


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  regulating gap junction localization in the presynaptic terminal.
2 omain in turn promotes the maturation of the presynaptic terminal.
3  CaV2.1 null background at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal.
4 ion by recycling the neurotransmitter to the presynaptic terminal.
5 dded in a complex filamentous network at the presynaptic terminal.
6 ate throughout the soma, dendrites, axon and presynaptic terminal.
7 ic vesicle biogenesis and cycling within the presynaptic terminal.
8 ely associated with synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic terminal.
9 e growing axon tip as it transforms into the presynaptic terminal.
10 cture, the dendritic spine, interacts with a presynaptic terminal.
11  in dopamine D(2) receptor modulation of the presynaptic terminal.
12 dritic spines that are not in contact with a presynaptic terminal.
13 ed depolarization of the giant calyx of Held presynaptic terminal.
14 1 trafficking in axons and APP processing at presynaptic terminals.
15 s (DCVs) for activity-dependent release from presynaptic terminals.
16 ynuclein aggregates are selectively found in presynaptic terminals.
17 neuronal cell bodies and displace axosomatic presynaptic terminals.
18  the presence of functional alpha7 nAChRs at presynaptic terminals.
19  the subsynaptic reticulum (SSR) surrounding presynaptic terminals.
20 eases Ca(V) channel density in somata and in presynaptic terminals.
21 of neurotransmitter-containing vesicles from presynaptic terminals.
22 eceptor subtypes, respectively, localized to presynaptic terminals.
23 on of neurotransmitter release at individual presynaptic terminals.
24 regulating release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic terminals.
25 iceable accumulation at dendritic spines and presynaptic terminals.
26 ses plasma membrane expression of LTCCs near presynaptic terminals.
27 nic pathway that regulates SphK abundance at presynaptic terminals.
28 hanced neurotransmitter release from apposed presynaptic terminals.
29 he removal of BACE1 from distal AD axons and presynaptic terminals.
30 hanges in nAChR clustering or alignment with presynaptic terminals.
31 ion relies on the structural organization of presynaptic terminals.
32 K cells develop significantly fewer inactive presynaptic terminals.
33 ently suppress neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals.
34  vesicle fusion and recycling at specialized presynaptic terminals.
35 ne, while UNC5C may alter the composition of presynaptic terminals.
36 e, calcium-dependent events within forebrain presynaptic terminals.
37  zebra finch depend on calcium influx within presynaptic terminals.
38 ions and bridge the synaptic cleft to induce presynaptic terminals.
39 ic neuropil and neuromuscular junction (NMJ) presynaptic terminals.
40 , and nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) on DA presynaptic terminals.
41 hanges requires coincident local activity in presynaptic terminals.
42 r domain of GluR2 regulates the stability of presynaptic terminals.
43 pha(2)delta-1 subunits are present mainly in presynaptic terminals.
44 ly demonstrating that anti-Syt(+) puncta are presynaptic terminals.
45 s, but act together to recruit syntenin-1 to presynaptic terminals.
46  resulting in markedly reduced expression at presynaptic terminals.
47 onsists of a biotinylated VAMP2 expressed at presynaptic terminals.
48 ivity produces large and rapid acid loads in presynaptic terminals.
49 utgrowth and enhances glutamate release from presynaptic terminals.
50 1's dendrites and the mitochondria in Tm5c's presynaptic terminals.
51 wth factor 2 (IGF2) for the stabilization of presynaptic terminals.
52 th a number of ion channels in the axons and presynaptic terminals.
53 ch may be concurrently present in individual presynaptic terminals.
54 tacts, and an increased proportion of orphan presynaptic terminals.
55 hanges at the axon initial segment (AIS) and presynaptic terminals.
56 ivity produces large and rapid acid loads in presynaptic terminals.
57 nglion (DRG) sensory neurons and spinal cord presynaptic terminals.
58 synaptic vesicles and dense core vesicles at presynaptic terminals.
59 on tuning is present also among bipolar cell presynaptic terminals.
60 ansport and activity-dependent remodeling of presynaptic terminals.
61  determinants of vesicle mobility in crowded presynaptic terminals.
62  outgrowth and neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals.
63 ia enhances vesicular glutamate release from presynaptic terminals.
64 increase in vesicular glutamate release from presynaptic terminals.
65 on axonal membranes mostly outside of active presynaptic terminals.
