


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nsmembrane proton electrochemical potential (protonmotive force).
2 bl back into the medium does not require the protonmotive force.
3 his alkaliphile under conditions of very low protonmotive force.
4 rather than inhibited when working against a protonmotive force.
5 xygen to proton pumping, contributing to the protonmotive force.
6  succinate dehydrogenase is modulated by the protonmotive force.
7 ends on a malolactate exchange at suboptimal protonmotive force.
8 le in growth of B. subtilis on malate at low protonmotive force.
9 ward proton translocation and formation of a protonmotive force.
10                      Gliding is powered by a protonmotive force [2], but the machinery required for t
11 mp that contributes to the generation of the protonmotive force across the inner mitochondrial or bac
12                       The role of a putative protonmotive force across the peroxisomal membrane was a
13                                          The protonmotive force alters the affinity of the transhydro
14 ent not only on NAD redox state, but also on protonmotive force and the reduction state of the Q pool
15  the cell wall, delaying the collapse of the protonmotive-force and preventing the onset of autolysis
16 he presence of inhibitory Q-analogs and high protonmotive force, and the strong dependence of both mo
17 ory substrates in mitochondria to generate a protonmotive force (Deltap) that drives ATP synthesis.
18  mitochondrial bioenergetic parameter is the protonmotive force, Deltap.
19 porter LmrP from Lactococcus lactis mediates protonmotive-force dependent efflux of amphiphilic ligan
20  two rotary motors coupled back-to-back: the protonmotive force-driven motor F0 pushes the ATP-driven
21 ow (NADH-oxidizing) or, at sufficiently high protonmotive force, during reverse electron transport fr
22  to exist for the purpose of transducing the protonmotive force energy from the cytoplasmic membrane,
23 sport in rat skeletal muscle mitochondria: a protonmotive force generated by ATP hydrolysis, succinat
24 ort fully folded proteins utilizing only the protonmotive force generated during photosynthesis for e
25 nt inhibition of FbpABC transport, while the protonmotive-force-inhibitor carbonyl cyanide m-chloroph
26                  This result suggests that a protonmotive force is not absolutely required for peroxi
27           Thus Lys-180 plays a role when the protonmotive force is reduced at near neutral, not just
28 e TonB-ExbB-ExbD complex, potentiated by the protonmotive force, is to reduce the affinity of the Cbl
29 ytoplasmic membrane protein TonB couples the protonmotive force of the cytoplasmic membrane to active
30                               The effects of protonmotive force on autolytic activity were studied by
31 aneous processes through the intermediacy of protonmotive force (p.m.f.)--an imbalance in electrochem
32                                            A protonmotive force (pmf) across the cell's inner membran
33 Tat pathway is likely dependent on the total protonmotive force (PMF) as an energy source.
34  bacteria were purged with N(2) to dissipate protonmotive force (pmf) fluorescence became intense.
35 erichia coli (TonB/ExbB/ExbD) transduces the protonmotive force (pmf) of the cytoplasmic membrane to
36 erichia coli, the TonB system transduces the protonmotive force (pmf) of the cytoplasmic membrane to
37        TonB couples the cytoplasmic membrane protonmotive force (pmf) to active transport across the
38 coli TonB system couple cytoplasmic membrane protonmotive force (pmf) to TonB.
39 ns that induce stress on the plasma membrane protonmotive force (PMF), such as high external potassiu
40 ting an electrochemical potential called the protonmotive force (PMF).
41                                              Protonmotive force produced by the electron transport ch
42 ively charged mutants depend on SecA and the protonmotive force, respectively.
43                           Dissipation of the protonmotive force that drives Tat transport has no affe
44 ow, there are three rotary motors powered by protonmotive force: the bacterial flagellar motor, the F

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