a solvent heated and pressurized above its critical point.
18                     When water is heated and pressurized above the critical point, it becomes a suita
19                                              Pressurized absorbance spectroscopy is used to character
20  The separation concept of RHDS differs from pressurized, agitated, electrodialysis, and reversed osm
21                   The novel system relies on pressurized air for solution delivery and a micromembran
22 e model confirms that during the FAE in PPV, pressurized air from an infusion cannula malpositioned i
23 ionation during MoS4(2-) transformation with pressurized air was dominated by kinetic fractionation.
24 lycosidic bonds are more frequently split in pressurized amaranth, Hylon VII, and waxy maize starch,
25                  Cadaveric porcine eyes were pressurized and stabilized for processing and imaging.
26 exadecane molecules inside the nanotube were pressurized and the lipids on its surface were dragged b
27 nd the arterioles were isolated, cannulated, pressurized, and placed on an inverted microscope stage.
28  and mouse saphenous arteries were isolated, pressurized, and subjected to microangiometry.
29 emonstrated that bacteriophage DNA is highly pressurized, and this pressure has been hypothesized to
30                                              Pressurized arterial myography was performed using RMCAs
31                                              Pressurized arteries (at 60 mm Hg) from diabetic rats we
32  microM) induced further vasoconstriction of pressurized arteries (to 27 % of p.d.).
33 ial depolarization from -58 to -23 mV caused pressurized arteries (to 60 mmHg) to constrict over thei
34                              Also, isolated, pressurized arteries from alpha2(+/-), but not alpha1(+/
35     The diameters and membrane potentials of pressurized arteries from rat were measured using a vide
36 reserve the intact physical configuration of pressurized arteries have limited progress in understand
37                Additional functional work on pressurized arteries noted that paxilline, a large-condu
38 l [Ca2+] measurements obtained from isolated pressurized arteries were also used in this study to pro
39 aneous intra- and extraluminal incubation of pressurized arteries with inhibitory peptides targeted a
40                                  In isolated pressurized arteries, confocal Ca(2+) imaging of smooth
41                                           In pressurized arteries, SR Ca(2+) depletion did not alter
42 lular K(+) to 14 mm caused vasodilatation of pressurized arteries, which was prevented by endothelial
43  smooth muscle cells and vasoconstriction in pressurized arteries.
44 te pregabalin application reversibly dilated pressurized arteries.
45 plied to the luminal or abluminal surface of pressurized arteries.
46 50% in isolated arterial myocytes and intact pressurized arteries.
47 ls largely prevented ethanol constriction in pressurized arteries.
48 5 currents and attenuates KV 1.5 function in pressurized arteries.
49 reds of endothelial cells from inside intact pressurized arteries.
50 of functional KV 1.5 channels in myocytes of pressurized arteries.
51 4 d (4 mug/h; n=8/group) and studied using a pressurized arteriograph system.
52                    Intraluminal treatment of pressurized arterioles with a pathophysiological level o
53 tical probe designed to fit inside an intact pressurized artery that permitted Ca(2+) signals to be i
54 almic arteries from Sprague-Dawley rats were pressurized at 70 mmHg in an arteriograph, and outer dia
55               Using cytochrome ba 3 crystals pressurized at varying conditions under Xe or Kr gas, an
56 indicate that the AFM order is robust in the pressurized Ba0.61K0.39Mn2Bi2.
57  of temperatures and pressures using a novel pressurized batch-reactor system with dual spectroscopic
58     Here, we systematically investigated the pressurized behavior of MoSe2 up to approximately 60 GPa
59 hear stress and not to mechanical stretch, a pressurized biomechanical force that involves purinergic
60                                            A pressurized blister test and mechanical resonance are us
61                                Here we use a pressurized blister test to directly measure the adhesio
62                         There was no need to pressurize both capillary ends during operation or to us
63                                              Pressurized buffer flow or voltage applied in the crosso
64 f 96 samples in parallel is achieved using a pressurized capillary array system.
65  rapid and efficient separation method using pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) has b
66 ion of the separation of peptide mixtures in pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC).
67                           A system combining pressurized capillary gel filtration with online laser l
68 ese species can be electrophoresed only if a pressurized capillary is employed.
69 ne-peptide standard was achieved by coupling pressurized-capillary electrophoresis (pCE) to HT-TOFMS.
