


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tly, how the phenotypic features could be so protean.
2 ights into the still enigmatic phenomenon of protean agonism and a rationale for the design of such c
3 y the concepts of functional selectivity and protean agonism and begin to define the first postrecept
4 ents within dualsteric compounds that elicit protean agonism at the muscarinic M2 acetylcholine recep
5                                 In addition, protean agonism is described, whereby a ligand produces
6 gand binding may be the mechanism underlying protean agonism of dualsteric ligands.
7 r, may represent a novel approach to achieve protean agonism.
8 ne the first postreceptor step in actions of protean agonist ligands.
9 gonist at the 5-HT3A receptor, it becomes a "protean agonist" (functioning as an agonist and an inver
10 nsistent with the former's designation as a "protean" agonist.
11 ant interest both in inverse agonists and in protean agonists (i.e., compounds with functional select
12                                              Protean agonists are of great pharmacological interest a
13 e and inverse agonists on the same receptor (protean agonists), and differ in the stimulus pattern th
14 w appreciation that lymphoid progenitors are protean and able to alter their differentiation potentia
15 sions of corneal immunoglobulin deposits are protean and present a diagnostic challenge.
16                                     Inverse, protean, and ligand-selective agonism: matters of recept
17 iggers of vasovagal syncope are likely to be protean, and many potential central and peripheral trigg
18 delayed due to its infrequent occurrence and protean appearances.
19 e upon TA binding, generating a fluctuating "protean clamp" that stably traps the substrate.
20             Coeliac disease (CD), due to its protean clinical manifestation, is still very under diag
21 ndrome is difficult, however, because of the protean clinical manifestations and associations, limita
22 a fascinating and perplexing infection, with protean clinical manifestations and both diagnostic and
23                                    Given the protean clinical manifestations and the lack of a consen
24                                              Protean clinical manifestations characterize this disord
25 hey are often considered rare disorders with protean clinical manifestations, considerable advances i
26 bital inflammatory syndrome (IOIS), may have protean clinical manifestations.
27                                          The protean clinical presentation requires individualized tr
28                    IgG4-related disease is a protean condition that mimics many malignant, infectious
29 levels of analysis are required to probe the protean consequences of early-life adversity on the deve
30                             HCMV has evolved protean countermeasures for anti-HCMV cellular immunity
31 odel system for characterizing the elusively protean cross-beta conformation.
32               TGF-beta is long considered a "protean" cytokine in cancer, changing its role from anti
33 se symptoms are nonspecific, subjective, and protean, diagnosis of drug-induced lupus (DIL) requires
34 h the pathogenesis and the treatment of this protean disorder.
35 ve in similar subsets of patients with other protean disorders.
36 , a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase with protean downstream influences on cell cycle regulation,
37                 Finally, given the rapid and protean effects of statins on determinants of platelet r
38 oxygen species, signaling pathways that have protean effects on smooth muscle cell physiology.
39 WIST2 mutations cause AMS or BSS by inducing protean effects on the transcription factor's DNA bindin
40 ct) and cardiac fibrosis, the prototypic but protean features of HCM histopathology, are presumed tri
41                                 Symptoms are protean (flushing, sweating, diarrhea, bronchospasm), us
42 ies, including pathologic data, has led to a protean handling of IS in LT.
43 e, yet the clinical manifestations are often protean in nature and the etiology, elusive.
44 linical manifestations of celiac disease are protean in nature and vary markedly with the age of the
45        The clinical manifestations of CD are protean in nature and vary markedly with the age of the
46 management of the multiple, progressive, and protean lesions associated with the disorder.
47 rst century's challenges to human being with protean manifestation affecting nearly all organs of our
48                                       It has protean manifestations and can affect any organ, includi
49       Thus, this important liver disease has protean manifestations but is often insidious and can le
50  celiac disease, add to our knowledge of the protean manifestations of MBP.
51                  In addition, the multiorgan protean manifestations of mycoplasma infection are discu
52                            Assertions about "protean manifestations" of B burgdorferi infection shoul
53                   The various presentations, protean manifestations, variable natural history, and at
54 he complexity of this molecular disease with protean manifestations.
55 isease) is often said to be associated with "protean" manifestations, a reference to the ancient god
56  (HCMV) infection, but the virus has evolved protean mechanisms to inhibit MHC-based Ag presentation
57 The essay concludes with observations on the protean nature of physical organic chemistry.
58                                          The protean nature of speech and language disorders requires
59                                    Given the protean nature of the clinical presentation of celiac di
60  payment structures are equipped to meet the protean needs of this important population of children.
61  herpesviruses, EBV and VZV produce the most protean neurological syndromes.
62  and a specific diagnosis for a disease with protean nonspecific findings.
63                               In addition to protean roles in embryonic development, germ-line specif
64                  In this study we review the protean roles of glutamine in cancer, both in the direct
65 in nonhematopoietic cells and dissecting the protean roles of STAT3 is limited by the lethality assoc
66                 We propose that balanol is a protean structure that may be modified to produce select
67 osed precisely because of their scarcity and protean symptoms.
68                             APFs result in a protean syndrome variously combining portal hypertension
69 wn as "the internist's tumor" because it has protean systemic manifestations, suggesting that it util
70               Because these interactions are protean, there can be no health without mental health.

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