


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ue to their small size and capacity to 'self-propel'.
2 tracting, on average, 80 times per minute to propel 8000 liters of blood through body tissues each da
3      Factors secreted by breast cancer cells propel a cascade of events that trigger osteoclastogenes
4 onality and prediction, two factors that are propelling a revolution in engineering.
5 ss of materials that are hybrid in nature is propelling a technological revolution in energy, touchin
6 the active site into the larger motions that propel actin at fast speeds.
7 d the ability of the reconstituted myosin to propel actin filament sliding using the in vitro motilit
8 to PtdIns(4,5)P2 in fluid-lipid bilayers can propel actin filaments in an unloaded motility assay, it
9 P]-velocity relationship of heavy-meromyosin-propelled actin filaments in the in vitro motility assay
10  flexural rigidity of heavy meromyosin (HMM)-propelled actin filaments is similar (without phalloidin
11 nd streaming of the ER network depend on the propelling action of myosin-XI over actin coupled with a
12 of somatic mutations during tumorigenesis by propelling adaptive cancer genome evolution, which would
13 ents in air, whether falling with gravity or propelling against it.
14 s to the physical change in velocity of self-propelled agents interacting through a network.
15 large number of independent, molecular-motor-propelled agents then solves the mathematical problem.
16 er, owing to their opposite handedness, they propel along the axis of field rotation in opposite dire
17  medusan individuals, termed nectophores, to propel an aggregate colony.
18  language can provide a boost to perception, propelling an otherwise invisible image into awareness.
19 aw-teeth topography, these droplets can self-propel and can even climb uphill.
20 bine plus peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin in PROPEL and JUMP-C, virologic breakthrough or nonresponse
21 here remains, however, a need for methods to propel and steer microscopic cargo that do not require m
22 ted a violation when an object that was self-propelled and agentive (but not an object that lacked on
23 ted a violation when an object that was self-propelled and furry (but not an object that lacked one o
24                       Such droplets are self-propelled and navigate through a complex maze to seek a
25           Our results demonstrate how vortex-propelled animals may be localizing each other and circu
26 allowing localization by transitional vortex-propelled animals.
27                            We present a self-propelling artificial swimmer system that exhibits chemo
28 ng to receive chest wall strikes with a ball propelled at 30 to 40 mph.
29                     The micromotors are self-propelled at a very high speed (of ~20 body lengths s(-1
30 ubular engines are only 8 mum long, are self-propelled at an ultrafast speed (of over 350 body length
31 y jets known as spicules, in which plasma is propelled at speeds of 50 to 150 kilometers per second i
32 storage using single-photon level light, and propels atomic-vapor systems towards a level of function
33 bule polymerization into the axon tip, which propelled axon growth through an inhibitory environment.
34 ggests that RapA uses its ATPase activity to propel backward translocation of RNAP along the DNA temp
35                                     Flagella propel bacteria during both swimming and swarming, dispe
36 i surrounding the cell body work together to propel bacteria remains unclear.
37 istence in the urinary tract, while flagella propel bacteria through urine and along mucous layers du
38                            Rotating flagella propel bacteria toward favorable environments.
39 dulates the behaviour of flagellar motors to propel bacteria towards sources of chemical attractants.
40   Flagella are extracellular organelles that propel bacteria.
41                                         Self-propelled bacteria are marvels of nature with a potentia
42 ry transport (MCT), a process that traps and propels bacteria out of the lungs, but whether this defi
43 imensional architecture of actin comet tails propelling baculovirus, the smallest pathogen yet known
44 ty, pay for performance has been proposed to propel better results, but many observers are concerned
45                    Systems built around self-propelled biological molecular motors and cytoskeletal f
46                          This effort is also propelling biological discoveries in cardiovascular rese
47 a unique mechanical pressure exerted by self-propelled bodies.
