


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 served LRH-1/beta-catenin interaction may be prototypic.
2                            GYKI 52466 is the prototypic 2,3-benzodiazepine compound, and BDZ-f is the
3            The automated reconstruction of a prototypic 4D atlas for vertebrate early embryos, using
4 y CD6, selected for binding to the NA of the prototypic A(H1N1)pdm09 virus, A/California/07/2009, pro
5 olate induced more cytopathogenesis than the prototypic A2 strain.
6        We examined the effect of combining a prototypic ABT, proinsulin/alum, with GABA treatment in
7               Here we show that, following a prototypic acute viral infection, the formation and main
8 ased in patients with alcoholic hepatitis, a prototypic acute-on-chronic condition; and its expressio
9                The Werner syndrome (WS) is a prototypic adult Mendelian progeroid syndrome in which s
10 ells with a memory phenotype responding to a prototypic aeroallergen.
11 pha-Galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) is the prototypic agonist, but its excessive potency with simul
12         High-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), a prototypic alarmin, mediates the systemic inflammatory r
13 eation of a human monoclonal IgE against the prototypic allergen Bet v 1.
14 ed by airway challenge to subtilisin induces prototypic allergic lung inflammation, characterized by
15 Binding and structural studies, focused on a prototypic allo-HLA-A2-restricted T-cell receptor (TCR)
16  shown to be important to the ability of the prototypic alphaherpesvirus herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-
17              Sindbis virus, an arbovirus and prototypic alphavirus having an inner protein shell and
18 B-cell pool is enriched for cells expressing prototypic ANA heavy chains in these mice in a non-autoi
19 es that are enriched with B cells expressing prototypic ANA heavy chains.
20 clude that developmental diversity positions prototypic and arkypallidal neurons to fulfil distinct r
21 he peptide library was then used to identify prototypic and quantotypic peptides to proceed with MRM
22 pes of GABAergic projection cell; so-called "prototypic" and "arkypallidal" neurons.
23  GABAergic GPe projection neuron, so-called 'prototypic' and 'arkypallidal' neurons, that have differ
24 ry T cells (Tregs) are generally regarded as prototypic anti-inflammatory cells that maintain immune
25          Neither the germline precursor of a prototypic antibody, CR6261 (ref. 3), nor those of two o
26                                          The prototypic antiproliferative cytokine TGF-beta1 is requi
27 t interact with the glycoproteins (GPs) of a prototypic arenavirus and hantavirus and show that the l
28 he generation of recombinant versions of the prototypic arenavirus LCMV encoding codon-deoptimized vi
29                        Here we have used the prototypic arenavirus LCMV to document a general molecul
30 ursor (GPC) loci within the S segment of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
31 nce indicates that the worldwide-distributed prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
32     We recoded the nucleoprotein (NP) of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
33 nce indicates that the worldwide-distributed prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
34 ence indicates that the globally distributed prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
35 ion (homotypic interaction) of the NP of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
36 e characterized the NP-Z interaction for the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
37                                          The prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
38 tly prevented the processing of GPC from the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
39      We demonstrate that recombinants of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
40                                  We used the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
41 nce indicates that the worldwide-distributed prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
42     Here, we investigated the ability of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
43                                          The prototypic arenavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis viru
44                                          The prototypic arenavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis viru
45 nce indicates that the worldwide-distributed prototypic arenavirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis viru
46         Using a reverse genetics system of a prototypic arenavirus, Pichinde virus (PICV), we have sh
47 zyme was found to be active and to acetylate prototypic arylamine NAT substrates.
48                                 Finally, the prototypic AT(1)R antagonist losartan seems unable to lo
49  autoimmune blistering dermatoses (AIBD) are prototypic autoantibody-mediated diseases.