70               Herpesviruses possess a genome-pressurized capsid.
71       However, the manipulation of toxic and pressurized carbon monoxide limited their applications i
72                     In addition, in isolated pressurized carotid arteries, flow-mediated dilation was
73 entration-dependent constriction in isolated pressurized cat middle cerebral arteries (-29 +/- 8% at
74 the encapsulated water that can be used as a pressurized cell with trapped molecular species, and pro
75 the smooth muscle cells in the wall of small pressurized cerebral arteries (100-200 micron) of rat wa
76     Loss of PSD95 also depolarized cVSMCs in pressurized cerebral arteries and induced a strong const
77     We also studied the effect of 20-HETE on pressurized cerebral arteries and on whole-cell L-type C
78  mmol/L caused Ba(2+)-sensitive dilations in pressurized cerebral arteries from control and Kir2.2 mi
79  Application of KV1-C peptide to cannulated, pressurized cerebral arteries rapidly induced vasoconstr
80 asured using isobaric myography, in isolated pressurized cerebral arteries was reversibly and concent
81                                           In pressurized cerebral arteries, DT-2 and DT-3 substantial
82  vascular tone were examined using isolated, pressurized cerebral arteries.
83 ions, we analyzed the inhibitors in isolated pressurized cerebral arteries.
84 (3-45 muM) dilated the rat and C57BL/6 mouse pressurized cerebral arteries.
85 d protein samples, utilizing a pneumatically pressurized chamber containing 1.0 mM sodium tetraborate
86 nder hyperbaric conditions using specialized pressurized chambers; during hypothermic machine perfusi
87 by positive ions are transmitted through the pressurized collision quadrupole (Q2) while anions are s
88 nsated by high formation energies due to the pressurized confinement.
89  Ba2+(o) blocked K(+)-induced dilatations of pressurized coronary and cerebral arteries (IC50, 3-8 mi
90 m 6 to 16 mM caused sustained dilatations of pressurized coronary and cerebral arteries with diameter
91                                 Dilations of pressurized coronary arteries from female and OVX animal
92               In the present study, isolated pressurized coronary arteries from rats were used to ass
93 elial cells, which increases the diameter of pressurized coronary arteries.
94 nd flow-induced vasodilatations in isolated, pressurized coronary arterioles, (2) heart phosphorylate
95 dilation (sodium nitroprusside) of isolated, pressurized coronary small arteries from lean control an
96  Here we show the application of using CO(2)-pressurized, cryo-cooled crystals to capture the first s
97 ), measured indirectly by slowly releasing a pressurized cuff occluding indocyanine green (ICG), demo
98                                              Pressurized cylindrical animals such as worms have circu
99 sted and analyzed using the automated online pressurized digestion system coupled to an ion mobility
100  measured the energy powering the release of pressurized DNA from the capsid.
101 se, the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae develops a pressurized dome-shaped cell called an appressorium, whi
102                            We find that upon pressurizing each metal, the phonon spectra are blue-shi
103                                The framework-pressurizing effect is striking and may exist in other i
104                        In a second step, the pressurized eluent is transferred to the inlet of the ch
105 he extraction process of safflower oil using pressurized ethanol, and compares the chemical compositi
106 d that the crumpled textures could withstand pressurized filtration, resulting in increased permeable
107 lude that subjecting rat cardiac myocytes to pressurized flow pulses of solutions triggers the releas
108 anes through which cargo is gently driven by pressurized flow.
109 vel Ca(2+) signalling pathway, generated by 'pressurized flows' (PFs) of solutions, resulting in the
110  high efficiency of extraction provided by a pressurized fluid and the high sensitivity offered by th
111 on of an in situ derivatization technique to pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) for the herbicides 2,
112                            A method based on pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) was developed for mea
113             In addition, a parallel study of pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) with methanol was car
114 emonstrate the applicability of the approach pressurized fluid extraction was used to extract 4,4'-DD
115                    Soils are extracted using pressurized fluid extraction, which is compared to the E
116 olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), using pressurized fluid extraction.
117 le-cell patch clamp technique, combined with pressurized fluid flow, as well as pharmacological and g
118 Japan Trench, dynamic weakening by thermally pressurized fluid is greater at the Nankai Trough owing
119           The axial deformation of a pipette-pressurized fluid membrane bag produces minuscule yet we
120 ve type of soft actuators that are driven by pressurized fluids.
121 ry arterioles were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized for in vitro study.
122 ry arterioles were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized for in vitro study.
123 gs (73 +/- 4 mg/dL), and then cannulated and pressurized for vasoreactivity study using videomicrosco
124 pacity was over 1 mol CO2/mol alpha-CD after pressurizing for longer than 48 h.