66  concept of a tripartite synapse including a presynaptic terminal, a postsynaptic spine, and an astro
67 e, we ask whether R-type calcium channels in presynaptic terminals also signal through calcium microd
68 lated by dynamic membrane trafficking at the presynaptic terminal and a PKC-sensitive negative endocy
69 olved in the release of neurotransmitters in presynaptic terminal and its aberrant aggregation is fou
70 iring, potentially avoiding silencing of the presynaptic terminal and maintaining L4-L4 synapses in a
71 prevented using VGLUT1-shRNA, the density of presynaptic terminals and accumulation of synapsin and s
72 e zone proteins cluster synaptic vesicles at presynaptic terminals and coordinate their release.
73 ormally high cytosolic calcium transients in presynaptic terminals and deficient working memory but d
74 release did not disrupt the morphogenesis of presynaptic terminals and dendritic spines, suggesting t
75 naptically but is ultimately communicated to presynaptic terminals and expressed as an accelerated tu
76  modulation of neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals and for hyperpolarization at posts
77 n microscopy shows that FMRP is localized at presynaptic terminals and in axons within these FXG-rich
78 neurotransmission by recapturing DA into the presynaptic terminals and is a principal target of the p
79 tic arborization and densities of excitatory presynaptic terminals and postsynaptic dendritic spines
80 ults reveal a local crosstalk between active presynaptic terminals and postsynaptic signaling that di
81 escribe how information transmission through presynaptic terminals and postsynaptic spines is related
82 entify an F-actin network present at nascent presynaptic terminals and required for presynaptic assem
83 vidence suggests that they may also exist at presynaptic terminals and reshape excitatory synaptic tr
84              IGF2, in turn, localizes to DGC presynaptic terminals and stabilizes them in an activity
85 on competence of immobile (tethered) DCVs in presynaptic terminals and that CAPS-1 localization to DC
86 amily, Cbln1 and Cbln2, bind to neurexins on presynaptic terminals and to GluRdeltas postsynaptically
87 incided with altered calcium kinetics in CA3 presynaptic terminals and upregulated sarco(endo)plasmic
88 mer acts as a SNARE complex chaperone at the presynaptic terminal, and may protect against neurodegen
89  and multivesicular bodies accumulate in the presynaptic terminal, and vesicles accumulate between me
90 odulation of intracellular Ca(2+) release in presynaptic terminals, and further suggest that presynap
91 rtem samples exhibit loss of hippocampal CA3 presynaptic terminals, and murine studies revealed micro
92 d metabolic enzymes that are concentrated at presynaptic terminals, and mutants lacking one of these,
93 7 subunit-containing nAChRs at glutamatergic presynaptic terminals, and nicotine-induced presynaptic
94 ity can result in transient acidification of presynaptic terminals, and such shifts in cytosolic pH (
95 ity can result in transient acidification of presynaptic terminals, and such shifts in cytosolic pH (
96 zes to discrete, nonvesicular regions within presynaptic terminals, and this localization is critical
97 ll recordings, two-photon calcium imaging in presynaptic terminals, and two-photon glutamate uncaging
98 tein involved in neurotransmitter release in presynaptic terminals, and whose aberrant aggregation is
99 ron micrographs confirmed the lack of intact presynaptic terminals apposing spines on mature cells an
100 unctions in vivo to promote filopodia during presynaptic terminal arborization.
101 While individual molecular components of the presynaptic terminal are well known, exactly how the mol
102                              Leuc-containing presynaptic terminals are found close to Lkr neurons in
103 innervation of their targets and because the presynaptic terminals are large and easily monitored.
104                                     Further, presynaptic terminals are less mature structurally and f
105                         The postsynaptic and presynaptic terminals are molecular systems with highly
106  functions of alpha- and gamma-synucleins in presynaptic terminals are not fully redundant.
107 pocampal neurons, for example, glutamatergic presynaptic terminals are selectively silenced, creating
108                                              Presynaptic terminals are specialized sites for informat
109 uced in the postsynaptic cell and act on the presynaptic terminal, are implicated in mechanisms of lo
110 acterized membranous organelle system of the presynaptic terminal, as well as with smaller vesicular
111 irectly enhance DA release from alpha6(L9'S) presynaptic terminals, as there was no difference in str
112 hese mutant animals also had fewer GABAergic presynaptic terminals at both ages.
