


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rized complexes, as well as intermediates of prototypical 1,6-enyne cyclization reactions.
2                     Using the technique on a prototypical 2D system, a GaAs quantum well, we uncover
3                          Using graphene as a prototypical 2D system, we demonstrate that its coupling
4 stems, we explore the physical properties of prototypical ABO3 bulk ferroelectric oxides.
5    Using this approach, we discover that the prototypical activators Gal4 and VP16 target the Snf1 (A
6            Overall, carp Il10 shares several prototypical activities with mammalian IL-10, including
7 MD, the pathophysiological importance of the prototypical acute-phase reactant in the etiology of the
8                                          The prototypical Ag, alpha-galactosylceramide, strongly acti
9 wever, this is probably not the case for the prototypical agent (11)C-PK11195 ((11)C-labeled N-butan-
10                    Relative to the reference prototypical agonist IB-MECA, (N)-methanocarba 5'-N-meth
11       We examined aGPCR activation using two prototypical aGPCRs, GPR56 and GPR110.
12                  We tested the effect of the prototypical AhR ligand 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dio
13 ular and toxic end points mediated through a prototypical AhR ligand.
14 sment of the biodistribution in rodents of a prototypical Alexa647-labeled trivalent conjugate showed
15 ex of RIIbeta and Cbeta, with or without the prototypical anchoring protein AKAP18alpha, revealed tha
16                                          The prototypical and homonymous family member is an Escheric
17 ynamics in suspended monolayer graphene, the prototypical and most-studied 2D material.
18 y exist within the technologically important prototypical and pervasive insulator, polyethylene (PE),
19  Herein, a systematic mechanistic study of a prototypical anion-binding reaction, the thiourea-cataly
20 Thermus thermophilus and compare this to the prototypical antiporter NhaA from Escherichia coli and t
21 schizophrenia and the molecular effects of a prototypical antipsychotic.
22               In Caenorhabditis elegans, the prototypical AP-2 adaptor complex, which is activated by
23           Fas (CD95, Apo-1, or TNFRSF6) is a prototypical apoptosis-inducing death receptor in the tu
24 r the first time, theoretically predict four prototypical aqueous-drug diffusion coefficients in five
25 accharide-stimulated monocytes was used as a prototypical assay of HDL's immunomodulatory capacity.
26 adicals (RO2) produced in the oxidation of a prototypical atmospheric pollutant, n-hexane.
27 ce energy transfer spectroscopy to study the prototypical ATP-binding cassette exporter MsbA reconsti
28                  Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a prototypical autoimmune disease that is among the few fo
29 ant cellular mechanisms responsible for this prototypical autoimmune disorder.
30                              We found that a prototypical autoreactive TCR bound CD1a when it was pre
31                  Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a prototypical B cell-mediated autoimmune disease affectin
32 ickerson dodecamer (DDD: d(CGCGAATTGCGC)2) a prototypical B-DNA duplex.
33                       Types 1 and P pili are prototypical bacterial cell-surface appendages playing e
34 c polarization and polarization switching in prototypical BaTiO3 of tetragonal symmetry.
35 ate resistance, in vitro and in vivo, to the prototypical BET inhibitor, I-BET.
36                                          The prototypical beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR) activates
37 osphodiesterases (2',5'-PDEs) encoded by the prototypical Betacoronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV
38            Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), the prototypical betaherpesvirus, encodes proteins specializ
39 sistence of human cytomegalovirus (CMV), the prototypical betaherpesvirus, is particularly complex in
40       Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) is a prototypical betaretrovirus responsible for simian AIDS
41                             Here we describe prototypical biological systems where membrane segregati
42                Collectively, it represents a prototypical biomechanical system, where the complex hie
43 ith concentrations of denatonium benzoate, a prototypical bitter compound, and the limit of detection
44 ing 34 mouse bitter taste receptors with 128 prototypical bitter substances in a heterologous express
45              Two planarized analogues of the prototypical Blatter radical (1), peri-annulated 1S and
46 , and examine the formed morphology in three prototypical blends.
47 KMC) model that describes the formation of a prototypical boronate-ester linked 2D COF known as COF-5
48 cally, disambiguation relies on knowledge of prototypical bouncing events that contain characteristic
49              We further demonstrate that the prototypical Ca(2+) sensor CaM is required for the regul
50  demonstrate that mammalian PKDs 1-3 and the prototypical Caenorhabditis elegans PKD, DKF-2A, are exc
51 h has structural similarity to myosin V, the prototypical cargo transporter.
