


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ding (enhancing foraging efficiency on small prey).
2  consequent increases in production of their prey).
3 ckground instead of relying on mobile insect prey.
4 y detects, traps, digests and absorbs insect prey.
5 the location and size of spatial refugia for prey.
6 like attacks upon both insect and artificial prey.
7 onary response by predators feeding on toxic prey.
8 , modifying their own PG as they grow inside prey.
9 unding predators or endangered predators and prey.
10 nd ultimately reducing BV's search space for prey.
11 rip of their jaws to restrain and immobilize prey.
12 ring adaptive resistance genes from adjacent prey.
13  ability of fishes to process hard and tough prey.
14 dal whelks and their full suite of potential prey.
15 ocating bat tracking and intercepting moving prey.
16 objects such as conspecifics, predators, and prey.
17 to orient its direction-of-gaze at potential prey.
18  ratio and compensatory feeding on N-limited prey.
19  ecosystems and distribution of top predator prey.
20 s been shown to anticipate the image path of prey.
21 s ability to exert top-down control on these prey.
22 estimation of predator efficiency on a given prey.
23 f patch food resources on the less preferred prey.
24 when functional bladderwort removed a shared prey.
25 tween an approaching predator and a putative prey.
26  if any, BV uses chemical cues to target its prey.
27  energetic gains derived from killing larger prey.
28 ary arms race between predator and potential prey.
29  out of the study area in search of adequate prey.
30 t deep-sea octopus Haliphron atlanticus with prey.
31 onary targets, maneuvering targets, and live prey.
32 se trawling had a negative effect on benthic prey.
33 ion in the triplet state of pentacene is the prey.
34 e to that of interspecific competition among prey.
35 verability and thus their ability to capture prey.
36  helping to avoid detection by predators and prey [1, 2, 4, 5].
37 nd efficiency, and commensurate responses of prey [1-3].
38 ng their elongated bills to slash or tap the prey [22-24].
39                          Predators can limit prey abundance and/or levels of activity.
40                          Annual variation in prey abundance influenced lake trout foraging tactics (i
41  quality prey on irrigated lands, or earlier prey abundance may release former constraints on other s
42               We show that dispersers reduce prey abundance more than do non-dispersers during the fi
43 ause temporal changes in growing seasons and prey abundance that drive earlier breeding by birds, esp
44 h shifts in growing seasons and, presumably, prey abundance, in a mosaic of non-irrigated shrub/grass
45 edator-prey size ratios reflect increases in prey abundance, prey nutrient content, and predation amo
46 tional Park, Thailand, reduces prey size and prey abundance, with more pronounced effects where the m
47            Moreover, it may help them locate prey accumulating in fronts, eddies, and thin layers, wh
48  from the range extent of either predator or prey alone.
49 displaying accurate mimicry with other local prey, although some of the forms only provide moderate p
50     Although predators influence behavior of prey, analyses of electronic tracking data in marine env
51 typed set of takeoff conditions based on the prey and body states most likely to end in successful ca
52 emosignals are used by predators to localize prey and by prey to avoid predators.
53 g bacteria (Escherichia coli (E. coli)) as a prey and ciliated protozoan (Paramecium caudatum) as a p
54 n this way, may be used for hunting/stunning prey and communication.
55  requires the predator to sensitively detect prey and forecast its mobile prey's future position on t
56 cence functions in communication, attracting prey and in hiding from predators, particularly for fish
57 nt predation, in which a predator consumes a prey and its parasites, but not the number of interactio
58 defended animals and coevolutionary predator-prey and mimic-model relationships.
59 dators interacting with arbitrary numbers of prey and predator species in the field.
60 mproving its odds of a chance collision with prey and ultimately reducing BV's search space for prey.
61 ion models assume that the sensory system of prey (and hence their behavior) varies little between sp
62  small to trap BV in hydrodynamic orbit, the prey are also susceptible to their own hydrodynamic fiel
63 on-dependent risk-taking indicates that when prey are in poor condition, their anti-predator response
64 eases connectivity among predators and their prey as well as total food intake rate.
65 se high voltage to track [2] and control [3] prey, as well as to exhaust prey by causing involuntary
66 ovations: echolocation (facilitating hunting prey at depth) and filter-feeding (enhancing foraging ef
67 el by determining interaction strengths with prey at different trophic levels.
68  consume greater quantities of MeHg enriched prey at larger sizes.
69 suggested that BV probably collides into its prey at random.
70  it competed with these other carnivores for prey at the site.