48 volution of eusociality in ants and termites propelled both insect groups to their modern ecological
49    Each patient's CRC is genetically unique, propelled by 2-8 driver gene alterations that have accum
50 ing in planthopper and froghopper insects is propelled by a catapult-like mechanism requiring mechani
51 e flagellar swimming of euglenids, which are propelled by a single anterior flagellum, is characteriz
52 ionally the 2D movement of ellipsoidal beads propelled by actin tails and show that neither of the tw
53 , displayed Brownian motion and could not be propelled by attached bacteria.
54  genetic and environmental determinants, and propelled by both impulsivity and the responsivity to co
55 hines have previously been designed that are propelled by DNAzymes, protein enzymes and strand displa
56 s an exciting area for research that will be propelled by emerging technologies.
57 hat a subpopulation of planktonic bacilli is propelled by flagella to tunnel deep within a biofilm st
58                          This field has been propelled by genetic technologies, including identifying
59 a that swim, including Escherichia coli, are propelled by helical filaments, each driven at its base
60 en a topic of intense research that has been propelled by modern applications in thin-film solar cell
61 locity relationship when actin filaments are propelled by myosin subfragment 1 or full-length myosin.
62 rial drifted out along the equatorial plane, propelled by orbital motion.
63  achieve propulsion; instead, the swimmer is propelled by oscillatory motion of an air bubble trapped
64                                     Progress propelled by preclinical models has led to a deeper unde
65 5 nm), we resolve in vitro motility of actin propelled by skeletal muscle myosin for L = 0.2-3 mum.
66  propose a model whereby the CTD of VgrG-5-, propelled by T6SS-5-, plays a key role in inducing membr
67                                              Propelled by the convenient synthesis, the lead optimiza
68              These studies have been greatly propelled by the development of stable isotope labeling
69           Once underway, this transition was propelled by the selection of within-species groups that
70                          Progeny genomes are propelled by the viral helicase into the preformed capsi
71 ota, and pneumonia as an emergent phenomenon propelled by unexplored positive feedback loops.
72                                The motion is propelled by unidirectional Exo III digestion of hybridi
73  was modeled as an ellipsoid in Stokes flow, propelled by viscous forces on the flagellum.
74 ted biomimetic sequestration based on a self-propelled carbonic anhydrase (CA) functionalized micromo
75 collectively via mechanochemical coupling to propel cargos-an ingenious solution shaped by evolution
76                            Autonomous bubble-propelled catalytic micro- and nanomachines show great p
77                   The efficiencies of bubble-propelled catalytic micromotors, magnetically driven fla
78 the transition from extracellular, flagellum-propelled cell to intracellular pathogen.
79 e thought to comprise the gliding motor that propels cell surface adhesins, such as the 669-kDa SprB.
80 d by more than 30 proteins and is rotated to propel cells either through liquids or over solid surfac
81 ke cellular organelles that bend actively to propel cells or move fluid in passages such as airways,
82               The mechanism consists of self-propelled cells aligning with each other and signaling b
83 ving cells in order that the rod-shaped self-propelled cells differentiate into spores at the appropr
84 f the mycoplasma cell reveal that this motor propels cells in steps of discrete size.
85          Such progress has not yet, however, propelled changes in educational or medical practices th
86 reversible control of the movement of bubble-propelled chemically powered PEDOT/Ni/Pt microengines is
87 e self-propulsion, the ability to steer self-propelled colloidal devices has so far been much more li
88                          We introduce a self-propelled colloidal hematite docker that can be steered
89                              Artificial self-propelled colloidal particles have recently served as ef
90 Here, we study the motion of asymmetric self-propelled colloidal particles which have a homogeneous m
91 he concept with computer simulations of self-propelled colloidal spheres, and experimentally validate
92      We show that the motion of active, self-propelled colloids can be sufficiently controlled for us
93  that prestin-bound intracellular anions are propelled deep into the membrane.
94 , interacts with a MAPK signalling axis that propels differentiation.
95 tics, especially next generation sequencing, propelled discovery of many glycosylation disorders in s
96 gies appears to be necessary to initiate and propel disease forward to widespread circuits.
97 iforms are more pronounced than between wing-propelled divers and other charadriiforms.
