


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 modalities (i.e. audition, vision, touch and proprioception).
2 and Aalpha/beta-LTMs (tactile sensations and proprioception).
3 and Aalpha/beta-LTMs (tactile sensations and proprioception).
4 P-4 is involved in stretch-receptor-mediated proprioception.
5  enhancement of objective parameters such as proprioception.
6 ely by combining information from vision and proprioception.
7  tremors, and ptosis, suggesting a defect in proprioception.
8 hand position relying more on vision than on proprioception.
9 nucleus of the thalamus supports its role in proprioception.
10 ied efference copy and/or extraocular muscle proprioception.
11 tion including touch, pain, temperature, and proprioception.
12 ons or uncertainty in joint level control or proprioception.
13 te in a channel that contributes to nematode proprioception.
14 n tests requiring co-ordination, balance and proprioception.
15 ting, that are considered to rely heavily on proprioception.
16 tch-sensitive mechanoreceptors important for proprioception.
17 he principal mechanotransduction channel for proprioception.
18 n errors that were sensed through vision and proprioception.
19 ics and active muscular force generation and proprioception.
20 ting on random, nonlinear mixtures of CD and proprioception.
21 ry to normalise sensorimotor integration and proprioception.
22  is important for active movement to benefit proprioception.
23 long-term effects of STN DBS on SAI, LAI and proprioception.
24 tions of corollary discharge signals and eye proprioception.
25 us on the perceptual modalities of touch and proprioception.
26 ential for hearing, balance, and unconscious proprioception.
27 s observed in knee OA involve more than just proprioception.
28 of these mutants strongly suggests defective proprioception.
29                                    We tested proprioception 10 times in the right leg and used a pers
30 pindles and grow up to exhibit dysfunctional proprioception [6-8].
31                                              Proprioception abnormalities are observed in many human
32                    A cutaneous expression of proprioception also occurred in one reinnervated individ
33 ly from sensory prediction error detected by proprioception and a visual-feedback-dependent process t
34 nal cues: vestibular canal stimulation, neck proprioception and an efference copy of the motor comman
35 itical for perinatal breathing that may link proprioception and arousal with respiration.
36 mpasses not only the sense of touch but also proprioception and hearing.
37 plane loading at the knee contributes to OA, proprioception and its modulation with OA in this direct
38 vity alone is likely insufficient to enhance proprioception and predictability (i.e., an internal mod
39 ry transduction underlies touch, hearing and proprioception and requires mechanosensitive channels th
40 l cortex which can be used for diaphragmatic proprioception and somatosensation.
41 eurons play key roles in touch sensation and proprioception and their morphology resembles human mech
42 sition and surface features, suggesting that proprioception and touch converge at the earliest neural
43  ion channels that mediate touch perception, proprioception and vascular development.
44      There was distal hypesthesia for touch, proprioception and vibration sense for the hands more th
45 ssively, thus engendering a mismatch between proprioception and vision only.
46 ng to include common mechanisms that involve proprioception and vision.
47             This mismatch between intention, proprioception and visual feedback engendered cognitive
48 lly synapsing in modality-specific areas 3a (proprioception) and 3b (cutaneous) of primary somatosens
49 ve roles of mechanosensation (perception and proprioception) and mechanics in the regulation of locom
50 s are important for limb position sensation (proprioception) and stretch reflexes.
51                         Sensations of touch, proprioception, and high-threshold mechanosensitive noci
52 ngle neuron, DVA, to mediate its function in proprioception, and that the activity of DVA can be stim
53 underpinned by aspects of visual perception, proprioception, and touch.
54 reflect disordered balance, muscle strength, proprioception, and/or patterned gait.
55 ody scheme defects due to centrally impaired proprioception; and structural changes in the spine.
56      In support of this, we find that CD and proprioception are randomly mixed in spinal mossy fibers
57                           Hearing, touch and proprioception are thought to involve direct activation
58 h the senses of touch, balance, hearing, and proprioception are transduced are still largely unknown.