71 ance feeding for fishes that bite and scrape prey attached to hard surfaces.
72 rojected to recover in the future as long as prey availability and mortality rates remain within the
73 ns, including variation in foraging success, prey availability and selection, bathymetry, physiologic
74 ale prey, potentially resulting in decreased prey availability and/or an expansion of right whale hab
75  evidence that climate-associated changes in prey availability have played an important role in the p
76 strel nesting phenology shifted with earlier prey availability in irrigated lands.
77 ure-recapture models to quantify the role of prey availability on right whale demographic transitiona
78 been identified for this population: reduced prey availability, anthropogenic contaminants, and marin
79 result in predators becoming mismatched with prey availability, reducing fitness and potentially driv
80 gulates due to dental disease and/or limited prey availability.
81 o extinction even under conditions of normal prey availability.
82  insect which relies on vision for capturing prey, avoiding being eaten and for spatial orientation.
83                Predators coevolved alongside prey bacteria and so encode diverse predatory enzymes th
84 nd finally destroying walls of Gram-negative prey bacteria, modifying their own PG as they grow insid
85          NDVI was a useful proxy for kestrel prey because it predicted small mammal abundance and pas
86         Consistent individual differences in prey behaviour, especially in the propensity to take ris
87  Our results support suspending fishing when prey biomass drops below critical thresholds [12, 13] an
88 lated with the mass that spiders gained from prey, but not with the number of prey killed.
89  and control [3] prey, as well as to exhaust prey by causing involuntary fatigue through remote activ
90  Birds and ants also partitioned caterpillar prey by diet breadth.
91 anial modifications associated with enhanced prey capture, predating that general trend of morphologi
92 ularly significant in influencing success in prey capture.
93 ave weak jaws that play only a minor role in prey capture.
94                     The relationship between prey carrying capacity and temperature can range from ne
95 may have a type III functional response, and prey carrying capacity depends on explicitly modelled re
96 ary threats include: limitation of preferred prey, Chinook salmon; anthropogenic noise and disturbanc
97                                Predators and prey co-evolve, each maximizing their own fitness, but t
98    To study the molecular basis for predator-prey coevolution, we investigated how Caenorhabditis ele
99                         These differences in prey communities disappeared after 8 weeks suggesting pr
100 ermining the metacommunity assembly model of prey communities is understudied relative to that of int
101 , we found that patch type did not structure prey communities very well.
102 predator also enhanced spatial signal in the prey community because of its limited dispersal.
103 unities disappeared after 8 weeks suggesting prey community resilience against predation in these mes
104 st strongly predicted the composition of the prey community.
105 ous demersal species by (i) changing benthic prey composition through physical seabed impacts and (ii
106 retical work suggest risk and its effects on prey constitute a complex, multi-dimensional process wit
107 he cost of increased predictability to their prey, constraining the evolution of lateralization.
108                                              Prey contacting touch-sensitive hairs trigger traveling
109 erence between organisms that share a common prey could exist than between carnivorous plants and ani
110 rfaces and defects where mobile predator and prey density is now dramatically enhanced.
111 hydrodynamics forces BV into regions high in prey density, thereby improving its odds of a chance col
112 hich the prey population growth depends on a prey density-dependent fitness landscape.
113 ced prey responses as avoidance behaviour in prey depended on clone type.
114 eb patterns left unexplained by the simplest prey-dependent models.
115 t contributions to energy acquisition during prey digestion.
116 etion events that bring about conditions for prey digestion.
117 fficiency in environments with heterogeneous prey distributions.
118 in more convex (costly) trade-offs and lower prey diversity compared to the scenario where only the p
119 ulations diversify rapidly leading to higher prey diversity when the trade-off is concave (cheap).
120 ocean temperature) and biotic (phytoplankton prey) drivers.
121 the whales do not swim forward in pursuit of prey during the period from mouth opening to closing, an
122 nificant dichotomy between Mesozoic predator-prey dynamics and those of modern terrestrial systems.
123                                     Predator-prey dynamics are an important evolutionary driver of es
124                              Modern predator-prey dynamics may not be directly applicable to those of
125 explore consequences of warming for predator-prey dynamics, broadening previous approaches in three w
126 ation, with direct consequences for predator-prey dynamics.
127 set of rapid cycling in the chaotic predator-prey dynamics.
128  primates decreased their emphasis on mobile prey (e.g., insects).
129                                   While BV's prey (Escherichia coli) are too small to trap BV in hydr
130 sity compared to the scenario where only the prey evolves.
131 nt rigidity, and deeper hooks enabled faster prey extraction in the provided tasks.
