


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 but resistance and lethal disease eventually prevail.
2 ect densities in the bulk and at the surface prevail.
3 s and found that the smallest loops possible prevail.
4 uppressive action of Lox-PP was not found to prevail.
5 P on beta-cell function; the latter seems to prevail.
6 s parallel to the c-axis and vortex shearing prevail.
7 roadening the pH range wherein colored forms prevail.
8  of partition coefficients if film diffusion prevails.
9 t -70 mV the excitatory response to orexin-A prevails.
10 t -70 mV the excitatory response to orexin-A prevails.
11 rt of carotid plaques where low shear stress prevails.
12 n hot and low-income countries where malaria prevails.
13  responses and stem-cell recruitment (SDF-1) prevailed.
14 ied forms (up to 61%) of which lutein esters prevailed.
15 ation systems, where haloalkaline conditions prevail, a thiosulfate containing bleed stream is produc
16 ers, significant impairment of fecal control prevails after TEPT in HD patients during childhood, but
17 ers, significant impairment of fecal control prevails after TEPT in HD patients during childhood, but
18 polymer folded structures have been found to prevail also in non-natural backbones.
19 f central chemoreceptor activity (hypocapnia prevailed); altered arterial baroreceptor input (vagal b
20  depression and incident cardiac events that prevailed among participants of low occupational grade (
21                                         Fear prevails among subsets of women and providers.
22                                     However, prevailing analytical approaches and energetic constrain
23                                              Prevailing analytical approaches applied to this technol
24 geometric cues imposed by tight cell packing prevail and cells divide along their long apical-basal a
25                                              PREVAIL and PROTECT AF are prospective randomized clinic
26                      These results alter the prevailing antiviral paradigm by describing distinct pro
27                                          The prevailing approach to addressing secondary drug resista
28 ing Mg or Mn, where all three situations can prevail, are used as examples.
29 o various physical and chemical stimuli, and prevail as an important target for drug discovery.
30  and intrinsic platelet reactivity, only IPC prevailed as an independent predictor (p = 0.001).
31 d throughout the cell activation process and prevails as it is extended to other TLR ligands and to p
32                                 Lyme disease prevails as the most commonly transmitted tick-borne inf
33               Our results do not support the prevailing assertion that exposure to infectious disease
34 y cleaved by caspase-3 during apoptosis, the prevailing assumption has been that the kinase domain fr
35                                          The prevailing assumption is that this large-scale coherent
36  90% and 9% of the time under PROTECT AF and PREVAIL assumptions, respectively.
37 f where it bound within an mRNA, challenging prevailing assumptions about how this RBP drives RNA deg
38 s, whereas folded dimers and folded monomers prevail at low temperatures, and partially unfolded mono
39 SNs series, with mechanism I or mechanism II prevailing at low and high doping levels, respectively.
40                     The present data suggest prevailing auditory processing advantages after transien
41 cases examined, is oriented according to the prevailing azimuth of bathymetric features.
42 ater formation from H2 and O2 , which is the prevailing back reaction on the bare Pt/SrTiO3 photocata
43 lution of protein interfaces and rectify the prevailing belief that antibodies have lower shape compl
44 r superior trapping potency, contrary to the prevailing belief that effective molecular anchors shoul
45                           Microwave extracts prevailed better outcomes compared to conventional extra
46  and differencing channels that adapt to the prevailing binocular statistics.
47                                          The prevailing biomedical strategy for reducing the healthca
48              In this review, we describe the prevailing characteristics of systemic inflammation in p
49 xcess charges and cannot be described by the prevailing classical picture.
50 bon carrying capacity (CCC) is determined by prevailing climate and natural disturbance regimes, cond
51 s cover most of the tropical oceans, and the prevailing cloud type is shallow cumulus.
52 al roles of H2 S suggest the need to 'sense' prevailing concentrations of sulfide and downstream reac
53                                          The prevailing concept is that the RNA editing process itsel
54                              Contrary to the prevailing concept of intronless mitochondria, here we p
55                                            A prevailing concept that has emerged in the axon guidance
56                                     However, prevailing conceptualizations of community based on resi
57 or their life-history strategies to suit the prevailing conditions and respond to hazards in the envi
58 and physiological readjustments to cope with prevailing conditions.
59                              Contrary to the prevailing consensus, our results show that SCF and KIT
60                                      In this prevailing CRF02_AG population with little exposure to P
61 hases of these indices, including changes in prevailing currents and advection of anomalously warm wa
62 ordinate its growth and development with the prevailing daily light/dark cycles.
