


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 acilitation, suggesting that it is expressed presynaptically.
2  arbor size occur only when SDN is expressed presynaptically.
3  in muscle cells, suggesting that RYRs acted presynaptically.
4 nd found that it also appeared to be located presynaptically.
5 on mediated by endocannabinoids is expressed presynaptically.
6 lfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) is modulated presynaptically.
7 t most of the bandpass filtering is mediated presynaptically.
8  It is also concluded that CRF is not acting presynaptically.
9 utamate receptor activation but is expressed presynaptically.
10 GluR5 immunoreactivity is rarely encountered presynaptically.
11 t it modulates glutamate release probability presynaptically.
12 smission by acting both postsynaptically and presynaptically.
13 ced LTD is Ca2+ independent and is expressed presynaptically.
14 lly on pyramidal and nonpyramidal cells than presynaptically.
15 n, indicating that mu receptors were located presynaptically.
16 effect of ANGII on TS-evoked IPSPs may occur presynaptically.
17 ndicating that opioid receptors were located presynaptically.
18 gether, these results suggest that BDNF acts presynaptically.
19 d regulate the axonal input to these regions presynaptically.
20 hat inhibition of EPSCs by 5-HT was mediated presynaptically.
21 at their excitatory input is also controlled presynaptically.
22 as a component that is induced and expressed presynaptically.
23 d that both forms of depression are mediated presynaptically.
24 y alerting glutamate release or biosynthesis presynaptically.
25 on, suggesting that isoproterenol was acting presynaptically.
26  to modulate striatonigral neurotransmission presynaptically.
27 nalysis suggested that the LTD was expressed presynaptically.
28  receptors and calcineurin, and is expressed presynaptically.
29 belongs to group III and is mainly localized presynaptically.
30  persists at mature TC synapses but is gated presynaptically.
31 ludes synapses that are completely quiescent presynaptically.
32 ision, the highly abundant Ivy cells express presynaptically acting neuromodulators and regulate the
33                                              Presynaptically, activation of the group III mGluRs caus
34 e ultrastructurally normal synapses that are presynaptically active but postsynaptically silent and w
35 rease in vesicle pool size and turnover rate presynaptically, adaptive changes that extend beyond sim
36 inal cortex, but that cholinergic inputs can presynaptically adjust the impact of this control mechan
37        Signaling via catalytic trkB may also presynaptically affect inhibitory and modulatory neurons
38 l CA3-CA1 synapses, theta-burst LTP requires presynaptically anchored PKA.
39 tic activity, acting as a positive regulator presynaptically and a negative regulator postsynapticall
40 ar mechanisms by which these patterns emerge presynaptically and are reflected postsynaptically.
41               We show that DYSC is expressed presynaptically and is often localized adjacent to the a
42 artmentalized pools of PKA, but the roles of presynaptically and postsynaptically anchored forms of P
43 e dopaminergic and serotonergic changes both presynaptically and postsynaptically at four different m
44 rate that KA1 and KA2 subunits are localized presynaptically and postsynaptically at mossy fiber syna
45            We show that Cortactin is present presynaptically and postsynaptically at the Drosophila N
46 pled receptors nor whether receptors located presynaptically and postsynaptically in a single cell ty
47 lpha2delta-1 subunit basal expression occurs presynaptically and postsynaptically in spinal dorsal ho
48 ound ubiquitously in the CNS and are present presynaptically and postsynaptically regulating synaptic
49 data demonstrate that fasting and leptin act presynaptically and postsynaptically to alter GABAergic
50 at the Y1 and Y2 type NPY receptors act both presynaptically and postsynaptically to depress GABA-med
51 ompelling evidence that Dnlg2 functions both presynaptically and postsynaptically together with Neure
52 atory transmission to trigeminal motoneurons presynaptically and postsynaptically via presynaptic inh
53 odifies GABAergic synaptic transmission both presynaptically and postsynaptically, and this could be
54  role in modulating synaptic physiology both presynaptically and postsynaptically, but the regulatory
