


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 at bound RNA motifs nearby and in the Drosha processing site.
2 coded by daaP codons 49-51 downstream of the processing site.
3 ncoded by the region of daaP upstream of the processing site.
4  1E1 also reacted with peptides spanning the processing site.
5 frame, designated daaP, which flanks the daa processing site.
6  flexibility than by the conformation of the processing site.
7 re-specific signals at the earliest possible processing site.
8  polypeptide was identified flanking the daa processing site.
9 ith a mutation near the putative proteolytic processing site.
10 ide with the Gly(-2)-Gly(-1) sequence at the processing site.
11 23K polypeptide that contained a lipoprotein processing site.
12 by a ruler mechanism anchored at the primary processing site.
13 r the protein in the SQ state of the quinone processing site.
14 phobic trough and the C-terminal proteolytic processing site.
15 laced at unique positions surrounding the 3'-processing site.
16 oteolytic cleavage of AgrD at its C-terminal processing site.
17 s in vitro at a known in vivo gamma2 gamma2' processing site.
18 and cleaves only the C-terminal proTGF-alpha processing site.
19 east genes were analyzed to find probable 3'-processing sites.
20 putative pheromone sequence bordered by Kex2 processing sites.
21 ults confirm the specificity of endoprotease-processing sites.
22 7/p1 (P2 residue Ala to Val) gag proteolytic processing sites.
23 g the possibility of sequential unfolding of processing sites.
24 unts than transcripts that were not close to processing sites.
25 he appropriate dibasic or monobasic cleavage processing sites.
26 ition a mobile loop in the vicinity of these processing sites.
27 are 3808 are unique motifs, many residing in processing sites.
28 aining nuclear bodies may be miRNA precursor processing sites.
29 een semiquinones and Ndelta in other quinone-processing sites.
30 , compared to control sets of widely used 3'-processing sites.
31 mapping G-quadruplexes in the context of RNA processing sites.
32 tudying G-quadruplexes in the context of RNA processing sites.
33 G-quadruplexes, of which 54,252 are near RNA processing sites.
34  for their apparent counter selection in RNA processing sites.
35 sive effort to study G-quadruplexes near RNA processing sites.
36 ocessing at dibasic and monobasic prohormone-processing sites.
37 rRNA processing intermediates with 5-ends at processing site A2 in the internal transcribed spacer 1
38                         The mutant with both processing sites abolished had 10% of the activity of wi
39 the three terminal base pairs, including the processing site adjacent to the conserved CA.
40 is of the N terminus of VirB1* localized the processing site after amino acid 172 of VirB1.
41 phosphoserine-15 form of p53 at presumed DNA processing sites after the induction of DNA breaks.
42 the rapid transfer of experimental data to a processing site allow efficient use of the facility and
43     The conservation of TETD downward arrowG processing sites among insect effector caspases, includi
44 process the trnD transcript at the normal 3' processing site and displayed a lower level of expressio
45 cted mutations within a predicted C-terminal processing site and mutants with C-terminal deletions fu
46 ereby initial cleavage within ITS2 at the C2 processing site and termination of subsequent exonucleas
47 ccessible database that catalogs putative 3'-processing sites and 3'-UTR sequences for multiple organ
48                                          The processing sites and a disulfide bridge between the 18-
49 e to CTLs: a paucity of predicted proteasome processing sites and an enrichment for amino acids that
50  differential utilization of typical dibasic processing sites and atypical processing sites C-termina
51 ta support a model in which the selection of processing sites and the order of precursor processing a
52 hain lengths determined according to deduced processing sites and with relaxin-like cross-links.
53 , CPAMD8 contains a signal sequence, an RXXR processing site, and a thioester motif.
54              Endosomes are highly active APP processing sites, and endosome anomalies associated with
55 nsistent with the lack of the internal HCF-1 processing sites, and exhibits a predominantly nuclear l
56 ein, contains multiple consensus proteolytic processing sites, and functions efficiently in the assem
57 ) fusion proteins containing a natural RT/IN processing site are cleaved by the viral protease and (i
58 m nor the sequence of the mature rRNA at the processing sites are required for processing.
