


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1     Our results indicate that Giardia is not primitively amitochondrial and that it has retained a fu
2 strongly suggests that microsporidia are not primitively amitochondriate and makes feasible an evolut
3 s, it has been suggested that pelobionts are primitively amitochondriate and may represent the earlie
4 rosporidia as chief candidates for an extant primitively amitochondriate eukaryote group.
5 We infer that the ancestor of Euprimates was primitively an arboreal grasper adapted for terminal bra
6 on along the evolutionary trajectory between primitively and advanced eusocial species, which have, r
7  also cast doubt on the idea that Giardia is primitively asexual, but so far there has been no direct
8 ividing the family in two discrete groups of primitively cryptic and more derived aposematic frogs.
9 ring, and in mantises that are thought to be primitively deaf.
10                                   Helpers in primitively eusocial and cooperatively breeding animal s
11 accommodates data from acorn woodpeckers and primitively eusocial bees potentially can account for ma
12 ts to isolate caste-associated miRNAs in the primitively eusocial bumblebee Bombus terrestris.
13                                              Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to i
14 roup size and per capita brood production in primitively eusocial insects and why only one of the fiv
15                                 In contrast, primitively eusocial insects, such as halictid bees, pro
16 rated evolution specific to either highly or primitively eusocial lineages, respectively.
17 elpers in a classic social insect model, the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes dominulus.
18 this idea by studying gene expression in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes metricus.
19                              Colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata consist of
20           Here I show that in the lamprey, a primitively jawless (agnathan) fish that is a sister gro
21                              In species that primitively lack sex combs, Scr expression shows little
22                The idea that some eukaryotes primitively lacked mitochondria and were true intermedia
23 cartilages are serially homologous, and were primitively patterned dorsoventrally by a common Dlx blu
24  fishes, and indicate that jawed vertebrates primitively possessed a lateral line placode-derived sys
25 spite having a derived limb endoskeleton and primitively small, muscularly supported pelvis.
26 e is similar to that observed in a number of primitively social bee species [5].
27                                              Primitively, the legs developed as direct outgrowths of
28 cic expression of Scr is also present in the primitively wingless firebrat (Thysanura) and the leg pa

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