


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 -terminal kinase as well as the formation of primitive endoderm.
2 uires a signal(s) secreted from the adjacent primitive endoderm.
3  inducing these embryonal carcinoma cells to primitive endoderm.
4 diating differentiation of P19 stem cells to primitive endoderm.
5 inase C, MAP kinase, and cell progression to primitive endoderm.
6 ontrol of phospholipase C and progression to primitive endoderm.
7 ein kinase C, MAP kinase, and progression to primitive endoderm.
8 l differentiation of their trophectoderm and primitive endoderm.
9 ively block morphogen-induced progression to primitive endoderm.
10 profile characteristic of either epiblast or primitive endoderm.
11 oliferation as well as a conspicuous lack of primitive endoderm.
12 se genes determines whether the cells become primitive endoderm.
13 divisions are strongly biased toward forming primitive endoderm.
14  and two extraembryonic, the trophoblast and primitive endoderm.
15 in the subset of ICM cells that comprise the primitive endoderm.
16 s ES cells to selectively differentiate into primitive endoderm.
17 repression upon ES cell differentiation into primitive endoderm.
18 NK cascade, thereby stimulating formation of primitive endoderm.
19 catenin-sensitive promoter, and formation of primitive endoderm.
20 ause F9 embryonic teratocarcinoma cells form primitive endoderm after stable transfection of Frizzled
21 future body, whereas others develop into the primitive endoderm, an extraembryonic tissue.
22 adenylylcyclase but abolished progression to primitive endoderm and activation of phospholipase C.
23            We show that interactions between primitive endoderm and adjacent embryonic ectoderm or na
24 because they are incapable of giving rise to primitive endoderm and have a high propensity for neural
25 se in expression causes differentiation into primitive endoderm and mesoderm.
26 e embryogenesis GATA-4 is expressed first in primitive endoderm and then in definitive endoderm deriv
27 fically, miR-93 localizes to differentiating primitive endoderm and trophectoderm of the blastocyst.
28 evelopment of both extra-embryonic lineages, primitive endoderm and trophectoderm, but not the embryo
29 e distinct populations: the inner cell mass, primitive endoderm and trophectoderm.
30 l lineages in the blastocyst: trophectoderm, primitive endoderm, and epiblast.
31                                          The primitive endoderm arises from the inner cell mass durin
32 scription factor Nanog and the expression of primitive endoderm-associated genes Gata6, Gata4, Sox17
33    Dab2 expression was first observed in the primitive endoderm at E4.5, immediately following implan
34 unmanipulated embryos until the epiblast and primitive endoderm became distinct.
35 nown to be required for specification of the primitive endoderm, but its role in polarisation of this
36 as also required for the displacement of the primitive endoderm by definitive endoderm.
37                    Interestingly, functional primitive endoderm can be rescued in Oct4-deficient embr
38 or caused a loss of expression of markers of primitive endoderm cell fate and maintenance of the plur
39 ised epithelial cells and express markers of primitive endoderm cell fate.
40                                          The primitive endoderm cells and the derived parietal and vi
41 ta1 integrin-null blastocysts and found that primitive endoderm cells are present but segregate away
42  embryos deficient of Disabled-2 (Dab2), the primitive endoderm cells lose the ability to position on
43 is abundantly expressed in trophectoderm and primitive endoderm cells of human blastocyst-stage embry
44                         This data shows that primitive endoderm cells of the outer layer of embryoid
45 blastocyst comprises epiblast progenitor and primitive endoderm cells of which cognate embryonic (mES
46 eta1 integrin-null embryoid bodies, in which primitive endoderm cells segregated and appeared as mini
47 a cells undergo differentiation to embryonic primitive endoderm cells, accompanied by a reduction in
48                         The formation of the primitive endoderm covering the inner cell mass of early
49 nomously required for the differentiation of primitive endoderm derivatives, as long as an appropriat
50           Here, we investigate a key step in primitive endoderm development, the acquisition of apico
51 eratocarcinoma cells, a model of epiblast-to-primitive endoderm differentiation, confirmed the epibla
52         Furthermore, sodium vanadate induced primitive endoderm differentiation, even in the inner ce
53 rly activity in the blastocyst is to support primitive endoderm differentiation.