50      Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypic autoimmune disease characterized by circulati
51  erythematosus (SLE) is considered to be the prototypic autoimmune disease, with a complex genetic ar
52                                              Prototypic avian influenza viruses (H3N2, H9N2, and H5N1
53                             We show that the prototypic avipoxvirus, fowlpox virus (FWPV), is highly
54 mes for two primordial T-cell lineages and a prototypic B-cell lineage were already present in the la
55                                          The prototypic beta-herpesvirus human cytomegalovirus (CMV)
56                                          The prototypic betaherpesvirus human cytomegalovirus (CMV) e
57 n a century of use in clinical practice, the prototypic binding site for this class of drugs within p
58  CR3 and MUT4, were designed and tested, and prototypic bispecific Abs directed against CD5 and HLA-D
59      We used mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) as a prototypic blood cancer for validating a novel siRNA del
60 nt of TeNT entry into CNS neurons, using the prototypic BoNT serotype A as a reference for SV2-mediat
61 etermined whether SIRT1 is downstream of the prototypic c-MYC oncogene, which is activated in the maj
62 oceria, in order to detect the expression of prototypic cancer biomarkers at pH 7.0, such as the fola
63 ugs: 1) metformin and 2) cimetidine; and two prototypic cationic substrates, 3) 1-methyl-4-phenylpyri
64 consisting of gp120 core in complex with the prototypic CD4-induced Ab, 17b.
65 >50% of all sequences, in association with a prototypic CDR3delta2.
66 he phosphorylated, fully activated CDK2, the prototypic cell cycle CDK, complexed with cyclin A.
67                                            A prototypic cell-based therapy, the mesenchymal stem cell
68                           Mandelic acids are prototypic chiral molecules where the sensitivity of cry
69                                          The prototypic chitinase-like protein Chi3l1 is induced in c
70                                          The prototypic chitinase-like protein chitinase 3-like-1 (CH
71 hat Chitinase 3-like-1 (Chi3l1), a conserved prototypic chitinase-like protein, is induced by Strepto
72      We identified two ANK proteins from the prototypic chlorovirus Paramecium bursaria chlorella vir
73 ) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3R), a prototypic class A GPCR, as a model system.
74 ies with the M3 muscarinic receptor (M3R), a prototypic class A GPCR, that the M3R is able to form mu
75               Comparisons were made with the prototypic classic cannabinoid Delta(9)-THC.
76 yne 1,3-dipolar Huisgen's cycloaddition, the prototypic click reaction, presents a promising opportun
77                                      Thus, a prototypic component of humoral innate immunity, PTX3, p
78                                           As prototypic compound we designed a six-mer mutated peptid
79  protein engineering techniques to improve a prototypic construct.
80                            These strains are prototypic counterpoles for genetically imprinted type 1
81                                    Using the prototypic cyclotide kalata B1 (kB1) expressed from the
82 onatal CD4(+) T cells is to produce CXCL8, a prototypic cytokine of innate immune cells.
83                                          The prototypic d-peptide inhibitor (D)PMI-alpha binds ((25-1
84 nalysis of resting-state fMRI measurements-a prototypic data modality that exhibits variable levels o
85                                          The prototypic design is designated SOSIP.664, but many HIV-
86                         In the sea urchin, a prototypic deuterostome, the ectoderm-endoderm boundary
87                                              Prototypic dinuclear metal cofactors with varying metall
88                                       In the prototypic dsRNA bacteriophage phi6, the assembly reacti
89  present the mechanistic analysis of PglC, a prototypic dual domain PGT from Campylobacter concisus U
90                                We cloned the prototypic EBV-neutralizing antibody, 72A1, and found th
91                                 We show that prototypic EC-enriched genes exhibit functional differen
92                                     Both the prototypic endocannabinoid anandamide and the CB1-select
93 acterization of these enzymes along with the prototypic enzyme Sfp from Bacillus subtilis demonstrate
94  encodes a member of the reticulon family of prototypic ER-shaping proteins, in families with spastic
95                                 HIV-1 is the prototypic ESCRT-dependent virus.
96 -damaging agent mitomycin C, argue that this prototypic eukaryotic member of the MORC superfamily has
97 suppressor genes by homozygous deletion is a prototypic event in the cancer genome, yet such deletion
98 nome shares 75.4% nucleotide identity with a prototypic EVG strain (PEV9 UKG/410/73).
99                      Hexaacylated LPS is the prototypic example of a bacterial molecule recognized by
100        Sporulation vs. competence provides a prototypic example of collective cell fate determination
101 l catalysis using ketosteroid isomerase as a prototypic example.
