


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es Dictyostelium amoebae to differentiate as prestalk cells.
2 ecule DIF-1 that causes differentiation into prestalk cells.
3 ) null slugs have twice the normal number of prestalk cells.
4 s in a significantly increased proportion of prestalk cells.
5 e greatly enriched in prespore compared with prestalk cells.
6 duce DIF-1 at more than 20 times the rate of prestalk cells.
7 t results from an inability to properly sort prestalk cells.
8 cting region that prevents expression in the prestalk cells.
9 produce the classic, apical pattern of ecmAO prestalk cells.
10  and the fbxA mRNA is highly enriched in the prestalk cells.
11 ent of myb+ cells, mybC is expressed only in prestalk cells.
12 o the prestalk zone or to differentiate into prestalk cells.
13 hat sporulate in the absence of signals from prestalk cells.
14 e cells, both are required for expression in prestalk cells.
15 s and appears to have a defect in sorting of prestalk cells.
16 bility to signal terminal differentiation in prestalk cells.
17 usively in prespore cells and is absent from prestalk cells.
18  results in an abnormally high percentage of prestalk cells.
19 gests that it is preferentially expressed in prestalk cells.
20 tern, with cAR2 being expressed on anterior, prestalk cells and cAR3 present in the rest of the organ
21   The ecmA gene is specifically expressed in prestalk cells and its transcription is induced by the c
22  indicates that prespore cells divide before prestalk cells and later encapsulate as G1-arrested spor
23 P receptor present on a restricted subset of prestalk cells and whose expression does not respond typ
24 r with wild-type cells still produced excess prestalk cells and wild-type cells carrying the ecmA::la
25                                           As prestalk cells appear to be in G2 up to 22 hours of deve
26  cell-cycle phase at the time of starvation: prestalk cells are derived from cells which, are the tim
27                                 Prespore and prestalk cells are interspersed throughout the slug.
28 egation and then appears to be restricted to prestalk cells as a consequence of rapid turnover in pre
29     tagA mutants produce about twice as many prestalk cells as the wild type as judged by a prestalk
30                            PdL was active in prestalk cells as was also found with stable gal.
31 nd SDF-2 that are believed to be released by prestalk cells at culmination.
32                 ACB is normally expressed in prestalk cells, but is upregulated in the prespore regio
33 with wild-type cells, the mislocalization of prestalk cells, but not prespore cells, is rescued.
34                                 Prespore and prestalk cells can be distinguished within aggregates of
35  increase was observed using two markers for prestalk cells, CP2 and ecmA::lacZ.
36 e cells demonstrated that the RLC-null ecmAO prestalk-cell defect is cell autonomous.
37                            In the wild type, prestalk cells differentiate from those cells in S or ea
38                                              Prestalk cell differentiation and migration are delayed.
39 ell-autonomous role for the CrlA receptor in prestalk cell differentiation.
40 IF, the chlorinated hexaphenone that directs prestalk cell differentiation.
41               SDF-2 is a peptide released by prestalk cells during culmination that stimulates prespo
42 n Dictyostelium, we observed that GFP-tagged prestalk cells (ecmAO-expressing cells) moved independen
43 During normal development, apically situated prestalk cells express the ecmB gene just as they commit
44                     In such dtfA- mounds the prestalk cells fail to move to the apex on cue and so ti
45 ially and temporally distinct cues may guide prestalk cells first to an initial cluster and then late
46                    In RLC-null mounds, ecmAO prestalk cells formed an initial cluster that began to m
47 lk cell types was delayed and maintenance of prestalk cell gene expression was defective.
48              The proportions of prespore and prestalk cells in Dictyostelium discoideum are regulated
49  to DIF and cAMP, but normal PdL activity in prestalk cells in slugs was retained.
50 oops that sets the proportion of prespore-to-prestalk cells in the aggregate.
51 idine kinase whose expression is enriched in prestalk cells in the slug.
52 lls are undergoing terminal differentiation, prestalk cells in tipA mutants form very small clumps, m
53  when Dictyostelium cells are exposed to the prestalk cell inducer Differentiation inducing factor 1
54  transdifferentiation of prespore cells into prestalk cells is inhibited in rzpA-slugs.
55            One especially enigmatic group of prestalk cells is the anterior-like cells (ALCs), which
56 localised in the nuclei of a small subset of prestalk cells located in the slug tip.
57 ls have RhT activity, but during development prestalk cells lose RhT activity while prespore cells re
58 xpressed, there is increased expression of a prestalk cell marker at the slug posterior, a phenocopy
59 nts, morphogenesis was followed by observing prestalk cell markers.
60 egetative growth, during aggregation, and in prestalk cells of the older structures.
61 ene marks the differentiation of the initial prestalk cell population, PST-1.
62  tagA(-) cells become overrepresented in the prestalk cell population, suggesting that this phenotype
63 eating in D. discoideum because defecting on prestalk cell production results in an even greater redu
64 actor DIF-1 and is restricted to a subset of prestalk cells (pstO).
65 the mutation results in an increase in PST-A prestalk cells rather than PST-O cells.
66 P-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity in prestalk cells reduced stalk gene induction by c-di-GMP,
67 P-expressing crlA(-) mutants in the anterior prestalk cell region of chimeric organisms supports a ce
68  receptor in the development of the anterior prestalk cell region.
69    tagA mutant aggregates elaborate multiple prestalk cell regions during development and produce spo
70 estalk cells as the wild type as judged by a prestalk cell reporter construct.
71 velopmental life cycle is a process by which prestalk cells sort to form the anterior region of the m
72 age were first expressed as the prespore and prestalk cells sorted out in aggregates, some were found
73 cluster in tip protrusion, we examined ecmAO prestalk-cell sorting in a myosin II regulatory light ch
74              The presence of these different prestalk cell subtypes was confirmed by double indirect
75 relatively highly expressed in the subset of prestalk cells that coats the prestalk zone, but in slug
76            The cudA gene is expressed by the prestalk cells that constitute the slug tip (the pstA ce
77 vely maintained within the sub-population of prestalk cells that form the tip, the organizing center
78 t is not detectably expressed in the band of prestalk cells that lies behind the tip (the pstO cells)
79 nto two specialized cell types, prespore and prestalk cells, that continue to signal each other in co
80 ion, and aberrant patterning of prespore and prestalk cells, the major progenitor classes.
81 ich a long-range signal attracts many of the prestalk cells to the site of cluster formation.
82 ntric wave territory containing prespore and prestalk cell types can undergo "dislocation": a wave fi
83 null strain revealed that differentiation of prestalk cell types was delayed and maintenance of prest
84 ocalization of PTP3 in the anterior-like and prestalk cell types.
85        Using an ecmA::lacZ construct to mark prestalk cells, we found that amdA(-) null slugs have tw
86 cmA::lacZ construct formed normal numbers of prestalk cells when developed together with an equal num
87 he protease domain of TagC on the surface of prestalk cells where it can convert AcbA to SDF-2.
88  differentiation and precocious induction of prestalk cells, which were reminiscent of cells lacking
89  a direct activator of cudA transcription in prestalk cells, while a protein with a DNA binding speci
90 equires a number of specialized sub-types of prestalk cell whose nature and function are not well und

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