52 he chemical and biological properties of the prototypical CC chemokine, CCL2.
53         The optoelectronic properties of the prototypical CH3NH3PbI3 can be further adjusted by intro
54 generation measurements of the SCN(-) ion, a prototypical chaotrope, determined a free energy of adso
55                                          The prototypical chaperonin GroEL assists protein folding th
56       We have studied the interaction of the prototypical chaperonin GroEL with the prion domain of t
57 the appropriate normal forms, an "intrinsic" prototypical characterization of the types of dynamical
58 ic injury is associated with upregulation of prototypical chemoattractant cytokines mediating retenti
59              Metastatic cervical cancer is a prototypical chemotherapy-refractory epithelial malignan
60 ry elements must extend beyond the survey of prototypical chromatin marks.
61  The angiotensin-II type 1 (AT1) receptor, a prototypical class A G protein-coupled receptor, can act
62 cle reviews this subject in the context of 2 prototypical clinical cases.
63 ss of house dust mite allergen extracts as a prototypical complex extract that may be standardized by
64        Significant attention is given to the prototypical compound methylammonium lead iodide (CH3NH3
65                  In this work we show that a prototypical compound of the 1111-type, SmFe(0.92)Co(0.0
66 ure containing equimolar amounts of nine (9) prototypical compounds.
67    Despite many studies, the details of this prototypical conformational change are still debated.
68 e, we examine the dissociation dynamics of a prototypical Criegee intermediate by characterizing the
69 ransfer step that releases OH radicals for a prototypical Criegee intermediate, CH3CHOO.
70 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, which is a prototypical Cys-loop receptor.
71            The structure and function of the prototypical cytidine monophosphate-Kdo-dependent alpha-
72  effector T cells identified as secretors of prototypical cytokines IFNgamma, IL4, IL9, and IL-17A re
73 ow that in response to lysosomal damage, the prototypical cytosolic secretory autophagy cargo IL-1bet
74                                          The prototypical device exhibits electrical characteristics
75 zed diabodies (DA) as surrogate ligands in a prototypical dimeric receptor-ligand system, the cytokin
76  (CS+) and safe (CS-) stimulus reverse, in a prototypical disorder of inflexible behavior influenced
77                                          The prototypical disorder of respiratory cilia is primary ci
78 ve investigation of the dynamics of the most prototypical DNA duplex.
79                             Pilocarpine is a prototypical drug used to treat glaucoma and dry mouth a
80                      Conversely, none of the prototypical drugs adsorb specifically to anionic MAA (a
81                                  All studied prototypical drugs specifically interact with HEMA and n
82                    We show that holomycin, a prototypical DTP, is reductively activated, and reduced
83 ancer, in vertebrates), is recognized as the prototypical effector of chemoattraction, with roles in
84                   West Nile virus (WNV) is a prototypical emerging virus for which no effective thera
85                      Compound L-742,001 is a prototypical endonuclease inhibitor, and we found that r
86                               Also, the most prototypical epitopes were expressed in a completely for
87             We consider the Ising model as a prototypical example for spontaneous symmetry breaking a
88 cated in a number of disease states, and the prototypical example is Clostridium difficile infection
89                                          The prototypical example is PbTe whose incipient ferroelectr
90                                          The prototypical example is the unimolecular dissociation of
91    Vinylidene-acetylene isomerization is the prototypical example of a 1,2-hydrogen shift, one of the
92                               CeRhIn(5) is a prototypical example of a heavy-fermion superconductor:
93                   Herein, Pt3Y-targeted as a prototypical example of an early-late intermetallic-has
94                      Given that the SCN is a prototypical example of oscillating neural systems, prin
95         To investigate this, we focused on a prototypical example of such a system: the multiple anti
96                             Here, we study a prototypical example, 2H-NbSe2, by spin- and angle-resol
97                                         In a prototypical example, we calculate that the energy input
98                          Viral capsids are a prototypical example, where coat proteins exhibit not on
99  of adaptor proteins, including Grb2, is one prototypical example.
100  myoglobin and beta-lactoglobulin, which are prototypical examples of helical and beta-sheet proteins
101 s naturally varying in their distance from a prototypical face.