102 hereditary cardiomyopathies are discussed as prototypic examples of single-gene disorders, including
103                     The secretin receptor, a prototypic family B G protein-coupled receptor, forms a
104 profibrotic cytokine that is elevated in the prototypic fibrotic autoimmune condition systemic sclero
105      Our results provide insights into how a prototypic flavivirus, yellow fever virus (YFV-17D), dif
106 ependent long-term depression (NMDAR-LTD), a prototypic form of synaptic plasticity, is accompanied b
107 ince early in life, have been considered the prototypic forms of genetic defects of T-cell developmen
108 py of the minor rs12459419T allele decreases prototypic full-length CD33 expression by approximately
109             Comparison of 2a and 5a with the prototypic fumaroylamino opioid beta-FNA (1a) shows that
110 upratentorial subgroups are characterized by prototypic fusion genes involving RELA and YAP1, respect
111 ly unfold the mammalian membrane protein and prototypic G protein coupled receptor rhodopsin, without
112  the beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2-AR), a prototypic G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), using epin
113 ing residues act as 'efficacy switches' at a prototypic G-protein-coupled receptor.
114                        A first population of prototypic GABAergic GPe neurons fire antiphase to subth
115 explored possible activation pathways of the prototypic GPCR bovine rhodopsin by means of biased mole
116  alpha2B-adrenergic receptor (alpha2B-AR), a prototypic GPCR, and studied the underlying mechanisms.
117 onnectivities, a network of arkypallidal and prototypic GPe neurons comprises a neural substrate capa
118                                              Prototypic GPe neurons derive from the medial ganglionic
119 tract CD4(+) T cells and macrophages to form prototypic granulomatous infiltrates.
120 ors (PDGFs) and their receptors (PDGFRs) are prototypic growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases
121 xt of a preserved structural framework and a prototypic GTP binding site.
122                               In contrast to prototypic H-2D(b) peptides, Trh4 takes a noncanonical p
123 MVs) expressing structural proteins from the prototypic HCV subtype 1a strain H77.
124 in an experimental endocarditis model, using prototypic healthcare- and community-associated MRSA par
125 ollicular helper T cells (TFH cells) are the prototypic helper T cell subset specialized to enable B
126 e causative agent of chronic hepatitis B and prototypic hepadnavirus, is a small DNA virus that repli
127              This overview will focus on the prototypic heritable blistering disorders, epidermolysis
128 ficiency was significantly lower compared to prototypic "highly macrophage-tropic" virus strains.
129 m that is analogous to that exhibited by the prototypic HJ resolvase E. coli RuvC.
130  by a mechanism similar to that shown by the prototypic HJ resolvase, Escherichia coli RuvC protein,
131 available from Cys-scanning mutagenesis of a prototypic homolog.
132                                         As a prototypic host-adapted airborne pathogen, Mycobacterium
133                                          The prototypic housekeeping sortase A (SaSrtA) from Staphylo
134 ciferase reporter, as well as the endogenous prototypic HSF1 target Hsp70.
135  Here, we characterized the interaction of a prototypic human antibody that acquires binding potentia
136                                   Unlike the prototypic human ENT members hENT1 and hENT2, which medi
137                                          The prototypic human gammaherpesvirus EBV, which is associat
138                                          The prototypic hypovirus CHV-1/EP713, which infects the ches
139 show that ECP promotes marked release of the prototypic immunostimulatory cytokine IL-1beta.
140                     Moreover, effects of the prototypic immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CsA) were in
141 emagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins of a prototypic influenza A virus.
142 d to be markedly more potent than the parent prototypic inhibitor in the inhibition of eIF4E/eIF4G in
143 on of a series of rigidified mimetic of this prototypic inhibitor in which the phenyl in the 2-(4-(3,
144                            The 4EGI-1 is the prototypic inhibitor of eIF4E/eIF4G interaction, a poten
145 high- and low-affinity binding sites for the prototypic inhibitor rolipram.
146                                            A prototypic inhibitor was investigated for its mechanism
147 results in podocyte damage, cell loss, and a prototypic injury response called focal segmental glomer
148                                          The prototypic innate-like gammadelta T cells (Tgammadelta17
149 ytic necessity for the first time, using the prototypic invertebrate representative twitchin (UNC-22)
150 g protein 1) transcription factor c-Jun is a prototypic JNK target and important regulator of hepatoc
151 he La module is at present restricted to the prototypic La protein, which acts as an RNA chaperone bi
152                 Thus, cyclin-A1 is the first prototypic leukemia-testis-antigen to be expressed in AM
153 of Clr-b is more rapid than MHC class I, the prototypic ligand of NK cell inhibitory receptors.
