


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f the proNKB neurons were immunoreactive for prodynorphin.
2 evated GluR2 was accompanied by decreases in prodynorphin.
3 as c-fos, fos-related antigen-2 (fra-2), and prodynorphin.
4 s the opioid neuropeptide precursor protein, prodynorphin.
5 icotropin-releasing hormone, vasopressin, or prodynorphin.
6  in neural and cardiac tissues and represses prodynorphin and c-fos gene expression by binding to DNA
7  and regulates Ca2+-induced transcription of prodynorphin and c-fos genes.
8 ding protein that represses transcription of prodynorphin and c-fos genes.
9  of DREAM to DNA response elements (DREs) in prodynorphin and c-fos genes.
10 AM for specific DNA response elements in the prodynorphin and c-fos genes.
11 intake of the CHO diet resulted in levels of proDynorphin and Dynorphin A1-17 that were similar in th
12                           Immunolabeling for prodynorphin and enkephalin revealed numerous immunoposi
13          In addition, we examined two genes (prodynorphin and FK506 binding protein 5) that are stron
14          CFA also induced an upregulation of prodynorphin and neurokinin-1 (NK-1) in dorsal horn neur
15 duced phospho-ERK primarily colocalized with prodynorphin and NK-1 in superficial dorsal horn neurons
16 transcriptional regulation of genes, such as prodynorphin and NK-1.
17 ding to DNA to activate the transcription of prodynorphin and other downstream genes in pain control.
18                 There were no differences in proDynorphin and proEnkephalin mRNA levels in the ARC (0
19 ofluorescence to explore the distribution of prodynorphin and proNKB immunoreactivity in the rat hypo
20 alamic projections of fibers expressing both prodynorphin and proNKB provide evidence that these neur
21 othalamus where neuronal somata coexpressing prodynorphin and proNKB-immunoreactivity were identified
22 use and rat, including tyrosine hydroxylase, prodynorphin, and galanin.
23 localized in some puncta and fibers, but the prodynorphin antibody additionally labeled cell bodies.
24 n volunteers bearing the (T) allele of PDYN (prodynorphin) at rs1997794 showed reduced fear extinctio
25 date genes revealed by our screening, namely prodynorphin, BDNF, and MHC class I molecules, to the fa
26          Immunohistochemical analysis showed prodynorphin content increased in the nucleus accumbens
27 o study the basal and evoked release of this prodynorphin derived peptide in the spinal cord of ureth
28 NL induced a sustained release of endogenous prodynorphin-derived opioid peptides that activated an a
29              These observations suggest that prodynorphin-derived peptides have a much more pervasive
30 igators to contain perikarya that synthesize prodynorphin-derived peptides, except the pedunculoponti
31  LID, including overexpression of DeltaFosB, prodynorphin, dynorphin A, cyclin-dependent kinase 5, an
32 on, blocks swim stress-induced activation of prodynorphin (encodes dynorphin) in the NAc.
33 3 (SCA23) is caused by missense mutations in prodynorphin, encoding the precursor protein for the opi
34 s in the brain associated with inhibition of prodynorphin-expressing (Pdyn-expressing) and of proenke
35 ressor DREAM acts constitutively to suppress prodynorphin expression in spinal cord neurons.
36 onsistent with this result, mice lacking the prodynorphin gene did not show a stress-induced potentia
37 s have demonstrated that stress may increase prodynorphin gene expression, and kappa opioid agonists
38 esis, transgenic mice possessing a disrupted prodynorphin gene showed no increase in immobility or st
39                       Here, mice lacking the prodynorphin gene were studied for sensitivity to non-no
40                                              Prodynorphin-immunopositive cell bodies consisted of two
41                                Dynorphin and prodynorphin immunoreactivities colocalized in some punc
42 ts with an ShA history showed an increase in prodynorphin immunoreactivity in both the nucleus accumb
43                          The localization of prodynorphin immunoreactivity to pyramidal cells suggest
44 calized with and decreased the expression of prodynorphin in nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons,
45 al increases expression of pCREB, c-Fos, and prodynorphin in the superficial dorsal horn, changes tha
46 dditionally, we investigated whether arcuate prodynorphin-ir (immunoreactive) neurons expressed the n
47 cleus expressed NK3R, and nearly 100% of the prodynorphin-ir neurons contained nuclear ERalpha.