102                                              Prototypical faces are processed more fluently, resultin
103                        Here, we use XPD as a prototypical Fe-S protein to further characterize how Fe
104 -induced spin-state trapping dynamics of the prototypical [Fe(bpy)3](2+) compound by time-resolved X-
105         LPS from Gram-negative bacteria is a prototypical first signal inducing pro-IL-1beta synthesi
106                                       Hemin, prototypical for the heme group in hemoglobin, is used t
107                                           In prototypical form, a single electrical stimulus is direc
108 e disrupted all of the putative genes in the prototypical fusellovirus, SSV1.
109   The visual photo-transduction cascade is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling
110 ocess in the adenosine A2Areceptor (A2AR), a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR).
111 uman beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) - a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor - is modulated b
112 sed this issue by studying the mobility of a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor, the neurokinin-
113                               Rhodopsin is a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that is a
114      The visual photoreceptor rhodopsin is a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that stab
115 ity at the micro opioid receptor (microR), a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor that is a physio
116 riophage lambda-terminase, which serves as a prototypical genome packaging motor, is composed of one
117 med (MRJ) particle packings can be viewed as prototypical glasses in that they are maximally disorder
118                           Here we describe a prototypical GluN2B-selective antagonist with an IC50 va
119 ment-associated currents, implying that this prototypical GPCR possesses a voltage sensor.
120                                            A prototypical GPCR present on these cells, i.e. the canna
121 cling of the beta2-adrenoceptor (beta2AR), a prototypical GPCR, and then investigate the effects of V
122         In this species, inactivation of the prototypical Gram-positive CCR master regulator, ccpA, a
123                                          The prototypical hallucinogen LSD acts via serotonin recepto
124 rform other metal-organic catalysts like the prototypical hangman porphyrins.
125 dy the microscopic properties of methanol, a prototypical HB liquid.
126 HCF-1 in a manner indistinguishable from the prototypical HBM-containing protein VP16.
127     The appearance of nematic behaviour in a prototypical heavy-fermion superconductor highlights the
128 ne correction of sickle cell anemia (SCA), a prototypical hemoglobinopathy.
129 cts and acini of the human mammary gland are prototypical heterogeneous and dynamic tissues comprisin
130                      Glioblastoma (GBM) is a prototypical heterogeneous brain tumor refractory to con
131                 In this study, we focus on a prototypical hierarchical biomaterial, fibrin, which is
132 sis of a hexagonal close-packed phase of the prototypical high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi.
133 mparison to the corresponding values for the prototypical HKUST-1 (tbo-MOF-1), and are 42% and 20% hi
134          Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the prototypical human beta-herpes virus.
135 amics simulations to probe the dynamics of a prototypical hydrogen-bonded alcohol, liquid methanol.
136 ient to transform ammonia monohydrate from a prototypical hydrogen-bonded crystal into a form where t
137 D) simulations of the unbinding of a popular prototypical hydrophobic cavity-ligand system using a me
138            Like butyrate and propionate, the prototypical hydroxyamic acid-derived histone deacetylas
139 this mechanism, we investigated Op-IAP3, the prototypical IAP from baculovirus OpMNPV.
140 ispersion that the D2 domain of p27(Kip1), a prototypical IDP, samples multiple discrete, rapidly exc
141 report the process of glutamate binding to a prototypical iGluR, GluA2, in atomistic detail using unb
142                                       Unlike prototypical IkappaB proteins, which are inhibitors of N
143  signature in natural killer (NK) cells, the prototypical ILC subset, and provide a systems-based mol
144                     Carp Il10 shares several prototypical inhibitory activities on phagocytes with ma
145 ter resistance to water penetration than the prototypical inorganic-organic lead-containing halide pe
146 pproach achieves high accuracy in describing prototypical interacting spins models in one and two dim
147 organismal responses to pathogens, eliciting prototypical "interferon signature genes" that encode an
148 quartet apparent motion illusion, which is a prototypical intermittent rivalry stimulus.
149                       Crystallization of the prototypical K2P channel, TWIK-1, finally revealed the s
150    In the case of the Src tyrosine kinase, a prototypical kinase due to its role in cancer and its hi
151 3 (BT-BZT) polycrystalline ferroelectrics, a prototypical lead-free piezoelectric with an ambiguous s
152                                          The prototypical lesion is a large shagreen patch located on
153 port machinery through the activity of Rev's prototypical leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES).