154 wined with VEGFR2 surface recognition by its prototypic ligand VEGF-A and its noncanonical ligand gre
155 promotes tumorigenesis in the absence of its prototypic ligand, ephrin-A1.
156 e knowledge about these cells comes from the prototypic limb muscles.
157   Tc17 cells express high levels of multiple prototypic lineage-defining transcription factors (eg, R
158                        Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), a prototypic long pentraxin that plays a non-redundant rol
159                      Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), the prototypic long pentraxin, is a soluble pattern recognit
160 op an enhanced functional profile beyond the prototypic M1, characterized by an even more potent proi
161 and expression of a set of genes involved in prototypic macrophage functions was quantified using rea
162 d to inhibit T/F virus infection compared to prototypic macrophage-tropic virus strains.
163  Malawian infant and fed recipient animals a prototypic Malawian diet with or without purified sialyl
164 aracteristics of the responses elicited by a prototypic MAPK, Fus3, in the mating pheromone response
165                   The x-ray structure of the prototypic MATE family member, NorM from Vibrio cholerae
166                                          The prototypic member MAML1 is the major coactivator that re
167 solved by the identification of Skint-1, the prototypic member of a novel B7-related multigene family
168 acellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is a prototypic member of a serine/threonine protein kinase f
169          Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), the prototypic member of herpesviruses, employs a virally en
170                             Sindbis virus, a prototypic member of the Alphavirus genus, has been used
171               Borna disease virus (BDV), the prototypic member of the Bornaviridae family, within the
172  SAA1.1 in two crystal forms, representing a prototypic member of the family.
173 the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R), a prototypic member of the G protein-coupled receptor supe
174                             SIRPalpha is the prototypic member of the SIRP paired receptor family of
175                            INH-ODN 2088 is a prototypic member of this class of INH-ODN and acts as a
176 While corticotrophin releasing factor is the prototypic member of this class, recent work has identif
177 -constrained secretin(5-27) analogues at the prototypic member of this family, the secretin receptor.
178                                          The prototypic members of this family are Cdc42, Rac1, and R
179 P1 and unaltered inhibitory activity against prototypic metalloproteinases.
180 acterial endotoxin, lipopolysaccharide, is a prototypic microbe-derived inflammatory signal that cont
181 the exposure to mating pheromone activates a prototypic mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) casca
182 alities occurred in prediabetic NOD mice-the prototypic model for human type 1 diabetes.
183            The M2 muscarinic receptor is the prototypic model of allostery in GPCRs, yet the molecula
184  Based on experimental evidence we propose a prototypic model that focuses on the dynamics of hair ma
185                                 Prions are a prototypic model to study protein aggregation biology an
186                   Huntington disease (HD), a prototypic monogenic disease, is caused by an expanded C
187 designed to assess the susceptibility of the prototypic mouse line, Tg(CerPrP)1536(+/-), to bovine sp
188 irected transgenic (sd-tg) mice expressing a prototypic NAA, we investigated the effect of NAA and NA
189                                              Prototypic natural Treg (nTreg) can be reliably identifi
190 suppressor, is required for the entry of the prototypic negative-strand RNA virus, including influenz
191 eral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and the prototypic neuroinflammatory disease multiple sclerosis
192                                              Prototypic neurons coexpressed the transcription factors
193 dopamine-intact rats, molecularly identified prototypic neurons fired at relatively high rates and wi
194 rganization, as actioned by arkypallidal and prototypic neurons with specialized molecular, structura
195 s fired at lower rates and regularities than prototypic neurons, and the two cell types could be furt
196 ro was slower and more variable than that of prototypic neurons, which tallied with arkypallidal neur
197 aker driven and rebound firing compared with prototypic neurons.
198                                 However, the prototypic neurotrophin, nerve growth factor (NGF), is n
199 d Mvarphis, yet the binding of p65/RelA (the prototypic NF-kappaB family member) was reduced at IL-6
200     The efficacy of glycolipids, such as the prototypic NKT cell antagonist alpha-galactosylceramide
201 rotein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV, a prototypic NNS RNA virus) to examine participation of th
202                       When stimulated with a prototypic NOD1 agonist, N-acetylglucosaminyl-N-acetylmu
203                                     Wnt5a, a prototypic non-canonical Wnt with enriched epicardial ex
204 d to 10-50% of normal the levels of mRNA for prototypic Nrf2-regulated enzymes, including the glutama
205    Using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), a prototypic NS RNA virus in the family Rhabdoviridae, we
206      Toward this end, fur was deleted in the prototypic NTHi clinical isolate, 86-028NP, and we asses
207 nt study, we investigated the ability of the prototypic Old World arenavirus lymphocytic choriomening
208                Ligand-gated ion channels are prototypic oligomeric membrane proteins whose stoichiome
209 onceptually, some of these changes behave as prototypic oncogenic addiction loops, being ideal biomar
210 been reported that invasive aspergillosis, a prototypic opportunistic infection in neutropenic hosts,
211 substitution patterns that differed from the prototypic OPS structure.