125 n matrix is characterized by fast release of pressurized free gas (accounting for ~30-47% recovery) f
126     The intact posterior scleral shells were pressurized from 5 to 45 mm Hg while the full-field thre
127 ve carbonylation in that no carbon monoxide, pressurized gas, or stoichiometric reductant is employed
128 10(-5) mol/L) were studied in cannulated and pressurized gracilis muscle arterioles ( approximately 7
129                                              Pressurized gyration is a new method of combining rotati
130 constriction was blocked by loading only the pressurized half of the vessel with either ML-7 (0.5 mm)
131     Chardonnay grape pomace was treated with pressurized heat followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, with
132 ts obtained from the HPLC/UV analysis of the pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) extracts togethe
133                         We characterized two pressurized hot water extracts from grape pomace obtaine
134                                              Pressurized hot water extracts obtained at different tem
135      Similarly, in standalone hydrogen mode, pressurized hydrogen is produced at efficiencies approac
136                In this case, Gd(2)Zr(2)O(7), pressurized in a diamond-anvil cell up to 40 GPa, was ir
137  by electroosmotic flow, while the system is pressurized in a manner that allows heat to flow between
138 ctroosmotic flow, while the sorbent layer is pressurized in a manner that allows heat to flow from th
139     Arterioles were isolated, cannulated and pressurized in a microvessel bath with field stimulation
140 cnemius muscle were isolated, cannulated and pressurized in a microvessel chamber with field stimulat
141 d with glass pipettes in an arteriograph and pressurized in a physiological buffer.
142 male mice were isolated, then cannulated and pressurized in a vessel chamber.
143 avalin A (50 microg/mL) and transferred to a pressurized incubator in which 30 mm Hg of pressure was
144                     Nitrogen gas was used to pressurize individual wells for transport of sample into
145 ties up to 400 meters per second, created by pressurized injection of fluid propane through nanoscale
146                                       Pulsed-pressurized injection of reserpine was used to experimen
147 astic response dominated by the mechanics of pressurized internal organs.
148        These findings emphasize the need for pressurized intraosseous infusion techniques, because bo
149 , such as Lake Vostok or Lake Concordia, are pressurizing, it is possible that substantial discharges
150 ng contrast to previous reports of doping or pressurizing layered compounds AeFe(2)As(2) (or Ae122),
151 made along the posterior mitral annulus of a pressurized left ventricle.
152 nated using supercritical carbon dioxide and pressurized liquid (ethanol and water) extractions.
153 ned ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) (UAE+PLE).
154  times, pressure, and temperature when using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) for the extraction o
155                                              Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) has been used for th
156      Microwave assisted extraction (MAE) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) methods using water
157 y was employed to investigate the effects of pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) parameters on the re
158                                An analytical pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) process has been stu
159 ity of covalent bonds against desorption and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) was assessed.
160       Advanced extraction techniques such as Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE), Microwave Assisted
161 1 and monohydroxylated metabolites employing pressurized liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mas
162 range of pesticides in tuber crops, based on pressurized liquid extraction by ethyl acetate, followed
163 veloped and validated method making use of a pressurized liquid extraction followed by liquid chromat
164                                              Pressurized liquid extraction of Aglaonema sp. iminosuga
165 be a novel surface sampling technique termed pressurized liquid extraction surface analysis (PLESA),
166 ment samples were freeze-dried, extracted by pressurized liquid extraction, and cleaned up by liquid-
167 hod (log Kow 1.7-5.5) was developed based on pressurized liquid extraction, QuEChERS and LC-HRMS.
168  in VF was measured at about 15% (w/w) using pressurized liquid extraction.
169 tor (postbioremediation) and extracted using pressurized liquid extraction.
170 y using a temperature difference to create a pressurized liquid flux across a membrane, which can be
171                                              Pressurized liquids, PLE, and enzyme-assisted extraction
172            Similar findings were obtained in pressurized lymphatics in response to pressure ramps and
173                                In cannulated pressurized MAs preconstricted 50% with noradrenaline an
174 ed the nature of this impairment in isolated pressurized MAs.
175                                          The pressurized mean baseline IOP in the intact globe was 13
176                                We designed a pressurized measuring chamber to record pressure effects
177  be achieved without the help of an external pressurized medium.
178 at to flow between the sorbent layer and the pressurizing medium.
179                    In this linear regime the pressurized membrane bag behaves like a Hookean spring,
180 tes) into endothelial cells within isolated, pressurized mesenteric arteries of the rat.
181 flow-induced vasodilatation (FIV) assayed in pressurized mesenteric arteries pre-constricted with end
182 lium-dependent responses to acetylcholine in pressurized mesenteric arteries were reduced in KW versu
183  asthma control with a budesonide/formoterol pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) versus budesonid
184  to generate aerosols from the corresponding pressurized metered-dose inhaler formulations (pMDIs) th
185 asone and fluticasone administered through a pressurized metered-dose inhaler.