55           Diaphanous protein is present both presynaptically and postsynaptically.
56        The 5-HT1A receptors are located both presynaptically and postsynaptically.
57 rphology suggesting that HSPGs function both presynaptically and postsynaptically; these defects coul
58                 This IPSC suppression occurs presynaptically and results from an unknown retrograde s
59 cerebellar LTP is both induced and expressed presynaptically and therefore may be detected by either
60 hese neurons, 5-HT1B receptors are expressed presynaptically, and their activation inhibits GABA rele
61 g induced postsynaptically, DSI is expressed presynaptically as a decrease in GABA release, possibly
62                      They could be expressed presynaptically as a decrease in transmitter release, po
63 lu1 receptors for induction but is expressed presynaptically as an increased release probability and
64  known for its postsynaptic roles, functions presynaptically as an organizing molecule.
65 ely decreased IPSC amplitudes, acting mostly presynaptically as it increased paired-pulse facilitatio
66 Surprisingly, the latter effect was mediated presynaptically, as HTT overexpression in cortical neuro
67 zled regulate the placement of gap junctions presynaptically at a synapse.
68 gic pathways of the trisynaptic circuit both presynaptically at axon terminals and initial segments a
69           All three proteins are colocalized presynaptically at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions.
70 ctive form of H-ras (H-ras(G12V)), expressed presynaptically at excitatory synapses in mice, accelera
71 arity to LTD, which is known to be expressed presynaptically at L4-L2/3 synapses.
72     Although CB1Rs are prominently expressed presynaptically at PF synapses, LTD is expressed postsyn
73                              We found nAChRs presynaptically at thalamic synapses onto excitatory, bu
74 ity of both to depress synaptic transmission presynaptically at the concentrations used was confirmed
75 t transmission strength is mainly determined presynaptically at the level of individual boutons, poss
76                       Endophilin is required presynaptically at the neuromuscular junction, and absen
77 ) receptor subtypes, only mGlu7 is expressed presynaptically at the Schaffer collateral (SC)-CA1 syna
78 ayer I and can block excitatory transmission presynaptically, at glutamatergic terminals, and postsyn
79 ptic control of network modulation can occur presynaptically, at the axon terminals of the modulatory
80  of differential postsynaptic attenuation or presynaptically because of local regulation of the stren
81 ranule cells, suggesting that CGP 35348 acts presynaptically, blocking receptors that suppress GABA r
82   Thus, orientation selectivity is generated presynaptically both by modulation of bipolar cell outpu
83 tors, which inhibit neurotransmitter release presynaptically, but are thought to be excitatory postsy
84       Thus, BDNF appears to act through TrkB presynaptically, but not postsynaptically, to modulate L
85 er long-term potentiation (LTP) is expressed presynaptically, but the exact mechanisms remain unknown
86 n some cases, GABAA receptors are also found presynaptically, but they retain their inhibitory effect
87 pus, long-term potentiation (LTP) is induced presynaptically by activation of cAMP-dependent protein
88 etwork-driven chemical transmission mediated presynaptically by Ca(2+) entry through N-type Ca(2+) ch
89                              Carbachol acted presynaptically by increasing the frequency of glutamate
90 analogs stimulate the neuromuscular junction presynaptically by inhibiting voltage-gated potassium (K
91 s cell specific, bidirectional and expressed presynaptically by inputs from the lateral amygdala.
92 al transmission at this synapse is modulated presynaptically by several mechanisms, a major one being
93 cific tracing technique labeled thousands of presynaptically connected neurons and revealed that the
94 o siphon sensory neurons, both of which were presynaptically connected to the motor neuron, were impa
95                                 PHR proteins presynaptically control synaptic growth and axon guidanc
96                      This receptor functions presynaptically, controlling the homeostatic modulation
97 spines and in the numbers of NMDA receptors; presynaptically, converging evidence points to an early
98     GABAergic interactions, mediated in part presynaptically, create an antagonistic and anisotropic
99 ptic Ca(2+) channels, chronic depolarization presynaptically depressed hippocampal neurotransmission.
