


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of artificial cell-like entities (synthetic protocells).
2 tary forms of artificial cell-like entities (protocells).
3 ithout the loss of genetic material from the protocell.
4 ransition prior to the advent of membraneous protocells.
5 onformations, and to bleb daughter cells off protocells.
6  behaviour in mixed populations of synthetic protocells.
7 ng templated RNA synthesis within membranous protocells.
8  between discrete populations of neighboring protocells.
9  with vesicles during the formation of early protocells.
10 lization of inorganic catalysts in primitive protocells.
11 ith properties favorable to the emergence of protocells.
12 an approach to de novo "bottom-up" synthetic protocells.
13 tease-resistant forms of the protein-polymer protocells.
14 able for in vitro biochemical studies and as protocells.
15 drugs and biologicals and the development of protocells.
16 consider a world of nucleotide sequences and protocells.
17 echanisms might have driven the emergence of protocells.
18 RNAs and promoted the emergence of the first protocells.
19 inorganic ion composition of the habitats of protocells.
20 ssential step in the assembly of a synthetic protocell, an autonomously replicating spatially localiz
21 osomes, (ii) supported colloidal bilayers or protocells and (iii) reconstituted lipoproteins, which d
22 of small inorganic molecules and ions within protocells and in their environment would equilibrate.
23    We assume that sequences replicate within protocells and that protocells undergo spontaneous divis
24 esented here impact the design of laboratory protocells and the development of a modular strategy for
25 horylation reactions specifically within the protocell aqueous interior.
26 us to construct a semi-empirical model where protocells are able to reproduce and undergo an evolutio
27                Although several new types of protocells are currently available, the design of synthe
28                                        Early protocells are likely to have arisen from the self-assem
29                Herein we show that synthetic protocells, based on giant lipid vesicles embedding an o
30  and lipid synthesis probably evolved in the protocell before photophosphorylation.
31  experimental work in the field of synthetic protocell biology has shown that prebiotic vesicles are
32 life, synthetic biologists construct simple 'protocells', but previous models were not able to reprod
33 polymer imparts a selective advantage to its protocell by, for example, coding for a catalyst that ge
34                   A recent advance feeds the protocells by vesicle fusion, suggesting a practical pat
35 tegrity, and fusion and growth of the hybrid protocells can be induced under conditions of high ionic
36                                 Furthermore, protocells can be loaded with combinations of therapeuti
37                           We show that model protocells can proceed through multiple cycles of reprod
38                            Here we show that protocells can select for replicases.
39 hen released as functionally modified killer protocells capable of rekilling.
40                                        Thus, protocells capable of such catalytic transformations wou
41 currently available, the design of synthetic protocell communities and investigation of their collect
42 or the development of interacting artificial protocell communities, and provide a strategy for induci
43 RNA replication is undercut by the lack of a protocell-compatible chemical system capable of copying
44 er to the laboratory synthesis of a complete protocell consisting of a self-replicating genome and a
45 microcompartmentalized systems and synthetic protocell consortia.
46  little progress has been made in generating protocell constructs with self-controlled membrane perme
47 ision process results in significant loss of protocell contents during each division cycle.
48 y plausible membranes suggest that primitive protocells could have acquired complex nutrients from th
49 implying that strand separation in primitive protocells could have been mediated by thermal fluctuati
50                             Suggesting that, protocells could have survived on rock surfaces.
51                   The resulting hierarchical protocell demonstrated striking integrity as a result of
52 assumptions regarding replicase activity and protocell division.
53 c hydrocarbons (PAHs) could have facilitated protocell division.
54 o discuss simple aspects of the evolution of protocells, eukarya, multi-cellularity and animal societ
55 he construction of novel and more functional protocells for synthetic biology.
56   The coacervate microdroplets act as killer protocells for the obliteration of the target proteinoso
57 ing model for the autocatalytic formation of protocells from the coupling of two simple molecular com
58           Under continuous illumination, the protocells generate a gradient of 0.061 pH units per min
59           In an environment of gentle shear, protocell growth and division are thus coupled processes
60 nstant ribozyme specific activity throughout protocell growth.
61 eptide complexes can take place within model protocells in a process that parallels extant pathways.
62 ave enjoyed a selective advantage over other protocells in high Mg(2+) environments.
63  that is able to generate and select droplet protocells in real time while changing the surroundings
64  and dynamics is critical for building model protocells in the laboratory and may have been important
65 gocytosis in a binary community of synthetic protocells in which multiple silica colloidosomes are se
66 fforts to recreate a prebiotically plausible protocell, in which RNA replication occurs within a fatt
67 ke part in efficient template copying in the protocell interior.
68 provide a coarse-grain mathematical model of protocell lipid competition.