132                                              Prey fish have greater shadow prices than expected based
133   Fear of predation has been shown to affect prey fitness and behaviour, however, to date little is k
134  least one of the criterion, and the loss of prey fixation or overhead positioning during flight is s
135 s increasing the net availability of benthic prey for remaining individuals.
136 uperb aerial predators, plucking tiny insect prey from the sky.
137 cs, ultimately reduces BV's search space for prey from three to two dimensions (on surfaces) even dow
138              Although humans are not typical prey, habitual man-eating by lions is well documented.
139  These results show evidence for the role of prey heterogeneity in driving functional complementarity
140 ead sharing of gut bacteria between predator-prey host-species pairs, indicating horizontal transfer
141 , such as filter feeding in the Mysticeti vs prey-hunting Odontoceti, and size, with the smallest cet
142 e find that rather than chemically detecting prey, hydrodynamics forces BV into regions high in prey
143 disrupting sorting and spatial pattern among prey in experimental landscapes.
144            Kestrels may preferentially track prey in irrigated lands over non-irrigated lands because
145  four important piscivores and four of their prey in the U.S. Northeast Shelf by examining species ov
146 geted search problem by the predator for its prey in three dimensions is a difficult problem: it requ
147 g, regularly hoisting, storing and consuming prey in trees.
148                                         Such prey-induced haptoelectric stimulation activates the tou
149  bait is very stable, so that many cycles of prey injection and subsequent prey removal can be carrie
150 ching behavior attenuated an iconic predator-prey interaction and likely altered the many ecological
151 luence of water temperature on this predator-prey interaction by: (i) assessing the spatial distribut
152 for anti-predator behavior, as many predator-prey interaction models assume that the sensory system o
153 be the effects of behavioral IIV on predator-prey interaction outcomes in beach-dwelling jumping spid
154 how variation in traits controlling predator-prey interactions (e.g., body size) affects food web str
155 ton biomass are governed by complex predator-prey interactions and physically driven variations in up
156 the role of land use in influencing predator-prey interactions and resulting predation events in agro
157  highlight the contingent nature of predator-prey interactions and suggest that non-consumptive effec
158                                     Predator-prey interactions are complex and can be altered by envi
159 erties in biological filtration and predator-prey interactions in aquatic systems.
160 e lunar cycle might actually affect predator-prey interactions in the upper layers of the ocean.
161             Thus, quantifying rapid predator-prey interactions in the wild will propel our understand
162                                     Predator-prey interactions may be strongly influenced by temperat
163              Feeding strategies and predator-prey interactions of many deep-sea pelagic organisms are
164 eir own fitness, but the effects of predator-prey interactions on cellular and molecular machinery ar
165 net impact of warming or cooling on predator-prey interactions was not determined a priori from the r
166 s, a more detailed understanding of predator-prey interactions, changes in microbial composition and
167                                  In predator-prey interactions, for example, predators might increase
168 ve the potential to alter important predator-prey interactions, in part by altering the location and
169 0-million-year record of individual predator-prey interactions.
170 alongside personality in studies of predator-prey interactions.
171            Here we explore this in dragonfly prey interception.
172 ut were more likely to respond to and handle prey irrespective of whether olfactory predator cues wer
173 spective, a predator rapidly approaching its prey is a stronger cue for flight than a slowly moving p
174                         Using data from 2032 prey items killed by 104 leopards from 2013 to 2015, we
175  a maladaptation in digestion of alternative prey items.
176 terior teeth indicate that it captured large prey, its broad, imbricated, multi-cusped lower molars f
177 gained from prey, but not with the number of prey killed.
178 sms: change in spider mass and the number of prey killed.
179    However, to meet recovery targets through prey management alone, Chinook abundance would have to b
180 re present in all samples from predatory and prey mite populations (core OTUs): the intracellular sym
181 ficantly different between the microbiota of prey mites reared with and without N. cucumeris.
182 ass-reared predators are fed with factitious prey mites such as Tyrophagus putrescentiae.
183 mites, while symbiotic bacteria prevailed in prey mites.
184                 Here, we describe a predator-prey model in which the prey population growth depends o
185 ble Kalman filter to fuse a two-predator-two-prey model with abundance data from a 2600+ day experime
186 endent methods, a new assay for a particular prey molecule can be set up within few minutes by immobi
187 e complex formation by showing that bait and prey molecules are simultaneously trafficked and activel
188 luntary fatigue through remote activation of prey muscles [4].