154 oded by CYP1A1, in response to the exogenous prototypical ligand 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
155 sing NiCo2O4 as the p-TCO and n-type Si as a prototypical light absorber, a rectifying heterojunction
156 ate dynamics and structural evolution of the prototypical light-driven rotary motor are followed on t
157 d model by investigating the activity of two prototypical linear cationic peptides: magainin 2 amide
158 7 was found to exert these same effects on a prototypical long QT syndrome mutation (delKPQ).
159 tered state ((5)MC) as has been observed for prototypical low-spin Fe(II) polypyridine complexes such
160 e phenotype with induction of genes that are prototypical M2 markers.
161 man scattering study of AMnBi2 (A=Ca, Sr), a prototypical magnetic Dirac system comprising alternatin
162 ent a recessive mouse missense allele of the prototypical mammalian KDEL receptor, KDEL ER protein re
163  Our results encourage further study of this prototypical material and may open a window into investi
164 ements were performed in vacuum gaps between prototypical materials (SiO2-SiO2, Au-Au, SiO2-Au and Au
165  bacteria, and the Wzy pathway constitutes a prototypical mechanism to produce these structures.
166 high-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1), a prototypical mediator of sterile inflammation, to be a m
167                       Human mutations in its prototypical member HNF1A cause maturity-onset diabetes
168 plant Mitragyna speciosa, represented by the prototypical member mitragynine, are an unusual class of
169                                     Crk, the prototypical member of a class of Src homology-2 (SH2) a
170 ntiation, emerging data show that Bach2 is a prototypical member of a novel class of transcription fa
171 mor-suppressive function for NF-kappaB1, the prototypical member of NF-kappaB.
172 y, we have identified a crucial role for the prototypical member of the family HNF1A in adult bone ma
173      Natural killer (NK) cells represent the prototypical member of the ILC family.
174 porter (POT) YdgR from Escherichia coli is a prototypical member of the POT family, functioning in pr
175        The budding yeast protein Asr1 is the prototypical member of the RPC (RING, PHD, CBD) family o
176                        Crystal structures of prototypical members bound to the ATP-binding site of TN
177                                          The prototypical members of each structural class, CM026 and
178         Hendra virus (HeV) is one of the two prototypical members of the Henipavirus genus of paramyx
179                           Nbp35 and Cfd1 are prototypical members of the MRP/Nbp35 class of iron-sulf
180                      Rho family GTPases, the prototypical members of which are Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA,
181 s are differentiated into more or less group-prototypical members.
182 se questions, revealing that the carriers of prototypical metal oxides undergo a transition from a po
183 tribute the 600% increase in creep life in a prototypical Mg-rare earth (RE)-Zn alloy to multiple mec
184 lica, alumina, and titania nanoparticles (as prototypical mineral colloids).
185 ime scale of minutes to hours in response to prototypical mitochondrial stressors (antimycin-A, xanth
186 nd electronic transport that is critical for prototypical mixed conductor devices.
187 d km/s laser-driven flyer plate impacts on a prototypical MOF, ZIF-8.
188 chiral guest adsorption, demonstrated on the prototypical MOF-5, may revolutionize the production of
189 rt structural and functional analyses of the prototypical molecular bridge linking postsynaptic iGluR
190 ing dynamics of protein L in presence of the prototypical molecular chaperone trigger factor over the
191 his platform, we studied gold junctions with prototypical molecules (Au-biphenyl-4,4'-dithiol-Au, Au-
192 mental mechanistic free-energy profile for a prototypical Morita Baylis-Hillman reaction in methanol.
193  identify driver genes using human tumors or prototypical mouse models, many of which involve loss of
194 compounds inhibit radioligand binding to the prototypical MPEP/FPEB allosteric site in vitro.
195 nravel this conundrum by heterostructuring a prototypical multi-ordered complex oxide NdNiO3 in ultra
196  analysis of mixed gas hydrate nucleation, a prototypical multicomponent crystallization process.
197 receptor on the surface of T cells that is a prototypical multisite substrate as it contains 20 sites
198  well as ground-truth stimulus features in a prototypical neural dataset.