59 ogram could produce objective enhancement of proprioception as well as alleviate symptoms in JHS.
60 candidates for eukaryotic mechanosensors and proprioception, as well as cardiovascular regulation, ki
61 BS had no significant effect on SAI, LAI and proprioception at 1 month.
62         The relative weighting of vision and proprioception at each stage was then determined using c
63 in the nervous system, including unconscious proprioception, audition, and arousal.
64 ction paradigm was used to assess knee joint proprioception, balance was assessed using a balance boa
65    We develop four major constraints of BSC (proprioception, body-related visual information, PPS, an
66 earning from errors that were sensed through proprioception, but underperformed typically developing
67 at a short sensorimotor training challenging proprioception can a) effectively enhance proprioceptive
68  including the senses of touch, balance, and proprioception; cardiovascular regulation; kidney functi
69 ein in afferent neurons leading to disturbed proprioception causing aberrant muscle development and f
70  two specific sensory modalities, vision and proprioception, characterizes the phenotype of the rare,
71 bserved that patients with JHS have impaired proprioception compared with that of a matched control g
72                                              Proprioception declines with age, and is further impaire
73 d gene silencing caused IDA and ODA defects, proprioception deficits, and sterility due to immotile s
74 ow that the relative weighting of vision and proprioception depends both on the sensory modality of t
75                                              Proprioception (detection threshold of joint displacemen
76 ys across sensory systems such as vision and proprioception differ by tens of milliseconds.
77                                              Proprioception (distance and spatial errors) in the arm
78 rator, and recent experimental evidence that proprioception drives locomotion.
79 m is in place to maintain the sensitivity of proprioception during dynamic muscle activity and to pre
80 te 4 functional tasks, and produced 82% more proprioception errors (all P < 0.05).
81 eps dysfunction in knee OA includes impaired proprioception, especially in the more extended knee joi
82                      The senses of touch and proprioception evoke a range of perceptions and rely on
83 beneficial when addressing balance and ankle proprioception exercises for the scoliotic population.
84 neurons associated with mechanoreception and proprioception express high levels of Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 wi
85  temporal delays when integrating vision and proprioception following mechanical perturbations applie
86 ation, our results unravel the importance of proprioception for feedback control as a consequence of
87                                   Another is proprioception from the moving limb, which informs the b
88 ors such as alignment, strength, laxity, and proprioception have begun to receive more attention.
89 nsory modalities such as hearing, touch, and proprioception; however, very little is known about the
90 n the nervous system and tissues involved in proprioception, hygroreception, and other sensory modali
91 onocular or binocular, suggesting a role for proprioception in adaptation to misalignment with habitu
92 ent evidence that TRPN1 is also required for proprioception in fruit fly larvae and that it is a bona
93                                Impairment of proprioception in knee osteoarthritis (OA) may contribut
94 er, our findings suggest that NompC mediates proprioception in locomotion and support its role as a m
95 istle mechanosensation in fruit flies and in proprioception in nematodes.
96          While the role of vision, touch and proprioception in shaping body-representations has been
97          The relative importance of impaired proprioception in the development and progression of kne
98 on channel has been found to be critical for proprioception in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.
99 ed with reference to the role played by limb proprioception in the planning and control of prehension
100 n indicates that we are not moving while leg proprioception indicates that we are.
101  of brainstem regions critical for conscious proprioception, interoception, and respiration.
102 ell populations, including those involved in proprioception, interoception, balance, respiration, and
103 cted genetic and developmental links between proprioception, interoception, hearing, and arousal.
104  (1) only the efference copy is used whereas proprioception is a slow recalibrator of the forward mod
105                                              Proprioception is an integral part of the feedback circu
106                                     Impaired proprioception is not exclusively a local result of dise
107  data suggest that in normal conditions, eye proprioception is not used for visual localization.