189 ubdue prey to survive and reproduce, whereas prey must avoid predators to do the same.
190  text] = 1; representing a family group) and prey (narwhal, [Formula: see text] = 7) via satellite te
191 ally that B. bacteriovorus is able to reduce prey numbers in each environment, on different timescale
192  ratios reflect increases in prey abundance, prey nutrient content, and predation among predators.
193  N, and P by Noctiluca is highly affected by prey nutritional quality.
194 species have large foraging ranges and their prey often have a patchy distribution.
195 ors show that Bacillus subtilis can kill and prey on Bacillus megaterium by delivering a toxin and ex
196  we show that Bacillus subtilis can kill and prey on Bacillus megaterium.
197 the immigration of fish and crustaceans that prey on bivalves, reduce their grazing pressure, and all
198 dellovibrio bacteriovorus bacteria naturally prey on Gram-negative pathogens, including antibiotic-re
199 on-irrigated lands because of higher quality prey on irrigated lands, or earlier prey abundance may r
200 opulations to study the effects of different prey on standard metabolic rate and growth rate as well
201 it uptake might be delayed as other food and prey options for foxes are abundant.
202 f many animal species as they monitor moving prey or approaching dangers.
203 h IIV consumed a greater proportion of their prey or used less energy.
204 ll the animal in which direction a predator, prey, or the animal itself is moving.
205                        As a likely result of prey partitioning by body size and diet breadth, the com
206 (i.e. the diversity of host plants used) for prey partitioning.
207 en information gathering and exploitation of prey patches, and reveals for the first time that boldne
208 ance of trophic coherence in modelling local preying patterns in food webs.
209                                          The prey peptidase becomes covalently attached to the inhibi
210 ted D-amino acid modifications strengthening prey PG during Bdellovibrio invasion, and a zonal mode o
211 mate-associated shifts in growing seasons or prey phenology, which may occur at different rates acros
212  describe a predator-prey model in which the prey population growth depends on a prey density-depende
213          Risk effects can strongly influence prey populations and cascade through trophic systems.
214                   If this pattern continues, prey populations could be reduced to a point where tool-
215                                 Predator and prey populations diversify rapidly leading to higher pre
216 icate a northward range shift in right whale prey, potentially resulting in decreased prey availabili
217 compared two-species systems (virus-host and prey-predator) with a more complex three-species system
218 ng both approach and avoidance in a predator-prey predicted manner across taxonomically distant speci
219 pproach and avoidance behavior in a predator-prey predicted manner.
220  of a cubozoan predator on their zooplankton prey, predominantly Copepoda, Pleocyemata, Dendrobranchi
221 d opposite associations with temperature and prey proxies, suggesting distinct seasonal niche separat
222                                 In contrast, prey pursuit was mediated by projections to the midbrain
223 he evolution of a microecology from a killer-prey relationship to coexistence using two different non
224  our experimental approach to study predator-prey relationships in taxa that do not lend themselves t
225 aternary period, whereas the size of drilled prey remained stable.
226  We conclude that BV's search for individual prey remains random, as suggested in the literature, but
227 many cycles of prey injection and subsequent prey removal can be carried out.
228 ons and demonstrate potential effects on the prey reproductive biology.
229  non-lethal risk cues differentially impeded prey reproductive success that varied by clone, suggesti
230 lions, dire wolves, and coyotes competed for prey resources at Rancho La Brea (RLB).
231  and the extent to which predators partition prey resources.
232  perceived as being safe or risky influenced prey responses as avoidance behaviour in prey depended o
233 t intra-specific genetic variation underlies prey responses to consumptive and non-consumptive effect
234 er warming, demonstrating decoupled consumer-prey responses.
235 ay have affected the distribution of dolphin prey, resulting in the temporary emigration of dolphins
236            These were once reliable cues for prey-rich waters, but climate change and industrial fish
237   Second, the dragonfly assesses whether the prey's angular size and speed co-vary within a privilege
238 sitively detect prey and forecast its mobile prey's future position on the basis of previously detect
239 ult for predators to anticipate or learn the prey's likely response [3-6].
240 hat mothers prolonged care during periods of prey scarcity, supporting the resource limitation hypoth
241                                        Birds preyed selectively upon large-bodied caterpillars (reduc
242 ing mean caterpillar length by 12%) and ants preyed selectively upon small-bodied caterpillars (incre
243 g an initial predation-delay at the predator-prey-serum interface.