63                                 Which memory prevails depends on the balance between the strength of
64  abnormal behaviour and decision-making, but prevailing diagnostic criteria for such behaviours are t
65 s critical, and although culture remains the prevailing diagnostic tool, newer techniques such as in
66         This important result challenges the prevailing dictum that BF cholinergic projections to cor
67 ght-structured competition for light under a prevailing disturbance regime and two trait-mediated tra
68                                            A prevailing dogma in sedimentation analysis is that the w
69                                          The prevailing dogma of the role of astrogliosis in inhibiti
70       Our findings show that contrary to the prevailing dogma, astrocyte scar formation aids rather t
71 importance of graft outcomes encompassed the prevailing dread of dialysis, distilling the meaning of
72  using both single spikes and bursts; bursts prevail during low-vigilance states but also occur durin
73 entral tendencies of distributions that have prevailed during cancer resistance evolution.
74 to fallout background levels of (137)Cs that prevailed during the 1970s and do not represent a radiol
75  whether a novel monophyletic HAdV-D8 strain prevailed during the epidemic period, complete genomic s
76 in infective under meteorological conditions prevailing during E. huxleyi blooms in the ocean, allowi
77 ent was affected by grazing and bioturbation prevailing during the first life-stage transition (1 mon
78     Local inhibition of thalamic spike rates prevails during attentional selection, whereas global in
79 ction, whereas global inhibition more likely prevails during sleep.
80 the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) between prevailing eastward and westward wind jets in the equato
81 neage-specific diversification regimes under prevailing ecological pressures.
82                                          The prevailing efforts for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prev
83 d out at dNTP levels representative of those prevailing either in cycling or in non-dividing cells.
84   Thus, we hypothesize that in many species, prevailing energetic constraints force mass change away
85                   By taking advantage of the prevailing enzymatic nature of mite allergens, we have d
86 d with a quasi-addictive effect and that the prevailing European Union and US data fail to uphold the
87                In a second randomized trial, PREVAIL (Evaluation of the WATCHMAN LAA Closure Device i
88 r's reasoning we show that quantum coherence prevails, even in the limit of atomically thin gratings.
89 urden of cardiovascular risk factors are the prevailing explanations for these findings, there are da
90                                              Prevailing features of tuberculous spondylodiscitis incl
91 likely that they form a signature readout of prevailing flooding conditions and subsequent adaptive r
92                           In contrast to the prevailing focus on the entropic or dynamic effects, we
93 risk factors, while environmental influences prevail for disorders such as depressions, cancers, or d
94 at all snakes possess ZW sex chromosomes has prevailed for decades, despite no evidence of this in bo
95 eady-state photolysis experiments showed the prevailing formation of benzylic products deriving from
96 eview can be of practical use to justify the prevailing gaps, especially relevant to the research on
97 osynthetic temperature response functions to prevailing growing season temperatures that occur today
98 inding energy (HBE), challenging the current prevailing HBE mechanism.
99 n and find that STG neurons do not adhere to prevailing hypotheses regarding wiring optimization prin
100                                There are two prevailing hypotheses: that it is a physicochemically do
101                                          The prevailing hypothesis is that the monomeric Httex1 prote
102  in regulating BG function and challenge the prevailing hypothesis of the centrality of striatal ChIs
103                                          The prevailing hypothesis on the disease etiopathogenesis is
104                 Although consistent with the prevailing hypothesis that a chaperone network is requir
105 tary wheel running (VWR) in mice to test the prevailing hypothesis that insulin-independent upregulat
106      In this case-control study, we test the prevailing hypothesis that these APOL1 variants reduce t
107 al psychology within a larger context of the prevailing ideologies of other influential groups within
108 n the context of shared decision making must prevail if the trust of this vulnerable patient populati
109 ations, WT German cockroaches will over time prevail in abundance over GA individuals, even when gluc
110 pairment of emotional and sexual domains may prevail in adulthood.
111 pairment of emotional and sexual domains may prevail in adulthood.
112 table bent-sheet conformations were shown to prevail in chlorinated solvents.
113 lution of the reproductive alternatives that prevail in flowering plants.
114 Some features of Ca(2+) signalling silencing prevail in human AF suggesting that the Ca(2+) signallin
115 find that founder mutations in MSH6 and PMS2 prevail in Iceland unlike most other populations.
116  other bacteria and helping P. aeruginosa to prevail in specific niches.
117 under the conditions of high MT density that prevail in the axon, tau's MT binding and localization a
118 ation, and surface band-bending effects that prevail in the mechanism for doping contrast as patch fi
119 security and weak health systems continue to prevail in the poorest countries, inhibiting progress in
120  vessels open under low flow conditions that prevail in the primitive plexus.