113 ar compartments, such as dendrites and large presynaptic terminals, at depths up to 150 microm.
114  not simply the presence of Cortactin in the presynaptic terminal but its increase that is necessary
115 ogous proteins found at comparable levels in presynaptic terminals but beta-synuclein has a greatly r
116 promoting transmitter release, are mobile on presynaptic terminals but constrained in synaptic space
117               Both isoforms are delivered to presynaptic terminals but show significant and different
118 gly, Ca(2+) channels are not only located at presynaptic terminals, but also in the axon initial segm
119 s, GABA(B)Rs and 5-HT(1B)Rs both localize to presynaptic terminals, but target distinct effectors.
120 ase and regulates spontaneous release in the presynaptic terminal by cooperating with the neuronal so
121 tion were also observed when we bypassed the presynaptic terminal by iontophoretically applying GABA,
122 cle fusion, glycine is recovered back to the presynaptic terminal by the neuronal glycine transporter
123 P neurons reduces autophagic accumulation at presynaptic terminals by enhancing AV retrograde transpo
124  clustering factor neuronal pentraxin 1 from presynaptic terminals by signaling through presynaptic p
125                                              Presynaptic terminal cAMP elevation plays a central role
126                                  Stimulating presynaptic terminals can increase the proton concentrat
127 rexpression were accompanied by increases in presynaptic terminal circumference, total synapse number
128  of the dlPAG, whereas CB(1) was confined to presynaptic terminals, consistent with a role for 2-AG a
129 rt/orx cells and excitatory GlyRs located on presynaptic terminals contacting some hcrt/orx cells.
130 srupt synaptic organization, with inhibitory presynaptic terminals containing synaptotagmin 2 appeari
131 During earplugging, vGluT1 expression in the presynaptic terminal decreased and synaptic vesicles wer
132               Inhibition of AMPK activity in presynaptic terminals decreases GABA release at 10 mM gl
133 CVs, we propose that Gbb/Cmpy corelease from presynaptic terminals defines a neuronal protransmission
134 egment, and near/within nodes of Ranvier and presynaptic terminals, dendritic KChs found at sites ref
135 lecule, pro-BDNF, may stabilize or eliminate presynaptic terminals depending on its proteolytic conve
136 that vesicle clustering at the neuromuscular presynaptic terminal depends on mechanical tension withi
137 ly the absence of any of DLG proteins at the presynaptic terminal disrupts the clustering and localiz
138 o sustain normal SNARE-complex assembly in a presynaptic terminal during aging.
139 ne studies revealed microglial engulfment of presynaptic terminals during acute infection and after r
140  Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores at presynaptic terminals during in vitro ischaemia.
141 s suggest that miR-8 limits the expansion of presynaptic terminals during larval synapse development
142 -GFP reversibly dispersed out of hippocampal presynaptic terminals during stimulation, and blockade o
143 pha, sequentially organize the glutamatergic presynaptic terminals during the initial synaptic differ
144 localized to microglia, infected neurons and presynaptic terminals during WNV neuroinvasive disease.
145 ich presynaptic glycine receptors depolarize presynaptic terminals, elevate resting calcium levels, a
146 nvade the CNS territory of the DREZ, forming presynaptic terminal endings on non-neuronal cells.
147 ice and conditional KO mice lacking Arrb2 in presynaptic terminals expressing Nav1.8.
148 urons and targeted to the plasma membrane of presynaptic terminals, facilitating neurotransmitter rel
149 ment of the priming protein UNC-13/Munc13 to presynaptic terminals following activation by muscarinic
150 pamine storage vesicles are available in the presynaptic terminals for release, a likely factor contr
151 lability of dopamine storage vesicles in the presynaptic terminals for release.
152                                              Presynaptic terminal formation is a complex process that
153 that activated microglia displace inhibitory presynaptic terminals from cortical neurons in adult mic
154 sing visually and pharmacologically isolated presynaptic terminals from dissociated rat hippocampal n
155        DAT and synaptogyrin-3 colocalized at presynaptic terminals from mouse striatum.
156         Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of presynaptic terminals from S218L KI mice showed a strong
157 cell of interest and that structures such as presynaptic terminals from surrounding, nontargeted neur
158                                    Moreover, presynaptic terminals from Wnt signalling-deficient mice
159 rvical ganglion neurons in culture show that presynaptic terminal function is compromised if clathrin
160 is of a single neurotransmitter vesicle in a presynaptic terminal has been a question of significant
161 as the molecular machinery for exocytosis in presynaptic terminals has been defined in detail, little
162 eter-scale monitoring of vesicle dynamics in presynaptic terminals has remained elusive.