212   Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is a prototypic organ-specific autoimmune disease induced by
213 sh larvae to different concentrations of the prototypic organophosphorus compound chlorpyrifos-oxon.
214           Using cytomegalovirus (CMV) as the prototypic pathogen, we have delineated the mechanisms r
215 omerization domain-like receptors (NLRs) are prototypic pattern recognition receptors that detect ext
216 studied the minimal fusion requirements of a prototypic phlebovirus, Uukuniemi virus, in an in vitro
217         We therefore explored if BPN14770, a prototypic phosphodiesterase-4D negative allosteric modu
218 in a defined cell type leads inexorably to a prototypic physiological response.
219       This validated therapeutic target is a prototypic, plasma membrane resident ATP-Binding Cassett
220 te conformation of GLIC, currently used as a prototypic pLGIC, and opens new avenues to study the sig
221 and its derivatives as potent agents against prototypic poxvirus infection in cell culture.
222                        This work reveals the prototypic poxvirus Vaccinia virus (VACV) exploits cellu
223                          Vaccinia virus, the prototypic poxvirus, efficiently and faithfully replicat
224              Significant genome synteny with prototypic pre-seventh pandemic strains of V. cholerae w
225  C. difficile, and this method may provide a prototypic precursor-directed probiotic approach.
226         Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, a prototypic pro-inflammatory cytokine, is elevated in AD,
227 tructurally nonrelevant modifications of the prototypic proinflammatory cytokine IL-1beta during an i
228 ce on a continuous basis with or without the prototypic proinflammatory cytokine, IL-1beta.
229            A cysteine protease, papain, is a prototypic protease allergen that can directly activate
230 he single-molecule level the activity of the prototypic proton-pumping P-type ATPase Arabidopsis thal
231 cificity were analyzed for A1120 and for the prototypic RBP4 antagonist fenretinide.
232                          In previous work, a prototypic recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus Indian
233 ical transformation is rapidly emerging as a prototypic, redox-based post-translational modification
234 angiopoietin/Tie ligand/receptor system is a prototypic regulator of vessel remodeling and maturation
235 developed a fusion protein consisting of two prototypic regulatory cytokines, interleukin 4 (IL4) and
236                           Once thought to be prototypic representatives of the dendritic cell (DC) li
237  approach, we have generated and validated a prototypic reverse diagnosis catalog for the MMR gene Mu
238 ggested that formation of a complex with the prototypic RNase H inhibitor beta-thujaplicinol is slow,
239 etween alpha(2) and beta(2) subunits for the prototypic RNR from Escherichia coli.
240 pathology compared to wild-type VSIV and the prototypic rVSIV vaccine vector.
241             For the work described here, the prototypic rVSIV vector was attenuated by combining spec
242  these cells share common hallmarks with the prototypic SCs in somite-derived muscles, they distincti
243 ar receptors that mediate the effects of the prototypic second messenger cAMP.
244                                          The prototypic second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) is essenti
245           cAMP is an evolutionary conserved, prototypic second messenger regulating numerous cellular
246               Using interleukin 7 (IL7) as a prototypic secreted factor, we show that its secretion i
247 like behaviors that are not rescued with the prototypic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
248 ction relationships of Antigen 43 (Ag43a), a prototypic self-associating AT protein from uropathogeni
249 roteins and that the function defined by the prototypic SelK is the widespread function of selenium i
250 n this disease are small bile ducts, and the prototypic serologic response includes antimitochondrial
251        In addition to generating a series of prototypic seven transmembrane domain (7TM) G protein-co
252 ctive agent in this in vitro cell assay, the prototypic sigma 1 receptor agonist (+)-pentazocine was
253  of the beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR), a prototypic signaling receptor, between sequence-dependen
254 NALE: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a prototypic single-gene disease caused mainly by mutation
255 at clearly was morphologically distinct from prototypic SIV encephalitis and human immunodeficiency v
256 lerae diverged from a common ancestor with a prototypic sixth pandemic genomic backbone.
