


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ither alone was sufficient to confer guanine prototrophy.
2 DE2, allowed cox2::arg8m-G66S to support Arg prototrophy.
3 te, and integrants can be selected by uracil prototrophy.
4 lain the requirement of ppGpp for amino acid prototrophy.
5 mutant restored 5-FOA sensitivity and uracil prototrophy.
6 accharomyces cerevisiae to restore glutamate prototrophy.
7 e and showed that they conferred the proline prototrophy.
8 fficiently transformed the ura3 auxotroph to prototrophy.
9  GTR-defective mutant for restoration of ALA prototrophy.
10 d to couple receptor activation to histidine prototrophy.
11 mid, the hem A- E. coli strain acquired heme prototrophy.
12 oson insertion in ccpA also restored proline prototrophy.
13 otrophic mutants restored the mutants to DAP prototrophy.
14 is, motility, and previously uncharacterized prototrophy and biofilm formation, all of which are co-o
15 omplementation, and it restores ethanolamine prototrophy and corrects the defective lipid metabolism
16 ransformation with this gene restored uracil prototrophy and OMPpase activity to UV-mutagenized ura5
17 wild-type gene from M. tuberculosis restored prototrophy and the ability to take up sulphate with the
18 agment that was required for both methionine prototrophy and wild-type epiphytic fitness.
19               HisZ is required for histidine prototrophy, and three other lines of evidence support t
20  genotoxity assay involving reversion to lac prototrophy as a response to activation of the heterocyc
21 nt restored aconitase activity and glutamate prototrophy but only partially restored sporulation.
22 conditions, suggesting a role for methionine prototrophy in bacterial stress tolerance.
23 positions of the mutant residues that confer prototrophy in the structure of core RNAP, we suggest mo
24 ces, indicating a requirement for methionine prototrophy in wild-type epiphytic fitness.
25 ated macrophages, indicating that tryptophan prototrophy is also important in a human-virulent F. tul
26 ng-type-regulated auxotrophy (MRA), by which prototrophy is restricted to a particular haploid genoty
27  or rpoC, selected for the ability to confer prototrophy on relA spoT strains, were found to affect t
28 determined by reversion to adenine or lysine prototrophy, respectively.
29     Compensating for the progressive loss of prototrophy, self-establishing communities successfully
30 S3 reporter confers Tgs1-dependent histidine prototrophy, signifying that the respective introns are
31 g47390 or GRMZM2G090068) restored riboflavin prototrophy to an E. coli ribD deletant strain when coex
32 olymerase (RNAP) mutants, selected to confer prototrophy to deltarelAdeltaspoT strains, mimic the eff
33 murine putative P5CS cDNAs conferred proline prototrophy to P5CS-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cell
34 ed the genetic lesion and restored polyamine prototrophy to the Deltaarg parasites.
35 nd assayed the level of reversion to leucine prototrophy under conditions of leucine starvation.
36          Recombinants are selected by uracil prototrophy using the reagent 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA
37                The frequency of reversion to prototrophy was <10(-11).
38  Transformation of the wdura5Delta mutant to prototrophy was accomplished by electroporation of Wd ye
39  on phenotypic conversion from auxotrophy to prototrophy was established to select efficient and spec

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