98                              Flightless wing-propelled divers have relatively smaller brains for thei
99 c cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus) (foot-propelled divers), are the highest recorded for vertebra
100 -billed murres (Uria lomvia), which are wing-propelled divers, and pelagic cormorants (Phalacrocorax
101 er are still higher than for flightless wing-propelled diving birds (penguins).
102 that optimizing wing shape and form for wing-propelled diving leads to such high flight costs that fl
103 er charadriiforms, stem and crown clade wing-propelled diving Pan-Alcidae displayed compressed semici
104 flying ceases to be an option in larger wing-propelled diving seabirds, including penguins.
105                The operation of this Exo III-propelled DNA walker was monitored in real time and at t
106 ar and intracellular facing conformations to propel drug export, but how these structural changes occ
107            Once detached, the drops are self-propelled due to the gradient of surface energy.
108 act line into asymmetric pinning forces that propel each drop in the direction of higher pinning.
109 ad of excitatory currents from these regions propels each colliding spiral to rotate faster than the
110 power quality applications such as to assist propelling electric vehicles that require fast accelerat
111  creating reconfigurable materials from self-propelled elements, which autonomously communicate with
112 e observed bistable orientation of the actin-propelled ellipsoidal beads.
113 ar drug delivery systems that could actively propel endosomal escape.
114 ging technologies and new animal models, are propelling exciting new research forward.
115                        Technology is helping propel "fast fashion" and "lean manufacturing," so that
116 ested Phenobot 1.0, an auto-steered and self-propelled field-based high-throughput phenotyping platfo
117 that allows the maximum output of the active propelling forces to fluctuate slowly fits the experimen
118  matrix adhesion generates tractive force to propel forward movement.
119 dered to be highly encouraging and helped to propel further studies leading to the growth of the fiel
120           We discuss how these advances will propel future investigations.
121 ith the expansion of invention in one domain propelling future work in linked fields.
122  methods for structural gene annotation have propelled gene discovery but face certain drawbacks with
123 ack of a timely converging fork or Mus81 may propel genome instability observed in cancer.
124 ess in the self-organized formation and self-propelled growth of complex hierarchical multicomponent
125 proach, they find that any amount of mixture propels growth rates and spread of introduced population
126 ary tale of South American adventures helped propel Humboldt to fame and has been recounted and illus
127               These degeneration studies may propel improvements in nerve regeneration and draw criti
128 icles with identical chemical properties may propel in opposite directions.
129                                       Larvae propel in swim bouts that, we find, tend to stabilize th
130 particles with Janus particles that are self-propelled in electric fields, we assemble rotating chira
131                              Actin filaments propelled in vitro by groups of skeletal muscle myosin m
132 technologies to probe the nervous system are propelling innovation and discovery at blinding speed, b
133 , and importance as therapeutic targets, has propelled interest in subcellular-specific mechanisms th
134 Networks of polymerizing actin filaments can propel intracellular pathogens and drive movement of art
135                            Genetic admixture propels invasions of Callosobruchus maculatus across exp
136  cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion molecules propelled invasive cell membrane protrusions, which in t
137 ture system reveals a general role for actin-propelled invasive membrane protrusions in driving fusog
138  sprC or sprD produced and secreted SprB and propelled it rapidly along the cell surface.
139 e external leaflet of the inner membrane and propels it along a filament that extends across the peri
140  with ATP hydrolysis, engages substrate, and propels it into a proteolytic chamber.
141 ds to be addressed in more detail to further propel its use.
142 cular affected tissue in some way and aid in propelling its activity into an aberrant state.
143 ginalis simultaneously uses its hind legs to propel itself through the water.
144 media (sand) using axial body undulations to propel itself without the use of limbs.
145 minants are autonomously removed by the self-propelled jumping motion of the resulting liquid condens
146    To understand the catapult mechanism that propels jumping in a planthopper insect, the innervation
147  how the architecture of scientific networks propels knowledge production but can also exclude certai
148               The ability of electrospray to propel large viruses into a mass spectrometer is establi
149 pedal claws are consistent with aquatic foot-propelled locomotion.