54 t into ES cells induced Nanog repression and primitive endoderm differentiation.
55 estigate the function of this pathway in the primitive endoderm, embryoid bodies were cultured in the
56 n kinase C, MAP kinase and no progression to primitive endoderm, even in the presence of retinoic aci
57 chimeric embryos composed of nodal-deficient primitive endoderm fail to develop rostral neural struct
58 gnaling and show that exogenous FGF4 rescues primitive endoderm formation and trophectoderm prolifera
59 ty of the morphogen retinoic acid to promote primitive endoderm formation from mouse P19 embryonal ca
60 noic acid to induce either JNK activation or primitive endoderm formation in P19 stem cells.
61 in-sensitive transcription, and promotion of primitive endoderm formation in response to Wnt3a.
62 gnal linkage map from Galpha13 activation to primitive endoderm formation in these stem cells require
63 her Xenopus Wnt-5a or Wnt-8 was used to test primitive endoderm formation of F9 stem cells.
64                                              Primitive endoderm formation stimulated by Wnt-8 acting
65                       The overall pathway to primitive endoderm formation was shown to be inhibited b
66 sed to investigate the signaling upstream of primitive endoderm formation.
67 ed signaling from Q226L Galpha13 to JNK1 and primitive endoderm formation.
68 ation of Lef-Tcf-sensitive transcription and primitive endoderm formation.
69 role in the retinoic acid-induced pathway to primitive endoderm formation.
70 ic G-protein G(13) mediates the formation of primitive endoderm from mouse P19 embryonal carcinoma ce
71 ultures, including CXCR4(+) cells, expressed primitive endoderm genes.
72                     Strikingly, as seen with primitive endoderm, Ihh can respecify prospective neural
73 a2/FOXA2, which we show is restricted to the primitive endoderm in both human and mouse embryos.
74 ogen retinoic acid promotes the formation of primitive endoderm in mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cells as
75                             The formation of primitive endoderm in response to retinoic acid also cou
76 Tcf-sensitive transcription and formation of primitive endoderm in response to the morphogen.
77                     Blocking Ihh function in primitive endoderm inhibits activation of hematopoiesis
78 tic specification to position the liver, and primitive endoderm is competent to form liver on both si
79                              We propose that primitive endoderm is responsible for the initial induct
80 Fbeta-related growth factor expressed in the primitive endoderm, is critical for patterning of the an
81                           Sox17, a marker of primitive endoderm, is not detected following prolonged
82 ates detached from the core spheroids, and a primitive endoderm layer failed to form on the surface.
83                         The formation of the primitive endoderm layer on the surface of the inner cel
84 ually polarise, and formation of a polarised primitive endoderm layer requires the Fgf receptor/Erk s
85 egrin is essential for the attachment of the primitive endoderm layer to the epiblast during the form
86 yer is responsible for the failure to form a primitive endoderm layer.
87 f-renewal, and promotes differentiation into primitive endoderm-like cells under normal feeder-free c
88 the future embryo, but instead belong to the primitive endoderm lineage and will be displaced by defi
89 ficient for differentiation of the essential primitive endoderm lineage from embryonic stem cells.
90 a proximodistal asymmetry established in the primitive endoderm lineage.
91 ied in silico precursors of the epiblast and primitive endoderm lineages and revealed a role for MCRS
92 ribute to the extraembryonic trophoblast and primitive endoderm lineages but are excluded from the ep
93 show that a consistent ratio of epiblast and primitive endoderm lineages is achieved through incremen
94 rmation and specification of epiblast versus primitive endoderm lineages using conditional genetic de
95  of parthenogenesis on the trophectoderm and primitive endoderm lineages.