59 the possibility of additional ADAMTS-cleaved processing sites are unknown.
60  addition to two previously identified furin-processing sites (Arg74 downward arrow and Arg287 downwa
61 ic motif, reminiscent of furin-like protease processing sites, as the Ebo-GP cleavage site.
62 2 processes pro-Mch2alpha at three aspartate processing sites (Asp23, Asp179, and Asp193) to produce
63 ctive conformation of human proinsulin, both processing sites assume positions that are relatively fa
64 at MT6-MMP cleaves not only the known MT-MMP-processing site at Asn(66)-Leu but also the previously u
65  in the mature AGPR domain revealed a second processing site at position -20.
66 is revealed Lys(147) to be an intramolecular processing site at which cleavage is required for full a
67 unique motifs were identified in human miRNA processing sites, binding to which could inhibit miRNA m
68 duction of bioactive opioids occurred in all processing site blockade mutants examined; these results
69                         Known alternative 3'-processing sites, both within the 3'-untranslated region
70       Analysis of the complete set of 3'-end-processing sites by means of a discrimination function s
71 f cleavage of mono- and paired-basic residue processing sites by YAP3p was determined in vitro for a
72 ypical dibasic processing sites and atypical processing sites C-terminal to leucine residues.
73                   The lack of an apparent 3'-processing site calls into question the validity of some
74  amino acids Tyr, Met, and Leu suggests that processing sites can be placed into two groups and that
75 ll structure with the N-terminal proteolytic processing site close to the C-terminal glycosyl phospha
76 mary processing is ordered, with the primary processing site closest to the C-terminal end of MSP1 be
77 d to drive the formation of gene promoter-3' processing site contacts through the cleavage stimulatio
78 ignals, a set of 1352 unique pre-mRNA 3'-end-processing sites, corresponding to 861 different genes,
79  peptide (cox2-20) or the leader peptide and processing site (cox2-21) without altering either the pr
80                     Mutations at or near the processing site did not affect protein stability or pack
81 ily members reveals two non-equivalent furin processing sites differentiated by the presence of eithe
82 defined sites is in fact required for proper processing, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to b
83 To determine whether this ORF is involved in processing, site-directed mutagenesis was used to genera
84 ate five residues from the presumed prepilin processing site eliminated this autoregulation, as did a
85  the sequence and structure changes from the processing site for both enzymes.
86   N-terminal sequencing revealed the typical processing site for cysteine proteases of the papain fam
87 uires an intact lipoprotein modification and processing site for full activity.
88 ure and specific contacts with the viral DNA processing site for inhibition by integrase inhibitors.
89 myelin basic protein, MBP(85-99)--contains a processing site for the cysteine protease asparagine end
90     HopK1 is processed in planta at the same processing site found in AvrRps4.
91                                Promoters and processing sites have not been maintained in identical p
92 nslation through RNA located upstream of the processing site; however, processing did not depend on t
93 A in an unprocessed state by blocking the 5'-processing site, impeding an early step in the pathway.
94 TS) leader segment upstream from the primary processing site in 47S pre-rRNA.
95 d in the extract were cleaved at the histone processing site in a reaction which was dependent both o
96                   We mapped an Mpl-dependent processing site in ActA between amino acid residues 207
97 r than peptide NF derived from the major MMP-processing site in aggrecan.
98  position -21 to +18 surrounding the natural processing site in pre-tRNA substrates.