69 luid supported lipid bilayer enable a single protocell loaded with a drug cocktail to kill a drug-res
70 n of complex cellular machinery, spontaneous protocell membrane growth and division had to result fro
71 ibe a simple and efficient pathway for model protocell membrane growth and division.
72 singly low levels of phospholipids can drive protocell membrane growth during competition for single-
73  environmentally driven cell cycle, in which protocell membrane growth results from evaporative conce
74  attractive candidates for the components of protocell membranes because they are simple amphiphiles
75 athways for the growth and division of model protocell membranes have been characterized, no self-rep
76                To model ion transport across protocell membranes in Hadean hydrothermal vents, we con
77                                    The first protocell membranes may have assembled from fatty acids
78 y help predict the formation and survival of protocell membranes on early Earth and other rocky plane
79                               We also reveal protocell membranes played a crucial role in early prote
80                                              Protocell membranes that were initially leaky would even
81 omposed of single chain amphiphiles as model protocell membranes.
82 sm by which RNA could become associated with protocell membranes.
83 ic compartmentalization and develop a hybrid protocell model based on the spontaneous self-assembly o
84 e that this is the first example of a simple protocell model displaying cell-like behavior through a
85 mpartments and genetic materials into a full protocell model have moved forward in unexpected ways.
86                            This hierarchical protocell model not only incorporates the favorable prop
87 odroplets can be considered as a new type of protocell model that could be used to develop novel bior
88  Herein, we present the development of a new protocell model through the spontaneous interfacial self
89 ed as a novel surfactant-based membrane-free protocell model.
90                                              Protocell models are based predominantly on the membrane
91 ative types of artificial chemical cells and protocell models based on spontaneous processes of inorg
92 ernalized structuration can be integrated in protocell models via simple chemical and physical proces
93 imental design and construction of plausible protocell models.
94 ructures (liposomes), have been suggested as protocell models.
95                                              Protocells modified with a targeting peptide that binds
96                                        Thus, protocells must have evolved in habitats with a high K(+
97 owth and division of simple primitive cells (protocells) must have been driven by environmental facto
98 ay for the evolution of the first autonomous protocells on Earth.
99 uirement for the realization of a functional protocell or prototissue.
100                                  The loaded "protocell" particles are taken up efficiently by Chinese
101             Non-viral drug and gene delivery protocell platforms offer potential flexibility because
102 e model for such a system involves competing protocell populations, each consisting of a replicating
103 Compared to some other nanoparticle systems, protocells provide a simple construct for cargo loading,
104 dy of non-equilibrium phenomena in synthetic protocells, provide a strategy for inducing complex beha
105 al of self-replicating RNA; encapsulation in protocells provides evolutionary and biophysical advanta
106                                              Protocell research, fueled by advances in the biophysics
107 instability that limits their application in protocell research.
108 cholesterol (DOTAP:Chol) liposome-formulated protocells revealed stable in vitro cargo release kineti
109  nucleotides added to the outside of a model protocell spontaneously cross the membrane and take part
110 -replicating genetic polymer compatible with protocell template copying and suggest that N2'-->P5'-ph
111        This prompted the design of a minimal protocell that includes a growing shell, a cell-cycle en
112 ange of electric field strengths, we produce protocells that exhibit repetitive cycles of vacuolariza
113 tep toward the synthesis of self-replicating protocells that may mimic early forms of life.
114  Amorphous mesoporous silica nanoparticles ('protocells') that support surface lipid bilayers recentl
115 orous nanoparticle-supported lipid bilayers (protocells) that synergistically combine properties of l
116            Besides their interest as coupled protocells, the droplets can be used as devices for ultr
117 tion of synthetic cells, ranging from simple protocells to artificial cells approaching the complexit
118 de in the sustained excitation of artificial protocells under non-equilibrium conditions.
119 quences replicate within protocells and that protocells undergo spontaneous division.
120   This study is the first demonstration that protocell vectors offer amenable and enduring in vivo bi
121                           Here we show model protocell vesicles containing an encapsulated enzyme tha
122 ant ribozyme activity per unit volume during protocell volume changes.
123                                          One protocell was designed to be of minimal complexity; the
124 se functional biomolecules, thus defining a "protocell," was a seminal moment in the emergence of lif
125 e result of RNA synthesis within non-growing protocells, we co-encapsulated high concentrations of ri
126  observations suggest that, in a replicating protocell with an RNA genome, ribozyme-catalysed peptide
127  cup-shaped obcells, or hemicells, to make a protocell with double envelope, internal genome and ribo
128 ction of hierarchically structured synthetic protocells with chemically and spatially integrated prot
129 ingle strands of DNA generates membrane-free protocells with complex, dynamical behaviours.
130         We report here that i.t. delivery of protocells, with modified chemistry supporting a surface
131 on assimilation, leading to the emergence of protocells within vent pores.
132 al precursors to the first biological cells (protocells) would be dependent on the self-organization

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