


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hite areas have small plastids that resemble proplastids.
2  seedlings have plastids which also resemble proplastids.
3     When POR accumulates in the membranes of proplastids, an attraction of monogalactosyl diacylglyce
4                          ARC6 initiates both proplastid and chloroplast division.
5 comparisons with proteomes of unfractionated proplastids and chloroplasts facilitated the determinati
6 diating the development of chloroplasts from proplastids and enhancing chloroplast growth and divisio
7 mes of highly enriched nucleoid fractions of proplastids and mature chloroplasts isolated from the ma
8 has been believed that the SAM contains only proplastids and that these become chloroplasts only in t
9                     In flowering plants, the proplastid-chloroplast transition takes place at the sho
10 e cover the main events that take place when proplastids differentiate into chloroplasts.
11                          ARC1 down-regulates proplastid division but is on a separate pathway from AR
12 d was observed in peroxisomes, mitochondria, proplastids, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasmic or perib
13   They exist in various types, which include proplastids, etioplasts, chloroplasts, amyloplasts, and
14  or other specialized plastid types, such as proplastids, etioplasts, or amyloplasts.
15                    Chloroplasts develop from proplastids in a process that requires the interplay of
16         The development of chloroplasts from proplastids in albino areas is apparently blocked at an
17  promotes the development of etioplasts from proplastids in dark-grown seedlings, subsequently enhanc
18 e globular stage of embryo development, when proplastids in normal embryos differentiate and acquire
19  of the ubiquitous expression of DCL and the proplastid-like appearance of dcl-affected plastids, the
20 carrots) containing chromoplasts, and 53% in proplastids of cultured cells when compared to chloropla
21 ndle sheath cell fate is determined, and the proplastids of each differentiate into the dimorphic chl
22 process that triggers the differentiation of proplastids or other noncolored plastids into chromoplas
23   Chloroplasts develop from undifferentiated proplastids present in meristematic tissue.
24 mble meristematic cells because they contain proplastids, small vacuoles, and large nuclei.
25 enome, and the developmental transition from proplastid to chloroplast is regulated by nuclear genes.
26 opment from hundreds of genome copies in the proplastid to undetectable levels in the mature chloropl
27 ng for investigations of the transition from proplastids to functional chloroplasts.
28   Chloroplasts of higher plants develop from proplastids, which are undifferentiated plastids that la

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