121  G9 strains identified different lineages to prevail in the respective host species although some of
122 gs, cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin, prevail in the treatment of cancer, but new platinum age
123          In dichloromethane, the macrocycles prevail in wide-stretched conformations and upon photoex
124 y have been initiated by dry conditions that prevailed in North Africa after 50.5 ka.
125 in predatory mites, while symbiotic bacteria prevailed in prey mites.
126  the different discharge contributions: MOXA prevailed in runoff water, whereas MESA was associated w
127 -up and initial competitiveness, cooperation prevailed in the end, being at least five times as commo
128 g botanical families in the mountain pasture prevailed in the sheep diet of the commercial flock.
129 d fruit, whereas several carotenoid epoxides prevailed in yellow-fleshed fruit.
130 mitate and further minor xanthophyll esters, prevailing in a presumably liquid-crystalline state with
131  individual and neighborhood factors remains prevailing in explaining black-white differences in birt
132  and boiled for various short time-intervals prevailing in household practice.
133 le in the late Holocene they resembled those prevailing in the positive NAO phase.
134 egative (131)I whole-body scintigraphy (WBS) prevails in 38%-50% of patients.
135     In contrast to angiosperms, unisexuality prevails in bryophytes.
136 whereas an AMPA receptor-mediated excitation prevails in Group II motoneurons.
137 as been comparatively slow, and HIV-1B still prevails in that region.
138 imental evidence that 'ballistic' separation prevails in the dynamics of pairs of tracers over long t
139 this work, a distinct battery chemistry that prevails in water-contaminated aprotic lithium-oxygen ba
140                                We detected a prevailing influence of natural sea-originated S that mi
141 s work shows that host resistance can have a prevailing influence over symbiont community assembly wh
142                                          The prevailing interaction (SO2)O...H(H2O) on a large drople
143  arising from a balance of transport and the prevailing ion gradients across the plasma membrane and
144                             A phase 2 study (PREVAIL IV) is currently enrolling and will evaluate the
145                              Using data from PREVAIL, LAA closure was dominated by warfarin and dabig
146           Urging a fundamental change of the prevailing laboratory practice of using auxotrophs and n
147 table lactobacilli dominated microbiota with prevailing Lactobacillus iners.
148  undesired polymerization and coke formation prevail, leading to rapid catalyst deactivation.
149 ) to adjust light-harvesting capacity to the prevailing light conditions.
150 ents is classically thought to stem from the prevailing low plasma albumin concentration and the decr
151 itization of nicotinic receptors, which is a prevailing mechanism for use-dependent inhibition in the
152                The results shed light on the prevailing mechanistic uncertainties in human P450-catal
153                                  Rather, the prevailing medical ethos can be strongly determined by p
154 unctional nephron mass and/or in response to prevailing metabolic and (neuro)hormonal stimuli-increas
155 t to given starting and ending positions and prevailing meteorological conditions.
156 t in Renal Disease equation depending on the prevailing methodology of creatinine measurement, and us
157 rate and orders of magnitude faster than the prevailing methods.
158 derived Antarctic landscapes indicating that prevailing mid-altitude winds transported diatoms toward
159             Surprisingly, in contrast to the prevailing model for LIS1 function established in the co
160                              Contrary to the prevailing model for vRNA packaging, NP does not bind vR
161                                          The prevailing model of early mammalian development is based
162          These results challenge the current prevailing model of early myeloid lineage choice.
163                      Thus, they confound the prevailing model of enzyme evolution, which predicts tha
164 positive-stranded terminus, complicating the prevailing model of replication.
165                                         This prevailing model of tumorigenesis has contributed to the
166                                          The prevailing model poses that the nuclear pore complex (NP
167 guidance cues remain poorly characterized, a prevailing model posits that attractive guidance cues st
168                                          One prevailing model suggests a functional division of labor
169                                            A prevailing model suggests that N1-Src regulates neuronal
170  to be visualized in vivo due in part to the prevailing model that parasite actin forms short, unstab
171                                          One prevailing model to explain this association posits that
172 well-separated charges that departs from the prevailing model used for spatially separated charges th
173                                          The prevailing model was that the slow translation of codons
174       However, we find that, contrary to the prevailing model, PKD mutations do not disrupt PCP signa
175                           In contrast to the prevailing model, we observe that for nearly all mouse g
176                                              Prevailing models emphasize cortical feedback as the sou
177 ed before plate subduction, contrasting with prevailing models for subduction seismogenesis calling f
178                                              Prevailing models of Parkinson's disease state that moto
179                                              Prevailing models of resistive switching arising from el
180 than continuously and gradually, challenging prevailing models of tumor evolution.