150 esent in lower vertebrates, that function to propel lymph into the venous system.
151 ntractions coordinated along lymphangions to propel lymph, but the underlying signalling pathways are
152  motors, synthetic micro/nanomotors are self-propelled machines capable of converting the supplied fu
153 lloidosomes are selectively ingested by self-propelled magnetic Pickering emulsion (MPE) droplets com
154                      While ligand design has propelled many areas of homogeneous catalysis, in the fi
155 ameworks (MOFs) can be transformed into self-propelled micromotors by employing several different met
156 alize robust drift control of multi-bacteria propelled microrobots.
157            These acid-driven hydrogen-bubble-propelled microrockets have been electrosynthesized usin
158                       Here, a system of self-propelled microscale Janus particles is engineered to ha
159                         For engineered, self-propelled microswimmers that navigate via alternating st
160  that drives the tactic behavior of bacteria-propelled microsystems, this study opens up an avenue to
161 al samples based on an aptamer-modified self-propelled microtube engine.
162 ity profile of the NBQDs attached to kinesin-propelled microtubules was used to resolve the self-rota
163                  The structures exhibit self-propelled motion and an ability to carry a cargo along a
164               The concept relies on the self-propelled motion by the Marangoni effect, where the asym
165 hboring BZ gels to undergo cooperative, self-propelled motion.
166 e leading edge of a cell forward during self-propelled motion?
167   Here, we propose a method to guide kinesin-propelled MTs in multiple directions under an electric f
168             Controlled vibration selectively propels multiple microliter-sized drops along microstruc
169 actin while consuming ATP chemical energy to propel myosin thick filaments relative to actin thin fil
170  novel candidate for incorporation into fuel-propelled nanobiopolymer machines.
171                                    Such self-propelled nanomachines with a built-in recognition capab
172                                         Self-propelled nanomotors offer considerable promise for deve
173 swimmers of various sizes, ranging from self-propelled nanoparticles to fish.
174     A variety of receptors, attached to self-propelled nanoscale motors, can thus move around the sam
175                Compelling public interest is propelling national efforts to advance the evidence base
176                   Our findings are likely to propel new ways of thinking about early treatment of a d
177 nomics, cell biology, and genetics that have propelled new discoveries in the field.
178       We show that the levitated cart can be propelled not only by gravitational force over a slanted
179 or how ligand ubiquitylation and endocytosis propel Notch signaling.
180 sids involves the polymerization of actin to propel nucleocapsids to nuclear pores and entry into the
181 e collective mobility of active matter (self-propelled objects that transduce energy into mechanical
182 wth, such as the saltatory dynamics of actin-propelled oil drops.
183 nd to cells expressing RemA and were rapidly propelled on the cell surface.
184 liquid mucus clearance model, a mucus gel is propelled on top of a "watery" periciliary layer surroun
185 ins can evolve and that such genetic changes propel organisms toward an adaptive peak of chemical def
186                    Collective motion of self-propelled organisms or synthetic particles, often termed
187 c fore-rear asymmetry, typical for many self-propelling organisms.
188  predator-prey interactions in the wild will propel our understanding of animal performance.
189  I met them and how our great times together propelled our thinking and experiments.
190 ching attention from one thought to the next propels our mental lives forward.
191                                The sample is propelled over a distance up to 50 cm by a blowgun-like
192 e over a slanted flat surface, but also self-propelled over a ratchet shaped horizontal surface.
193  from the generative model, interacting self-propelled particle model, and raw overhead videos of sch
194 ollective motion and decision-making in self-propelled particle models of swarms comprising a mixture
195 ence is designed to simultaneously image and propel particles.
196              Individual-based models of self-propelled particles (SPPs) are a popular and promising a
197    Designing microscopic and nanoscopic self-propelled particles and characterising their motion have
198 onfinement of living microorganisms and self-propelled particles by an external trap provides a means
199             Collections of interacting, self-propelled particles have been extensively studied as min
200 l use of an acoustic tweezer to confine self-propelled particles in two dimensions over distances lar
201 ell colonies by means of simulations of self-propelled particles with generic cell-like interactions.