163  details of synaptic vesicle exocytosis from presynaptic terminals have been intensely studied for de
164              At the NMJ, it functions at the presynaptic terminal in a cell-autonomous fashion, but m
165  Held terminal, an experimentally accessible presynaptic terminal in the CNS.
166 s induces complement-mediated elimination of presynaptic terminals in a murine WNV neuroinvasive dise
167 mine transporter (DaT) protein, a marker for presynaptic terminals in dopaminergic nigrostriatal neur
168                                              Presynaptic terminals in female right MePD had a higher
169  investigate whether similar rules exist for presynaptic terminals in mixed networks of pyramidal and
170 tal ultrastructure-function relationships of presynaptic terminals in native circuits are revealed.
171 ively and noninvasively stimulate individual presynaptic terminals in rat brain slices.
172 er suggest that this complex is important in presynaptic terminals in regulating protein phosphorylat
173 in the number of GABAergic and glutamatergic presynaptic terminals in S1.
174 al electron tomographic analysis of enlarged presynaptic terminals in several brain areas revealed th
175 r axons, and in the plasma membrane of their presynaptic terminals in superficial layers of the dorsa
176                                         Most presynaptic terminals in the central nervous system are
177 and GABAB receptors are co-expressed at many presynaptic terminals in the central nervous system.
178 on of VGLUT1 is important for development of presynaptic terminals in the cortex.
179 N and increased the size and density of 5-HT presynaptic terminals in the dentate gyrus and vmPFC.
180 increase in vesicular glutamate release from presynaptic terminals in the early phase of brain ischae
181 increase in vesicular glutamate release from presynaptic terminals in the early phase of brain ischae
182 tic organizers and help to organize specific presynaptic terminals in the mammalian brain.
183  for the activity-dependent stabilization of presynaptic terminals in the mammalian hippocampus.
184 pproximately 0.5 mum in diameter) inhibitory presynaptic terminals in the same area where identified
185  mum in diameter) VGLUT1-positive excitatory presynaptic terminals in the stratum lucidum of area CA3
186 1 differentially regulate the composition of presynaptic terminals in the striatum and dentate gyrus
187                   PSD95 remained tethered to presynaptic terminals in Vezatin-deficient hippocampal n
188  portions of longer motor axons and in their presynaptic terminals, including disruption of the smoot
189 nt for Smn in motoneurons to maintain SV2 in presynaptic terminals indicating that Smn, either direct
190 ger PSDs, increased PSD perforations, larger presynaptic terminal) indicative of increased synaptic a
191                              We propose that presynaptic terminals induce postsynaptic receptor clust
192  These results indicate that the size of the presynaptic terminal is an independent control for the d
193                                 However, the presynaptic terminal is filled with filamentous material
194    We found that the amount of clathrin in a presynaptic terminal is not fixed.
195 e report that when activity of an individual presynaptic terminal is selectively elevated by light-co
196 nover of neurotransmitter-filled vesicles at presynaptic terminals is a crucial step in information t
197              Microglia-mediated stripping of presynaptic terminals is considered neuroprotective, but
198                 Surprisingly, the density of presynaptic terminals is not affected by betaIII spectri
199 nnabinoid type 1 receptor, mainly present at presynaptic terminals, is coupled to the Gi/o protein an
200 creases in neuronal numbers and dendrite and presynaptic terminal labeling increased with advancing a
201 bilities: simultaneously labelling axons and presynaptic terminals, labelling both dendrites and post
202  generation of Nrxn-CTF, which accumulate at presynaptic terminals lacking PS function.
203 lated alpha-synuclein deposits were found in presynaptic terminals mainly in the form of small aggreg
204 ve snapin mutants induced SV accumulation at presynaptic terminals, mimicking the snapin(-/-) phenoty
205 clude that postsynaptic cell type determines presynaptic terminal molecular identity and that preNMDA
206 ransmitter release.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In presynaptic terminals, neurotransmitter release is dynam
207 eceptors are inhibitory GPCRs located on the presynaptic terminal of both serotonin and non-serotonin
208 ocytotic FM1-43 (SynaptoGreen) uptake in the presynaptic terminal of neuromuscular junctions was rest
209 ere significantly decreased or absent in the presynaptic terminal of the mutant GF.