199 halose to a mouse model of Batten disease, a prototypical neurodegenerative disease presenting with i
200                                    RTT is a 'prototypical' neurodevelopmental disorder with many clin
201                             Rett syndrome, a prototypical neurological disorder caused by loss of fun
202                     Sweet syndrome (SS) is a prototypical neutrophilic dermatosis, a class of inflamm
203               Molecular manipulations of the prototypical NHE1 isoform have implicated several predic
204 itrate required for changes in expression of prototypical nitrate-responsive genes.
205  interactions, physiological ligands for the prototypical NK1.1 orphan receptor remain elusive.
206 k, we report magnetic effects in graphene, a prototypical non-magnetic two-dimensional semi-metal, in
207 ound state substrate-bound structure for the prototypical nonadiabatic tunneling system, soybean lipo
208         This applies even to SiC, which is a prototypical nuclear ceramic and wide-band-gap semicondu
209 l patters characterize the dynamic signature prototypical of individual emotion processing, and seemi
210 nderlie the neural computational dysfunction prototypical of schizophrenia.
211 TMD-head domain relationship by exchanging a prototypical "old" TMD (1933) with a "recent" (2009), mo
212 to represent cognitive domains, and though a prototypical one, we nevertheless urge caution in genera
213      The meta-xylylene diradical m-C8H8 is a prototypical organic triplet that represents a building
214 in induction were lower for PA2 than for the prototypical outbreak strains Sakai and EDL933.
215 istent with studies of the M1 mAChR with the prototypical PAM, BQZ12.
216 is proteolytically activated, similar to the prototypical PAR1.
217 he genome of parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), a prototypical paramyxovirus, encodes a V protein that inh
218                              Compared with a prototypical patient receiving 8 days with a tidal volum
219                        Cost parameters for a prototypical patient's life expectancy also were modeled
220 ing a patient's profile with the memories of prototypical patients built through previous repeat clin
221 er, although nearly all controls exhibited a prototypical pattern of spatial bias in their judgments,
222  emotion category is associated with unique, prototypical patterns of activity across multiple brain
223 st cancers into integrative clusters reveals prototypical patterns of single-nucleotide variants and
224 we use molecular dynamics simulations of the prototypical Pb(Mg1/3,Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 relaxor material t
225 l protein crystallographic structures of the prototypical PC family member furin in different functio
226 nding network, as well as lone pairs, of the prototypical PCM, Ge2 Sb2 Te5 (GST).
227 terization of a dimeric Pd(I) species in two prototypical Pd-catalyzed aerobic oxidation reactions: a
228 how a 100{011} edge dislocation in SrTiO3, a prototypical perovskite oxide, impacts the local defect
229 lectron-doping-induced phase transition of a prototypical perovskite SmNiO3 induces a large and non-v
230              Here we show that, by using the prototypical photoanode material of haematite as a study
231  with primary multiple myeloma (MM) PCs, the prototypical PI-responsive cells.
232                                 Plectin is a prototypical plakin that tethers intermediate filaments
233 central vacuole is one of the hallmarks of a prototypical plant cell, and the multiple functions of t
234                                        Using prototypical poly(dimethylsiloxane) elastomers, we illus
235 2 capture from air have often focused on the prototypical poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) as the aminopolyme
236 ic analysis of the blocking mechanism of the prototypical polyamine toxin NMDAR ion channel blocker a
237 orption-here we show that post exposure of a prototypical porous metal-organic framework to ethylened
238 se are characterized by fibrosis whereby the prototypical prosclerotic growth factor, transforming gr
239 demonstrated by tracking the activity of two prototypical proteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, as the
240 cell responses, and cross- presented soluble prototypical protein to antigen-specific CD8+ T cells.
241      Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is the prototypical psychedelic drug, but its effects on the hu
242                                          The prototypical PXR activator rifampicin markedly induced t
243 aling processes, and experimentally, using a prototypical quantum annealing processor, the ability of
244 tatively measure the binding affinity of the prototypical RBP Vts1 for every transcript in the Saccha
245 o the reaction of H with toluene, which is a prototypical reaction in the combustion chemistry of aro
246 tion of fluoride onto these Lewis acids as a prototypical reaction with a nucleophile yielded a libra
247 tudy, we investigated the effects of H2O2, a prototypical reactive oxygen species that is also presen
248 ative mapping from empirical observations to prototypical realizations of the underlying dynamics.
249 , ion permeation and desensitization in this prototypical receptor class.