100                         To determine whether presynaptically derived neurotrophins may contribute to
101 odulated, in part, by CB1 receptors that are presynaptically distributed on noradrenergic axon termin
102 ar calcium, recruited neurotransmission from presynaptically dormant synapses.
103                              The presence of presynaptically dormant versus active terminals presumab
104 put to spinal cord interneurons is inhibited presynaptically during active wrist movement, and this i
105          We show that, as Ca(2+) accumulates presynaptically during physiological bouts of activity,
106 ry input to the spinal cord can be modulated presynaptically during voluntary movement by mechanisms
107                            Disruption of the presynaptically enriched polyphosphoinositide phosphatas
108                            Endophilin 1 is a presynaptically enriched protein which binds the GTPase
109                       An additional 14% were presynaptically excited by decreased glucose (PED neuron
110 c or glutamatergic synaptic transmission via presynaptically expressed CB1 receptors.
111 uron, Hashimotodani et al. (2017) discover a presynaptically expressed form of long-term potentiation
112 tive zone and has emerged as key mediator of presynaptically expressed forms of synaptic plasticity.
113 ate receptors (mGluRs) represent a family of presynaptically expressed G-protein-coupled receptors (G
114 ity, the predominant form being initiated by presynaptically expressed Gi/o-coupled metabotropic rece
115 e nucleus accumbens core, where it elicits a presynaptically expressed long-term depression of excita
116 apses, Rab3A and RIM1alpha are essential for presynaptically expressed long-term potentiation (LTP),
117 presynaptic release probability and enhanced presynaptically expressed long-term potentiation (LTP).
118 frequency stimulation (HFS) protocol induces presynaptically expressed LTP and LTD at PYR and SLIN in
119 ay to showcase the target-cell dependence of presynaptically expressed NMDA receptor-independent syna
120 wever, the focus has now expanded to include presynaptically expressed plasticity, the predominant fo
121  poor candidate to reverse LTD because it is presynaptically expressed whereas LTD is postsynaptic.
122 atal synapse is postsynaptically induced but presynaptically expressed, the depression being a result
123     Mu and delta OP-LTD, although both being presynaptically expressed, were dissociable in that they
124                                  This LTD is presynaptically expressed.
125 ole in fine-tuning of synaptic strengths via presynaptically-expressed CB1 receptors.
126 , we report that synaptically activated KARs presynaptically facilitate and depress transmission at p
127        The satiety peptide, cholecystokinin, presynaptically facilitated glutamate transmission in on
128  in TRPA1-null mice, suggesting that 5,6-EET presynaptically facilitated spinal cord synaptic transmi
129 support the conclusion that dia is necessary presynaptically for normal NMJ growth.
130 trum disorder and Down syndrome, is required presynaptically for normal synaptic growth and rapid syn
131           We show that Ephexin is sufficient presynaptically for synaptic homeostasis and localizes i
132          We found that dysbindin is required presynaptically for the retrograde, homeostatic modulati
133 lysis demonstrates that DLIMK1 is necessary, presynaptically, for synapse stabilization, but is not n
134      In this system, endogenous NT-3 derives presynaptically from retinal ganglion cell axons.
135 ses reveals that this variability must arise presynaptically, from variations in the quantity of agon
136 ordings showed that GABA has the capacity to presynaptically gate glutamate release in the DR through
137                        In addition to acting presynaptically, however, it has been proposed that SSB(
138 A receptors are located postsynaptically and presynaptically, (ii) demonstrating that pyramidal neuro
139 amidal pairs and find that tLTD is expressed presynaptically, implying retrograde signaling.
140 rain-specific miRNA, was exclusively present presynaptically in a sensory-motor synapse where it cons
141 luR6/7 and KA2 immunoreactivity is expressed presynaptically in a subpopulation of glutamatergic term
142 e X proteins that are expressed axonally and presynaptically in a subset of circuits.
143          In addition, MOR labeling was found presynaptically in axon terminals (13% or 39/306) which
144 GluR5,6,7 immunoreactive (-ir) profiles) and presynaptically in axons and axon terminals (45%).
145 at hippocampal alpha2A-AR-I is localized (1) presynaptically in both noncatecholaminergic and catecho
146 rary to expectations, dysbindin-1 is located presynaptically in glutamatergic neurons and is reduced
147 aptically in some instances and may function presynaptically in others.