99           The Asp-X sequence at the putative processing site in proIGIF suggests that a protease such
100 he sequences around the Kex2 endoproteolytic processing site in the expressed fusion protein can comp
101 e uncovered a novel functionally relevant PC processing site in the N-terminal part of the pro-domain
102 receding Ala38 serves as a posttranslational processing site in the PTHrP precursor, 2) to determine
103  results indicate that: 1) Arg37 is indeed a processing site in the PTHrP precursor; 2) three distinc
104  the vicinity of the KEX2-like endopeptidase processing site in the XPR2 pro-region might play a crit
105                                          The processing site in Vif was characterized both in vivo an
106 ted to slower cleavage at the A0, A1, and A2 processing sites in 35S pre-rRNA, delayed processing of
107                         Multiple proteolytic processing sites in Glass bottom boat (Gbb), the Drosoph
108 includes the 5.8S region and its surrounding processing sites in ITS1 and ITS2.
109 sition and locations of QGRS relative to the processing sites in the pre-mRNA sequence, QGRS Mapper f
110 trained in its ability to cleave some of the processing sites in the precursor.
111 elp to explain the location of the secondary processing sites in the pro-domains of the PC family, an
112 te ore from Libby, Montana, occurred in many processing sites in the United States, including a dense
113 own to undergo ADAM17 shedding and where the processing sites included Ser/Thr residues within +/- 4
114 dicted sites with experimentally verified 3'-processing sites indicates good agreement.
115  groove two or three nucleotides from the 3'-processing site inhibited both 3'-processing and strand
116 yzes site-specific hydrolysis at an internal processing site (IPS) after a G residue that immediately
117  whereas an RKPL peptide representing the Gc processing site is cleaved at negligible levels.
118 how that an RRLL peptide representing the Gn processing site is efficiently cleaved by SKI-1 protease
119  a hexahistidine tag, we determined that the processing site is likely to be between residues D304 an
120                       Interestingly, the Vif processing site is located in a domain that is highly co
121           The putative substrate binding and processing site is located on the face of the beta-helix
122 also had a promoter, but the fdxH gene had a processing site just upstream of the gene.
123 ial transcription start points or transcript processing sites located at positions -727, -545, -208,
124  presence of a dibasic protease (Kex2/furin) processing site motif 6-8 residues upstream from the LAP
125 urthermore, substitution of other classes of processing site motifs did not perturb DCG structure or
126 ed the extent to which each of the HIV-1 Gag processing sites must be cleaved by substituting the P1-
127  activity previously described for IN at the processing site near viral DNA termini.
128 cessed into at least five shorter RNAs using processing sites near known functional elements of C/D b
129                 Replacement of the secondary processing site, normally refractory to PfSUB1, with a P
130 cally significant, corresponding to protease processing sites observed in vivo.
131      The amino acid sequence surrounding the processing site of AvrRpt2 and two related sequences fro
132 single point mutation at the intramembranous processing site of Notch1, Val1,744-->Gly, resemble the
133 therwise double-stranded region at the Dicer processing site of pre-let-7g.
134 in 2 also cleaved a peptide derived from the processing site of presenilin 1, albeit with poor kineti
135 rom the C-terminus, predicted from the known processing site of the Paracoccus denitrificans oxidase,
136 d that they all start at Ser(11), the normal processing site of the subunit 6 precursor.
137                                 The expected processing site of this alpha-zein reveals a putative mu
138                We also explored the cellular processing sites of gamma-secretase for amyloid precurso
139 relative accessibilities of multiple dibasic processing sites of PE by peptide amide hydrogen-deuteri
140 guide RNAs specifically targeting biogenesis processing sites of selected microRNAs; and we find that
141 al bodies are believed to be the storage and processing sites of several ribonucleoproteins.
142 dentifying sRNA targets in vivo and defining processing sites of the regulated transcripts.
143 that disabled one or both of the interdomain processing sites of the zymogen.
144 cated 32 to 35 nucleotides downstream of the processing site on the H4, H2b, and H3 genes.
145 ovide evidence for the existence of distinct processing sites or modifications in the extracellular d
146 a peptide representing the HTLV-I retroviral processing site P19/24 (APQVLPVMHPHG) yielded Km and kca
147 while cleavage of a peptide representing the processing site P24/15 (KTKVLVVQPK) yielded Km and kcat
148 iral DNA +1 and -1 bases, which flank the 3'-processing site, play a critical role for 3'-processing
149 n the P3 positions of the two major internal processing sites, positions 143 and 209, in the mature H
150 Site-directed mutagenesis of the normal RKRR processing site prevented cleavage.
151 d transcripts and mapped the genome-wide RNA processing sites (PSSs) in a methanogenic archaeon.
