


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ry information is thought to be modulated by presynaptic inhibition.
2 ons and might represent a novel mechanism of presynaptic inhibition.
3 and GAD67 in GABApre terminals and decreased presynaptic inhibition.
4 ex, may represent a target of Gbetagamma for presynaptic inhibition.
5 nduced spiking does not represent failure of presynaptic inhibition.
6 f the regulation of synapses and networks by presynaptic inhibition.
7   PAD-induced spiking is assumed to override presynaptic inhibition.
8 ransfer at sensory-motor connections through presynaptic inhibition.
9 >12 hr) eventually desensitizes A1R-mediated presynaptic inhibition.
10 PCRs and their molecular effectors mediating presynaptic inhibition.
11 Rs and their molecular targets for mediating presynaptic inhibition.
12 nhibition and group B with reduced or absent presynaptic inhibition.
13 o bind RGS proteins (PTX/RGS-i) also rescued presynaptic inhibition.
14 ation, both in control conditions and during presynaptic inhibition.
15 ion of GABApre terminals and the efficacy of presynaptic inhibition.
16 (RGS proteins) are required for rapid, brief presynaptic inhibition.
17 by these two inhibitory neurotransmitters in presynaptic inhibition.
18 nts by G-proteins contributes importantly to presynaptic inhibition.
19  of the contralateral motor cortex decreased presynaptic inhibition.
20 r surfaces of the ipsilateral foot decreased presynaptic inhibition.
21 lso the contralateral sural nerve, decreased presynaptic inhibition.
22 tein-coupled signaling pathways that produce presynaptic inhibition.
23 rve at the head of the fibula, decreased the presynaptic inhibition.
24 s suppressed at high temporal frequencies by presynaptic inhibition.
25 he defining physiological characteristics of presynaptic inhibition.
26  afferents must be efficiently controlled by presynaptic inhibition.
27  (eEPSCs), and decreased the GABABR-mediated presynaptic inhibition.
28 utamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) reducing presynaptic inhibition.
29 e amplitude of invading spikes and indicated presynaptic inhibition.
30 a high level of GABA(B)Rs and exhibit strong presynaptic inhibition.
31 xpress GABA(B)Rs and do not have significant presynaptic inhibition.
32  and determined the conditions necessary for presynaptic inhibition.
33 spond to weak mechanical stimuli and provoke presynaptic inhibition.
34 ibition determined the kinetics of GABAergic presynaptic inhibition across different BC classes.
35                                              Presynaptic inhibition acted differentially upon two maj
36 ons presynaptically and postsynaptically via presynaptic inhibition and by reducing the currents carr
37 Rbeta in inhibitory neurons leads to reduced presynaptic inhibition and changes to sensory-evoked ref
38 strength of GABAB receptor (GABABR)-mediated presynaptic inhibition and could be different at the sam
39 ceptor (GABA(B)R) agonist baclofen to engage presynaptic inhibition and field EPSPs (fEPSPs) in hippo
40 to two groups, group A with normal levels of presynaptic inhibition and group B with reduced or absen
41 polarizing conductance, cannabinoid-mediated presynaptic inhibition and long-term depression, are als
42 ibition of N-type (CaV2.2) channels supports presynaptic inhibition and represents a central paradigm
43  and P/Q-type Ca(2+) channels contributes to presynaptic inhibition and short-term synaptic plasticit
44 y reduction of gGABA poses a greater risk to presynaptic inhibition and the sensory processing that r
45  functional determinants of GABA(B)-mediated presynaptic inhibition and to test hypotheses on the rol
46 r supraspinal control (via biasing activity, presynaptic inhibition, and fusimotor gain).
47 ectable suppression by iPNs, arguing against presynaptic inhibition as a primary mechanism.
48 I afferents in contralateral motoneurones to presynaptic inhibition as an indicator of the relative c
49                             The mechanism of presynaptic inhibition at the mossy fiber synapse was in
50 nstrated that GABA(B)R activation results in presynaptic inhibition at the output synapses of both PT
51          We show that 5-HT receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition, at this synapse, involves a redu
52  suggests that a receptor reserve exists for presynaptic inhibition, but that the magnitude of this r
53  of the ipsilateral plantar nerves increased presynaptic inhibition, but this action is attributed to
54 rs, and supraspinal structures can all evoke presynaptic inhibition, but we do not understand how the
55     All four PTx-ins Galpha subunits rescued presynaptic inhibition by adenosine A1 receptors.
56 substantia nigra reticulata (SNr) lose tonic presynaptic inhibition by GABAB receptors.
