


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat coexpress mesenchymal markers and may be profibrogenic.
2 gocytosis of apoptotic hepatocytes by HSC is profibrogenic.
3 sis of apoptotic bodies by stellate cells is profibrogenic.
4 s the most upstream component regulating the profibrogenic action of TGF-beta and suggest that inhibi
5 orming growth factor beta (TGF-beta)-induced profibrogenic actions by regulating the expression of TG
6 nipulation of Hh signaling demonstrated that profibrogenic actions of Rac1 were mediated by its abili
7 gen alpha1(I) messenger RNA, and blunting of profibrogenic activities of transforming growth factor b
8 ulatory properties of HSCs might promote the profibrogenic activity of B cells.
9 cultured in vitro, are a major target of the profibrogenic agent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF
10                       Here, we show that the profibrogenic agonist, transforming growth factor beta1,
11 iferative neoplasms, increased production of profibrogenic and angiogenic cytokines and related alter
12 ession of eosinophil-specific chemokines and profibrogenic and angiogenic mediators.
13 or wound repair, amplifies the expression of profibrogenic and chemokine transcripts, and appears up-
14 atrix proteins (fibronectin and collagen I), profibrogenic and proinflammatory factors (TGF-beta, con
15  peroxidase enzymes possess a well-conserved profibrogenic capacity to stimulate the migration of fib
16  attenuates hepatic inflammation and several profibrogenic changes in mice fed a Western diet.
17 1 led to elevated intrahepatic levels of the profibrogenic chemokine CCL3 and an increase in GFAP(+)
18 evations of alanine aminotransferase and the profibrogenic chemokine MCP-1 (CCL-2), greater viral div
19                               Interestingly, profibrogenic connective tissue growth factor was induce
20 ding HIV coinfection, including increases in profibrogenic cytokine expression and secretion, generat
21                  Here, we show that a potent profibrogenic cytokine TGF-beta1 significantly induced t
22  beta (TGF-beta) is an antiproliferative and profibrogenic cytokine that signals through a receptor c
23       Although TGFbeta is considered a major profibrogenic cytokine, local production of TGFbeta by H
24                                    Leptin, a profibrogenic cytokine, plays an important role in the d
25 ition, hepatic collagen gene expression, and profibrogenic cytokines (eg, transforming growth factor-
26 osis factor alpha, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1beta) and profibrogenic cytokines (IL-13), chemokines (CCL1, CCL2,
27 ting that hepatic PAR-2 activation increases profibrogenic cytokines and collagen production both in
28 of TGF-beta family genes, which are known as profibrogenic cytokines in the pathogenesis of pulmonary
29 tial and ability to secrete inflammatory and profibrogenic cytokines suggests they play an important
30 rcinogenesis and suppresses inclusion of the profibrogenic EDA exon in fibronectin 1.
31 himeric mice revealed that CCR1 mediates its profibrogenic effects in BM-derived cells, whereas CCR5
32 enous liver cells, whereas NOX2 mediates the profibrogenic effects in both endogenous liver cells and
33 imeric mice indicated that NOX1 mediates the profibrogenic effects in endogenous liver cells, whereas
34  BM-derived cells, whereas CCR5 mediates its profibrogenic effects in resident liver cells.
35 tment of fibrotic diseases and modulation of profibrogenic effects of TGF-beta.
36 relating this with the antiproliferative and profibrogenic effects of TGF-beta1.
37 intrinsic MMP activity does not constitute a profibrogenic event in the kidney.
38 2a, Saa3, S100a9, Nos2, Reg2, and Reg3g, and profibrogenic extracellular matrix genes Col1a1, Col1a2,
39       The gene encoding osteopontin (OPN), a profibrogenic extracellular matrix protein and cytokine,
40 er cancer cell growth that is induced by the profibrogenic factor leptin.
41       Conversely, scarring and levels of the profibrogenic factor TGF-beta1 were greatly reduced in G
42 mma (PPAR-gamma) and lower expression of the profibrogenic factor transforming growth factor beta1 (T
43                    TGF-beta, the most potent profibrogenic factor, acts by activating SMAD (mothers a
44 c inflammation induces production of various profibrogenic factors, progression to latter stages of n
45 f type I collagen, and reduces expression of profibrogenic factors.
46 at its genetic variant I148M potentiates the profibrogenic features of HSCs, providing a molecular me
47  with progenitor cell expansion, increase in profibrogenic gene expression and de novo collagen depos
48 reased concomitant with reduction of hepatic profibrogenic gene expression.
