


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tsynaptic neuron but only translation in the presynaptic cell.
2 d in response to the stimulation of a single presynaptic cell.
3 gulating transmission at all synapses of the presynaptic cell.
4 o decreased potassium-current density in the presynaptic cell.
5 ion during high-frequency stimulation of the presynaptic cell.
6 rgic suppression of transmitter release from presynaptic cells.
7  the direct inputs, due to the lack of RG in presynaptic cells.
8 required for synaptic growth and function in presynaptic cells.
9 eceptor cells or in GAD1-expressing type III/presynaptic cells.
10 l-cell signalling between receptor cells and presynaptic cells.
11 or cells, glial-like cells or GAD-expressing presynaptic cells.
12 hat receptor cells transmit their signals to presynaptic cells.
13 hese signals serve to adjust the activity of presynaptic cells according to postsynaptic cell outputs
14                        Neurexin 1 (NRXN1), a presynaptic cell adhesion molecule, is implicated in sev
15 ssociation between alpha4beta2 AChRs and the presynaptic cell adhesion molecule, neurexin-1beta.
16                      Neurexins are essential presynaptic cell adhesion molecules that are linked to s
17 tations of the NRXN1 gene, which encodes the presynaptic cell-adhesion molecule neurexin-1, were repe
18                alpha- and beta-neurexins are presynaptic cell-adhesion molecules implicated in autism
19 eins that form tripartite complexes with the presynaptic cell-adhesion molecules neurexins or 'delete
20       Neurexins are evolutionarily conserved presynaptic cell-adhesion molecules that are essential f
21                                Neurexins are presynaptic cell-adhesion molecules that bind to postsyn
22                                Neurexins are presynaptic cell-adhesion molecules that form trans-syna
23                alpha- and beta-neurexins are presynaptic cell-adhesion molecules whose general import
24 requires activation of NMDA receptors on the presynaptic cell and postsynaptic calcium-dependent vesi
25 l agents can be directly introduced into the presynaptic cell and that a purely presynaptic perturbat
26 imize the many steps between the firing of a presynaptic cell and the response of its postsynaptic ta
27 eurons looking for synchrony in ensembles of presynaptic cells and allows a low-dimensional descripti
28 Within the taste bud, ChrgA is found only in presynaptic cells and may account for dense-cored vesicl
29 Ca(v)2.1 (a P/Q subunit) is expressed in all presynaptic cells, and underlies depolarization-triggere
30                                 In contrast, presynaptic cells are broadly tuned: 83% responded to tw
31 uggest that inputs from different classes of presynaptic cells are weighted differently, depending on
32 th these ecto-nucleotidases are expressed by Presynaptic cells, as shown by single-cell RT-PCR, enzym
33                        When expressed in the presynaptic cell at synapses between embryonic hippocamp
34 bodies or of MAPK Kinase inhibitors into the presynaptic cell blocks long-term facilitation, without
35 sed a striatum-only preparation in which the presynaptic cell body is cut off, leaving intact only it
36 es synthesis of phospholipids, likely in the presynaptic cell, but not the endocannabinoids 2-arachid
37 4) further expand upon the role of CaMKII in presynaptic cells by demonstrating a role in regulating
38                     Here, we report that the presynaptic cell class determines functional properties
39 ell communication between receptor cells and presynaptic cells, consistent with ATP being the transmi
40         We also provide direct evidence that presynaptic cell contact-mediated, clustering of postsyn
41                             Also, individual presynaptic cells contact several postsynaptic cell type
42                             Three classes of presynaptic cell could be defined, based on their effere
43 ild-type fusl transgene targeted only to the presynaptic cell, demonstrating a strictly presynaptic r
44 pses open to bidirectional current flow when presynaptic cells depolarize relative to their postsynap
45 nt of retrograde signaling through exosomes, presynaptic cells enable retrograde signaling.
46                                          All presynaptic cells established multiple synaptic junction
47                                 In contrast, presynaptic cells express the GABA(A) beta3 subunit and
48 ed to synaptic sites and are required within presynaptic cells for structural and functional maturati
49 ingle-cell RT-PCR on functionally identified presynaptic cells from GAD-GFP mice confirmed the pharma
50 with 5-HT and noradrenaline being limited to presynaptic cells, GABA being synthesized in both presyn
51             Because SPNs receive inputs from presynaptic cells in different cortical layers, we inves
52 elease of retrograde signals and the role of presynaptic cells in this signaling event are unknown.
53 -mediated bursts of action potentials in the presynaptic cell increased these PSPs to an average of 4
54 late the inputs generated by a population of presynaptic cells into either the dendrite or the soma o
55 ust be realized with <50% probability if the presynaptic cell is excitatory and >50% probability if t
56 ll is excitatory and >50% probability if the presynaptic cell is inhibitory.
57  tethers connecting synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic cell membrane.
58 s primarily on the excitability of GABAergic presynaptic cells, most likely via alterations of voltag
59  cAMP, triggered Ca(2+) transients in 38% of presynaptic cells (n = 128).
60 providing evidence that transcription in the presynaptic cell nucleus is not necessary for this form
61 be controlled by activity levels in multiple presynaptic cells or by adjusting release probability at
62 tosolic free Ca(2+) either in RGCs, in their presynaptic cells, or in both.
63 ons to the activation of their corresponding presynaptic cell populations.
64 ional differences between receptor cells and presynaptic cells, provide strong evidence for communica
65                                              Presynaptic cells responded to all taste qualities, incl
66 Physiological patterns of stimulation in the presynaptic cell revealed two populations of postsynapti
67 f neurons, thus indicating connectivity with presynaptic cell(s).
68 alpha1 chain was selectively associated with presynaptic cells (Schwann cells and/or nerve terminals)
69 ors (sensitive to 5-HT and NE), we found all presynaptic cells secrete 5-HT and 33% corelease NE with
70      alpha-Neurexins (alpha-Nrxn) are mostly presynaptic cell surface molecules essential for neurotr
71         In addition, mAChRs showed decreased presynaptic, cell surface, and dendritic distributions a
72          Alpha-neurexins, a family of >1,000 presynaptic cell-surface proteins encoded by three genes
73 , where communication between RGCs and their presynaptic cells takes place.
74 Ca(2+) responses occur only in the subset of presynaptic cells that lack glutamic acid decarboxylase
75 ed by the number of release sites (N) on the presynaptic cell, the probability (p) of transmitter rel
76 of nitric-oxide (NO) formation feeds back to presynaptic cells to S-nitrosylate SR and decrease D-ser
77 wever, neurotrophins can also be released by presynaptic cells to stimulate postsynaptic neurons.
78 dividual postsynaptic cell, but how a single presynaptic cell type diverges to form distinct wiring p
79  individual synapse is unique, a function of presynaptic cell type, postsynaptic cell type, environme
80                        Inputs from different presynaptic cell types converge onto a common postsynapt
81      Recent work has focused on how distinct presynaptic cell types form stereotypic connections with
82      To integrate information from different presynaptic cell types, dendrites receive distinct patte
83 e cells, Type II/receptor cells, or Type III/presynaptic cells) undergo taste-evoked changes of cAMP
84 inct expression pattern of GABA receptors in presynaptic cells, we detected no GABAergic suppression
85 nd to consider effects on firing patterns of presynaptic cells, which in turn influence release via u

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