186 m(-2) was applied to single myocytes using a pressurized microflow system, and the current was measur
187  a minimal volume (< or = 5 microL) inside a pressurized microvial for subsequent analysis.
188  and structure were compared in isolated and pressurized middle cerebral arteries (MCAs) and PAs take
189 report a 2.5 A resolution structure of xenon-pressurized mtCODH/ACS and examine the nature of gaseous
190        Finally, structural comparisons of Xe-pressurized mtCODH/ACS with related enzyme structures al
191 ell Ca(2+) signals were measured in isolated pressurized murine PAs, using imaging techniques.
192 and mesentery artery endothelial function by pressurized myography.
193       In contrast, control experiments using pressurized N(2) and similar initial conditions as in th
194                          In combination with pressurized nanospray sample introduction, it is suitabl
195 s of their behavior had been thwarted by the pressurized nature of their internal body fluids, making
196 s drying the sample on diatomaceous earth by pressurized nitrogen and eluting target analytes and lip
197  arterioles (80 to 180 mum in diameter) in a pressurized no-flow state were examined in the presence
198 ry and from ferret coronary microvessel in a pressurized no-flow state.
199 gue 8-bromo-cAMP were examined in vitro in a pressurized, no-flow state.
200 e natural candidates for the pairing glue in pressurized O2.
201 al crystals (2D) can trap substances in high pressurized (of order 1 GPa) on nanobubbles.
202  (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), and hyperbaric (pressurized) oxygen (HBO) alter vascular endothelium dys
203  serve as a plug to help restrain the highly pressurized packaged genome.
204 itro rat/mouse brain slice model of perfused/pressurized PAs; studies were supplemented with in vivo
205 ng device as well as a plug that retains the pressurized phage DNA inside the capsid.
206                        The separation in the pressurized planar electrochromatographic mode was carri
207                                              Pressurized planar electrochromatography (PPEC) is a fas
208                                              Pressurized planar electrochromatography (PPEC) is a new
209 mer monolithic layers in electrophoresis and pressurized planar electrochromatography modes has been
210 ios in both source regions are indicative of pressurized pore fluids.
211 ly perturbed, the effect being equivalent to pressurizing pure water to pressures of order 2 GPa or m
212        Collisional cooling of cations in the pressurized Q2 ensures efficient overlap of the positive
213             Reagent anions were trapped in a pressurized quadrupole collision cell by applying approp
214 3.1, was first shown to depolarize/constrict pressurized rat cerebral arteries; no effect was observe
215 Cl(-) efflux, during myogenic contraction of pressurized rat cerebral resistance arteries.
216 scular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) of intact, pressurized rat mesenteric resistance arteries loaded wi
217 onfocal microscopy of fluo-4 fluorescence in pressurized rat mesenteric small arteries subjected to l
218 mp function: myogenic tone (MT) in isolated, pressurized rat mesenteric small arteries, and Ca2+ sign
219 esponse and serotonin-evoked constriction of pressurized rat middle cerebral arteries.
220 he effects of increased K(+) on the isolated pressurized rat middle cerebral artery (MCA).
221                                   Intact and pressurized rat superior cerebellar arteries were labell
222  vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the pressurized rat superior cerebellar artery.
223 a combination of high reagent concentration, pressurized reactions, and rapid heat and mass transfer.
224 ative injection of organic reagents into the pressurized reactor.
225 ting exclusions such as rod-packing vents on pressurized reciprocating compressors in standby mode un
226          The optic nerve travels through two pressurized regions: the intraocular space and the intra
227 nd lumenal diameter measurements from intact pressurized renal arcuate arteries.
228 microM) reversibly increases the diameter of pressurized resistance cerebral arteries by approximatel
229                                           In pressurized resistance sized cerebral arteries ( approxi
230                                 Isolated and pressurized retinal arterioles developed basal tone and
231 t mass spectrometer (Q-TOF MS) equipped with pressurized sample introduction.
232                           By incorporating a pressurized sample loop into a liquid chromatography-bas
233                      PLESA uses a sealed and pressurized sampling probe that enables the use of chlor
234 dices of pumping in isolated, cannulated and pressurized segments of rat TD were measured.
235                              In isolated and pressurized small bovine coronary arteries, cell-permeab
236 apillary which has both the inlet and outlet pressurized so that the average column pressure can be s
237 ous safety problems that are associated with pressurized SO2 and flammable solvents in the system.
