


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  serine protease, Cupin, BetV1, Expansin and Prolamin).
2 y the identification of a new class of wheat prolamins.
3 isorder resulting from intolerance to cereal prolamins.
4 levels of 3.1% albumin, 0.3% globulins, 2.2% prolamin, 3.5% glutelin and 70.1% insoluble proteins.
5                                              Prolamin and resistance gene families are important in w
6 8 cM genetic interval and harboring multiple prolamin and resistance-like gene families, was analyzed
7          These non-syntenic genes, including prolamin and resistance-like genes, originated from vari
8 e protein, rice seeds use two major classes, prolamines and globulin-like glutelins.
9 g of RNAs that encode rice storage proteins, prolamines and glutelins to specific sub-domains of the
10 the storage proteins of rice (Oryza sativa), prolamines and glutelins, which are stored as inclusions
11 The presence of similar PSVs also containing prolamins and large systems of intravacuolar membranes i
12                                              Prolamines are retained in the ER lumen as protein bodie
13                                              Prolamins are proline-rich proteins occurring in cereal
14  youngest and largest gene family, the alpha prolamins, arose about 22-26 million years ago (Mya) aft
15                                          The prolamin box (P-box) is a highly conserved 7-bp sequence
16                                      A maize prolamin box (P-box)-binding factor (PBF-1) has been pur
17 dosperm-expressed DNA-binding proteins, PBF (prolamin box-binding factor) and OHP1 (O2-heterodimerizi
19 ters contain a conserved cis-element, called prolamin-box (P-box), recognized by the trans-activator
20 oned an endosperm-specific maize cDNA, named prolamin-box binding factor (PBF), that encodes a member
21 gliadins and gamma3-hordeins form a distinct prolamin branch that existed separate from the gamma-gli
22                            Degrading harmful prolamins can reduce their toxicity.
23           This previously unrecognized wheat prolamin class, given the name delta-gliadins, is the mo
24                 After 48 h of oxidation, the prolamin concentration of oxidised C-hordein decreased t
25 RNAs for the storage proteins, glutelins and prolamines, contain zipcode sequences, which target them
26                                              Prolamin-containing protein bodies in maize endosperm ar
27 this protein to be located at the surface of prolamin-containing protein bodies, similar to other gam
28  that confer toxicity to gliadin and related prolamins continue to be defined, as do methods of asses
29 76.4% reduction in the amount of immunogenic prolamins, demonstrating the possibility of developing w
30 imed to determine the amount of celiac-toxic prolamin epitopes in quinoa cultivars from different reg
31                                              Prolamin extraction was performed using 70% (v/v) ethano
32 hermore, it was found that peptides from the prolamin fraction were characterised by the highest anti
33 n subunits were not observed in globulin and prolamin fractions.
34  albumin, globulin, glutein-1, glutein-2 and prolamin fractions.
35 adable and low-cost material such as zein, a prolamin from maize, and in combination with glycerol as
36 s been constructed for maize inbred B73, all prolamin gene copies can be identified in their chromoso
37 d genes allow us to identify the pedigree of prolamin gene copies in space and time.
38                 The first dispersal of alpha prolamin gene copies occurred before the split of the pr
39                         Here we analyzed its prolamin gene family, encoding the major seed storage pr
40       Presence and absence of CpG islands in prolamin gene sequences was studied as a hallmark of hyp
41 lly interact with the P-box present in maize prolamin genes (zeins).
42             Unlike in Brachypodium, inserted prolamin genes have rapidly evolved and expanded to enco
43 stand the structure and expression of cereal prolamin genes is demonstrated by the identification of
44                              Among the wheat prolamins important for its end-use traits, alpha-gliadi
45                               Dissolving the prolamins in glacial acetic acid apparently enabled prot
46                                              Prolamins of wheat, barley and rye, or gluten protein, c
47 oteins and similar alcohol-soluble proteins (prolamines) of barley and rye in genetically susceptible
48 gluten and similar alcohol-soluble proteins (prolamines) of barley and rye in genetically susceptible
49 the C-hordein to be analysed as its oxidised prolamin product.
50  distinct from that observed in glutelin and prolamin promoters.
51 d that gamma-zeins play an important role in prolamin protein body assembly.
52                     C-hordein is a monomeric prolamin protein in barley.
53 rther applied for the modification of cereal prolamin proteins, since it appears to be a potential al
54 Our analysis indicates that the insertion of prolamin-related genes occurred prior to the separation
55                                   Zeins, the prolamin storage proteins found in maize (Zea mays), acc
56                  Zeins, the maize (Zea mays) prolamin storage proteins, accumulate at very high level
57 es, the bulk of amino acids is stored in the prolamin superfamily that specifically accumulates in se
58        The latter proteins, belonging to the prolamin superfamily, are mostly involved in baker's ast
59               Millet protein was composed of prolamines that showed a significant difference in surfa
60 ection of aptamers for these water insoluble prolamins that was achieved choosing the immunodominant
61 t from the Andes, with low concentrations of prolamins, that has been recommended as part of a gluten
62        The input (starting peptide digest of prolamins), the flow-through (unbound peptides), and the
63  high specificity, detecting the other three prolamins toxic for celiac patients and not showing cros
64                                              Prolamins were the predominant protein components in the
65  Mechanisms responsible for the retention of prolamines within the ER lumen and their assembly into i
66 , starchy endosperm with a reduced amount of prolamin (zein) proteins and twice the lysine content of

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