202  lengths, which apply for aggregates of self-propelled particles, as well as motile cells, can possib
203 as well as active systems consisting of self-propelled particles, like dense bacterial suspensions.
204 e spontaneously and can be described as self-propelled particles.
205 ther microscopic swimming organisms and self-propelled particles.
206 he out-of-equilibrium collisions of the self-propelled particles.
207 tating the fate of individual organisms, and propelling populations of species through evolution.
208                            To our knowledge, PROPEL (Pralatrexate in Patients with Relapsed or Refrac
209 ls of activated Raf1, which is known to help propel RA-induced differentiation.
210  a crucial substrate for selective sweeps to propel rapid adaptation.
211  RemA localized to the cell surface and were propelled rapidly along the cell at speeds of 1 to 2 mum
212 e advent of biologic therapeutic agents, has propelled Ras back to the forefront of targeting efforts
213                 Because of its "rocket-like" propelling reaction, the predeposited platinum films cou
214 fficiency by combining the centrifugal force propelled reverse osmosis process and the porous CNT-bas
215 are facilitated by trans-acting factors that propel ribosome maturation from the nucleolus to the cyt
216           Here we study the behavior of self-propelled rods confined to a compact spherical manifold
217 th predictions from a minimal model for self-propelled rods, suggesting that at high concentrations t
218   Motivated by studies of clustering in self-propelled rods, we hypothesized that M. xanthus cells ca
219 cteria has been studied well for rigid, self-propelled rods.
220 vasive front of cohorts, serving a physical, propelling role as well as a regulatory one by condition
221 fferences between volant and flightless wing-propelled sister taxa are striking given that flightless
222 ted adoption behavior among the users, which propels some of the applications to extraordinary levels
223 speed of the flow relative to their own self-propelled speed, the incidence of flows in different dir
224                     Instead of evolving self-propelled sperm cells (SCs), plants use pollen tubes to
225 s when these symptoms enter a seemingly self-propelling spiral that the maladaptive features of a dis
226 onditions are less likely than at present to propel storms westward into the coast.
227  microscopy and animal models of disease has propelled studies of disease mechanisms and treatments.
228 ere has been no evidence that starbursts can propel substantial quantities of cold molecular gas to t
229 sporter suggests conformational changes that propel substrate translocation.
230 ipartite pump acts as a molecular bellows to propel substrates through the TolC exit duct, driven by
231 ound that motile bacteria could successfully propel SUVs and LUVs with a velocity of 28 mum s(-1) and
232                                         Self-propelled, synthetic active matters that transduce chemi
233 To date, there is no demonstration of a self propelled, synthetic flagellar swimmer operating at low
234 f primary T cells, but was not sufficient to propel T cells into cell cycle in the absence of exogeno
235 in the structure of a sheath protein complex propels T6SS spike and tube components along with antiba
236 o generate a branched network that will help propel the bacteria.
237  pili (TFP), linear actuator appendages that propel the bacterium along a surface.
238 energy to rotate a microns-long filament and propel the bacterium towards nutrients and away from tox
239 we concluded that the hind legs were able to propel the beetle farther than the middle legs, and also
240 legs moved at the same angular velocities to propel the body without yaw rotation.
241 s on a cell to join together in a bundle and propel the cell smoothly forward.
242 tor complexes comprised of Gld proteins that propel the cell surface adhesin SprB.
243 rm focal adhesions, translocated rearward to propel the cell, and disassembled at the lagging pole.
244 e of bacteria such as Salmonella typhimurium propel the cells toward nutrient and away from repellent
245 irected apical lamellipodia-like protrusions propel the cells.
246                           This advance could propel the development of Breg-based strategies to preve
247              HerA-driven translocation would propel the DNA towards the narrow annulus of NurA, leadi
248 icrobial phototroph-heterotroph interactions propel the engine that results in the biogeochemical cyc
249 utilize a nonuniform traveling wave field to propel the ions through the IM cell.
250 irects both actin and membrane remodeling to propel the leading edge up an attractant gradient.