238                            A method based on pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) to determine main p
239 y solid-phase extraction (water samples) and pressurized solvent extraction (solid samples), derivati
240 istical mechanics of shape fluctuations in a pressurized spherical shell, using perturbation theory a
241 s show that the structural changes found for pressurized starches were more strongly determined by th
242 i) modulation by flow pulsatility, comparing pressurized steady versus pulse-flow responses in bovine
243           The sample introduction channel is pressurized such that when the pneumatic microvalve open
244                                              Pressurized superior cerebral arteries developed spontan
245 overcome this deficiency, we have introduced pressurized supply microcircuits in the theta-glass chan
246  valve system is a nonmetallic design with a pressurized support structure that allows precise positi
247                Using intact whole cells, the pressurized system was observed to rapidly convert 100%
248                                   Even using pressurized systems conventional acid digestion is not f
249    Samples were also digested using MW-AD in pressurized systems with concentrated HNO3, but even usi
250  through channels in the two die blocks that pressurize the layer.
251 ein nesprin-3 pulled the nucleus forward and pressurized the front of the cell.
252           In other words, the IL effectively pressurizes the CO2 inside its matrix.
253 t by employing a membrane at the outlet, and pressurizing the air above the sand bed, the average liq
254  and exposing the hydrate to liquid CO(2) by pressurizing the Ar hydrate with CO(2).
255 d ice crystals and transformed to hydrate by pressurizing the system with argon gas.
256 , or forced into the intercellular spaces by pressurizing the xylem.
257    Functionally, the contractile response of pressurized thoracodorsal resistance arteries to phenyle
258 on and simulated seawater desalination brine pressurized to 24 bar.
259                                  In arteries pressurized to 30 or 90 mmHg, activation of sympathetic
260 porcine retinal arterioles were isolated and pressurized to 55 cm H(2)O luminal pressure for vasoreac
261 al arterioles were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized to 55 cm H2O lumenal pressure without flow.
262 nal diameter) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized to 55 cmH(2)O luminal pressure without flow.
263  in diameter) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized to 60 cm H(2)O without flow for in vitro stu
264  110 microns) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized to 60 cm H2O intraluminal pressure without f
265 o 100 microm) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized to 60 cm H2O without flow for in vitro study
266                                Arteries were pressurized to 68 mmHg, and luminal diameter was measure
267           Arterial segments were cannulated, pressurized to 80 mmHg and allowed to develop spontaneou
268                                In arterioles pressurized to 80 mmHg, ECs generated low-frequency (~2
269 ed, cannulated with glass micropipettes, and pressurized to 85 mmHg.
270 ct was seen when the solvent was changed and pressurized to 900 psi.
271 ntracellular [Ca2+] by 46 nM and constricted pressurized (to 60 mmHg) arteries with myogenic tone by
272 rgy-variable optoelectronics applications in pressurized transition-metal dichalcogenides.
273                             Liquefied butane pressurized under nitrogen and doped with arsine and a p
274 diac myofiber transduction is facilitated by pressurized venous infusion in anatomic domains isolated
275 ing the lacZ transgene was delivered through pressurized venous infusion without pharmacological medi
276 holine (NE+ACh) were measured in cannulated, pressurized vessels ex vivo.
277  induced concentration-dependent dilation of pressurized vessels with myogenic tone that was accompan
278  arteries were then isolated, cannulated and pressurized via hydrostatic reservoirs to an intravascul
279 d protein: facilitating the retention of the pressurized viral genome in the capsid.
280                      Stems were infused with pressurized water and flow rates were determined; gold p
281                                              pressurized water extraction showed a high solubilizatio
282  soybean flour or Soybean Protein Isolate in pressurized water system.
283 ears to be the least extracted isoflavone by pressurized water.
284 e observed in molecular mass distribution of pressurized waxy maize starch.
285  corroborating in vivo data support the self-pressurizing "weeping" theory of synovial joint lubricat
286 ed combustion (MIC) in closed quartz vessels pressurized with oxygen.
287 omethane or iodoethane, or by using crystals pressurized with xenon gas.
288 eation, retinal arterioles were isolated and pressurized without flow for functional analysis by reco
289 diameter, 71 +/- 2 microm) were isolated and pressurized without flow for in vitro study.
290 al arterioles were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized without flow for in vitro study.
291 regions of subepicardium were cannulated and pressurized without flow for in vitro study.
292  porcine eyes were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized without flow.
293   Most aseismic slip occurs within the fluid-pressurized zone and obeys a rate-strengthening friction

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