148 y a role in the release of neurotransmitters presynaptically in several brain regions and cell types.
149             Shaking-B(Neural+16) is required presynaptically in the Giant Fiber to couple this cell t
150 itatory synapses between excitatory neurons, presynaptically in the granule cells and postsynapticall
151 trastructural evidence that KORs are located presynaptically in the guinea pig hippocampal formation.
152 kappa opioid receptors (KORs) may be located presynaptically in the guinea pig hippocampal formation.
153 ms, we find that a distinct pathway operates presynaptically in the motoneuron and can account for ma
154               nAChRs function both post- and presynaptically in the nervous system; however, little i
155 tsynaptic AMPARs increased the occurrence of presynaptically inactive synapses without changing the r
156 st, long-term exposure to PGE2 (2 mum; 48 h) presynaptically increases excitatory synaptic transmissi
157 sed from JG interneurons could be capable of presynaptically influencing neurotransmission from the o
158 esults indicate that kappa-ORs are poised to presynaptically inhibit diverse afferent signaling to th
159 subtypes of glucosensing neurons were either presynaptically inhibited (PIR; 11%) or excited (PER; 8%
160  muscarinic receptors, long-range IPSPs were presynaptically inhibited by M2 receptor activation.
161 pharmacological activation of MORs no longer presynaptically inhibited GABA release, whereas blocking
162 ssion, we found that kappa-receptor agonists presynaptically inhibited glutamate synaptic currents in
163 on GIRK deactivation kinetics rather than by presynaptically inhibiting dopamine release.
164 inwardly rectifying K+ channel currents, and presynaptically inhibiting release of excitatory glutama
165 in VTA brain slices from drinking rats DPDPE presynaptically inhibits GABA(A) receptor mediated IPSCs
166 dopaminergic neurons of VTA slices, orexin A presynaptically inhibits GABAergic transmission.
167 lts from a second GPR synapse onto MCN1 that presynaptically inhibits its STG terminals.
168                                   First, GPR presynaptically inhibits the axon terminals of MCN1, red
169 tory input to the L neuron, and the L neuron presynaptically inhibits the modulatory neuron.
170 anglion (STG), a gastric mill network neuron presynaptically inhibits transmitter release from a modu
171    This inhibition is mediated predominantly presynaptically, is active tonically and can be enhanced
172  PAD is also mediated by glutamate acting on presynaptically localized AMPA and kainate receptors.
173 etabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are presynaptically localized on STN terminals and that acti
174 pe II GABAergic synapses although it is also presynaptically localized.
175 ontal dopaminergic function by antagonism of presynaptically located dopamine D(2) receptors in this
176 pses, which is likely mediated by activating presynaptically located dopamine D1 class receptors and
177 e, 1 microM galantamine, acting as an APL on presynaptically located nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) tha
178                    In an attempt to identify presynaptically located NMDARs in the NAc, the present s
179 e we show that GAT-1, which is predominantly presynaptically located, is the major GABA transporter u
180                       When PP2A is inhibited presynaptically, many glutamate receptor clusters are un
181 inistration of amphetamine, a drug that acts presynaptically, markedly reduced the locomotor activity
182 ated in the endocytosis of synaptic vesicles presynaptically, may also function in the endocytosis of
183 se effects were qualitatively similar to the presynaptically mediated decreases in synaptic potential
184 neither paired-pulse depression of IPSPs nor presynaptically mediated facilitation can account for th
185                                  5-HT-LTD is presynaptically mediated, cAMP pathway dependent, and in
186 e that the GABA(B) receptor is positioned to presynaptically modulate afferent transmission by myelin
187 ore, kappaORs are strategically localized to presynaptically modulate DYN afferent input to catechola
188 annabinoid (CB1) receptors are positioned to presynaptically modulate norepinephrine release in the f
189 es within the rostral pole of the LC, 2) may presynaptically modulate other afferents, and 3) are oft
190  glucose-sensing themselves, but rather were presynaptically modulated by changes in extracellular gl
191 ons receiving input from terminals which are presynaptically modulated by DA via D2 receptors, and (3
192 er picrotoxin, indicating that alpha7-nAChRs presynaptically modulated glutamate and not GABA release
193 ent synapses with trigeminal motoneurons are presynaptically modulated.