251 e and thereby create adhesion gradients that propel the microcapsules to move.
252 uggesting that both mechanisms contribute to propel the sheets forward.
253 myocytes contract and deform the filament to propel the swimmer at 5-10 mum s(-1), consistent with mo
254 e forward and reverse genetic approaches has propelled the deconvolution of gene function in biology.
255 In the last decade, the open access movement propelled the development of many web platforms for shar
256  Willett et al. provided the foundation that propelled the field of nutritional epidemiology forward,
257 the neural mechanisms of social behavior has propelled the growth of social neuroscience.
258 We found that the diffusing kinesin-1 motors propelled the microtubules in the presence of ATP.
259 in-dependent force generation, which jointly propelled the nucleus.
260 or body elongation is a widespread mechanism propelling the generation of the metazoan body plan.
261 f the trailing head (TH) that contributes in propelling the motor by 16 nm have not been quantified.
262 sterior polarity and promotes MT growth that propels the anterior migration of the male pronucleus.
263                                         This propels the axons as they establish the connection betwe
264 teins are thought to comprise the motor that propels the cell surface adhesin SprB.
265 crofibrils are synthesized by a process that propels the cellulose synthase complex (CSC) through the
266 atopoietic niche where the osteogenic milieu propels the differentiation of MSCs toward an osteogenic
267 e 1 (NTMT1) and its physiological substrates propels the elucidation of a general role of alpha-N-ter
268           The related membrane elastic force propels the fission complex along the intercellular brid
269 ed to project the future visions in order to propel their "lab-to-market" realization.
270 ng animals that use their wings to fly or to propel their dives, but not both.
271  the switch loops, triggered by ATP binding, propel their side of the motor domain down and thereby e
272 te light into deep-subwavelength volumes has propelled their use in a vast array of nanophotonics tec
273 les caused jumps in Ca(2+) channel position, propelling them toward the outer edge of the confinement
274 e dipole moment of the enantiomers and screw propels them in opposite directions.
275  undulating flat-wave shape to penetrate and propel themselves through host tissues.
276 he bacterial flagellum that enables cells to propel themselves through liquid and across hydrated sur
277               Although geckos are thought to propel themselves with specialized, proximally located m
278  selection of the mechanism used by cells to propel themselves, including by pseudopods or blebbing.
279  of crystals that when heated suddenly jump, propelling themselves to distances that can reach thousa
280 r relevant photophysical processes that have propelled these materials to the forefront of modern opt
281         New instrumentation and software are propelling these multiplexed workflows forward, which re
282 tubes (TMs) reported in gliomas in vivo, has propelled this field forward.
283  code, and rapid technological advances have propelled this field to the high-throughput study of the
284 omaterials and tissue decellularization have propelled this promising approach forward.
285                                The mechanism propelling this oscillator has remained elusive, however
286                          The ureter actively propels tubular fluid from the renal pelvis to the bladd
287 reveal molecular profiles of all cell clones propelling tumor growth.
288 CSCs), have a tumor-initiating capacity that propels tumor growth.
289 methylation and tyrosine kinase signaling in propelling tumorigenesis, providing a widely applicable
290 ons as a positive regulator of IKKepsilon to propel type I IFN-mediated innate immune responses again
291 atrix degradation and cellular locomotion to propel UM progression towards metastasis.
292 cellular events on calcium ion concentration propelled us to investigate the occurrence of palytoxin-
293                               This conundrum propelled us to investigate the regulation of this trans
294 in are targeted by viruses such as HIV-1 for propelling viral intracellular migration.
295                 Here, we report a multistage propelled volumetric bar chart chip (MV-Chip) for multip
296                                 Using a self-propelled Voronoi (SPV) model that links cell mechanics
297 uency of the smooth muscle contractions that propel wastes from the kidney to the bladder.
298 simulations of arrays of flapping wings that propel within a collective wake, we discover distinct mo
299 hat generate travelling-wave motions to self-propel without external forces or torques, as well as mi
300 novation, and regulatory policy oversight to propel yogurt into the central role for health-promoting

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