152 MTS-9 zymogen has many proprotein convertase processing sites, pulse-chase analysis, site-directed mu
153  allele that disrupts a probable proteolytic processing site required for insulin maturation.
154  that changes in the position of the primary processing site result in extended or diminished maturat
155 omoter with either proximal or distal 3'-end processing sites, resulting in the synthesis of short an
156 ficiency (rnc) or a mutation in the RNaseIII processing site (rIII) located between NUTL and the begi
157 n nutL and nutR is the presence of RNase III processing sites (rIII) located immediately promoter dis
158 erated in vitro also serves to define the PR processing site separating the p2a and p2b peptides, Asn
159                        Replacing the natural processing site sequence (AHAY) with a good furin substr
160          A proper prodomain/catalytic domain processing site sequence is also required to free the ma
161 ate, Ac-RPLE-SNAV, which is identical to the processing site sequence, was cleaved at the E-S bond by
162 hose sequences were derived from the natural processing site sequences of HIV-1.
163            We found that mutating this major processing site (site 3) resulted in a form of proNGF th
164                                     Of these processing sites, site 3, adjacent to the N terminus of
165 yses showed that using Mn(2+) as a cofactor, processing site specificity of these substrates was also
166 so appeared to remove the P30 signal peptide processing site, suggesting a larger leader peptide than
167 splice acceptor site, and analysis of native processing sites suggests that selection of this site is
168 ition, the addition of specific neurological processing sites that correspond to each of the processe
169  of nascent transcripts cleaved at the early processing sites that generate the 20S precursor to the
170                            Downstream of the processing site, the fidelity of processing decreased in
171 aining multiple introns and many alternative processing sites, they are usually processed co-transcri
172 function in regulating recognition of 3'-end processing sites through competition with the Rna15 (yea
173 uted a methionine for an alanine at a likely processing site to allow selective chemical cleavage wit
174 ologous to mouse PPT-C and contains the same processing sites to generate predicted HK-1.
175 erential rates of cleavage at the five major processing sites to give characteristic processing inter
176  the amino acid sequence upstream of the KEX processing site, to study the fidelity of processing.
177 d from mouse testicular cells to identify 3'-processing sites used at various stages of spermatogenes
178                                 The specific processing site was determined and used to divide the pr
179                                  The caspase-processing site was mapped to aspartate-135 in the centr
180 city and reduced processing at the gag NC-p1 processing site was noted.
181                Finally, determination of the processing site was shown to involve its location relati
182 ursor RNA that included the upstream poly(A) processing site was used to test the hypothesis that non
183 een the X alpha T14 3' flank and upstream 3' processing sites, we have developed a modified oocyte as
184 published reports, mutations disrupting this processing site were present in 0.88% of subjects with e
185             With some constructs, a range of processing sites were apparent and the relative proporti
186              The polypeptide sequence at the processing site, which is highly conserved, adopts a spe
187 accumulated, suggesting a post-Golgi complex processing site, while the 16.5-kDa C-terminal intermedi
188 esponding to TNF-alpha and both proTGF-alpha processing sites, while the other lacks detectable TACE
189 amma inducing factor (IGIF) at the authentic processing site with high efficiency, thereby activating
190 stituting the P1-position amino acid at each processing site with Ile.
191 gate the structural properties of the 3' end processing site within the Moloney murine leukemia virus
192 lly abolished N-glycosylation or proteolytic processing sites within the NGF precursor.
193          Insertion of Dicer and Drosha RNase processing sites within the shRNA allows generation of s
194 A mutation that blocks cleavage at the MA/CA processing site (Y132I) displayed a strong transdominant
195                              Mutation of the processing site yields membrane-associated intermediate-

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