57                                  Conversely, presynaptic inhibition by KORs of inhibitory synapses on
58                                        Local presynaptic inhibition by TNTCFP did not change the syna
59 s of an invertebrate neural circuit show how presynaptic inhibition can play a key role in the genera
60 fast glutamatergic autaptic EPSC that showed presynaptic inhibition caused by concomitant dopamine re
61  inputs requires either the removal of tonic presynaptic inhibition caused by endocannabinoids or the
62                                          The presynaptic inhibition caused by the mu agonist DAMGO ha
63 tion of Ia afferent synapses and a change in presynaptic inhibition could contribute to maintain or e
64 ion in excitatory drive to that circuit, via presynaptic inhibition, coupled with a phase-specific ex
65             We conclude that GABABR-mediated presynaptic inhibition decreased with increasing frequen
66 t evidence from awake, behaving monkeys that presynaptic inhibition decreases the ability of afferent
67 d by vesicle-depletion, and partly caused by presynaptic-inhibition due to the activity of inhibitory
68                                      Second, presynaptic inhibition dynamically updates synaptic prop
69 it is not fully understood how light-evoked, presynaptic inhibition from amacrine cell inputs shapes
70   Previous research shows that GABA-mediated presynaptic inhibition has a critical role in cued fear
71        Our results further suggest that this presynaptic inhibition has appropriate functional conseq
72                   The phenomenon of afferent presynaptic inhibition has been intensively studied in t
73                     5-HT1B receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition has been proposed as one mechanis
74 Galpha(o) subunits rescued adenosine-induced presynaptic inhibition in cultured hippocampal neurons.
75 1,) Galpha(i2), and Galpha(i3)) in mediating presynaptic inhibition in hippocampal neurons by express
76      We demonstrate that Gbetagamma-mediated presynaptic inhibition in lamprey central synapses occur
77 a-containing GABABRs are believed to mediate presynaptic inhibition in principal neurons.
78 nct among mGluRs but closely matches that of presynaptic inhibition in some central nervous system pa
79 on, and seizures are consistent with reduced presynaptic inhibition in spinal cord and impaired inhib
80 is finding, Kiss1(ARH) neurons received less presynaptic inhibition in the absence of AgRP neurons (n
81  demonstrate a new paradigm of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition in the CNS and add a new regulato
82                  The classical GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition in the CNS is produced by direct
83 ization of a GABAergic circuit that mediates presynaptic inhibition in the mammalian CNS is therefore
84 s, greatly prolonged GABAB receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition in tottering as compared to wild-
85                                     Blocking presynaptic inhibition in vivo increased the amplitude o
86 activity-dependent manner, a primary role of presynaptic inhibition in vivo may be to modulate the ma
87                         Successful rescue of presynaptic inhibition indicates that the expressed muta
88                                              Presynaptic inhibition is a form of neuromodulation that
89   G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated presynaptic inhibition is a fundamental mechanism regula
90                     We further revealed that presynaptic inhibition is a simple mechanism for divisiv
91                                              Presynaptic inhibition is a widespread mechanism modulat
92                 During the retraction phase, presynaptic inhibition is absent and MCN1 elicits a fast
93 he modulatory transmission that it receives, presynaptic inhibition is also used effectively to rhyth
94 ation of GABAergic interneurons that mediate presynaptic inhibition is directed by their sensory targ
95                                         This presynaptic inhibition is driven by graded potentials wi
96                                   Additional presynaptic inhibition is generated by spiking amacrine
97           We conclude that GABA(B)R-mediated presynaptic inhibition is more accurately described as a
98  manipulation enabled us to demonstrate that presynaptic inhibition is most likely the source of divi
99        These data suggest that GABA-mediated presynaptic inhibition is not critical for retrieval of
100  bouts of activity, 5-HT/Gbetagamma-mediated presynaptic inhibition is relieved, leading to a frequen
101         A major mechanism producing afferent presynaptic inhibition is via a channel-mediated depolar
102 namic response ranges were different because presynaptic inhibition limited glutamate release from ON
103 rotein modulation and the consequent reduced presynaptic inhibition may contribute to migraine attack
104 ion in the afferent terminals indicates that presynaptic inhibition may shape the synaptic transmissi
105 a dendrotoxin-sensitive potassium current in presynaptic inhibition mediated by a G protein-coupled r