96                               Also, GATA4, a primitive endoderm marker, was expressed by these cells.
97 RhoA mutant was able to promote formation of primitive endoderm, mimicking expression of the constitu
98 yonic endoderm stem (XEN) cells resemble the primitive endoderm of the blastocyst, which normally giv
99            Initially Hex is expressed in the primitive endoderm of the implanting blastocyst but by 5
100 epiblast whereas Cryptic is expressed in the primitive endoderm of the late blastocyst and the viscer
101 e Pgk-Pem ES cells do not differentiate into primitive endoderm or embryonic ectoderm, which are prom
102 , apparently in response to signals from the primitive endoderm or the extraembryonic mesoderm [1,2].
103 urface of cell aggregates and fail to form a primitive endoderm outer layer in the embryoid bodies.
104 ls of the inner cell mass (ICM) develop into primitive endoderm (PE) at the surface, while deeper cel
105 he inner cell mass (ICM), and for repressing primitive endoderm (PE) development.
106 e from outer trophectoderm (TE) and internal primitive endoderm (PE) in the blastocyst and subsequent
107 ll mass (ICM), followed by epiblast (EPI) or primitive endoderm (PE) specification within the ICM.
108 ct4 is first required for development of the primitive endoderm (PE), an extraembryonic lineage.
109 , which will form the new organism, from the primitive endoderm (PE), which will form the yolk sac, i
110                                          The primitive endoderm (PE)-associated transcription factor
111  gene down-regulation and differentiation to primitive endoderm (PE); however, the underlying mechani
112 pression of Gsalpha provokes, progression to primitive endoderm, permitting identification of the eff
113 re-implantation development, extra-embryonic primitive endoderm (PrE) and pluripotent epiblast precur
114                                 Cells of the primitive endoderm (PrE) and the pluripotent epiblast (E
115  decision between the epiblast (Epi) and the primitive endoderm (PrE) fate that occurs in the mammali
116 by-stage analysis of EPI and extra-embryonic primitive endoderm (PrE) formation during preimplantatio
117  emergence of pluripotent epiblast (EPI) and primitive endoderm (PrE) lineages within the inner cell
118  are critical to specify the epiblast versus primitive endoderm (PrE) lineages.
119                 Since VE is derived from the primitive endoderm (PrE) of the blastocyst, and PrE-deri
120 ) is the key signal driving specification of primitive endoderm (PrE) versus pluripotent epiblast (EP
121 entiate into the pluripotent epiblast or the primitive endoderm (PrE), marked by the transcription fa
122 EPI), which forms the embryo proper, and the primitive endoderm (PrE), which forms extra-embryonic yo
123 the inner cell mass and the formation of the primitive endoderm (PrE).
124  comprising two lineages: epiblast (Epi) and primitive endoderm (PrE).
125 wo extra-embryonic lineages: trophoblast and primitive endoderm (PrE).
126 lineages: the pluripotent epiblast (EPI) and primitive endoderm (PrE).
127  (ICM) can be specified in epiblast (Epi) or primitive endoderm (PrE).
128 he extraembryonic trophectoderm (TE) and the primitive endoderm (PrE).
129 contain precursors of the epiblast (Epi) and primitive endoderm (PrEn) lineages.
130  embryoid bodies with elevated levels of the primitive endoderm progenitor marker Gata4 and a strongl
131  is established by interaction with anterior primitive endoderm rather than primitive streak derivati
132  We now show that Indian hedgehog (Ihh) is a primitive endoderm-secreted signal that alone is suffici
133                                   Therefore, primitive endoderm signaling is a critical early determi
134                                Surprisingly, primitive endoderm signals can respecify anterior (prosp
135  lethality due to the disorganization of the primitive endoderm, the first epithelium in early embryo
136 of Cdkn1a (p21) and Cdkn1c (p57), and in the primitive endoderm, they prevent differentiation by main
137 genetically, whereas their trophectoderm and primitive endoderm tissues were derived from the tetrapl
138 t are derived from the trophectoderm and the primitive endoderm upon reintroduction to the blastocyst
139 F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells to progress to primitive endoderm via activation of protein kinase C an
140 ve transcription as well as the formation of primitive endoderm was accompanied by the stabilization
141                       Expression of Cxcr4 in primitive endoderm was confirmed in visceral endoderm of
142 onic teratocarcinoma stem (F9 stem) cells to primitive endoderm was explored using probes of the mito

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