194 c neurons may also play an important role in presynaptically modulating the fSR terminals.
195                                              Presynaptically, NR2A levels are elevated at axo-spinous
196 sted that delta opioid receptors are located presynaptically on axon terminals within the hamster SCN
197 e ganglion cell; thus, the modulation occurs presynaptically on bipolar cell terminals, most likely v
198 tors in the cervical (C6) dorsal horn reside presynaptically on central terminals of primary afferent
199 otropic glutamate receptors that are located presynaptically on certain vagal pancreas-projecting neu
200      The dopamine transporter (DAT), located presynaptically on dopamine neurons, provides a marker f
201      The dopamine transporter (DAT), located presynaptically on dopamine neurons, provides a marker f
202                      D2Rs are also expressed presynaptically on dopamine terminals and on cholinergic
203  reduced, suggesting that M(2) was localized presynaptically on extrathalamic modulatory inputs.
204             We suggest that GluR5 is located presynaptically on inhibitory GABAergic terminals of tha
205 t GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition may act presynaptically on olfactory nerve axons to modulate the
206 sted that D2-like receptors might be located presynaptically on ORN terminals.
207  hypothesis that 5HT1B receptors are located presynaptically on retinal axon terminals in the SCN and
208 pretation that 5HT1B receptors are localized presynaptically on retinal terminals in the SCN and that
209 mation processing in the retina 1) by acting presynaptically on rod bipolar cell axon terminals and b
210  be modulated by mu opioid receptors located presynaptically on striatopallidal enkephalinergic neuro
211 ence for the diversity of molecular subtypes presynaptically on the commissural/associational pathway
212         The GABA(B) agonist baclofen, acting presynaptically on the GABA interneurons, attenuated pai
213 ressed at the larval neuromuscular junction, presynaptically only.
214 ugh many forms of neurodegeneration initiate presynaptically, only few pathogenic mechanisms are know
215 he extent to which central melanocortins act presynaptically or postsynaptically on MC4-Rs is also un
216             Such modulation can occur either presynaptically or postsynaptically.
217 versial whether this plasticity is expressed presynaptically, postsynaptically, or both.
218  postsynaptic orexin receptors and expressed presynaptically, presumably through a retrograde messeng
219                    What happens to a single, presynaptically quiescent synapse among a population of
220 abotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) is to presynaptically reduce synaptic transmission at glutamat
221 inistration to test the hypothesis that MORs presynaptically regulate GABA transmission in the VP and
222 ansporter (VGlut2) suggests that TIP39 could presynaptically regulate glutamate release.
223 Rs were part of an inhibitory circuit, e.g., presynaptically regulating the release of GABA.
224  DRD2 short splice variant (expressed mainly presynaptically) relative to DRD2 long (postsynaptic), a
225 e receptors (NMDARs) phasically activated by presynaptically released glutamate are critical for syna
226 mammalian brain and transduce the binding of presynaptically released glutamate to the opening of a t
227 f AMPARs and, hence, their responsiveness to presynaptically released glutamate.
228 ion depends on the matching and alignment of presynaptically released transmitters and postsynaptic n
229     Our data suggest that opioids may be the presynaptically released, frequency-dependent, associati
230          Here, we show that Reelin also acts presynaptically, resulting in robust rapid enhancement o
231                                              Presynaptically secreted Mind the gap (Mtg) molds the sy
232 of the ADAMTS-like protein MADD-4/Punctin, a presynaptically secreted synapse-organizing molecule tha
233                      Subsets of neurons were presynaptically silenced by chronic expression of tetanu
234 clase activity maintains the balance between presynaptically silent and active synapses, but AC8 play
235 a or CDK5 activity changes the proportion of presynaptically silent nerve terminals.