108  the stretch-sensitive channel that mediates proprioception is unknown.
109 e issue of whether stretch-receptor-mediated proprioception is used by C. elegans to regulate its loc
110  in UOA patients versus elderly controls; 2) proprioception is worse in the arthritic knee versus the
111 sal directions, 2 hypotheses were tested: 1) proprioception is worse in UOA patients versus elderly c
112                                          Eye proprioception is, however, continuously monitored to be
113  information pertaining to body positioning (proprioception) is relayed to the cerebellum by the spin
114 xtremity sensory deficits, including reduced proprioception, joint kinesthesia, and, recently, vibrat
115        The patients had profoundly decreased proprioception leading to ataxia and dysmetria that were
116 Caenorhabditis elegans network of neurons to proprioception-like feedback is optimized by input of sp
117 n PD normalises sensorimotor integration and proprioception, likely through long-term plastic changes
118                                     Impaired proprioception may alter joint loading and contribute to
119                                         Poor proprioception may contribute to functional impairment i
120 eresting conjecture about what, if any, role proprioception may have in strabismus patients.
121 s trainable and how a training that enhances proprioception may influence performance in untrained mo
122                         We propose that this proprioception mechanism is a key step leading to growth
123 ormation (efference copy, extraocular muscle proprioception, or both) that is used in spatial localiz
124 ribute to perception of limb position (i.e., proprioception), particularly when a person actively mov
125 hat area 3a is part of a network involved in proprioception, postural control, and the generation of
126 kes into account the precision of vision and proprioception predicts that the weighting of the two se
127 rge of the oculomotor command and eye muscle proprioception provide eye position information to the b
128                For instance, both vision and proprioception provide information about hand position,
129 a task that relies on the experience of body proprioception, rather than simply diverting from it.
130 erceiving the location of body parts through proprioception requires that information about the angle
131        Research has identified that posture, proprioception, strength and motor control are important
132            As in NT3 and TrkC null mice, the proprioception system of these mutants failed to assembl
133                     All had normal strength, proprioception, tendon reflexes, and nerve conductions.
134                       UOA patients had worse proprioception than did elderly controls, in either knee
135 lt was reversed: the estimate relies more on proprioception than on vision.
136 ptive system (cutaneous mechanoreception and proprioception) that guides somatic motor activity.
137 of nociception (the spinothalamic tract) and proprioception (the dorsal spinocerebellar tract and gra
138 ck; furthermore, the greater the reliance on proprioception, the greater the child's impairments in s
139                                              Proprioception, the perception of body and limb position
140                                              Proprioception-the sense of the body's position in space
141 nimals use a form of sensory feedback termed proprioception to monitor their body position and modify
142 nal, suggesting a new strategy for restoring proprioception to patients using BMIs, as well as a powe
143   Here, we investigated the contributions of proprioception to twitching in newborn ErbB2 conditional
144 provide axial and limb position information (proprioception) to the central nervous system.
145 ee types of mechanical stimulations, namely, proprioception, touch and nociception were delivered to
146 chanosensory transduction for senses such as proprioception, touch, balance, acceleration, hearing an
147  underlies a wide range of senses, including proprioception, touch, balance, and hearing.
148                      Preoperatively, SAI and proprioception was abnormal during the medication-on con
149 creased when a mismatch between vergence and proprioception was introduced, indicating that proprioce
150                                   Knee joint proprioception was measured with a repositioning test.
151                   Most notably, abnormal toe proprioception was significantly associated with ever us
152 his effect more tightly to an altered ocular proprioception, we applied a passive deviation to the ri
153 tual reality environment in which vision and proprioception were dissociated by shifting the location
154 y undetected inputs of cervical and brachial proprioception, which change almost immediately in respo
155                In C. elegans, we report that proprioception within the motor circuit is responsible f
156 s that interferes with the processing of eye proprioception without affecting the ability to locate v

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