106                                 In addition, presynaptic inhibition mediated by A(1) adenosine recept
107                                              Presynaptic inhibition mediated by G protein-coupled rec
108                                              Presynaptic inhibition mediated by G protein-coupled rec
109                                              Presynaptic inhibition mediated by GABA(B)Rs on GABA ter
110          We summarize the classic studies of presynaptic inhibition mediated by GABA-gated Cl channel
111 as did pertussis toxin, an agent that blocks presynaptic inhibition mediated by metabotropic glutamat
112                    In contrast, the onset of presynaptic inhibition mediated by PTX/RGS-i Galpha(i1)
113                                 The onset of presynaptic inhibition mediated by PTX/RGS-i Galpha(o) w
114                                              Presynaptic inhibition mediated by PTX/RGS-i subunits de
115 hat in the turtle, GABA and dopamine mediate presynaptic inhibition not by affecting action potential
116 f pyloric-timed AB input likely results from presynaptic inhibition of AB in each CoG because, when a
117 -selective alpha-adrenoceptor antagonism and presynaptic inhibition of adrenergic neurotransmission d
118                                              Presynaptic inhibition of afferent terminals by descendi
119                                              Presynaptic inhibition of Akt also selectively prevented
120  of local GABAergic transmission by KYNA via presynaptic inhibition of alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine
121 uditory neurons in the singing cricket, that presynaptic inhibition of auditory afferents and postsyn
122 echanism of AgRP inhibition was dependent on presynaptic inhibition of EPSCs mediated by G(i)/G(o)-pr
123 BA-independent mechanisms of inhibition: the presynaptic inhibition of excitatory neurotransmission a
124 nal excitability within the DRN through both presynaptic inhibition of excitatory synaptic transmissi
125 ure rates were not attributable to excessive presynaptic inhibition of GABA release by activation of
126 at GABAB receptor activation exerts a strong presynaptic inhibition of GABA release in SCN neurons, p
127 ue is two orders of magnitude lower than for presynaptic inhibition of GABA release on to VTA neurons
128                                              Presynaptic inhibition of GABA release was studied at te
129 amine cells in the ventral tegmental area by presynaptic inhibition of GABA release.
130 s in the shell of nucleus accumbens, and the presynaptic inhibition of GABA-A IPSCs by opioids was ex
131               This report describes an acute presynaptic inhibition of GABAB-mediated IPSPs by mu- an
132 tion of Schaffer-specific NMDA receptors and presynaptic inhibition of GABAergic terminals.
133 ]) facilitated synaptic transmission through presynaptic inhibition of GABAergic transmission (disinh
134               In addition, we found that the presynaptic inhibition of GABAergic transmission at both
135 ese results are consistent with the reported presynaptic inhibition of GABAergic transmission by grou
136 SST suppresses discharges in RT neurons, via presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release and postsyna
137                                          The presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release by glucocort
138 neurones in vivo, and that this could be via presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release from either
139          These in vitro results suggest that presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release from primary
140        These data indicate that SST mediates presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release onto RT neur
141 cillations may therefore be a consequence of presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release.
142        We show here that cannabinoid-induced presynaptic inhibition of glutamatergic neurotransmissio
143  interneurones that inhibit the machinery of presynaptic inhibition of group Ia afferents.
144 tion through loss of GABAA receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition of inputs to the CNS.
145 e-activated calcium channels and a defective presynaptic inhibition of lamina IIi interneurons.
146                                This includes presynaptic inhibition of local glutamatergic release fr
147 loric rhythms, the gastric mill rhythm-timed presynaptic inhibition of MCN1 causes a rhythmic interru
148 olongs the gastric mill retractor phase, via presynaptic inhibition of MCN1.
149 , whereas I(MI-MCN1) is also regulated by LG presynaptic inhibition of MCN1.
150 stive phase of feeding inhibits behaviors by presynaptic inhibition of mechanosensory neurons.
151  (2) slow excitation of enteric neurons, (3) presynaptic inhibition of neurotransmitter release at sy
152 ition of postsynaptic glutamate receptors or presynaptic inhibition of neurotransmitter release signi
153 ly rectifying potassium channels (GIRKs) and presynaptic inhibition of neurotransmitter release throu
154 g IL-1beta in late pregnancy is explained by presynaptic inhibition of noradrenaline release in the p
155 d, as well as their potential involvement in presynaptic inhibition of orofacial nociception.