236 ur knowledge, the first report suggestive of presynaptically silent neuromodulatory synapses.
237  a fraction of nerve terminals are kept in a presynaptically silent state with no measurable Ca(2+) i
238 hR-mediated enhancement of GABA release also presynaptically suppressed the first synapse of the olfa
239                                              Presynaptically, thalamocortical axons formed a normal w
240 bility that the expression might involve PKA presynaptically, the adenylyl cyclase activator forskoli
241           Synaptic efficacy can be modulated presynaptically through changes of the probability of tr
242 c modulator is nitric oxide (NO), which acts presynaptically to boost vesicle release and glutamaterg
243          We conclude that hydroxylamine acts presynaptically to counter adenosine A(1) receptor-media
244 ata indicate that serotonin and GABA can act presynaptically to decrease calcium influx at the retino
245                         NO subsequently acts presynaptically to enhance GABA release through a solubl
246          These results suggests that NO acts presynaptically to facilitate vagal neurotransmission vi
247 sults demonstrate that NOS-1-derived NO acts presynaptically to facilitate vagally induced bradycardi
248     This study suggests that calpain may act presynaptically to impair NMJ function in SCS but furthe
249 ne in the fly, and that caffeine likely acts presynaptically to increase dopamine signaling.
250 ses, we show that group I mGluR agonists act presynaptically to increase neurotransmitter release wit
251 tion by endothelial cells, whereas PAMP acts presynaptically to inhibit adrenergic nerves that innerv
252 suggest that group II mGluR stimulation acts presynaptically to inhibit glutamate release by a PKC-de
253    Because cannabinoid receptor agonists act presynaptically to inhibit glutamate release, we examine
254 ltage-clamp recording suggests that Noc acts presynaptically to inhibit glutamate release.
255  filtered by GABAergic interneurons that act presynaptically to inhibit sensory transmitter release a
256            Cannabinoid receptor agonists act presynaptically to inhibit the release of glutamate.
257 se results indicate that cannabimimetics act presynaptically to inhibit the release of neurotransmitt
258        We present evidence that SWIP-13 acts presynaptically to insure adequate levels of surface DAT
259 how the timing of action potentials is tuned presynaptically to match these processing demands is not
260 ractive hypothesis is that the receptors act presynaptically to modulate synaptic transmission.
261 minals, and that enkephalins most likely act presynaptically to modulate the release of other neurotr
262                            Striatal ACh acts presynaptically to polarize powerfully how opposing DAN
263                                wrd functions presynaptically to promote normal synaptic growth and po
264 lectron microscopy in axon terminals located presynaptically to Purkinje cell dendrites.
265                           The mechanism acts presynaptically to reduce evoked neurotransmitter releas
266 oup III metabotropic glutamate receptors act presynaptically to reduce the release of glutamate onto
267 e that Drosophila melanogaster miR-1000 acts presynaptically to regulate glutamate release at the syn
268 rs such as serotonin (5-HT) and GABA can act presynaptically to regulate neurotransmitter release at
269 ng them to release a transmitter, which acts presynaptically to regulate neurotransmitter release.
270 euron, it appears that neuronal ghrelin acts presynaptically to stimulate release of the orexigenic p
271            These data suggest that GABA acts presynaptically via a GABA(B)-like receptor to increase
272  forskolin facilitates synaptic transmission presynaptically via cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA).
273 optic nucleus oxytocin neurones directly and presynaptically via inhibition of afferent noradrenergic
274 on inhibitory synaptic strength are mediated presynaptically where 5-HT decreases and NA increases th
275          In addition, NMDARs have been found presynaptically, where they cannot act as conventional c
276          We find that one Connexin functions presynaptically while the other functions postsynaptical
277 ology, including deficits in docked vesicles presynaptically, wider synaptic clefts, and simpler seco
278 ta-hydrolase domain 6, which is co-localized presynaptically with diacylglycerol lipase.
279          Kv3.3-immunoreactivity co-localised presynaptically with the synaptic vesicle marker SV2, pa
280                 NR2A subunits also increased presynaptically within 1/2 h but not after 1 h.

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