49 otensin II-mediated mitogenic signalling and profibrogenic gene expression.
50 s the expression of many proinflammatory and profibrogenic gene products in macrophages, and hence pl
51 ent of fibrosis with increased expression of profibrogenic genes as well as skewed M2 Mvarphi phenoty
52 ar attention to specific proinflammatory and profibrogenic genes that remain active at low levels of
53  collagen expression, and several additional profibrogenic genes, while also promoting cell death.
54 chestrates coordinated induction of multiple profibrogenic genes.
55 lved in positively influencing expression of profibrogenic genes.
56  number with a similar level of collagen and profibrogenic growth factor gene expression in mdx(5cv)-
57                    Leptin is recognized as a profibrogenic hormone in the liver, but the mechanisms i
58 usion, these results indicate that leptin is profibrogenic in activated HSCs and can signal via the J
59 the hypothesis that loss of BMP7 activity is profibrogenic in proximal tubular cells was tested.
60          The loss of BMP7 activity per se is profibrogenic in tubular cells.
61 initially dominated by the M1 phenotype, the profibrogenic M2 phenotype increases with disease progre
62  and to respond to the neurotransmitter in a profibrogenic manner.
63             HCV and HIV independently induce profibrogenic markers transforming growth factor beta-1
64 is mechanism is postulated to counterbalance profibrogenic mechanisms that follow V(2)O(5) injury.
65 th factor beta (TGF-beta) is the most potent profibrogenic mediator in liver fibrosis.
66 repair and tissue remodeling, release of the profibrogenic mediator TGF-beta2 was also measured.
67 ges to express proinflammatory cytokines and profibrogenic mediators (TIMP1 and type I collagen) at t
68 c disease via inhibition of the induction of profibrogenic mediators after acute or chronic oxidative
69                               A reduction in profibrogenic mediators, including transforming growth f
70  resulting in release of proinflammatory and profibrogenic mediators.
71 rminal kinase (JNK) is activated by multiple profibrogenic mediators; JNK activation occurs during to
72 iac fibroblasts are activated and exist in a profibrogenic microenvironment in allografts undergoing
73   CCL11 induced the up-regulation of several profibrogenic molecules such as fibroblast growth factor
74 2 during activation and after stimulation by profibrogenic molecules.
75 fter PHx resulted in strongly down-regulated profibrogenic mRNA, reduced serum ALT levels and improve
76 se in collagen synthesis and conversion to a profibrogenic myofibroblast phenotype.
77 n in CLD, especially for proinflammatory and profibrogenic non-classical CD14 + CD16+ monocytes.
78 ote hepatic fibrosis in mice and to induce a profibrogenic phenotype in human HSCs.
79 to create a microenvironment that promotes a profibrogenic phenotype through the induction of transfo
80                HIV accentuates an HCV-driven profibrogenic program in hepatocyte and hepatic stellate
81  CB2 receptor and explored its effect on the profibrogenic properties of IL-17.
82 ckdown of PNPLA3 significantly decreases the profibrogenic protein alpha-smooth muscle actin (P < 0.0
83 nctional regulator promoting either anti- or profibrogenic response, depending on milieu.
84 uced proinflammatory response but limits the profibrogenic response, regulating collagen production i
85           Inhibiting apoptosis decreased the profibrogenic response.
86 lymphocytes and elicit a proinflammatory and profibrogenic response.
87 ensin II and mediates angiotensin II-induced profibrogenic responses in primary rat mesangial cells.
88    OPN is Hh-regulated and directly promotes profibrogenic responses.
89 pidermal proliferation and homeostasis and a profibrogenic role for c-Rel in the skin, and identify a
90                                 However, the profibrogenic role of HIV on hepatocytes and hepatic ste
91 des a novel link between proinflammatory and profibrogenic signals.
92  isolated from wild-type (WT) mice were more profibrogenic than those from OPN knockout (Opn(-/-)) mi
93   CXCR4 receptor activation by SDF-1alpha is profibrogenic through its effects on HSC activation, fib
94 rtension and twofold to fourfold increase in profibrogenic transcripts Col1a1 [procollagen alpha1(I)]
95 eine-cysteine chemokine ligand 5 [CCL5]) and profibrogenic (transforming growth factor beta1, collage
96 rring properties, and is up-regulated by the profibrogenic type 2 cytokine IL-13.

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