210  we found that topographic separation of the presynaptic terminals of adjacent nociceptive neurons re
211 orescent quantification showed that efferent presynaptic terminals of BKalpha(-/-) OHCs were smaller
212 to the dendrites of the MBn, surrounding the presynaptic terminals of cholinergic afferent fibers fro
213  chloride (ACC) channel family, localizes to presynaptic terminals of cholinergic motor neurons and r
214 osphorylated alpha-synuclein is found at the presynaptic terminals of dementia with Lewy bodies cases
215 opamine receptor subtype 1 (D1) signaling in presynaptic terminals of direct pathway striatal spiny p
216 -mu treatment supported hDAT delivery to the presynaptic terminals of dopaminergic neurons and restor
217 e of calcium channels located in the AIS and presynaptic terminals of ferret layer 5 prefrontal corti
218 te from and are subsequently detected by the presynaptic terminals of GABAergic neurons in the molecu
219 ptic vesicle release events, the ribbon-type presynaptic terminals of goldfish retinal bipolar cells
220                                              Presynaptic terminals of incipient synaptic contacts gen
221 ntracortical axon collaterals and en passant presynaptic terminals of layer 5 pyramidal cells exhibit
222 early stage of sensory processing, namely on presynaptic terminals of mechanosensory neurons.
223 rough serial inhibitory connections onto the presynaptic terminals of ON bipolar cells.
224 essed in the cerebellum, particularly in the presynaptic terminals of parallel fibers-Purkinje neuron
225  to track single vesicles at voltage-clamped presynaptic terminals of retinal bipolar neurons, whose
226 h contrasts with the stereotypy reported for presynaptic terminals of sensory neurons.
227 ions, particularly as these diverge from the presynaptic terminals of sensory neurons.
228 minals requires reliable localization of the presynaptic terminals of single neurons as well as genet
229 ogenously generated H2S acted selectively on presynaptic terminals of splanchnic nerves to modulate f
230 ined large dense core vesicles in excitatory presynaptic terminals of the adult mouse hippocampus.
231 lpha1 homomers either in HEK-293 cells or at presynaptic terminals of the calyceal synapses in the au
232           Although alphaS is abundant in the presynaptic terminals of the central nervous system, its
233                      We demonstrate that the presynaptic terminals of the identified T1 and PPM3 dopa
234 nd PKA-dependent synapsin phosphorylation in presynaptic terminals of the nucleus accumbens is increa
235 cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca(2+) levels in presynaptic terminals of tonic (MN13-Ib) and phasic (MNS
236 , but these neurons form significantly fewer presynaptic terminals on motor neurons.
237  the synchronous release of transmitter from presynaptic terminals onto the neuron while stabilizing
238                  MGL is chiefly expressed at presynaptic terminals, optimally positioned to break dow
239  through an increase in VGLUT1 at individual presynaptic terminals or through addition of VGLUT1-posi
240 cells regulate the structure and function of presynaptic terminals, ostensibly through changes in gen
241 tage-clamp recordings from rat calyx of Held presynaptic terminals, our data show, for the first time
242 -to-proximal, myelinated RGC axons and their presynaptic terminals persist in the colliculus well aft
243  with hypertrophy of membrane systems of the presynaptic terminal previously shown to have a role in
244 ndent recruitment to membrane regions within presynaptic terminals promotes neurotransmitter release.
245         These findings indicate that, within presynaptic terminals, R-type calcium channels produce c
246                                       Mature presynaptic terminals release neurotransmitter both in r
247                                              Presynaptic terminals release neurotransmitters spontane
248 he organization of excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic terminals, respectively, as target-derived p
249                Conversely, inactivity of the presynaptic terminal results in removal of transporters
250    Quantitative fluorescence imaging of live presynaptic terminals reveals that blocking presynaptic
251                                       Mature presynaptic terminals show decreased sensitivity to prot
252 and optical analysis of vesicle recycling at presynaptic terminals show that expression of Abeta42 in
253 ges to be caused primarily by an increase in presynaptic terminal size and enhanced vesicle release p
254 hat synucleins are important determinants of presynaptic terminal size.
