


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es, old world monkeys, new world monkeys and prosimians.
2 n in all primates except a representative of prosimians.
3 ate of Alu retrotransposition activity among prosimians.
4 ew World monkeys, and catarrhines but not in prosimians.
5 M) and long-wavelength (L) opsin genes among prosimians.
6  opsin gene sequences from 14 representative prosimians.
7 rease in size during derivation from earlier prosimians.
8 nes of these aquatic species as well as some prosimian and bat species are much smaller than the prev
9 the 60 million years since the divergence of prosimian and simian primates.
10 on, after the separation of lines leading to prosimians and higher primates.
11  area, DM, homologous to the DM described in prosimians and New World monkeys.
12 to those in simian primates, suggesting that prosimians and other lines of primate evolution have ret
13  of other simians but different from that of prosimians and other mammals.
14 to 163 (hTS) evolved after the divergence of prosimians and simians and that substitution of lysine b
15 pials, nonprimate placental mammals, lemurs (prosimians) and New World monkeys, encoding the alpha1,3
16                                   Given that prosimians are considered closer to the common ancestors
17 n the lorisiforms and varies among the other prosimian branches, indicating different time periods of
18 s ) and paracentral (4-8 degrees ) V1 in the prosimian bush baby (Otolemur garnetti).
19 e visuotopic organization of pulvinar in the prosimian bush baby (Otolemur garnettii).
20 n; (iii) less is known about color vision in prosimians, but evidence suggests that at least some diu
21                                              Prosimian cells were resistant to both HIV-1 and SIV(mac
22 be assigned to the period between the simian-prosimian divergence (55 million years ago) and the plat
23 theless provides surprising new evidence for prosimian diversity in the Eocene of Africa, and raises
24 octurnality has evolved several times in the prosimians, first in the lorisiforms but much later in o
25 ic signals to investigate this region in the prosimian galago (Otolemur garnettii).
26  of area 3b in four squirrel monkeys and one prosimian galago.
27 -World monkeys (macaque and marmoset), and a prosimian (galago), tracking key changes.
28 ion of the major simian lineages; thus, the (prosimian) galago gamma gene retains the ancestral embry
29 e extensive results obtained from an African prosimian, Galago garnetti.
30 inked pigment gene of two of these nocturnal prosimians: Galago senegalensis and Otolemur garnettii.
31 with subdivisions of the pulvinar complex of prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnetti) that were revealed
32  the sources of cortical inputs to the SC in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnetti) using retrograde a
33 eatures of striate and extrastriate areas in prosimian galagos are similar to simian primates, with n
34  We conclude that V2 cortical connections in prosimian galagos are similar to those in simian primate
35                 Posterior parietal cortex of prosimian galagos consists of a caudal half characterize
36 sterior parietal cortex (PPC) of monkeys and prosimian galagos contains a number of subregions where
37                  These results indicate that prosimian galagos have a complex of motor areas that clo
38          A DM homologue has been proposed in prosimian galagos on the basis of physiological mapping.
39                                        While prosimian galagos resemble other primates in having earl
40 nnections described in New World monkeys and prosimian galagos support the conclusion that the same v
41 density varies less across cortical areas in prosimian galagos than in the Old World monkeys.
42 n studies of both New and Old World monkeys, prosimian galagos, and close relatives of primates, incl
43 early primates, PPC likely resembled that of prosimian galagos, in which caudal PPC (PPCc) is visual
44 to various parts of the hindlimb and tail of prosimian galagos, New World monkeys, and Old World monk
45 ed for a single cortical hemisphere from two prosimian galagos, one New World owl monkey, one Old Wor
46  with those of Old World macaque monkeys and prosimian galagos, we placed injections of fluorescent t
47 on of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in prosimian galagos.
48 rrhine (New World monkeys) primates, but not prosimians, have diverse KIRs.
49 hylogenetic analysis places gray mouse lemur prosimian immunodeficiency virus (pSIVgml) basal to all
50 from haplorhine ancestors that retained many prosimian-like features.
51  nocturnality having been maintained in most prosimian lineages.
52 vealed another cecropia subfamily mariner in prosimians only, and a third highly divergent mariner pr
53  ten different chimpanzees use tools to hunt prosimian prey in 22 bouts.
54 sual area (V2) were examined in a lorisiform prosimian primate (Galago garnetti).
55 ) and platyrrhines (ceboids), as well as one prosimian primate (lorisiform), by sequencing PCR-amplif
56 s in the frontal and cingulate cortex of the prosimian primate Galago garnetti.
57  laminated lateral geniculate nucleus of the prosimian primate Galago to better understand the nature
58  connectivity of these modules in galagos, a prosimian primate with relatively simple frontoparietal
59 mes of murine rodents (rat/mouse), bushbaby (prosimian primate), little brown bat (laurasiatherian),
60          The tree shrew is a small mammal, a prosimian primate, indigenous to southwest Asia.
61 of the middle temporal visual area (MT) of a prosimian primate, the bush baby (Otolemur garnetti).
62  frontoparietal networks in the neocortex of prosimian primates (Otolemur garnettii) using a microflu
63                 Thus, the pulvinar nuclei in prosimian primates and anthropoid primates have evolved
64 ipulated lateral pulvinar neural activity in prosimian primates and assessed the effect on supra-gran
65 an branch, the catarrhines, but embryonic in prosimian primates and nonprimate placental mammals, the
66 ee shrew cortex are most similar to those of prosimian primates and quite different from those of mor
67 considered to represent a prototype of early prosimian primates but are unique in that sublaminae of
68  ancestor after the separation of simian and prosimian primates but before the further separation of
69  the organization of the pulvinar complex in prosimian primates has been somewhat elusive due to the
70 size and topography reliably classify extant prosimian primates into their correct dietary groups and
71                      The pulvinar complex of prosimian primates is not as architectonically different
72 ted sensory system development in any of the prosimian primates that are thought to most closely rese
73               The frontal eye field (FEF) in prosimian primates was identified as a small cortical re
74 ory cortex in monkeys, little is known about prosimian primates, a major branch of primate evolution
75 rly primates, remained sparse in present-day prosimian primates, and became more pronounced in anthro
76 he pattern of subcortical projections across prosimian primates, New World monkeys, and Old World mon
77 ever, about the corticotectal projections in prosimian primates.
78 ally large compared with that of monkeys and prosimian primates.
79                        Galagos represent the prosimian radiation of surviving primates; cortical area
80 but concomitantly with a contemporary Eocene prosimian radiation.
81 ional view, the opsin genes in all nocturnal prosimians should have undergone similar degrees of func
82  the coding regions of prolactin genes for a prosimian, the slow loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus), and a N
83 ety of nonhuman primate species ranging from prosimians to apes.
84                              The late Eocene prosimian Wadilemur elegans from the Jebel Qatrani Forma

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