250 epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a prototypical receptor tyrosine kinase involved in cell g
251                          RecA protein is the prototypical recombinase.
252 rt the generation of bias "fingerprints" for prototypical ribose containing A3AR agonists and rigidif
253 roper transport and local translation from a prototypical RNA granule substrate and for mGluR-LTD in
254                  X-ray crystal structures of prototypical RRNPP members have provided atomic-level in
255                                 Furthermore, prototypical SAI electrophysiological signatures were ab
256         Here we present the structure of the prototypical Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium pat
257 onsidering heterogeneous water freezing as a prototypical scenario of practical relevance, we find th
258                              The TLR4 is the prototypical sensor of infection or injury that orchestr
259    From the study of proteorhodopsin (PR), a prototypical seven-transmembrane light-driven bacterial
260 lation of Phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma), a prototypical SH2 containing substrate, by FGF receptors
261                     Here, we report that the prototypical sigma1R agonist (+)-pentazocine potentiated
262        Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a prototypical signaling protein.
263  crystal structure of elemental lithium, the prototypical simple metal, is a several-decades-old prob
264                                          The prototypical single-molecule magnet (SMM) molecule [Mn12
265  to insoluble coal fly ash compared with the prototypical soluble agonist capsaicin.
266                  Previous work on the RSV A2 prototypical strain demonstrated that the G protein is f
267  that doping electrons at the surface of the prototypical strong spin-orbit TMD WSe2, akin to applyin
268                                         This prototypical strongly correlated quantum material is sta
269         The resulting heterocycles are novel prototypical structures for the double ESIPT process.
270 ss-induced reinstatement of drug seeking for prototypical substances of abuse.
271 alpha,omega-diene using cis-cyclooctene as a prototypical substrate.
272     Towards this goal, we have synthesized a prototypical superlattice composed of a correlated metal
273 or the evolution of these transitions in the prototypical system Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2.
274                      Specifically, using the prototypical system of gold triangular nanoprisms, we sh
275                                          The prototypical system TiSe2, with a particularly simple (2
276 lar, we imposed geometric frustration upon a prototypical system, CaF2, by ball milling it with BaF2,
277 Ox) was embedded in the matrix and used as a prototypical system.
278                                        Three prototypical systems are discussed: titanium dioxide (Ti
279 sed peptide, WE14, is a weak agonist for the prototypical T cell, BDC-2.5, and other ChgA-specific T-
280 mice but not in stargazer mice that lack the prototypical TARP stargazin (gamma-2).
281 lls intoRag1(-/-)C57BL/6 or BALB/c mice, the prototypical Th1/M1- and Th2/M2-prone strains.
282 ure limit, Onsager's theory may be cast as a prototypical theory of the Coulomb phase.
283 imetal and topological insulator states in a prototypical three-dimensional (3D) Dirac material, Na3B
284  hexagonal molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2), a prototypical transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) semi
285                      Yeast polymerase eta, a prototypical translesion synthesis polymerase, binds bot
286                           For CP-AMPARs, the prototypical transmembrane AMPAR regulatory protein star
287 widely conserved signaling node comprising a prototypical transmembrane receptor for c-di-GMP, LapD,
288 uman NKT cells that differ markedly from the prototypical TRAV10-TRAJ18-TRBV25-1(+) type I NKT cell r
289 ERT to map the binding site of imipramine, a prototypical tricyclic antidepressant, and vortioxetine,
290                                          The prototypical two-component system consists of a sensor t
291                             Here, we use the prototypical two-dimensional electron liquid (2DEL) at t
292           We also examined the production of prototypical type 1, type 2, type 9, type 17, and type 2
293 er virulence effectors into host cells via a prototypical type III secretion system to promote pathog
294      Schistosoma mansoni exposure results in prototypical type-2 inflammation.
295 ivation of c-Src catalytic domain, used as a prototypical tyrosine kinase.
296 uppress the UPR and block the translation of prototypical UPR genes, BiP and CHOP.
297                     Structural analysis of a prototypical Vbeta8.1(+) TCR-H-2D(b)-GAP5040-48 ternary
298                        We show here that the prototypical viral IAP, Op-IAP3, blocks apoptosis indire
299 sion peptide, and validate the method on two prototypical voltage-dependent proteins, the Kv1.2 K(+)
300   We produced VSV pseudotypes containing the prototypical X-31 (H3) HA, either alone or with strain-m

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