255 anin B, which are normally found in neuronal presynaptic terminals storing catecholamines such as dop
256 are consistent with the idea that defects in presynaptic terminal structure and function precede, and
257 lted in reduced turnover of RIM1 and CASK at presynaptic terminals, suggesting that liprin-alpha2 pro
258       The finding of a tonotopic gradient in presynaptic terminals suggests that Kv1.3 may regulate n
259 estrogen synthesis enzyme (aromatase) within presynaptic terminals suggests that neuroestrogens can b
260 fuse at morphological specializations in the presynaptic terminal termed active zones (AZs).
261 ine generating large rises of Na+ inside the presynaptic terminal that must be efficiently reduced by
262                            Depolarization of presynaptic terminals that arises from activation of pre
263 at clathrin levels are a dynamic property of presynaptic terminals that can influence short-term plas
264  5 and 12 days in culture, the percentage of presynaptic terminals that expressed VGLUT1 increased du
265 f dendrites and in synaptophysin labeling of presynaptic terminals; the decreases in neuronal numbers
266 croautophagy that follows mTOR inhibition in presynaptic terminals, therefore, rapidly alters presyna
267       Here we address what occurs within the presynaptic terminal to achieve homeostatic potentiation
268 mine reuptake, and altering the state of the presynaptic terminal to enhance evoked over basal transm
269 ynaptic responses are required, however, for presynaptic terminals to acquire the high-affinity choli
270 ransporter (VGAT) as a marker for inhibitory presynaptic terminals to study the development of inhibi
271                         These features allow presynaptic terminals to translate complex firing freque
272 plays a critical role in removing BACE1 from presynaptic terminals toward the soma, thus reducing syn
273 own to decrease the ATP concentration within presynaptic terminals transiently, an observation that w
274 uring an action potential, Ca(2+) entering a presynaptic terminal triggers synaptic vesicle exocytosi
275 rt for the concept that synapsin function in presynaptic terminals varies according to the neurotrans
276 rons or from direct excitation of inhibitory presynaptic terminals via kainate receptors.
277                     The presence of Kv1.3 in presynaptic terminals was confirmed by coimmunolocalizat
278 arly ischaemia, increased Ca(2+) influx into presynaptic terminals was due to reverse operation of th
279              In contrast, alpha-synuclein in presynaptic terminals was in at least three different po
280       A frequency-dependent heterogeneity of presynaptic terminals was revealed that was dependent in
281             The number of opposed excitatory presynaptic terminals was sharply reduced upon postsynap
282 xpression of plasma membrane transporters at presynaptic terminals, we aim to elucidate some of the m
283 inals or through addition of VGLUT1-positive presynaptic terminals, we examined the spatio-temporal d
284  As neuronal activity drives acid loading in presynaptic terminals, we hypothesized that the same act
285  In old mice, ultrastructural alterations in presynaptic terminals were observed at PP-to-granule cel
286  central nucleus (CeL), where PACAP-positive presynaptic terminals were predominantly found within th
287  been thought to be transported to axons and presynaptic terminals where they signal via ErbB3/4 rece
288 ched in the periactive zone of photoreceptor presynaptic terminals where Tulp1 colocalizes with major
289 t rat brain, and selectively concentrates in presynaptic terminals, where it is closely associated wi
290 cally translated beta-catenin accumulates at presynaptic terminals, where it regulates synaptic vesic
291      The shape of action potentials invading presynaptic terminals, which can vary significantly from
292 ) channels saturate type-preferring slots at presynaptic terminals, which impose a ceiling on the syn
293  neurexin-1beta targets alpha4beta2 AChRs to presynaptic terminals, which mature by trans-synaptic in
294 e was dependent on a rise in basal Ca(2+) at presynaptic terminals, which resulted from extracellular
295 ion: [Ca(2+)]ER controls STIM1 activation in presynaptic terminals, which results in the local modula
296 lpha(2)delta-1, resulting in its decrease in presynaptic terminals, which would reduce neurotransmitt
297 ocesses that require the connectivity of the presynaptic terminal with the cell body, the central ner
298 ures encompassing branch points and numerous presynaptic terminals with undefined molecular partners
299 d reduced surface areas and lower volumes of presynaptic terminals, with depressed nerve control, inc
300           Munc18-1 was strongly expressed at presynaptic terminals, with individual synapses showing

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