


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1  accurately captured in our model at higher resolution than previous studies.
2  to the environment can be tuned to lower values, unlike in previous studies.
3  patients in this study was comparable to those reported in previous studies; 55 patients (35.7%) were classified as havi
4 e HTLV-1 particle structure is still poorly understood, and previous studies analyzed viruses produced by transformed lym
5 f exposure to plasticizers, such as phthalates, findings of previous studies are inconsistent and lack mechanistic inform
6 g the role of MT in vRNA transport and assembly expand upon previous studies characterizing vRNA assembly.
7                                                             Previous studies confirmed the efficacy of this combination.
8 en tumors showed altered primary and metastatic profiles in previous studies, depending upon nuclear and mtDNA haplotype,
9             CO and longer-lived VOCs, largely overlooked in previous studies, extend the influence of regional ozone prec
10 ed pungency in Scoville heat units in order to compare with previous studies from other climatical zones.
11                                                             Previous studies have demonstrated that Hop1 is a structure-s
12                                        To our knowledge, no previous studies have evaluated the impact of habituation to
13                                                             Previous studies have examined cue combination with natural c
14                                                             Previous studies have failed to investigate the role of natur
15                                                             Previous studies have reported an association between IA deve
16                                                             Previous studies have reported associations of IFITM3 SNP rs1
17                                                             Previous studies have reported mutations in hepatocellular tr
18                                                Furthermore, previous studies have shown that lymphadenectomy impairs acqu
19                                                             Previous studies have shown that methanesulfonic acid (MSA) r
20                                                             Previous studies have shown that the aggregation of N-termina
21                                                   Data from previous studies have suggested a possible association betwee
22                                                             Previous studies have suggested that acute respiratory infect
23                                                             Previous studies have suggested that overexpression of the on
24                                                             Previous studies have suggested that pre-existing disulfide l
25                                                             Previous studies have suggested the involvement of amacrine a
26                                                             Previous studies in jawless vertebrates (cyclostomes) suggest
27                                               Comparison to previous studies indicates the importance of some key model a
28                                                        Most previous studies involving hetDNA formed during mitotic recom
29                                                             Previous studies, mostly from Europe, suggest that early-life
30  importance of insulin and its related peptide hormones and previous studies of glycosylated insulin analogues, this natu
31 ons of hyperammonemia; these preclinical studies complement previous studies on ammonia-induced skeletal muscle loss and
32                                Furthermore, the majority of previous studies on deafness have involved the primary audito
33 nt with NKH-477, a compound discovered as protective in our previous studies on Krabbe disease, which is caused by mutati
34                                 In contrast to results from previous studies on other viruses, our results showed that fi
35                                                             Previous studies revealed that INPP5E, the inositol polyphosp
36                                                             Previous studies showed that the interaction between CBFbeta-
37                                                             Previous studies showed that the NA proteins of the N9 subtyp
38                                           Extended from our previous studies showing that concurrent blockage of the NF-k
39                                          This study extends previous studies showing that even 1 night of shift work decr
40                                                             Previous studies suggest that peripheral tumors elicit centra
41                                                             Previous studies suggested a role for PLC2 in MAMP-triggered
42                                                             Previous studies suggested that the superior colliculus (SC)
43                                      These findings support previous studies that found OP of merozoites to be associated
44                                  While this study builds on previous studies that have implicated miR-17-92 in the regula
45 and exhibited correlations with O3 and NO3, consistent with previous studies that ozonolysis and oxidation by NO3 are sou
46 near and nonlinear concentration-response coefficients from previous studies to estimate changes in the numbers of deaths
47 Nanomedicines in the sub-100nm range have been suggested by previous studies to have superior antitumor efficacy on vario
48 the complexity of the underlying mechanisms has constrained previous studies to spherically symmetric configurations.
49 ction was low ( approximately 0.87 kWh/kg H2O2) compared to previous studies using real wastewaters.
50 tional consistency of our hPGCLCs with hPGCLCs generated in previous studies using various and distinct protocols.

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