181                                              Prevailing models of vaso-occlusion propose mechanisms t
182                                              Prevailing models suggest entry into neuronal stem cells
183                                  Contrary to prevailing models, we also demonstrate that the interact
184 ery are thus carefully tuned and adjusted to prevailing needs.
185 vidually, in a rather complex manner, with a prevailing negative impact of phenolics.
186            Intellectual disability (ID) is a prevailing neurodevelopmental condition associated with
187                                  Autism is a prevailing neurodevelopmental disorder with a large gene
188 hydrogenases 1 and 2 (IDH1/2) highlights the prevailing notion that aberrant metabolic function can c
189                                  Despite the prevailing notion that axon/neuron loss is the substrate
190 fouling is to some extent dependent upon the prevailing nutritional environment and feed composition.
191 er, under high partial pressures of hydrogen prevailing on early Earth and present day deep-sea volca
192                              Contrary to the prevailing opinion of the previous two decades that biod
193 to inject energy directly into the mesoscale prevail over much of the Southern Ocean north of the Pol
194 in ambient air, surface tension lowering can prevail over the reduction in the Raoult effect, leading
195 patterns of patrilocality and female exogamy prevailed over at least 800 y between about 2500 and 170
196      Using institutional costs, fondaparinux prevailed over both argatroban and bivalirudin in terms
197                       This learned behaviour prevailed over innate phototropism.
198       Conspecific seedling neighbour effects prevailed over the effects of larger conspecific and all
199  concentrations, the Pi deprivation response prevailed over the salt stress only for lateral root elo
200 r eccentricity cycle, during which obliquity prevails over precession, and highlights the decisive ro
201 ate that ring-contraction within the carbene prevails over ring-expansion by a factor of 6.7:1.
202                              Consistent with prevailing oxidative stress, the same brain areas contai
203 they overcome inherent shortcomings with the prevailing paradigm - discrete random walk models.
204                       Here we go beyond this prevailing paradigm and obtain general results for the r
205                                          The prevailing paradigm of host-parasite evolution is that a
206                              Contrary to the prevailing paradigm, we found unique cellular requiremen
207                          Our findings revise prevailing paradigms for linear, time-invariant resonant
208                          Our findings revise prevailing paradigms for quantum criticality, with poten
209               This map was then analyzed for prevailing patterns of mental health outcomes.
210 ly ignored as imprecise evidence against the prevailing percept of 'silence'.
211                        However, owing to the prevailing perception that our indigenous bacteria are l
212 y 20 K, providing thermodynamic evidence for prevailing phase fluctuations of superconductivity.
213  are remodeled in response to changes in the prevailing physicochemical environment of the cell and a
214 se and human skin and broadly informs on the prevailing principles that govern the tug-of-war between
215 ncing of microbial genomes has revealed that prevailing prokaryotic species assignments can be incons
216                                          The prevailing protein-counting model for regulating telomer
217 Device in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation (PREVAIL) randomized trials.
218 ng inland and traveling 11 miles against the prevailing regional hydraulic gradient from from Spring
219 benefits from the tumor-prone environment to prevail remains an open question.
220                                            A prevailing response of crops to rising [CO2 ] is an incr
221                                  Stress is a prevailing risk factor for mood-related illnesses, where
222 lar protein transcytosis was found to have a prevailing role in overall increased cerebrovascular per
223 have a notably high T c, have challenged the prevailing s +/- pairing scenario originally proposed fo
224 ia has achieved unprecedented gains, despite prevailing security and operational challenges, with no
225          This study calls for revisiting the prevailing single-gene driver-oncogene view and links cl
226 bic dendrites at 77 K, characteristic of the prevailing slip bands and dislocations, as well as latti
227  access to care for people who inject drugs; prevailing stigma and discrimination against people infe
228 ntrol can be theoretically guaranteed by the prevailing structural controllability theory, it is nece
229 t different C-H positions contrasts with the prevailing substrate-control approach to the area, and p
230 have a much higher heat tolerance than their prevailing temperature regime would suggest.
231 oexist and interact at different scales, the prevailing theoretical outlook on spatial self-organizat
232                                          Yet prevailing theories about the western boundary fronts ar
233                                  Contrary to prevailing theories of attention, these improvements did
234                                        While prevailing theories of crop evolution suggest that crop
235  loss of vestibular information, challenging prevailing theories of directionality.