48               Interestingly, the majority of prodynorphin-ir neurons in the arcuate nucleus expressed
49                We found that the majority of prodynorphin-ir neurons in the rat arcuate nucleus expre
50                                              Prodynorphin is processed into the opioid peptides, alph
51                                              Prodynorphin knock-out (KO) mice had normal responses to
52          In addition, knock-out mice lacking prodynorphin, KOR, or G-protein receptor kinase 3 (GRK3)
53             Antibodies against dynorphin and prodynorphin labeled puncta and fibers in laminae I, II,
54 o true: 96% of neurons in the LHA containing prodynorphin mRNA also expressed prepro-orexin mRNA.
55 loss of the orexin neurons completely lacked prodynorphin mRNA in this area, further confirming that
56             Hypothalamic Dynorphin A1-17 and proDynorphin mRNA levels are stimulated by feeding a hig
57 O, ad libitum intake of Fat/Sucrose elevated proDynorphin mRNA levels in the arcuate and Dynorphin A1
58  real-time PCR was used to show that KOR and prodynorphin mRNA levels were decreased in the NAc, wher
59 ce and orexin knock-out mice showed abundant prodynorphin mRNA-expressing neurons in the LHA, but ore
60 expressing prepro-orexin mRNA also expressed prodynorphin mRNA.
61 brain regional levels of opioid peptides and prodynorphin mRNA.
62 in neurons are activated by fasting and that prodynorphin neurons restrain food intake during schedul
63                         In contrast, neither prodynorphin nor GRK3 knock-out mice showed U50,488 tole
64 tream regulatory element (DRE) of either the prodynorphin or c-fos genes.
65           Potential candidates may include a prodynorphin- or other opioid-like gene.
66 t to its origin as a duplication of either a prodynorphin- or proenkephalin-like gene.
67 id were also examined on mRNA expression for prodynorphin (PDYN) and kappa-opioid receptors (KORs) in
68                         These genes included prodynorphin (PDYN) and proenkephalin (PENK), among othe
69             Rodent models implicate amygdala prodynorphin (Pdyn) as a mediator of negative affect; ho
70                                    In human, prodynorphin (Pdyn) gene polymorphisms might be linked t
71  the relationship of genetic variants of the prodynorphin (PDYN) gene, which is enriched in the stria
72 ing mice with a targeted inactivation of the prodynorphin (Pdyn) gene.
73 strated significant increases in whole brain prodynorphin (Pdyn) mRNA in WSP mice only during EtOH wi
74       Because the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), prodynorphin (PDYN), and proenkephalin (PENK) genes cont
75 ndothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3), and prodynorphin (PDYN).
76 alized with a subset of preproenkephalin and prodynorphin positive spiny neurons within the dorsomedi
77                                          The prodynorphin-positive neurons in the dorsal horn were di
78                                              Prodynorphin (ProDYN) in the anterior pituitary gland ap
79                      Messenger RNA levels of ProDynorphin (proDYN), but not pro-opiomelanocortin (POM
80 ad libitum intake resulted in mRNA levels of proDynorphin, proEnkephalin and POMC, and Dynorphin A1-1
81 on of the same diet decreases mRNA levels of proDynorphin, proEnkephalin and POMC, as well as levels
82 f neuropeptides including those derived from prodynorphin, proenkephalin, proSAAS, and amyloid precur
83                                              Prodynorphin/proNKB fibers were also identified in the p
84             A dense plexus of double-labeled prodynorphin/proNKB-ir fibers was found within the arcua
85  and proopiomelanocortin, proenkephalin, and prodynorphin transcript levels in cortex, hippocampus, a
86              Axonal fibers immunolabeled for prodynorphin varied in size and were found in all lamina
87 ere was some colocalization of dynorphin and prodynorphin with CGRP and substance P, but not with iso
88 here was no co-localization of dynorphin (or prodynorphin) with enkephalin (or Phe-Arg-Met-enkephalin

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