244                    Because both predator and prey shift their distributions in response to changing o
245                                         Mean prey size and dietary prey-size breadth were larger on i
246 Sam Roi Yot National Park, Thailand, reduces prey size and prey abundance, with more pronounced effec
247 parasitized varied with leopard sex and age, prey size and vulnerability, vegetation, elevation, clim
248 ey enter a feedback loop - driving shellfish prey size down with attendant changes in the tool sizes
249      We hypothesize that increasing predator-prey size ratios reflect increases in prey abundance, pr
250  indicate a directional increase in predator-prey size ratios.
251                   Mean prey size and dietary prey-size breadth were larger on islands than mainlands,
252 d predation rates regardless of predator and prey sizes, although larger sea urchins were consumed on
253 rowth rate as well as the effects that early prey specialization may have on the ability to process o
254 lution of species, where the survival of the prey species is dependent on location (distance from the
255 triguing that conspicuous colour morphs of a prey species may be maintained at low frequencies alongs
256                         Counter-intuitively, prey species may benefit from habitat loss due to a rele
257 lf, while evoking avoidance responses in the prey species Mouse.
258 dicate that predators can strongly influence prey species sorting and spatial patterning in metacommu
259 ssisted foraging has also pushed many of our prey species to extinction or endangerment, a technology
260  potential for overlap of spiny dogfish with prey species was enhanced by warming, expanding their im
261 arming led to a decline in the proportion of prey species' range it occupied and caused a potential r
262         Lions (Panthera leo) feed on diverse prey species, a range that is broadened by their coopera
263 nds that act as chemical defenses in various prey species.
264 p an approach to simultaneously estimate the prey-specific attack rates and predator-specific interfe
265 itative nature of predator dependence can be prey-specific.
266 tor Caenorhabditis elegans and the bacterial prey Streptomyces, which have evolved a powerful defense
267 cle compared to their potential invertebrate prey suggest that fish fillet consumption is unlikely to
268                                         This prey switching behavior attenuated an iconic predator-pr
269 n may be reinforced by the elevated costs of prey switching, thus promoting the process of resource s
270 test this hypothesis in a microbial predator-prey system and show that the bacterial growth-defense t
271 ; larger heads are more suited to the larger prey taken, and disproportionately larger heads allow th
272 argue that leopards may select smaller-sized prey than predicted by optimal foraging theory, to balan
273                                              Prey that do not elicit takeoff generally fail at least
274  sorting by (1) preferentially consuming one prey, thereby acting as a strong local environmental dri
275 se olfactory mimicry to attract its nematode prey through the olfactory neurons in C. elegans and rel
276 re used by predators to localize prey and by prey to avoid predators.
277 on for several seconds, (iv) waiting for the prey to enter the mouth, and (v) closing the mouth and e
278  filter too coarse will allow suitably sized prey to pass unintercepted, whereas a filter too fine wi
279               Predators must find and subdue prey to survive and reproduce, whereas prey must avoid p
280 sieves called baleen to capture enough small prey to sustain their enormous size [1].
281      Ants often walk backwards to drag large prey to their nest.
282 these effects are contingent on predator and prey traits that may change with environmental condition
283 body size and diet breadth, as well as other prey traits, may represent key predictors of the strengt
284 ) interaction strengths should decrease with prey trophic level.
285  landscapes with one predator, two competing prey, two patch resource types, and localized dispersal
286             We found a significant effect of prey type on standard metabolic rate and growth rate.
287 ion may have on the ability to process other prey types efficiently.
288 re more likely to respond to the presence of prey under artificial light at night when olfactory pred
289  and (v) closing the mouth and engulfing the prey underwater (Figure 1A-F, Movie S1 in Supplemental I
290                          Whales caught their prey using a series of coordinated movements: (i) liftin
291 attacks, sailfish alternate in attacking the prey using their elongated bills to slash or tap the pre
292 ictive takeoff ensure flights begin with the prey visually fixated and directly overhead-the key para
293 on of a reinforced circular port-hole in the prey wall, L,D-transpeptidaseBd-mediated D-amino acid mo
294 illuminate dynamic changes that predator and prey walls go through during the different phases of bac
295 y for accurately positioning lethal bites on prey, was mediated by a central amygdala projection to t
296 nsume termites, but presumably prefer larger prey, went extinct on the islands.
297 eptoparasitized at lower temperatures and if prey were larger, not hoisted, and in areas where the ri
298 ived from the Lotka-Volterra model (Predator-Prey), where by the microwave mode of the resonator is t
299 ria biases interception flights to catchable prey, while the head movements and the predictive takeof
300 t of its takeoff to a prediction of when the prey will cross the zenith.

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