257 to MACs in both SLE and in a model using the prototypic SLE cytokine, interferon-alpha.
258 e of yeast mgt1Delta rad52Delta cells to the prototypic Sn1-type methylating agent N-methyl-N'-nitro-
259 medial amygdala (MeA) has been implicated in prototypic social behaviors such as aggression, the circ
260 evidence suggest that L. pneumophila lacks a prototypic SOS response and competence development in re
261 ost-interacting effector proteins from these prototypic strains has led to the discovery of novel pos
262 fections is based on the study of one or two prototypic strains that have provided deep insight into
263 acellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) is a prototypic subclass of MAPKs and is densely expressed in
264 t Fbw7-dependent regulation of cyclin E, its prototypic substrate, and to examine the consequences of
265  oxidations of nifedipine and quinidine, two prototypic substrates, in liver microsomes and a reconst
266 arrangements in NFL trimers derived from the prototypic subtype A, B, and C representatives.
267      Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the prototypic systemic autoimmune disease, is a debilitatin
268 es elicited by T cells via engagement of the prototypic T cell costimulatory receptor CD28 by the cog
269                       We now report that the prototypic T cell costimulatory receptor CD28 is overexp
270  and conventional DCs, we found that CD28, a prototypic T cell stimulatory receptor, was highly expre
271            We have previously shown that the prototypic T-cell costimulatory receptor CD28, which is
272  affinity maturation of antibodies against a prototypic T-dependent B. burgdorferi protein, Arthritis
273 c Escherichia coli bundle-forming pilus is a prototypic T4P assembled and powered by BfpD, a conserve
274  recorded responses to oral stimulation with prototypic taste stimuli.
275 behavior of T cells with specificity for the prototypic TEIPP antigen, the "self" TRH4 peptide/Db com
276 by dendritic cell IL-12 and IL-10, which are prototypic Th1 and regulatory T cell polarizing cytokine
277  increased transcripts and expression of the prototypic TH1 genes Eomesodermin, IFN-gamma, T-box tran
278 N is essential for host resistance against a prototypic Th1 pathogen, Toxoplasma gondii, and for the
279                                          The prototypic Th2 cytokine IL-4 was found to promote the em
280 effector functions that are inhibited by the prototypic Th2 cytokine IL4 and the TGFbeta superfamily
281 ed by human macrophages and monocytes in the prototypic Th2 pathology asthma.
282                                  Asthma, the prototypic Th2-mediated inflammatory disorder of the lun
283                 Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a prototypic tissue-specific autoantibody-mediated disease
284                    Our results reveal that a prototypic TLR and TNFR signaling pathway is used by a k
285 ne doublet (RK peptide) within Otx2, bearing prototypic traits of a glycosaminoglycan (GAG) binding s
286  used single-channel optical analysis of the prototypic transmembrane beta-barrel alpha-hemolysin (al
287                         One allele, like the prototypic TRIMCyp alleles described for M. mulatta and
288 quantification concatamer (QconCAT) carrying prototypic tryptic peptides of UCH-L1 was used as an int
289 pithelial cells infected with UPEC CFT073, a prototypic urosepsis-associated strain.
290 reactive V3 NAbs elicited by vaccination and prototypic V3 NAbs derived from natural infections in hu
291 e to those induced by the much more virulent prototypic vector.
292 is also reported to be less sensitive to the prototypic viral antagonist human immunodeficiency virus
293 ised against E7 from human papillomavirus, a prototypic viral oncoprotein and a model intrinsically d
294 ciency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu protein, the prototypic viral tetherin antagonist, in rescuing HIV-1
295      The positive-stranded RNA genome of the prototypic virulence-attenuating hypovirus CHV-1/EP713 c
296 potency and breadth that rivals those of the prototypic VRC01 and 3BNC117.
297 suppressor PTEN to the voltage sensor of the prototypic VSP from Ciona intestinalis, Ci-VSP, we gener
298         Misshapen, a distant relative to the prototypic Warts activating kinase Hippo, interacts with
299 n with the ferret-adapted CDV(5804P) and the prototypic wild-type CDV(R252) showed that hematogenous
300 teines and associated disulfide bonds in the prototypic Wnt3a.

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