236                                              Prevailing theories predict that damage to the input of
237                                 Although the prevailing theory for the sepsis syndrome is a condition
238                                          One prevailing theory has assumed that this internal model i
239                                          The prevailing theory of host response during sepsis states
240                     These data challenge the prevailing theory of reduced transmission induced by mut
241  left hemisphere language areas, the current prevailing theory suggests that right hemisphere engagem
242            Contrary to predictions from that prevailing theory, however, we found that the neural pop
243                               In contrast to prevailing theory, we observed that microgravity reduces
244 s would be improved by primarily considering prevailing thermal effects in the case of within-host di
245                                              Prevailing thermal effects were more important than lagg
246  of Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory (IAST), a prevailing thermodynamic model, and its derivatives, i.e
247                                          The prevailing thermodynamic models of the past, where water
248 ises intriguing questions that challenge the prevailing thinking about the mechanisms of charge densi
249 se findings suggest that, counter to current prevailing thought, the DLPFC is active during REM sleep
250 Though ferruginous conditions appear to have prevailed through the water column during this time, epi
251 erization of microbial communities remains a prevailing topic in microbial oceanography as informatio
252 es, while diffusion was shown to be the only prevailing transport mechanism.
253 he Watchman device was cost effective; using PREVAIL trial data, Watchman was more costly and less ef
254                     The final results of the PREVAIL trial, both alone and as part of a patient-level
255                 These 5-year outcomes of the PREVAIL trial, combined with the 5-year outcomes of the
256                                      For the PREVAIL trial, the first composite coprimary endpoint of
257  discovery prompts critical re-evaluation of prevailing uplift models of the plateau and their tempor
258 ld be extended to our readers, and so I have prevailed upon Dr Betensky to address some recurring top
259                                          The prevailing view associates transient processing predomin
260 arly animal models of GN, at a time when the prevailing view considered neutrophils to function as no
261                                          The prevailing view has been that metoprolol acts mainly on
262                                          The prevailing view has been that proteins with curvature-pr
263                                          The prevailing view in vertebrates for BMP gradient formatio
264                                          The prevailing view is that axons provide molecular cues nec
265                                          The prevailing view is that exons derived from young repetit
266                                          The prevailing view is that heightened neural excitability,
267                                          The prevailing view is that MDSC-mediated immunosuppression
268                                          The prevailing view is that striatal parvalbumin (PV)-positi
269 similar architectures and functions, and the prevailing view is that they can initiate bidirectional
270                                          The prevailing view of dendritic mitochondria as highly moti
271                This knowledge challenged the prevailing view of N-terminal acetylation as a co-transl
272                             According to the prevailing view of neural development, sensory pathways
273 data for this trace metal has challenged the prevailing view of the ocean iron cycle.
274                                          The prevailing view of western Atlantic hydrography during t
275 rmly immunogenic and nontolerogenic, and the prevailing view posits that MGCA are sequestered behind
276 ng restriction by tetherin and challenge the prevailing view that all HIV-1 group M isolates use Vpu
277                              Contrary to the prevailing view that dispersal lowers beta diversity, we
278                             In line with the prevailing view that dopamine in anterior cingulate cort
279 anean Sea in separate years, contrary to the prevailing view that individuals exhibit complete spawni
280 ith total sugar intake, contrasting with the prevailing view that intake frequency is the primary det
281                           In contrast to the prevailing view that lysosomal acidification drives Ca(2
282               Leibovich et al. challenge the prevailing view that non-symbolic number sense (e.g., se
283        Our results are incompatible with the prevailing view that Ntn1 is an FP-derived long-range di
284                              Contrary to the prevailing view that these patients' language skills are
285                     Thus, in contrast to the prevailing view, Doa10 (and presumably its human ortholo
286                          Consistent with the prevailing view, motion-sensitive regions and adjacent l
287                                 Despite this prevailing view, the molecular mechanisms of targeting r
288                              Contrary to the prevailing view, we found by conditional deletion of the
289                                          The prevailing view, which has driven both clinical care and
290 -strained HgTe that strongly challenges this prevailing viewpoint.
291                         Thus, in contrast to prevailing views of the termination of the critical peri
292                                     Previous prevailing views that resistance was mainly acquired thr
293                      However, in contrast to prevailing views, they co-occurred within the same promo
294                    A simple extension of the prevailing viscoelastic power-law response theory with a
295  of malnutrition: vitamin A deficiency (VAD) prevails, whereas the nutrition-related chronic conditio
296 be attributed to pesticide spraying time and prevailing wind direction in Mahabad.
297                             We estimated how prevailing winds are projected to change within the tran
298  of the plant (i.e., in the direction of the prevailing winds during the study period), allowing us t
299 rst conceptualized, was in conflict with the prevailing wisdom that stem cells have internal logic.
300 ism (Deltalambda approximately 10(2) nm) and prevailing zwitterionic/aromatic structures in the solid

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