156                                              Presynaptic inhibition of protein kinase C abolished the
157  with bath-applied GDNF (100 nM) confirm the presynaptic inhibition of SDH neurons after stimulation
158                       Cortical regulation of presynaptic inhibition of sensory afferents may focus th
159                                              Presynaptic inhibition of soleus muscle Ia afferent fibr
160 ly coordinated enkephalin- and GABA-mediated presynaptic inhibition of somatosensory neurons.
161 cellular mechanism for PPI--a combination of presynaptic inhibition of startle afferent neurons toget
162 eous neuronal spike firing and CB1R-mediated presynaptic inhibition of synaptic transmission at IN-PC
163 dependent mechanisms: one, an analog, graded presynaptic inhibition of terminal glutamate release and
164 hdrawal from chronic morphine is an enhanced presynaptic inhibition of the excitatory inputs to the d
165            We investigated two signatures of presynaptic inhibition of the macaque corticospinal path
166 This study demonstrates that leptin causes a presynaptic inhibition of the probability of glutamate r
167                         LTD was sensitive to presynaptic inhibition of the proteasome and was associa
168        Suppression of the IPSP resulted from presynaptic inhibition of the release of norepinephrine
169 fact that both GABA and enkephalin can exert presynaptic inhibition of the sensory afferents.
170 reviously that the gastric mill rhythm-timed presynaptic inhibition of the STG terminals of MCN1 is p
171 l neurons expressing hSNSR4, BAM8-22 induced presynaptic inhibition of transmission that was abolishe
172 from a single neuron has been shown to cause presynaptic inhibition of transmitter release at many di
173 entify the first cellular mechanism for PPI--presynaptic inhibition of transmitter release from the a
174 s autoreceptors and heteroreceptors to exert presynaptic inhibition of transmitter release in the cen
175                                 In contrast, presynaptic inhibition of VTA GABA(A) IPSCs by the mu-op
176 nduced depolarization is not solely due to a presynaptic inhibition of wake-active neurons as previou
177        Here we examine further the effect of presynaptic inhibition on action potentials in the CBCO
178                   We examined the effects of presynaptic inhibition on excitatory synaptic transmissi
179                                              Presynaptic inhibition onto axons regulates neuronal out
180 s of, respectively, Ia afferent synapses and presynaptic inhibition (P-boutons) on retrogradely label
181                       To investigate whether presynaptic inhibition played a role in this phenomenon,
182 ation after agonist removal, but recovery of presynaptic inhibition requires more time.
183 e in postsynaptic currents and a decrease of presynaptic inhibition, respectively.
184 rotraction phase of the gastric mill rhythm, presynaptic inhibition suppresses MCN1 excitation of the
185 is more weakly and more briefly depressed by presynaptic inhibition than is the monosynaptic activati
186 ly released 5-HT and exogenous 5-HT caused a presynaptic inhibition that outlasted the postsynaptic h
187 neurons exhibited exclusively D(2)R-mediated presynaptic inhibition that was similar to the regulatio
188 nism has left unresolved the contribution of presynaptic inhibition to motor behaviour.
189 lative contribution of vesicle-depletion and presynaptic-inhibition to ORN-->AL synaptic-depression.
190  account to accurately assess the effects of presynaptic inhibition under physiologically relevant co
191          To determine whether differences in presynaptic inhibition uniquely modulate BC synaptic out
192 al regions of SNr neurones is susceptible to presynaptic inhibition via a D1-like receptor.
193  1) metabotropic glutamate receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition was also enhanced in morphine-wit
194 -NPY, but not by [Pro34]-NPY, suggesting the presynaptic inhibition was mediated by a Y2/Y5 receptor.
195                            GABA(B)R-mediated presynaptic inhibition was unaffected by agonist (baclof
196 fferent depolarization (PAD), an estimate of presynaptic inhibition, was recorded in individual affer
197 nsgenic mice lacking GABAc receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition, we found that this inhibition re
198 ibited strong and exclusively D(2)R-mediated presynaptic inhibition, whereas large-amplitude connecti
199       High-fat feeding blunts AMPK-dependent presynaptic inhibition, whereas PLC-mediated GABAergic f
200 he globus pallidus showed solely D2-mediated presynaptic inhibition, whereas projections to the subst
201  for 2 hr has no effect on adenosine-induced presynaptic inhibition, whereas such treatment nearly ab
202 ons may be responsible for the modulation of presynaptic inhibition which has been observed to preced
203 he earliest suppression could be produced by presynaptic inhibition, which effectively reduces synapt
204 t of synaptic-depression caused primarily by presynaptic-inhibition will give rise to a less reliable

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